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Chapter 4: Tier 5 Beings

Tier 5 Beings include the first divine beings to be born in the Mortal Realm- known to the mortals as Continental Deities. This Tier also includes the Original Fiends- beasts created by the Primordials who would go on to create the monster races- such as vampires, werewolves, etc. Continental Deities are often considered by their peers as Middle Deities- as they do not contain the overall power of their parentage, but contain more than their children, demi-gods, and spirits. Continental Deities are the chief focus of mortal prayers- as their Mortal Realm birthplace gives them incentive to help the beings of this world. These deities are bound to the continent from where they were born, but may work to assist mortal races native to their continent abroad. (For example, a deity of Zezen may assist Dwarves in Ulinawi). Likewise, the Original Fiends are the focus of prayers of the monster races.

Continental Deities of Aliaanza'nchi

Nyeupe and Nyeusi serve as counterpart deities of the day and night- respectively. The two work together to maintain the balance between night and day and upholding the natural balance of wildlife between diurnal and nocturnal forces. The two appear in the form of a human woman (Nyeupe) clad in white fabric and a human man (Nyeusi) clad in black fabric. Prayers to these two are typically made together to ask for an early sunrise or sunset.

Nesir and Yin serve as deities of life and death. This husband-wife duo assist spirits in transition between death and the afterlife and those spirits yet to be born. Nesir- goddess of life- appears in the form of a half-elf woman dressed in a white dress with black trim and is useful when a character wishes to make a saving throw on a fallen ally. Yin- god of death- appears in the form of a half-elf man dressed in black clothes with white trim. and is useful to pray to when a character wishes to spend a Healing Surge.

The Mabwana are ten deities- equal numbers men and women- who represent safety. These deities appear not in the form of mortal beings, but instead in the form of breath. These are handy deities to pray to for when a character want to heal, gain temporary bonuses to endurance or speed, or for diplomacy and intimidate.

The Maidwani are guidance deities which appear in the form of canines- wolves, dogs, jackals, etc. These guidance gods are useful for when a character needs Insight, History or Perception increased.

The Wavunaji are deities of the afterlife realms and reside in the Astral Plain. These beings appear in the form of giant floating masks and guide spirits from the Mortal Realm to afterlife dimensions. These spirits can increase Arcana when a character prays to them, but any prayer to them takes away Hit Points from the character praying to them.

Continental Deities of Zezen

Eguzkia is the Zezen god of the sun. Eguzkia appears in the form of a dwarven man, typically riding a chariot pulled by yellow pegasi and wielding a golden bow capable of firing sunlight. Eguzkia is useful for archers or javelineers wishing to add damage to their ammunition when combating forces with a weakness for sunlight (such as vampires).

Poesia is the Zezen god of wisdom. Poesia appears in the form of an old dwarven man with an eye patch and two pet ravens. Poesia is a handy deity to pray to when a character is in need of assisted Insight or increased Will Defense. Poesia can also help increase Initiative and Perception.

Ortzador is a travel god- capable of transporting characters who pray to him across great distances- and sometimes across Realms. Ortzador appears in the form of an armor-clad dwarven man wielding a Great Sword. The Sword of Ortzador is capable of opening portals through which a character may travel- whether across distances or across dimensions.

Behor is a shapeshifting trickster god capable of appearing in many forms. Behor often appears to cause more harm than good- willing to play pranks on both gods and mortals equally. Behor wears a green mask- the Mask of Behor- which can allow a character to hold the same shapeshifting abilities as a skin-walker. Prayers to Behor are typicall for increasing Arcana but may also cause a spell to end.

Armarria is a goddess of warrior women. Specifically, Armarria represents wisdom, strength, and will- the tactical side of war- and is a favorite deity of dwarven Tactical Warlords. Armarria appears in the form of an armored dwarven woman and assists those praying for increased Insight, Strength Attack rolls, and Will Defense.

Gerra is the god of warrior men. Gerra represents the more brutal side of warfare among the races of Zezen- such as Charisma attacks, Initiative, and Fortitude Defense. Gerra appears in the form of a dwarven man clad in battle armor and is a favorite deity of dwarven Brutal Scoundrel Rogues.

Sas is the Zezen deity of lightning and appears in the form of a gnome man in blacksmith's garb. Sas wields a battleaxe which deals lightning damage and is a useful deity to pray to when a character wishes to add lighting damage to their own attacks.

Bika is a deity of magic and appears in the form of a were-bear/gnome man. Bika grants increased Arcana and is also a protector of children. That makes Bika a useful character to pray to when attempting to defend children or when trying to break or counter spells.

Tuz is the god of fire. Tuz appears in the form of a gnome man, but with black and red skin and fiery eyes. Tuz is a useful deity to pray to for characters wishing to add fire damage to their attacks.

Continental Deities of Si

Gunung is one of only three continental deities of Si. Gunung is a god of mountains and takes the form of an elderly male elf. Gunung lives among the highest peaks of mountains where he teaches mortals the fighting styles of the gods. Gunung is a useful deity to pray to when a character wishes to deal increased damage to unarmed melee attacks.

Ibu is a maternal deity who appears in the form of a fairy woman. Ibu is a protector of children and is a useful deity to pray to for increased protection from Charisma Attacks.

Hutan is the god of the forest. Hutan acts as a guardian of nature and will occasionally attack mortal who wish to harm the forest or its animal and plant inhabitants. Hutan takes the form of any animal or plant- favoring the forms of pandas and forest giants. Characters from Si will pray to Hutan for increased Nature and he is a favorite deity of elven and fairy rangers.

Continental Deities of Koraha

Laut is the goddess of the Sea and takes the form of an elf/mermaid. Laut- like Hutan of the forest- serves to protect the ocean and will occasionally attack mortals who wish to harm the wildlife of the sea. Laut is a useful goddess to pray to when a character wishes to increase Nature while at sea or for breathing underwater.

Continental Deities of Ulinawi

Alisi is the Ulinawi goddess of life and takes the form of an elderly drow woman. Alisi is a guardian deity, useful for assistance with healing- especially so with venom damage. Drow often create false spider webs to hang above doors and beds which mimic the web of the "Spider Grandmother" Alisi during sleep.

Ganohalidasdi is the Ulinawi goddess of the hunt. Ganohalidasdi appears in the form of a drow woman ranger and helps characters in need of increased Nature. Ganohalidasdi serves to protect the animals of the wild in Ulinawi and will attacks mortals who wish to do them harm.

Selu is the god of agriculture in Ulinawi. Selu appears in the form of a drow farmer and helps crops grow. Drow often pray to him for healthy harvests and celebrate this deity with festivals during harvest periods. Selu is a useful deity to pray to when a character is in need of food.

Wohali is the god of thunder and appears not in the form of a mortal, but instead as an eagle. Wohali brings not only thunder and lightning, but also rain. Characters may pray to Wohali for either rain or for adding lightning damage to their attacks.

Continental Deities of Hattun

Phaqcha is the goddess of femininity. This deity appears in the form of a shapeshifting deity favoring the forms of a goblin woman and a dolphin. Phaqcha is a useful deity to pray to when a female character wishes to gain increased diplomacy.

Kurki is the deity of masculinity and takes the shapeshifting form of a shark and a male goblin. Kurki is a useful deity to pray to for characters wishing to increase Intimidate.

Children of Herensuge

The Maisuak are original vampires. Hutumia creates these beasts through dark power of converting mortal beings himself- transforming them into hideous beasts resembling himself without wings. The Maisuak have the power to create vampires themselves, can fight at full strength in daylight, and can only be killed by decapitation.

The Popo are original killer bats. These fiends are more animal than men. Hutumia converts these bests from bats through the dark power he wields. They take the form of winded monsters with massive wings and frail bodies. While they possess less strength as their Maisuak brothers, the Popo can cause loud shrieks that attack their victims' psyche. They also have the ability to create more killer bats.

The Monu are original succubae/incubae. Hutumia creates these beasts through mortals souls in the Astral Plane while they sleep. They take the form of hideous creatures with the power to hypnotize their victims and attack their souls in the Astral Plane.

Children of Hutumia

The Kon Rong are the original dragons. There are only four of these creatures, but are small in comparison to their descendants. The Kon Rong are roughly ten feet long with wings and attempt to refrain from entering the affairs of mortals- preferring a neutral diplomacy in opposition to their descendents. When pushed to fight, each of the Kon Rong possess a different power. One spews toxic gas from its mouth, a second fire, a third water, and the fourth ice.

The Ngoma number only two. These original drakes either spew water or fire. Neither have wings, but the water Ngoma has gills like its descendents- allowing it to breathe underwater. Both Ngoma are the size of their Kon Rong brethren. Also like their brothers, the Ngoma prefer to stay away from mortal affairs and remain mostly in solitude.

The Hegoak are the original wyverns- numbering roughly a dozen. They have massive wings like their Kon Rong brothers and sisters but cannot spew gas, fire, water, or ice and only have two feet in addition to their wings. They are roughly the same size as their siblings, but are better at flying and maneuvering in the air than the Kon Rong.

The Wakanda are the original Rocs. These are giant birds in the form of a giant eagle, a giant hawk, a giant falcon, and a giant vulture. The Wakanda are larger than their descendents and perch high on mountains to stay free from the mortal races' influence. These creatures are rarely seen, but align themselves more often than not against their evil counterparts.

The Lovas are the original pegasi- winged pony, winged horse, winged zebra, and winged donkey. These four Lovas roam freely and contain powerful abilities of flight and speed. They rarely come out of hiding and do so only in great times of distress in an attempt to assist the mortal races.

The Neshir are the original hippogryphs. There are twelve Neshir who appear just as their descendents in the form of half eagle and half horse having the front feet, head, and wings of a roc and the hind legs and body of a horse. The Neshier prefer isolation from the mortal races.

The Cuntur are the original griffons. They appear like the Neshir but with their bird parts resembling that of giant vultures. There are ten total Cuntur, and ike with the Neshir, they too prefer isolation from mortal races.

The Erraldoiak are the original giants and consist of the fire Erraldoiak, the ice Erraldoiak, the rock Erraldoiak, and the forest Erraldoiak. These giants prefer isolation from the mortal races as well with each living in separate parts of the mortal realm.

Children of Aisui

Aisui has the power to enhance the abilities of any mortal warlock to create what is known as a Zombie King or Queen. This character then gains the ability to create what are known as "Ground Zero Zombies" (Tier 4 Beings). The Zombie King/Queen can command the zombies they create through the borrowed arcana from Aisui. There can only be one Zombie King/Queen at any one time however, so their numbers are isolated to only one at any given time.

The Maiti​ are the original ghouls. Like with Zombie Kings/Queens, these creatures are beings with power from Aisui- however these Maiti are already dead when they receive their power. Once reanimated, the Maiti can create "Ground Zero Ghouls" (Tier 4 creatures) which have the power to create entire hordes of ghouls. Like with the Zombie Kings/Queens, only one Maiti can exist at a time.

The Gujia are the original animated skeletons. These creatures take the form of mortal beings covered in black soot decorated with body paint mimicking a skeleton. The Gujia are powerful sorcerers capable of bringing the dead back to life- usually animating skeletons to haunt graveyards.

The Baofengxue​ are the original white walkers. These creatures take the form of the Northern and Southern Lights and lure mortal beings into the night tundra where they can transform the mortal beings into undead creatures. There are two Baofengxue- one at either pole of the mortal realm.

The Uyohusu are the original windegos. These five creatures take the form of hideously mutilated warriors who have the power to take the corpses of cowardly warrior dead and transform them into abominable undead fiends.

Children of Twl't

The Chong are the original Wyrms. The Chong are gigantic creatures that live underground and have the power to tunnel deep into the earth and creatue earthquakes as they move. The Chong rarely meddle in the affairs of the mortal creatures unless those characters attempt to mine into their subterranean world. There are ten total Chong in the mortal realm. The Chong have the power to tunnel between the mortal realm and the realms of the dead.

The Suge ​are the original sea serpents. These creatures live in the very deepest parts of the ocean and rarely surface for mortal races to find. The Suge mnumber seven in total and have the power to transport between the mortal realm and Santos- the realm of the underwater Half-Dwarves.

The Mkunga ​are the original screaming eels. These creatures number four in total and have the power to emit powerful screeches that attack enemies' psyche as well as holding electric powers that can cause ongoing lightning damage.

The Gib'ah are the original trolls. These creatures take the same form as their descendents but tunnel deep into hills to live far from the mortal races. There are many Gib'ah in the realm with mortal races rumoring their numbers equaling the number of hills in the world. The Gib'ah have the power to tunnel between the mortal realm and the realms of the dead.

Children of Hantu

The Anitsasgili are the original wraiths. There are nine in total and they take the form of hooded specters dressed in black robes who seem to float on the air. The Anittsisgili are capable of traveling between the mortal realm, the Astral Plane, and the realms of the dead and appear to beings twenty-four hours before death.

The Mamua are the original poltergeist. These creatures can travel between the mortal realm and the Astral Plane and take the form of hideously deformed corpses. The have the power to create mirror images of any character capable of transporting between dimensions through mirrors and reflective surfaces.

The Gui are the original ghosts of the realm. Before Death created the realms of the dead, all souls of mortal races became Gui after death- thus th Gui number many- mostly haunting the ancient ruins of the First Age where the mortal races first lived before the end of the age. The Gui have the ability to bring the spirits of the dead back to the mortal realm on the Autumnal Equinox- thus making them a rare fiend mortal races pray to.

The Ilanthu are the original phantoms. These beings take the form of giant spectral face masks and have the ability to grant mortal spellcasters powerful abilities from the realms of the dead. Spellcasters with magic directly from the Ilanthu become Necromancers (Tier 4 creatures) who have the power to channel the powers of the dead. There are several Ilanthu, but each act as neutral beings who require payment in souls for granting their powers to mortal beings.

The Kutembea Wafu are the original wights. These creatures appear like wights wearing fancy suits. When present in a settlement, the Kutembea Wafu summon powerful magic that silences the town leaving all creatures incapable of speaking. There are always three Kutembea Wafu and travel with their most powerful wight creations.

Children of Zuzulo

The Nyoka are the original three furies. These creatures take the form of the top halves of women and the bottom halves of serpents with hair in the form of several snake heads- each capable of delivering venomous bites. The Nyoka also have the ability to turn any mortal beings who look upon them into stone.

The Apoak are the original Centaurs- there are two each for equine centaurs (who created the zebra, horse, pony, and donkey centaurs) and antelope centaurs (who created the deer, elk, gazelle, and moose centaurs). Both pairs of the Apoak prefer neutrality and isolation from the mortal races.

The Zezenak are responsible for giving the continent of Zezen its name. These ancestors of the minotaurs appear as old versions of their descendents and prefer lives of isolation from the mortal races as they wander the grasslands to graze on wild grass. There are six total Zezenak- two in Zezen, two in Aliaanza'nchi, and two in Si.

The Tuz Madar is the original phoenix. While the Tuz Madar is capable of dying, it rebirths ten years after death. The Tuz Madar takes the form of a peacock with feathers of fire and is capable of hatching self-fertilized eggs which become mother-phoenix (Tier 4 creatures).

The Te Giac are the original unicorns. These creatures appear more like rhinos than horses as they have thick natural armor and powerful horns. There are five pairs of Te Giac with two living in the Fairy Islands, one in Southern Si, and two in Aliaanza'nchi. The Te Giac are nearly impossible to find, but contain powerful elixirs within their blood capable of granting everlasting life.

The Aniwaya are the original hellhounds. These creatures have the ability to travel between the realms of the dead and the mortal realm and are invisible to mortal creatures. There are three pairs of Aniwaya who are capable of siring Hellhound Chiefs (Tier 4 creatures).

Children of Mura Niho

The Txipiroi are the original krakens. The Txipiroi live deep within the oceans and are rarely seen- thus giving an estimate for their numbers impossible. None have been seen since the First Age when Mura Niho first created them- making some believe they are even long dead. The Txipiroi have the ability to travel between the mortal realm and Santos (the realm of the underwater Half-Dwarves) and take the form of gigantic squids.

The Ulinawi are giant turtles responsible for giving the continent of Ulinawi its name. There is little knowledge among the mortal races about the Ulinawi who believe the continents themselves are actually the sleeping ord deceased remains of the seven Ulinawi.

The Hainiu are the original mermaids. During the first age, Mura Niho transformed several of mortal creatures from each of the mortal races (excluding hobgoblins, farthings, deep gnomes, and half-orcs) into mermaids. These creatures reside in the mortal realm's oceans and seas (excluding the half-dwarf mermaids who live in Santos). They take the form of beings with the top half of their mortal race including an angler light on their head, white bioluminescent eyes, gills, and webbed hands; and the bottom halves of dolphins.

The Farasi are the original hippocamps. They take a form more comparable to hippopotami than horses in all white color with the front legs and head of a hippopotamus and the back half of a manatee. There are only two pairs of Farasi, both of whom live in Aliaanza'nchi.

The Wayrayuq are the original hydras. The Wayrayuq take the form of sea serpents, but when cut in half are capable of cloning into two new Wayrayuqs. Thus their numbers are equal to however many clones of themselves exist at any given time. The Wayrayuq produce eggs which create Tempests (Tier 4 creatures).

Children of Manchay

Musquy is the only original Nightmare. Manchay created Musquy to have the ability to bring character's nightmares to life. This powerful sorcerer can only remain in the Astral Plane where it uses its magic to take the fears of mortal beings and gods and summons them to their respective realms. Musquy may cause Gate Keepers (Tier 4 creatures) to enter other realms on its behalf capable to acting as portals for nightmares to enter other realms.

Atseluhitsdi is the only original dream-walker. This character takes the form of a spectral flutist who travels the Astral Plane and has the power to bring sleeping characters' dreams to fruition. Thus, many mortal beings and even gods sometimes pray to Atseluhitsdiafter waking from a particularly good dream in order to bring it to life. Atseluhitsdi can create Key Masters (Tier 4 creatures) capable of bringing dreams from the Astral Plane to life.

The Erokeria are the original soul-eaters. These creatures take the same form as wraiths and have the ability to sciphen health from their victims via psychic attacks. The Erokeria have the ability to create mind flayers (Tier 4 creatures).

The Mvunaji are the original death-eaters. The Mvunaji allied themselves and their offspring early with the Demon Death during the First Age. The Mvunaji are capable of expanding upon realms of the dead (though not capable of creating entire realms themselves). The Mvunaji are capable of creating Reapers (Tier 4 creatures) who escort the souls of the dead to afterlife realms.

The Abeslari are the original sirens. There are three in number and they have powerful magic via song. They can take the form of skin-walkers, but are only capable of appearing as mortal or divine women.

The Paka Kubwa are the original sphinx. These creatures take the form of giant big cats with one pair each taking the form of lions, tigers, panthers, leopards, and snow leopards. The Paka Kubwa prefer lives of solitude are rarely allow themselves to be seen. They can create Riddlers (Tier 4 creatures).

Izain is the only original lichen. This creature takes the form of a three foot long leech capable of siring several offspring. Izain prefers a life of isolation however, but has the power to siphon health from his victims.

Kuhut is the original devil. This character takes the form of black smoke and can possess any mortal being as well as travel between the realms of the dead, the divine realms, and the mortal realm. Kuhut is capable of creating Members of the Seven (Tier 4 creatures).

Children of Verfarkas

The Kiongozi are the original werefolk. Verfarkas created them from mortal races with the essence of animals. There are one pair each who act as the ancestors of were-canines, were-hyena, were-cats, were-dragons, were-bears, and were-apes. The Kiongozi prefer to remain in their animals forms, but can transform into mortal form at any time.

The Ontzigile are the original shapeshifters. These creatures usually ally themselves with wholesome mortals as protectors of the environment and have the power to transform into animals like their descendents- but take the form of spectral animals who emit blue light. The Ontzigile often act as guide for mortal children lost in nature and guide them to safety.

The Pianzi are the original skinwalkers. These beings prefer to harm mortal creatures instead of assist them and can take the form of any mortal being they can see- unlike their descendents who must touch their victims.

The Tusibu are the original gnolls. These creatures appear as their descendants as upright walking hyenas. There are four pairs of Tusibu- all of which reside in either Aliaanza'nchi or Si.

The Farkasok are the original wargs. There are three pairs of Farkasok who take the form of giant wolves. 

The Yaogunxiong​ are the original bigfoot/yeti. These creatures take the form of werebears capable of transforming at any time between bear and mortal form. There are eight total pairs of Yaogunxiong- all of which reside in the mortal realm.

The Wayaha are the original chupacabre. There are only two pairs of Wayaha in the realm who take the from of either mutilated coyote (in Ulinawi) or mutilated jackals (in Aliaanza'nchi).


Tier 5 Half-Demons are any Half-Demon who lives for forty years and gains rank through constant battling of fiends.

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