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Guardians of the Mortal Realm

Time has powers over travel forward or backward in time. Time can only make unarmed melee attacks. Attacks deal no damage, but instead send targets into either the past or the future- relative to the target's initial position in the time stream. Attacks are Int vs Will and the target is sent either a number of turns into the future or the past equal to 1d10. Time's Weapons/Items include: Sands of Time (Stored in Santos Realm).

Silence has the power to control noise and can amplify or dampen noises. Silence can also cause false noise (like improvised bird calls, loud horns, etc.) Silence can only make ranged attacks. These attacks are Cha vs Fort and the target takes 1d10+7 ongoing psych damage. Silence's Weapons/Items include: Rose of Silence.

Charity has power over healing target characters' psyche. This can be done through summoning temporary warm beverages and soups, causing a target character to become comfortably warm, or spending automatically successful saving throws against ongoing psych damage. Charity does not make attacks, but may target an adjacent character for a free healing surge against ongoing psych damage, or increasing group Will Defense by 1d10 points which lasts seven rounds. Charity's Weapons/Items include: Vase of Hope (Stored in The Warehouse).

Plague has powers over attacks against target's immune systems (such as disease or disorder- all of which target Fortitude). Single target attacks from Plague only ever deal ongoing damage- instead of instant damage and can be cold damage (hypothermia), fire damage (heat exhaustion), or poison damage (fevers) and deal 1d10+7 ongoing damage (either cold, fire, or poison).  Burst attacks only deal with "contagion." In this situation, allies of a character taking ongoing damage must roll saving throws to prevent "catching" the same ongoing damage as the target. Plague's Weapons/Items include: Staff of Epidemic.

Civil War has powers over psychological attacks that cause characters to attack their allies. (These attacks target whatever defense the weapon targets.) Single target attacks from Civil War can be forcing two characters to attack each other, or by forcing targets to skip their next turns. When one character attacks another, they deal their normal weapon damage +7 ongoing psych damage. Burst attacks can be used only if a target character has burst attacks (such as artillery or grenades). These attacks gain an extra burst size of 2 radius and deal an additional 1[W]+6 damage. Civil War's Weapons/Items include: Sands of Time (Stored in Santos Realm). Civil War's Weapons/Items include: Eight Point Star Necklace.

Guardians of the Void

Knowledge is an all knowing being with powers over arcane and healing abilities. Knowledge may make any arcane spell and gains +7 bonus to Arcana rolls for improvised Arcana Skill Checks. Knowledge may target adjacent characters for healing surges which- if successful gain 1d10+7 Hit Points. Knowledge' Weapons/Items include: Tree of Knowledge (Stored in Gad'eden).

Mercy is the demon of safety. Mercy cannot deal damage, but may target characters for increased defenses or saving throws. When Mercy targets a character for either of these, she may do so from a range of 10 squares and adds 1d10 to all Defenses for 7 rounds. For Healing Surges, the surge instantly succeeds and adds an additional 1d10+7 Hit Points. Mercy's Weapons/Items include: Veil of Tears.

Cosmos is the demon of astronomy. Cosmos has power over the fundamental forces of the universe- gravity, electromagnetism, and nuclear forces. This demon can target characters or objects to explode or implode, cause a target to split into multiple personalities or combine multiple souls into the same corporeal body, may cause objects to fly or levitate and cause others to be stuck to the ground. Cosmos' gravity and nuclear fission/fusion attacks last 7 rounds, and her electromagnetic attacks deal 1d10+7 ongoing lightning damage. Cosmos' Weapons/Items include: Spindle of the Cosmos.

Art has power over music and dance- giving him power over the arcane. Art may make any arcane spell and gains a +7 bonus to Arcana rolls for improvised Arcana Skills Checks. Art also may play any musical instrument- giving each instrument a +7 bonus to its established effect. Art's Weapons/Items include: Flute of the Lord of Dance.

Fortitude has power over strength. This demon may target a character within ten squares to increase their Fortitude 1d10 points for 7 rounds or may make unarmed melee attacks which deal 1d10+7 damage. Fortitude also has infinite strength, allowing him to lift objects of any weight for an infinite number of turns. Fortitude's Weapons/Items include: Bull Horn Mantle.

Youth is the demon of age and holds the power to grant or take away years from a target character's life. Youth may target adjacent characters with her attack which takes away years of life from the target. The attack is Cha vs Fort and takes 1d10 years from the character's life. Youth may also add years of life to adjacent characters and grants them 1d10 years of life. Youth's Weapons/Items include: Ash Wood Box.

Chapter 2: Tier 7 Beings

Tier 7 Beings are classified as angels and demons. These were beings created by Being and Place and tasked with expanding the universe. These characters created the Lords of Creation who would later wage war against their demon parentage. But the Lords of Creation lost their war in the Void- leading to them creating the Mortal Realm. After the establishment of the Mortal Realm, Place (of The Void) tasked half of the demons with preventing beings of the Void from entering the Mortal Realm and the other half he tasked with preventing beings of the Mortal Realm from entering the Void. These two jobs became loosely enforced as some demons (like Hunger, Civil War, and Plague) entered the Mortal Realm at the call of the Lords of Creation.

Writing is the official scribe of the Void- having the power to read and write in any written word. Writing cannot make any special attacks, but can translate texts (though not body language or spoken word). When Writing targets a selected text written in a coded form (say a numeric codex used as a secret message), Writing may translate the text in 1d10 turns. Writing's Weapons/Items include: Ibis Feather Pen.

Fire has the power over combustion. This can range anywhere from igniting a small fire in kindling or setting an entire star to flame. At full strength, Fire can destroy entire solar systems by causing nuclear explosions in starts which cause central suns to engulf surrounding planets. At the smaller level, Fire can create a bonfire on a beach. Fire may target any number of characters or objects within ten squares with attacks Cha vs Fort which deal 1d10+7 ongoing fire damage. Fire's Weapons/Items include: The Eternal Flame (Stored in The Warehouse).

Messenger is the official herald of the Void- tasked with carrying messages from one target to another. Messenger has the power to speak in any language, may communicate telepathically, and can communicate through sign and/or body language. Messenger can also disrupt verbal and body communication and confuse or mute target characters. Attacks are Int vs Will and the effect deals no damage, but may cause the target to be stunned for 1d10 turns.

Death has powers over attacks deal directly against the target's Hit Points, with attacks being made against Will Defense. Single target attacks from Death never deal ongoing damage and can only attack characters and creatures, but her attacks deal 2d10 damage and force the target to skip their next turn. Burst attacks can be made with a burst of nine squares and deal 2d6 damage to each character or creature in the burst.  Death's Weapons/Items include: Scythe of Death and Book of Death.

Wealth has the power over luck and wish granting. This may come in the form of monetary wealth or may be as simple as water or food to a struggling adventurer. Wealth may grant any wish to a character which targets him for a wish- but Wealth's gift only lasts a max of 7 days. Wealth's Weapons/Items include: Brass Lamp.

Hunger has powers over natural elements (such as fire, cold, and lightning- all of which target Fortitude Defense). Single target attacks from Hunger can be with weapons or unarmed, but all include the demon's choice addition of +7 ongoing lightning, fire, or cold damage. Single target attacks deal 1d10+7 damage. Burst attacks can be made as well, using earthquakes (burst) or magma (line) which both deal 1d10 damage to objects, characters, or creatures occupying these squares. Line attacks equal 9 squares long and burst attacks are 5 square bursts. Hunger's Weapons/Items include: Deer Antler Mantle.

Secrecy is the demon of confusion- having power to be invisible or cause targets to become invisible, cause texts to rearrange into impossible-to-crack enigmas, or stun targets with displays of illusion. She may target an adjacent character with false visions, may scramble texts within ten squares, or may stun a target with an attack of Cha vs Will for 7 rounds. Secrecy may also become invisible or visible at will and can see any invisible target and see into any realm at will. Secrecy's Weapons/Items include: Binding of Silence.

Speech is the demon of spoken language. Speech may communicate in any oral language, but cannot read or write any text beyond demonic nor may he understand body language. Speech is the emissary of the Void and represents the realm by being a mediator between those within and those outside of the realm to communicate with each other. Speech deals no damage, but may communicate telepathically to targets within ten squares. Speech's Weapons/Items include: Walking Cane of Speech.

Will is the deity of psychology. She has the power to strengthen or attack a target's psychological health- including increasing or decreasing Will Defense. When doing this, Will may add 1d10 points to an adjacent target's Will Defense which lasts 7 rounds or may make an attack of Cha vs Will which deals 1d10+7 ongoing psych damage. Will may also make saving throws for an adjacent target sustaining ongoing psych damage which- if successful- adds 1d10+7 Hit Points. Will's Weapons/Items include: Chains of Love.

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