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Human Songbooks

Blue Human Songbook

The Bride                                Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Diplomacy for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

The Sad Exiles                        Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Streetwise for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Brokenhearted                         Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Will Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Alone                                       Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Perception for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Death of a Hero                       Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Fortitude Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Gold Human Songbook

Oh My Country                       Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Diplomacy for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

I Beg You, Heart                     Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Endurance for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Love Song                               Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Diplomacy for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Song of Praise                         Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Religion for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Song of the Emperor               Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Diplomacy for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Walking Song                          Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Endurance for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

West Ivory Human Songbook

Song of Fire                             Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +3 ongoing fire damage to all attacks for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Drums and Chorus                  Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Intimidate for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Percussions with                     Arcana Lvl 1

Ritual Chants


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Diplomacy for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Weep No More Mourners       Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Will Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

East Ivory Human Songbook

Music of the Boatmen             Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Target: Character’s aquatic vehicle

Effect: The target gains a +10 bonus to Fortitude Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Traveling Song                        Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Target: Character’s land vehicle

Effect: The target gains a +10 bonus to Fortitude Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Festival Song                           Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Streetwise for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Cowherd’s Festival                 Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Nature for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Work Song                              Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Endurance for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

What Shall I Do                      Arcana Lvl 1

To Be Saved?


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Religion for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Red Human Songbook​

Work Song                              Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Endurance for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Litigation Song                        Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Diplomacy for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Talking Drum                     Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Intimidate for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Hunting Calls                          Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Stealth for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Green Human Songbook

Children’s Song                      Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Diplomacy for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Dance Music                          Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Streetwise for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Men’s Fire Dance                   Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Fortitude Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Brown Human Songbook

Mule Riding Blues                  Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Nature for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

County Farm Blues                 Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Athletics for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Beer Drinking Woman            Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Streetwise for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Rising Sun                               Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Will Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Human Dances

Spirit Dance                            Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                                     Arcana

Target: Self and all allies

Effect: Targets gain a +2 bonus to Arcana for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Stomp Dance                           Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                                     Arcana

Target: Self and all allies

Effect: Targets gain a +2 bonus to Intimidate for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Swing Dance                           Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                     Streetwise Check

Target: One adjacent character

Effect: Character may use an Arcana check in place of a Streetwise Check as a Move Action in place of a Standard Action against the target.

Shaking Dance                        Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                                     Arcana

Target: Self and one deity

Effect: Character becomes possessed by the target deity for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Striding Dance                        Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                                     Arcana

Target: Self

Effect: The character gains a +2 bonus to Acrobatics for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Stomp Dance                           Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                                     Arcana

Target: Self

Effect: The character gains a +2 bonus to Religion for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Human Spellbook

Talisman Square                      Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action

Target: One effigy

Effect: Character may communicate with the target for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Heal                                         Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action                         Heal Check

Effect: The character may use an Arcana Check in place of a Heal Check.

Morning Star                           Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action

Effect: The character gains a +3 bonus to Arcana for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Animal Totems                       Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action

Effect: The character may use an Arcana Check in place of a Nature Check.

Half- Elf Songbooks

Mountain Half-Elves

Hop Love Song                       Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Acrobatics for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Rise in the North Sea              Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Target: Character’s aquatic vehicle

Effect: The target gains a +10 bonus to Fortitude Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Camel Bells                             Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Target: Character’s Mount

Effect: The character can communicate with the target for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Waters of the Valley               Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Nature for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Shepherd’s Song                     Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Perception for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Black Pepper Love Song         Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Diplomacy for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Coastal Half-Elves

The Valley                               Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Nature for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

The Pretty Lass                       Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Diplomacy for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

The Fall of the Sword             Arcana Lvl 1

Is Easier


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Strength Attack for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

When My Love                       Arcana Lvl 1



Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Will Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Desert Half-Elves

Sword Dance                           Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains +3 damage to Strength Attacks for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Gathering Song                       Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Diplomacy for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

War Song                                Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Intimidate for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Song About the                       Arcana Lvl 1

Paying of Taxes


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Streetwise for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Twin River Half-Elves

Tribal Love Song                    Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Diplomacy for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Song of Bereavement              Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Will Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Song of Valor                          Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: Reroll failed attack.

Delta Half-Elves

Oh Pigeon                                Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Target: One or multiple birds

Effect: The character may communicate with target[s] for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Song of Bereavement              Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Will Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Oh You With the Turban        Arcana Lvl 1

And the Taquiya


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Streetwise for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

My First Word is to                 Arcana Lvl 1

Thank the Gods


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Religion for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Half-Elf Dances

Dance of Divine Food             Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                                     Arcana

Target: Self and all allies

Effect: Targets gain a +2 bonus to Religion for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

War Dance                           Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                                     Arcana

Target: Self and all allies

Effect: Targets gain a +2 bonus to Intimidate for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Welcome Dance                      Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                                     Arcana

Target: Self and all allies

Effect: Targets may use Arcana Checks in place of Diplomacy Checks for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Belly Dance                           Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                                     Arcana

Target: All characters within sight

Effect: Targets must skip their next turn.

Half-Elf Spellbook

Heal                                         Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action                         Heal Check

Effect: The character may use an Arcana Check in place of a Heal Check.

Necromancy                            Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action

Target: One corpse

Effect: The character may communicate with the target for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Protection from Snake Bite     Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action                     Saving Throw

Effect: The character may use an Arcana Check in place of a Saving Throw against ongoing poison/venom damage.

Win the Heart of Another        Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action

Target: One character within sight

Effect: The target falls desperately in love with the character.

Find Lost Treasure                  Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action                  Arcana Check

Effect: The character may use an Arcana Check to locate a lost item.

Safeguard Travelers                Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action

Target: Self and all allies

Effect: Targets gain a +3 bonus to Initiative for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Bring Fellowship                     Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action                Intimidate Check                        

Effect: The character may use an Arcana Check in place of Diplomacy Checks for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Increase Crops                         Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action

Target: Infertile Soil

Effect: The soil becomes fertile.

Expel Rodents                         Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action                Intimidate Check                        

Effect: The character may use an Arcana Check in place of Intimidate Checks for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Increase Wealth                       Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action

Effect: Doubles the amount of money the character has.

Elf Songbooks

North Snow Elves

My Speckled Bay                    Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Perception for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Two Little Ducks                    Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Nature for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Black Stallion                          Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Target: Character’s Mount

Effect: The character may speak with target for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Colors Side by Side                 Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Arcana for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

My Darling                              Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Diplomacy for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Song of Praise to the Horse     Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Religion for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Peninsular Hill Elves

Six Letter Lines       Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Target: One written text

Effect: The character translates the text.

Boundary and the Surface       Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Dungeoneering for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Wood Elves

Snake Charmer’s Melody      Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Nature for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Religious Song                        Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Religion for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Southern Snow Elves

Dear Betrothed                        Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Diplomacy for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Pomegranate Seed                   Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +5 bonus to Healing Surge Value for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

High Rooftop                          Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Acrobatics for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Little Lily                                Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Nature for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Where Shall We Go?               Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Perception for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Island Hill Elves

The Song of Rice Husking      Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Perception for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Two Little Ducks                    Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Nature for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Song of the Hot Spring           Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Heal for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Song of the Stone Mason        Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Dungeoneering for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Coalminer’s Song                   Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Streetwise for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Mountain Elves

Song of Rejoicing                   Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Religion for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Dance to Foreigners                Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Streetwise for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Flame Shrine                           Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains +3 ongoing fire damage to all attacks for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

River Hill Elves

Wagon Driver’s Serenade       Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Diplomacy for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Flower Drum Song                  Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Nature for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Two Lullibies                          Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Target: One character or creature within ten squares

Attack: Cha vs Will

Effect: The target falls asleep for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Farmer’s Song                         Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Endurance for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Dragon in the Sky                   Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Bluff for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Elf Dances

Lion Dance                           Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                   Diplomacy Check

Target: Self and all allies

Effect: Targets may use Arcana Checks in place of Diplomacy Checks as Move Actions in place of Standard Actions for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Dragon Dance                         Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                     Intimidate Check

Target: Self and all allies

Effect: Targets may use Arcana Checks in place of Intimidate Checks as Move Actions in place of Standard Actions for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Womb Lamp                           Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                                     Arcana

Target: Self and all allies

Effect: Targets gains +2 bonus to Nature for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Sacred Grove                           Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                                     Arcana

Target: Self and all allies

Effect: Targets gains +2 bonus to Arcana for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Dance of Disguise                   Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                                     Arcana

Target: Self and all allies

Effect: Targets gains +2 bonus to Bluff for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Dance of Destruction              Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                                     Arcana

Target: Self and all allies

Effect: Targets gains +2 bonus to Charisma Attacks for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Veil Dance                           Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                                     Arcana

Target: Self

Effect: The character gains a +2 bonus to Stealth for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Elf Spellbook

Wind Horse                             Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action

Effect: The character may use Arcana Checks in place of Reflex Defense.

Heal                                         Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action                         Heal Check

Effect: The character may use an Arcana Check in place of a Heal Check.

Veil Dance                              Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action

Target: Self

Effect: The character gains a +3 bonus to Arcana for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Dwarven Merchant                  Arcana Lvl 4


All Actions                         Arcana, History,

                                       Diplomacy, Insight

Effect: The character becomes fluent in a new language.

Gnome Songbooks

Snow Gnomes

Beside the Stream                   Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Nature for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

At the River                             Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character may ignore difficult terrain for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Cradle Song                             Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Target: One character or creature

Attack: Cha vs Will

Effect: The target falls asleep for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Dreams of a Soldier’s Life      Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Will Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

West Mountain Gnomes

It’s Raining, Dance                 Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Nature for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

People Are Saying                   Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Streetwise for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Forest Gnomes

Two Pigeons                            Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Nature for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

When You Go                         Arcana Lvl 1

To the Field


Minor Action

Effect: The character may ignore difficult terrain for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

The Chestnut Pony                  Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Target: Character’s Mount

Effect: Character may communicate with the target for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

A Mountaineer Song               Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Endurance for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

East Mountain Gnomes

Seven Fishermen                     Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Bluff for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Humorous Dance                    Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Diplomacy for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

You Are Like A                      Arcana Lvl 1

Gentle Doe


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Nature for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Plains Gnomes

My Beloved Walk                   Arcana Lvl 1

Down the Road


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Diplomacy for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Who Knows?                           Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Insight for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Oh, Mist and Dew                   Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Nature for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Farm Dance                             Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Athletics for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

A Strong Mountain                 Arcana Lvl 1

Fears No Wind


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Fortitude Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Ducks in Flight                        Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Perception for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Gnome Dances

Poet’s Dance                           Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                                     Arcana

Target: Self and all allies

Effect: Targets gain a +2 bonus to Will Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Dance of the Warrior               Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                                     Arcana

Target: Self and all allies

Effect: Targets gain a +2 bonus to Strength Attacks for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Circle Dance                            Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                                     Arcana

Target: Self and all allies

Effect: Targets may use an Arcana check in place of a Streetwise Check as a Move Action in place of a Standard Action against the target.

Tavern Dance                          Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                                     Arcana

Target: Self and all allies

Effect: Targets gain a +2 bonus to Fortitude Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Dance of the Knees                 Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                                     Arcana

Target: Self

Effect: Targets gain a +2 bonus to Athletics for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Love Triangle Dance               Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                                     Arcana

Target: Self and one character

Effect: Targets character falls desperately in love with the spellcasting character.

Gnome Spellbook

Fire Flower                              Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action

Target: All allies

Effect: Character may communicate with the target(s) telepathically.

Spoil                                        Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action

Effect: Character may reroll a failed attack.

Birch Bark                               Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action

Target: One effigy

Effect: Character may use an Arcana Check in place of a Nature Check.

Lady’s Mantle                         Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action

Target: One effigy

Effect: Character may use an Arcana Check in place of an Intimidate Check.

Little Ashes                             Arcana Lvl 4


All Actions                   Arcana, Diplomacy,

                                       Streetwise, Stealth

Effect: The character is disguised as royalty for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Paladin’s Play                          Arcana Lvl 4


All Actions                     Arcana, Charisma,

                                       Initiative, Religion

Effect: The character gains a +4 bonus to Charisma Attacks for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Sleeping Beauty                      Arcana Lvl 4


All Actions                             Arcana, Heal,

                                    Diplomacy, Religion

Target: One sleeping ally

Effect: The target awakens, amy spend a free healing surge, and regains 4d4 Hit Points.

Rite of Spring                          Arcana Lvl 4


All Actions                         Arcana, Nature,

                                     Intimidate, Religion

Target: Self and one deity

Effect: The character becomes possessed by the target deity for four hours or sixteen turns (depending on which is shorter).

Temple Dancer                       Arcana Lvl 4


All Actions                      Arcana, Religion,

                                 Diplomacy, Intimidate

Target: One structure within sight

Effect: The structure is destroyed and any characters or creatures inside take 4d20 damage.

Toy Soldier                             Arcana Lvl 4


All Actions                   Arcana, Acrobatics,

                                     Athletics, Intimidate

Target: All enemies in settlement within sight.

Effect: The targets flee the settlement.

The Pledge                              Arcana Lvl 4


All Actions                   Arcana, Diplomacy,

                                           Streetwise, Heal

Target: One corpse

Effect: The target’s soul is protected from banishment to a specified afterlife realm.

Dead Lovers                            Arcana Lvl 4


All Actions                     Arcana, Athletics,

                                          Intimidate, Heal

Target: Two souls in separate afterlife realms

Effect: The character targets are reunited in a specified afterlife realm.

Swan Lake                              Arcana Lvl 4


All Actions                    Arcana, Intimidate,

                                 Diplomacy, Acrobatics

Target: Self or one character within sight

Effect: The target is split into two characters for two hours or eight turns (depending on which is shorter).

Fairy Songbooks

North Red Dwarves

I See You Outside                   Arcana Lvl 1

The Window


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Perception for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Lay Me Down to Rest             Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Will Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

All The Men Had Feet            Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Speed for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

I Bridled My Boot                  Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: Reroll a critical fail.

I Rowed Out                            Arcana Lvl 1


Target: Character’s Aquatic Vehicle

Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +10 bonus to Fortitude Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

I Went Hunting                       Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Nature for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

South Red Dwarves

Love Song                               Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Diplomacy for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

The Farmer Boy                      Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Athletics for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Mountain Song                        Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Endurance for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

March                                      Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Fortitude Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

West Ulinawi Brown Dwarves

The Wrangler                          Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Target: Character’s Mount

Effect: The character may speak with target for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Out on the Plains                     Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Nature for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Empty House in the                 Arcana Lvl 1

Bunkhouse Tonight


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Diplomacy for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

The Dying Cowboy                 Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Will Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Koraha Brown Dwarves

Swamp Man Blues                 Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Streetwise for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

West Yellow Dwarves

Close Your Eyes                    Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Stealth for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

The Fox                                   Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Thievery for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

There Will Be                          Arcana Lvl 1

A Fair Tomorrow


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Initiative for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

East Yellow Dwarves

Pretty Poppy                            Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Arcana for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Pretty Drummer Boy               Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Intimidate for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

The Baker’s Wife Has             Arcana Lvl 1

Plenty of Money


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Streetwise for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

We’ll Go No More                 Arcana Lvl 1

To The Woods


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Bluff for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

The Night Watch Officer        Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Stealth for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

West Black Dwarves

Picking Chamomile                 Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Arcana for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Your Eyes                                Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Diplomacy for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Our Street                                Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Streetwise for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Midnight                                  Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Stealth for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

The Wild Woman                    Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Nature for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter). >

Stone-Cutter’s Song                Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Dungeoneering for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

North Ulinawi Brown Dwarves

Mortality                                 Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Fortitude Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Funeral Anthem                      Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Will Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Welcome Song                        Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Streetwise for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Coronation                               Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Diplomacy for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

West Orange Dwarves

Hares on the Mountain            Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Nature for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

I Will Give My Love               Arcana Lvl 1

An Apple


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Diplomacy for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

The Nightingale                      Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Bluff for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

I Know Where I’m Going       Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Perception for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Central Red Dwarves

Anyone Coming?                    Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Diplomacy for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Over the Heather                     Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character may ignore difficult terrain for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Goodbye Dear Homeland        Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Will Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

The Moon is Out                     Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Stealth for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Central Black Dwarves

Serenade                                  Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Diplomacy for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Vintage Song                          Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to History for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Song of the Bandit                  Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Thievery for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Rhyme Against the Rain         Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Fortitude Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

East Black Dwarves

Wedding Song                         Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Will Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

War Dance                               Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to all Strength Attacks for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

South Ulinawi Brown Dwarves

Across the Mountains             Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character may ignore difficult terrain for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Lonesome Road Blues            Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Will Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Coal Miner’s Blues                 Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Endurance for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Dwarf Dances

Shoe Dance                           Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                   Streetwise Check

Target: Self and all allies

Effect: Targets may use Arcana Checks in place of Streetwise Checks as Move Actions in place of Standard Actions for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Maypole                           Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                                     Arcana

Target: Self and all allies

Effect: Targets gains +2 bonus to Nature for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Lively Chain Dance                Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                                     Arcana

Target: Self and all allies

Effect: Targets gains +2 bonus to AC Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Hand and Foot Dance              Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                                     Arcana

Target: Self and all allies

Effect: Targets gains +2 bonus to Fortitude Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Reel                                         Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                   Intimidate Check

Target: Self and all allies

Effect: Targets may use Arcana Checks in place of Intimidate Checks as Move Actions in place of Standard Actions for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

The Walk                                 Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                   Diplomacy Check

Target: Self and one adjacent ally

Effect: Targets may use Arcana Checks in place of Diplomacy Checks as Move Actions in place of Standard Actions for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Sword Dance                           Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                                     Arcana

Effect: The character gains +2 bonus to all Strength Attacks for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Flamingo                                 Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                                     Arcana

Effect: The character gains +2 bonus to Acrobatics for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Dwarf Spellbook

Auruch                                    Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action

Effect: The character may use Arcana Checks in place of Will Defense.

Journey on Horseback             Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action

Effect: The character may use Arcana Checks in place of Speed.

Ulcer                                       Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action

Target: One adjacent enemy

Attack: Int vs Fort

Damage: 1d6+2

Hail                                         Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action

Target: One enemy within fifteen squares

Attack: Int vs AC

Damage: 2d4+2

Yew                                         Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action                  Athletics Check

Effect: The character may use Arcana Checks in place of an Athletics Check.

Stolen Goods                           Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action               Perception Check

Effect: The character may use Arcana Checks in place of a Perception Check.

Good Fortune                                    Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action

Effect: The character may reroll a failed attack.

Heal                                         Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action                         Heal Check

Effect: The character may use Arcana Checks in place of a Heal Check.

Golden Eagle                           Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action                     Nature Check

Effect: The character may use Arcana Checks in place of a Nature Check.

Flood Gates                             Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action

Target: One River

Effect: The character may communicate with the target.

Necromancy                           Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action

Target: One corpse

Effect: The character may communicate with the target.

Snake Oil                                Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action

Target: One snake or serpent

Effect: The character may communicate with the target.

Swollen Noble                         Arcana Lvl 4


All Actions                   Arcana, Diplomacy,

                                              Will, Initiative

Effect: The character gains +4 bonus to Initiative for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Three Tragedies                      Arcana Lvl 4


All Actions                   Arcana, Diplomacy,

                                            Heal, Intimidate

Target: One settlement within sight

Effect: All characters within the settlement begin fighting each other for four hour or sixteen turns (depending on which is shorter).

Fire Mage                                Arcana Lvl 4


All Actions                     Arcana, Charisma,

                                         Insight, Initiative

Target: One adjacent character or creature

Effect: The target is transported to the Void Realm.

Angry Wife                         Arcana Lvl 4


All Actions                   Arcana, Intimidate,

                                  Diplomacy, Charisma

Target: One enemy within ten squares and one ally of the target

Effect: The primary target attacks the secondary target with an unarmed melee attack and gains +4 bonus to the attack roll and +3 damage to the attack.

Bed of Snakes                         Arcana Lvl 4


All Actions                   Arcana, Religion,

                                        Nature, Intimidate

Target: Self or one character within ten squares

Effect: The target’s alignment changes to one of the character’s choice for four hours or sixteen turns (depending on which is shorter).

Disgraced Warrior                   Arcana Lvl 4


All Actions                   Arcana, Intimidate,

                                              Will, Wisdom

Target: One enemy within ten squares and one ally of the target

Effect: The primary target attacks the secondary target with a basic melee attack and gains +4 bonus to the attack roll and +3 damage to the attack.

Dueling Warlocks                   Arcana Lvl 4


All Actions                 Arcana, Intelligence,

                                   Wisdom, Streetwise

Target: One enemy within ten squares and one ally of the target

Effect: The primary target attacks the secondary target with an arcana attack and gains +4 bonus to the attack roll and +3 damage to the attack.

Dwarf Songbooks

Mainland Fairies

Song of Heroes                        Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Fortitude Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

The Wounded Soldier             Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Surge Value for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter). >

Poem of a Monk                      Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Religion for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Why Be So Sad?                     Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Will Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

The Rain on the Leave           Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Nature for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

North Island Fairies

Have A Seat, Please                Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Diplomacy for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Neighborhood Party                Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Streetwise for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

The Blacksmith                       Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Dungeoneering for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

South Island Fairies

Mares                                       Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Target: Character’s Mount

Effect: The character may communicate with the target for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Song Before Dawn                 Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Stealth for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Music of the Forest                 Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Nature for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Fairy Dances

Dance of Divinities                Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                                     Arcana

Target: Self and all allies

Effect: Targets gains +2 bonus to Religion for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Three Hundred                        Arcana Lvl 2

Hand Dance


Move Action                                     Arcana

Target: Self and all allies

Effect: Targets gains +2 bonus to Will Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

House Protection Dance         Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action

Target: Self and all allies

Effect: Targets gains +2 bonus to any defenses against Arcana Attacks for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Cavalry March                       Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                   Diplomacy Check

Target: Self and all allies

Effect: Targets may use Arcana Checks in place of Diplomacy Checks as Move Actions in place of Standard Actions for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Peacock Dance                        Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                                     Arcana

Target: Self and all allies

Effect: Targets gains +2 bonus to Nature for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Imperial Dance                        Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                                     Arcana

Target: Self and all allies

Effect: Targets gains +2 bonus to History for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Thousand Hands Dance         Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action

Target: One enemy within ten squares

Attack: Cha vs Will

Effect: The target must skip their next turn.

Dance of the                            Arcana Lvl 2



Move Action                   Diplomacy Check

Target: One adjacent character

Effect: The character may use an Arcana Check in place of a Diplomacy Check as a Move Action in place of a Standard Action.

War Dance                               Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                   Intimidate Check

Effect: the character may use Arcana Checks in place of Intimidate Checks as Move Actions in place of Standard Actions for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Interpretive Dance                  Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                    Streetwise Check

Effect: the character may use Arcana Checks in place of Streetwise Checks as Move Actions in place of Standard Actions for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Fairy Spellbook

Charms                                    Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action

Effect: The character may use Arcana Checks in place of any skills check.

Dance of the                         Arcana Lvl 4

Water Fairies


All Actions                      Arcana, Religion,

                                           Streetwise, Will

Effect: The character may walk on water for four hours or sixteen turns (depending on which is shorter).

Halfling Songbooks

North Fire Halflings

Drama-Hula                             Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Intimidate for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Ceremonial Temple Dance     Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Religion for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Paddle Song                            Arcana Lvl 1


Target: Character’s Aquatic Vehicle

Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +10 bonus to Fortitude Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).


A Horned Beast                       Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Intimidate for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

The Dog I Left There             Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Will Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Silver Eyes                             Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Diplomacy for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

The Blackbird Wants            Arcana Lvl 1

To Fly Away


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Thievery for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Little Possession Spirits         Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Target: Self and one spirit

Effect: The character becomes possessed by the target spirit one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Fey Halflings

My Father, My Heart              Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Diplomacy for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Really Hungry                         Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Fortitude Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Sadness                                   Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Will Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Long Ago                                Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to History for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Blue Mountain                        Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Nature for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Earth Halflings

Rain Dreaming                       Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Will Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Windmill of the Plains           Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Fortitude Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Bird Clan Song                        Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Diplomacy for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Rain Song                               Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character summons rain which lasts for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Shark Song                              Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Nature for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Central Fire Halflings

Lead Me Gently to                  Arcana Lvl 1

My Resting Place


Minor Action

Effect: The character may use Healing Surges as Free Actions for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

I Am Touched with Grief       Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Will Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

The Land Was Famous          Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to History for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

The Night Masquerader          Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Stealth for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

I Will Build                             Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Dungeoneering for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

If You Were Sugarcane          Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Diplomacy for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

South Fire Halflings

Ancient Sentinel Alarm          Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Initiative for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Canoe Hauling Song              Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Athletics for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Death Chant                            Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Intimidate for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Halfling Dances

Chanting Dance                      Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                                     Arcana

Target: Self and all allies

Effect: Targets gains +2 bonus to Religion for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Bird of Paradise                      Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                                     Arcana

Target: One adjacent character

Attack: Cha vs Will

Effect: The target falls desperately in love with the character.

Halfling Spellbook

Heal                                         Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action                         Heal Check

Effect: The character may use Arcana Checks in place of Heal Checks.

Foresight                                 Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action

Effect: The character may use Arcana Checks in place of Initiative.

Rain                                         Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action

Effect: The character summons rain which lasts for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Safeguard Travelers               Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action

Target: Self and all allies

Effect: Targets gain +3 Initiative.

God Shells                              Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action                  Religion Check

Effect: The character may use Arcana Checks in place of Religion Checks.

Animal Totems                       Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action                    Nature Check

Effect: The character may use Arcana Checks in place of Nature Checks.

Necromancy                            Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action

Target: One corpse

Effect: The character may communicate with the target.

Fire Dance                               Arcana Lvl 4


All Actions                   Arcana, Acrobatics,

                                    Intimidate, Fortitude

Effect: The character adds +5 ongoing fire damage to all attacks for one hours or sixteen turns (depending on which is shorter).

Flower Dance                         Arcana Lvl 4


All Actions                   Arcana, Acrobatics,

                                   Diplomacy, Fortitude

Target: One enemy within ten squares

Effect: The target is dazed until saving throw ends and must skip their next four turns.

Drow Songbooks

Snow Drow

Small Owl                               Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Stealth for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

How Much Will I Get             Arcana Lvl 1

For the Ivory Carving?


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Streetwise for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Praise the Gods                       Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Religion for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Old Song                                 Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to History for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Northeast Wood Drow

Buffalo Head Dance               Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Religion for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Fish Dance                            Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character may breathe underwater for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Deer Song                                Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Speed for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

War Rally Song                      Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Will Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Bear Dance                              Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Strength Attack for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Eagle Dance                            Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Dexterity Attack for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Stomp Dance                          Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Intimidate for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Southeast Wood Drow

Corn Dance Song                   Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Nature for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Cyprus Swamp Hunting         Arcana Lvl 1

Dance Song


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Stealth for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

North Mountain Drow

Smoke Song                           Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Will Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Slow War Dance                     Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Intimidate for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Love Lament                           Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Diplomacy for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Duck’n’Dive                          Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Acrobatics for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Prairie Chicken                       Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Nature for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Lament of the Returning        Arcana Lvl 1



Minor Action                         Healing Surge

Effect: The character regains a 10 HP.

Central Mountain Drow

Counter Stick Song                 Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Athletics for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Wildcat Song                          Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Nature for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Cicada Song                            Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Diplomacy for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Antelope Song                         Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Speed for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Crow Song                              Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Intimidate for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

South Mountain Drow

Setting the Altar                     Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Religion for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Rattle Dance                            Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Intimidate for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Peninsular Drow

Dance of the Baskets              Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Streetwise for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Music for the King                 Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Diplomacy for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Dance of the Conquest            Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Intimidate for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

North Plains Drow

Beaver Healing Song             Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Minor Action                         Healing Surge

Effect: The character regains a 10 HP.

Sun Dance Song                      Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Fortitude Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Scalp Song                              Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Intimidate for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Warrior’s Song                       Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1d4 damage bonus to all attack rolls for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Wolf Song                           Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Initiative for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Lullaby                                   Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Target: One enemy within five squares

Attack: Cha vs Will

Effect: The target falls asleep for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Night Love Song                     Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Diplomacy for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Grass Dance Song                  Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Stealth for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Owl Dance Song                     Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Arcana for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

South Plains Drow

Wolf Song                               Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Intimidate for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Turtle Song                             Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to AC Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Turkey Song                            Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Reflex Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Puppy Song                             Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Diplomacy for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Peyote Song                            Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +5 bonus to Healing Surge Value for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Snake Dance Song                 Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Acrobatics for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Buffalo Dance Song               Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Athletics for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Drow Dances

Many Persons Dance              Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                     Intimidate Check

Target: Self and all allies

Effect: Targets may use Arcana Checks in place of Intimidate Checks as Move Actions in place of Standard Actions for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Bison Dance                           Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                                     Arcana

Target: Self and all allies

Effect: Targets gains +2 bonus to Heal for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Gourd Dance                           Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                                     Arcana

Target: Self and all allies

Effect: Targets gains +2 bonus to Arcana for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Grass Dance                           Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                          Stealth Check

Target: Self and all allies

Effect: Targets may use Arcana Checks in place of Stealth Checks as Move Actions in place of Standard Actions for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Tree of Life                             Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                                     Arcana

Target: Self and all allies

Effect: Targets gains +2 bonus to Nature for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Straight Dance                         Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                   Perception Check

Target: Self and all allies

Effect: Targets may use Arcana Checks in place of Perception Checks as Move Actions in place of Standard Actions for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Turkey Dance                         Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                                     Arcana

Target: Self and all allies

Effect: Targets gains +2 bonus to History for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Conch Shell                             Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                                     Arcana

Effect: The character gains +2 bonus to Will Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Fancy Dance                           Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                   Diplomacy Check

Effect: The character may use Arcana Checks in place of Diplomacy Checks as Move Actions in place of Standard Actions for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Hoop Dance                           Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                   Streetwise Check

Effect: The character may use Arcana Checks in place of Streetwise Checks as Move Actions in place of Standard Actions for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Drow Spellbook

Heal                                         Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action                         Heal Check

Effect: The character may use Arcana Checks in place of a Heal Check.

Increase Crops                         Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action

Target: Soil

Effect: The target soil is fertilized.

Hunting                                  Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action

Effect: The character may reroll a missed attack.

Spring Fawn                           Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action

Target: One animal pelt

Effect: The target is animated and becomes a temporary companion for the character.

Cherry Blossom                     Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action

Target: One dead plant

Effect: The target is revived to full health.

Reverse Axe                           Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action

Target: One weapon

Effect: The target weapon adds HP instead of subtracts when attacks land.

Rope Trick                             Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action

Effect: The character may travel to a target realm of choice.

Ghost Dance                            Arcana Lvl 4


All Actions                       Arcana, Religion,

                                            Streetwise, Will

Effect: The character gains +16 bonus to Reflex Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Sun Dance                               Arcana Lvl 4


All Actions                       Arcana, Religion,

                                    Endurance, Fortitude

Target: One settlement within sight

Effect: The character travels to a target realm for four hours or sixteen turns (depending on which is shorter).

Deep Gnome and Half-Orc Songbooks

Deep Gnomes

Two Villages                           Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Diplomacy for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Be Kind to Me                         Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Will Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Little Bird                                Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Speed for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

One Who Follows                   Arcana Lvl 1

His Sheep


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Fortitude Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Island Half-Orcs

Black Magic Woman             Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Arcana for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Stickman                                 Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Intimidate for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

One Bright Summer               Arcana Lvl 1



Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Will Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Jungle Half-Orcs

Rhythm of Samba                 Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Streetwise for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Rancher’s March                    Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Nature for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Dance with Tambourines       Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Diplomacy for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Rhythm of March                 Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Endurance for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Deep Gnome and Half-Orc Dances

Hat Dance                                Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                     Streetwise Check

Target: Self and one adjacent character

Effect: Targets may use Arcana Checks in place of Streetwise Checks as Move Actions in place of Standard Actions for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Scissors Dance                        Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                                     Arcana

Target: Self and all allies

Effect: Targets gains +2 bonus to Strength Attack for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Good Time Dance                   Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                                     Arcana

Target: Self and one adjacent character

Effect: The target falls desperately in love with the character.

Whisk Dance                           Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                                     Arcana

Target: Self and one adjacent ally

Effect: Targets gains +2 bonus to Acrobatics for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Dance of the Slaves              Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                     Streetwise Check

Target: Self and one adjacent ally

Effect: Targets may use Arcana Checks in place of Streetwise Checks as Move Actions in place of Standard Actions for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Marina                                     Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                                     Arcana

Target: Self and one adjacent ally

Effect: Targets gains +2 bonus to Streetwise for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Goblin Songbooks

Mountain Goblins

Tree-Trunk Drums                 Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Intimidate for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Hash Ceremonial Dance         Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Fortitude Defense for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Conch Shells                           Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Diplomacy for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Invocation                               Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Arcana for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Carnival Music                        Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Streetwise for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Jungle Goblins

Party Song                               Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Diplomacy for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Social Dance Song                  Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Streetwise for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Traveling Music                     Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Speed for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Public Work Song                  Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Dungeoneering for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

War Song                                Arcana Lvl 1


Minor Action

Effect: The character gains a +1 bonus to Intimidate for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Goblin Dances

Lake Dance                             Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                                     Arcana

Target: Self and all allies

Effect: Targets gains +2 bonus to Religion for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Meeting Encounter                  Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                                     Arcana

Target: Self and all allies

Effect: Targets gains +2 bonus to Intimidate for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Barbarian Dance                     Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                   Intimidate Check

Target: Self and all allies

Effect: Targets may use Arcana Checks in place of Intimidate Checks as Move Actions in place of Standard Actions for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Pestilence Dance                    Arcana Lvl 2


Move Action                                     Arcana

Target: Self and all allies

Effect: Targets gains +2 bonus to Heal for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Goblin Spellbook

Frog Spell                                Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action                  Martial, Arcana

Target: One adjacent enemy

Attack: Int vs Fort

Effect: The target is transformed into a frog for one hour or four turns (depending on which is shorter).

Sun Spell                                 Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action

Effect: The character may summon sunlight.

Heal                                         Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action                         Heal Check

Effect: The character may use Arcana Checks in place of a Heal Check.

Lightning                                 Arcana Lvl 3


Standard Action

Effect: The character may add +5 ongoing lightning damage to all basic ranged attacks.

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