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Chapter 5: Tier 4 Beings

Tier 4 Beings include regional deities and monster monarchs. Regional deities are typically lesser known gods and goddesses to whom mortal beings pray. These deities are sometimes referred to as Low Deities as they are the lowest of the gods of the Mortal Realm. These are the least powerful true gods and are the most likely to answer the prayers of mortal characters. Monster monarchs are fiends whom rule over their races- such as vampire kings or were-leopard chiefs. 

Regional Deities of Aliaanza'nchi

There are four regional deities of Northern Aliaanza'nchi. Mbuni is a lesser god of death who appears in the form of a human clad in blue cloth- often as a nomad of the desert. Humans often pray to Mbuni for increased Healing Surge values and for saving throws. Simba is a goddess of hunting in Aliaanza'nchi and serves as a guardian of wild animals. She takes the form of a human woman ranger and is handy for characters wishing to increase Nature and Perception. Kipinga is a solar god who takes the form of a human male ranger and wields the powerful Bow of Kipinga which can fire unfiltered solar energy. Ryah is another solar deity who represents the light of the sun. Ryan takes the form of a falcon instead of a mortal being and acts as a healer- thus being a deity to pray to for characters in need of healing.

In the west reside three deities. Nuru is a goddess of medicine who takes the form of a female human doctor. Nuru is a handy deity to pray to when a character is in need of assistance with healing. Bombwe is a god of success and luck and takes the form of a human man with an antelope mask. Bombwe is a good deity to pray to for when a character fails an attack roll or skills check. Kondoo Dume is the god of justice and appears in the form not of a mortal being but as warm rain. Kondoo Dume's rain deals damage to unlawful characters (regardless of good-evil alliance).

In Central Aliaanza'nchi reside two regional gods. Myua is a goddess of femininity. Myua takes the form of a human woman and is a handy deity to pray to when a female character wishes to increase Diplomacy. Mbuzu is a god of hope and takes the form of a male human. Mbuzu is a handy character to pray to when in need of a Saving Throw or for increasing Will Defense.

The only deity of the East is Jua- god of cattle. Jua appears in the form of a human man herding cattle across the plains of Easatern Aliaanza'nchi and serves to protect herdsmen. Characters may pray to Jua for increased Athletics and Fortitude Defense.

Ugoniwa is the only deity of the south. This is a trickster deity who transforms into several different animals forms- favoring spiders and elands. Ugoniwa is a handy deity to pray to for characters wishing to transform into animals or for simply increasing Arcana.

Regional Deities of Zezen

There are several gods of northern Zezen. Arkulari is a god of archery who takes the form of a dwarven ranger. This deity grants increased attack and damage for archers who pray to him. Itsaso is a goddess of the sea who appears in the form of a dwarf-mermaid and to whom characters may pray for safety from storms at sea. Ehizatu is a goddess of snowy mountains who takes the form of a blue-skinned dwarf woman with the antlers of a reindeer. Ehizatu grants those who pray to her cold damage to their attacks. Adorea is the god of courage and takes the form of a dog instead of a mortal being. Adorea is an important deity to pray to for characters in need of increased Will Defense or Diplomacy. Tximista is a god of thunder who wields the powerful Hammer of Tximista. Characters wishing to add lightning damage to their attacks may pray to Tximista. Sagar is a goddess of youth and appears as a golden skinned dwarven woman. Sagar bears the Apples of Sagar which when consumed reverse the effect of aging. Medve is the god of the forest and acts as a protector of wild animals and plants there. Medve takes the form of a forest giant and grants increased Nature. Buza is a god of wind- important for sailors in need of speed at sea- who takes the form of a gnome sailor.

There are three deities who reside in Western Zezen. Patua is a goddess of fate who appears in the form of a dwarven woman clad in raven feathers. Patua grants increased Initiative to those who pray to her. Zaldi is a goddess of equines who appears in the form of a female dwarf riding a horse. Zaldi is a handy goddess to pray to for characters with pony or horse companions as she will heal these mounts and increase their speed. Basseriko is a god of agriculture who appears in a form of a dwarven man with the headdress of elk antlers. Farmers often pray to Basseriko during the harvest season as he helps crops grow healthy. Basseriko is a handy deity to pray to when a character is in desperate need of food.

Nap is a solar god of Eastern Zezen. Taking the form of a gnome man, Nap is a handy deity to pray to when in need of sunlight. Tayasz is the god of spring and takes the form of a male deer instead of a mortal being. Gnomes often hold festivals for Tayasz on the first day of Spring each year and the deity is handy for characters in need of saving throws against ongoing cold damage. Teli is the goddess of winter and takes the form of a blue-skinned gnome woman. Teli grants those who pray to her cold damage to attack rolls. Fa is a goddess of hunting who takes the form of a mother bear. Fa serves to protect wild animals and is a handy deity to pray to when in need of increased Nature or Intimidate.

In Southern Zezen, Gau is the goddess of night. Gau takes the form of an indigo-skinned dwarf woman with white eyes. Gau grants those who pray to her increased Will Defense as well as increased Perception at night. Oreinak is a goddess of hunting and takes the form of a dwarf woman with freckled skin Oreinak serves to maintain balance between mortals and wild animals and thus is a handy deity to pray to when a character wishes to tame a wild animal to make it their companion. Egun is the god of day in contrast to his sister Gau- goddess of night. Egun appears in the form of a golden-skinned dwarven man with white eyes and grants those who pray to him increased Diplomacy and Perception during daytime. Errementari is a god of industry and appears in the form of a dwarven blacksmith. Errementari is a favorite deity of dwarven factory workers and grants increased Athletics and Strength Attack. Sutondo is a goddess of the home and is a guardian of houses. Dwarves often have shrines to Sutondo- who takes the form of an elderly dwarven woman- at home to act as protection from those wishing to break in. Prayers to Sutondo serve to protect a building from target characters or creatures wishing to enter. Perla is a goddess of femininity who takes the form of a dwarven woman clad in beach-wear. Perla is a handy goddess to pray to for female characters desiring increased Diplomacy. Ogio is a goddess of the harvest and takes the form of a dwarven farmer woman. Ogio is celebrated with an annual festival at harvest time and is a handy deity to pray to when a character is in need of food. Krasi is a god of alcohol in Zezen and takes the form of a drunken dwarven man. Praying to Krasi can summon beer, wine, or any kind of alcoholic beverage- and he is also the target of prayers for character wishing to avoid hangovers.

Regional Deities of Si

In Northern Si, Zizong is the goddess of femininity. Zizong takes the form of an elven woman with control over weather. Prayers to Zizong may increase female characters' Diplomacy or characters may pray to her for summoning rain. Liu is the goddess of the moon and holds power over nocturnal light and the tides of the sea. Liu takes the form of an elf woman with indigo skin and white eyes. Characters may pray to her for increased Perception at night. Qi is the god of the sun in Northern Si and takes the form of an eagle. Praying to Qi may be used for dispersing rain clouds and summoning sunlight- as well as increased Perception during daytime.

In Western Si, Prahi is a goddess of wild animals. There, Prahi takes the form of a half-elf woman ranger. Characters may pray to Prahi for assistance in taming wild animals. Rum is a god of lightning who appears in the form of a half-elf man. Characters may pray to Rum for adding lightning damage to their attacks. Yarah is a goddess of warrior women who appears in the form of an armor-clad half-elf woman. Characters may pray to Yarah for re rolling failed attack rolls. Um is a maternal goddess in Western Si. There, she serves to protect children and is also a guardian for sailors at sea. Um takes the form of a half-elf woman clad in a dress made from water lilies. Hutun is a god of the desert in Western Si and takes the form of a half-elf man clad in black fabric. Characters might pray to Hutun for locating water in a desert. Bruwiz is a god of agriculture who takes the form of a male half-elf farmer. Characters might pray to Bruwiz for increased Athletics. Uz is a god of kings who takes the form of a half-elf king. Uz grants increased Diplomacy.

In Eastern Si, Yixue takes the form of an elven male doctor and is a god of medicine. Yixue is a handy deity to pray to for characters in need of healing. Lianhua is the goddess of compassion and takes the form of a cool breeze instead of a mortal form. Prayers to Lianhua result in increased Will Defense. Long is the god of rain in Eastern Si and manifests as a dragon. Praying to Long may result in anything from a light rain to a torrential thunder storm. Yingua is the god of rage and creator of the Ancient Blade. Yingua takes the form of an elven male fighter with blue hair and pink eyes. Prayers to Yingua may result in increased Charisma and Strength attacks. Tuzi is the goddess of reproduction appears in the form of a rabbit. Mostly livestock farmers pray to Tuzi as a means of breeding animals and for birthing healthy livestock. Shui is a goddess of the sea in Eastern Si and takes the form of an elf-mermaid. Shui is a target deity for sailors in need of calm seas to sail on.

In Southern Si, Taiyang ins the god of solar power. Taiyang appears in the form of an elven man in beach-wear who grants those who pray to him added fire damage to attacks. Waiguoren is the god of destruction and wields of Javelin of Wiguoren which contains immense destructive abilities. Waiguoren takes the form of an elven man with a snake wrapped around his body. Praying to Waiguoren results in added venom damage to attacks. Muqin is a goddess of life who takes the form of a elven woman livestock farmer. Praying to Muqin results in healing abilities.

Regional Deities of Koraha

In Koraha and the Islands, deities of the north also serve as regional deities of the east. Among them is Ai, goddess of femininity who takes the form of a dancing halfling woman wearing a palm-frond skirt and a flower headband. Female halflings often pray to Ai for increased Diplomacy. Manu is god of the sky in the north and east. Manu appears as a halfling man in a lava-lava. Characters may pray to Manu for desired weather conditions. Ua is god of rain and appears as storm clouds. Praying to Ua may result in anything from a light rain to torrential thunder storms. Wheke is the god of the sea and appears in the form of a were-shark. Praying to Wheke may result in taming wild marine animals.

In the west, Tanah is goddess of earth and soil. Tanah often appears in the form of an orangutan instead of a mortal being. Fairies and halflings often pray to her while building their earthen homes in order to make them strong.


On Koraha Propper, there reside two gods. Te Hepohepo is a shapeshifting trickster god that prefers the form of lizards. Characters that pray to him receive increased Arcana. Marama is a solar goddess who takes the form of a halfling woman clad in white body-paint. Halflings often pray to Marama for protection from the sun in the desert and for increased Perception during daytime.

Regional Deities of Ulinawi

In Northern Ulinawi live two deities. Aluli is a child goddess who takes the form of a motherly drow woman. Aluli serves as a guardian for children and mothers often pray to her after giving birth. Sunoyi is a god of winter who takes the form of a drow man clad in furs. Praying to Sunoyi may result in added cold damage for attacks.

In the west resides Kalugo- god of the sun. There, Kalugo takes the form of a masked drow man who has the power to summon sunlight. Drow often pray to Kalugo for protection from the sun in the desert as well as increased Perception during daytime.

In Central and Eastern Si resides Tsi's- god of magic. Tsi-s takes the form of a shapeshifter- often in the forms of a coyote, raven, rabbit, and snake. Praying to Tsi's may result in increased Arcana. There too is Elaqua- god of wisdom. Elaqua takes the form of a drow male cleric wielding rattlesnakes in his arms and hands. Praying to Elaqua may result in increased Insight and Will Defense.

In the south resides five regional deities. There is Agasgu, god of rain. Agasgu takes the form of a drow man clad in a parrot-feather headdress. Praying to Agasgu may result in rain which heals the lawful and damages chaotic characters. There too is Iga- god of volcanoes. Iga takes the form of a drow with black and red skin and white eyes. Praying to Iga results in added fire damage to attacks. Tludatsi is the god of hurricanes and takes the form of a drow man wearing a quetzal feather headdress. Praying to Tludatsi results in summoning torrential thunderstorms. Ama is a goddess of the sea who takes the form of a drow woman in beach-wear. Drow often pray to Ama for safety from storms at sea and praying to her may result in calm weather at sea. Danuwa is the god of war and takes the form of a drow man dressed in jaguar pelts. Praying to Danuwa for increased damage to attacks.

Regional Deities of Hattun

In the Goblin Isles of Northern Hattun resides the rain god Para. Para takes the form of a tattooed goblin man. Praying to Para results in rain anywhere from a light drizzle to a heavy thunderstorm.

In Western Hattun resides the sun god Inti. Inti takes the form of a goblin in a quetzal feather headdress. Goblins pray to Inti for helping crops grow and for increased Diplomacy.

In Eastern Hattun reside two deities. There, moon goddess Killa takes the form of a goblin woman with white eyes. Prayers to Killa result in increased Perception at night. There too resides Wanuy who takes the form of a shapeshifter who takes the form of a goblin man at night and a bat at night. Characters may pray to Wanuy for saving throws.

Grandchildren of Hutumia

Vampire Monarchs are characters which Maisuak create and give the power to command kingdoms of vampires. Vampire Kings and Queens appear in their mortal forms and maintain half of their fiending strength during daylight. Vampire Monarchs are typically tasked with maintaining armies and acting as judges in cases of crimes involving vampires against their own kind.

Manbats are less organized leaders of killer bats who take the same form as their killer bat kin. They typically act to organize raids on behalf of the Popo but occasionally rule as political leaders.

The Tempters are the unofficial masters of succubae and incubi. These beings can enter the mortal realm and act as servants to the Monu. Tempters can take the souls of sleeping mortals and transform them into succubae and incubi. Sprites are the clan leaders of the nymphs- a peaceful offshoot of the children of the Monu. There are twelve sprites- clan leaders for the twelve clans of the nymphs- who are always the oldest living nymph of the clan.

Grandchildren of Herensuge

The Dragon Kings are the monarchs of the dragon kingdoms. Each Kong Rong assigns one king who is responsible for leading the several dragon kingdoms.

The Drake Princes are the monarchs of the several kingdoms of the drakes- with terrestrial kingdoms ruled by Fire Drake Princes and aquatic kingdoms ruled by Water Drake Princes.

The Wyvern Chiefs are the leaders of the tribes of wyverns. They act as leaders during migration periods in order to maintain control of the wyvern flocks.

The Elders are the collective counsels of the several races of Rocs. The elders are made up of the oldest Rocs and hold the most power among their races.

The Flockers are the clan leaders of the several clans of pegasi and act as leaders during migrations for the herde of pegasi as they travel around the realm.

Flockers of hippogryphs also exist. They have the same roles among their people as the Pegasi Flockers.

Griffon Monarchs act as the leaders of the several griffon kingdoms across the mortal realm.

The Peaks act as monarchs of the several kingdoms of giants. They are always the tallest giant among their kingdom and are responsible for protecting their kingdoms.

Grandchildren of Aisui

Ground Zero Zombies are any zombie that starts a horde. Anytime a Ground Zero Zombie dies- all of the zombies they created die immediately.

Ground Zero Ghouls are any ghoul that starts a horde. Anytime a Ground Zero Ghoul dies- all of the zombies they created die immediately.

The Lilura are​ skeleton chiefs. They command their skeleton sires.

White Walker Kings are monarchs of the kingdoms of the white walkers. They are tasked with maintaining armies and justice in their kingdoms.

Windego Captains are the military leaders of windegos and are tasked with leading raids and warparties.

Grandchildren of Twl't

The Big Wyrms are unofficial leaders of wyrms. They gain leaderships simply by being the largest wyrms tunnelling underground.

The Big Serpents are unofficial leaders of sea serpents. They gain leaderships simply by being the largest sea serpents in the ocean.​​

The Big Eels are unofficial leaders of sea serpents. They gain leaderships simply by being the largest eels in the sea​.

Troll chiefs are the leaders of trolls who gain their position through feats of strength. They are tasked with leading the several trolls of a tribe.

Grandchildren of Hantu

Master Wraiths are simply any wraith over one thousand years old.

Master Poltergeist are simply any poltergeist over one thousand years old.

Master Ghosts are simply any ghost over one thousand years old.

Master Phantoms are simply any phantom over one thousand years old.​​

Master Wights are simply any wight over one thousand years old. They acts as servants to the Kutembea Wafu.

Grandchildren of Zuzulo

The Matriarchs are the leaders of the furies. These creatures take similar form as the Nyoka without the serpent hair but with the addition of wings.

The Herdsmen are the leaders of the herds of centaurs and act as leaders elected democratically among their herds.

Herdsmen is also the title for leaders of herds of minotaurs, but are elected not through democratic means rather by through feats of strength.

Mother Phoenix are the matriarchs of the flocks of phoenix tasked with raising newborn members and leading flocks during migration.

Unicorns also have Herdsmen tasked with leading their unicron herds. The Te Giac appoint Herdsmen who take the form of other unicorns.

The Pack Leaders are the chiefs of the hellhound packs.

Grandchildren of Mura Niho

Giant Squids are the name mortals give to Tier 4 krakens. These creatures have no responsibilities of leadership, but simply remain as the strongest of their species.

Giant Turtles are the name mortals give to Tier 4 continent turtles. These creatures have no responsibilities of leadership, but simply remain as the strongest of their species.

Merfolk Monarchs are the leaders of the several kingdoms of merfolk and are tasked with leading armies and maintaining the stability of their kingdoms.

Hippocamp Matriarchs are the leaders of the several clans of hippocamps and are tasked with leading their herds.


Tempests are the most powerful hydras created through battles forcing them to grow over one hundred heads. Tempests gain powerful abilities over weather and can cause massive storms at sea.

Grandchildren of Manchay

The Gate Keepers are powerful wizards born from conception in the Astral Plane. These beings are capable of transporting nightmares from the Astral Plane into other realms.

Key Masters are also wizards born from conception in the Astral Plane. They are capable of transporting dreams from the Astral Plane into other realms.

Mind Flayers are creatures created from the Astral Plane. They are capable of possessing beings outside of their realm through powerful psychic arcana and can slowly transform their victims into solu-eaters.

Reapers are the chief officers of death-eaters tasked by Death with coordinating the long lists of when characters are meant to die to death-eaters tasked with guiding the souls of the dead to afterlife realms.

The Songstresses are the chieftains of the sirens tasked with leading the tribes of sirens throughout the mortal realm.

Riddlers are chiefs of the sphinx. Ridders gain wings when they earn their role adding to their sphinx-like appearance.

Tier 4 lichen are simply any lichen who reach the rank. They have no responsibilities of leadership.

The Members of the Seven are the chair holders of the confederacy of devils. Each member is elected to represent their faction with the nine factions being Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, and Sloth.

Grandchildren of Verfarkas

The chiefs are the chieftains of the tribes of werefolk. They are tasked with leading their peoples.

The Patrons are the elders of shapeshifters. They are tasked with raising the children of the several shapeshifter tribes as well as acting as representatives between shapeshifters and mortals.

The Big Men are the leaders of the skinwalkers. They may lead groups or may remain unattached as independent skinwalkers which reach the 4th Tier.

Gnolls also maintain chiefs and often work with were-hyena chiefs as conglomerate tribes.

Wargs maintain Pack Leaders formed from the strongest among their several clans and act as leaders of the pack.

Bigfoot and Yeti also have Big Men- unofficial leaders of clans or as powerful individuals.

Chupacabre maintain Pack Leaders like wargs, formed from the strongest among their several clans and act as leaders of the pack.


Tier 4 Half-Demons are any Half-Demon who lives for thirty years and gains rank through constant battling of fiends.

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