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Suddenly, in the year 3990- with the dawn of a new millennium approaching, a hero from the past emerged. Fleet- who had disappeared in a red smoke cloud in the 3950’s emerged in the future completely overtaken by the evil forces of the three demons. With the new millennium on the horizon, Fleet would be thrust into a race against time with the goal of reforming the League, defeating the primordial demon spawn, rebuilding the anti-demon weapons, and defeating the Three Demons before a new age of darkness could overtake the realm. The hero of the past has entered a world nothing like his home time. Hunger, Civil War, and Plague have taken over the realm and have placed their children as warlords of the continents. To save the realm before the demons have a chance to take full control, Fleet has located leaders from resistance forces across the realm who will need to work together to defeat the evil presence in the world.


With the Three Demons now impossible to defeat, Fleet tells the resistance leaders about a rumored stash of weapons built in the beginning of the Second Age as weapons for combating the powerful primordial demon-spawn housed in the ancient ruins a region now at the center of a modern war. The resistance fighters’ only chance at defeating the primordial demon spawn is to enter the war zone, find the weapons, and escape before the war escalates into an inescapable hellscape.

The players will be allowed to roam freely as they search for the nine weapons among the ruins of the borderlands of the humans, half-elves, half-dwarves, dwarves, gnomes, and elves. Included here is a map of the region, the location of clues which show where the nine weapons are located, and a timeline of events for the region.

Dwarf Countries


- Territories: [Northeast, central, and south] East Obsidian    Peninsula, Circle Isles, Silver Island, [South] Swamp Tree    Island

- Language: Dwarf

Gnome Countries

Otvud Union

- Territories: Horse Trough Island, Mammoth                            Peninsula, Amber Coast, Frozen Lowlands, Frozen                Isles, Acorn Peninsula, Old Island, Northern Death                River, [Central and east] Eastern Plains, Border                    Mountains, Sleeping Forest, East Chain                                    Mountains, Spear Highlands, Spear River, Border                  River, Dragon Mountains, Merry Mountains, Mountains      of the Bulge, Craggy Rock Island, Peninsula of the                World’s End, [North and central] Drinking Cup                      Mountains

- Language: Gnome


- Territories: Oil Mountains, [West] Rocky Mountains,             [West] Running River, [West] Wooden Mountains

- Languages: Gnome, Dwarf


- Territories: [Northwest] East Obsidian Peninsula

- Languages:Gnome, Dwarf


- Territories: [Southwest] Drinking Cup Mountains

- Language: Gnome


- Territories: [Southeast] Drinking Cup Mountains

- Language: Gnome, Half-Elf


- Territories: [Northeast] White Mountain Peninsula]

- Language: Gnome

Elf Countries


- Territories: [Southeast] White Mountain Peninsula, Great    Mountains, Stormy Mountains, Centaur Plateau

- Languages: Elf, Half-Elf


- Territories: Fortress Mountains, [West] Black Sand Desert

- Languages: Elf, Half-Elf

West Gongheguo

- Territories: Mountains of Slaughter, [West] Paradise           Desert, [East] Black Sand Desert]

- Language: Elf

Half-Elf Countries


- Territories: [West and central] White Mountain                     Peninsula, [North] Swamp Tree Island, White Mountains,   [North] Twin Rivers

- Language: Half-Elf


- Territories: [West Central] Twin Rivers

- Language: Half-Elf


- Territories: [North] River of Descent

- Langue: Half-Elf


- Territories: [Central and south] River of Descent

- Language: Half-Elf


- Territories: [Northwest] Desert of the Prince

- Language: Half-Elf


- Territories: [Central, east central, and south] Twin Rivers

- Language: Half-Elf


- Territories: Twin Rivers Delta

- Language: Half-Elf


- Territories: Miseer Delta, Peninsula of Hatred, [North]          Miseer River, East Desert

- Languages: Half-Elf, Human


- Territories: [Northeast, central, and south] Desert of the     Prince, [North and central] Desert Peninsula, South Dune   Sea

- Language: Half-Elf


- Territories: [North] Dune Sea

- Languages: Half-Elf, Elf

United Desert Tribes

- Territories: [South] Dune Sea

- Languages: Half-Elf, Elf


- Territories: [Southwest] Desert Peninsula, Isle of Bliss

- Languages: Half-Elf, Human


- Territories: [Southeast] Desert Peninsula

- Languages: Half-Elf, Elf

Human Countries


- Territories: Outstretched Mountains, Windy Plateau,           [North] Northern Desert, Windy Desert, Holy Mountains

- Languages: Half-Elf, Human


- Territories: [East] Windy Desert, [East] Prairie of the             Drums, [South] Miseer River, [North] West Miseer River,     [West] East Miseer River

- Language: Human


- Territories: [Southwest] Blood Sea Coast

- Languages: Human, Half-Elf


- Territories: [East] East Miseer River, [West and central]       Black Highlands, [North] Red Lake

- Language: Human

North Kama

- Territories: [South] Gulf of Little Fire

- Languages: Human, Half-Elf


- Territories: [East] Black Highlands, Scorched Horn, Flow      River

- Language: Human

Other Realms


- Land of the Warrior Women

- Language: Elf


- Land of the Half-Dwarves

- Language: Dwarf

Streetwise Dwarf Countries


- East Obsidian Peninsula: Dwarves Metropolese

     Major Settlements: Jakinduria, Zaldi

- Circle Isles: Dwarven Fishing Towns

- Silver Island: Dwarven Fishing Towns

     Major Settlements: Zezen City

- Swamp Tree Island: Dwarf and Half-Elf Fishing Towns

Streetwise Gnome Countries

Otvud Union

- Horse Trough Island: Gnome Fishing Villages

- Mammoth Peninsula: Gnome Fishing Villages

- Amber Coast: Gnome Fishing Villages

- Frozen Lowlands: Gnome Fishing Villages

- Frozen Isles: Gnome Fishing Villages

- Acorn Peninsula: Gnome Reindeer Herding Villages

- Old Island: Gnome Fishing Villages

- Northern Death River: Gnome Cities

     Major Settlements: Iztoshtenie

- Eastern Plains: Gnome Metropolese, Gnome Farming         Towns

     Major Settlements: Malakgrad, Reka

- Border Mountains: Gnome Cities

     Major Settlements: Zamak

- Sleeping Forest: Gnome Hunting Camps
- East Chain Mountains: Gnome Cities

- Spear Highlands: Gnome Cities

     Major Settlements: Kopie City, Krepost, Bryast

- Spear River: Gnome Cities

     Major Settlements: Kotel

- Border River: Gnome Cities

     Major Settlements: Voda, Granitsa

- Dragon Mountains: Gnome and Elf Industrial Towns

     Major Settlements: Lelya

- Merry Mountains: Gnome and Elf Industrial Towns

     Major Settlements: Noviled

- Mountains of the Bulge: Gnome and Elf Industrial Towns

- Craggy Rock Island: Gnome and Elf Fishing Villages

- Peninsula of the World’s End: Elf Fishing Villages

- Drinking Cup Mountains: Elf Fishing Villages


- Oil Mountains: Gnome and Dwarf Fishing Towns

- Rocky Mountains: Gnome and Dwarf Industrial Towns

- Running River: Gnome Farming Towns

- Wooden Mountains: Gnome Shepherd Villages

     Major Settlements: Byal


- East Obsidian Peninsula: Gnome Shepherd Villages


- Drinking Cup Mountains: Gnome Shepherd Villages

     Major Settlements: Toblo


- Drinking Cup Mountains: Gnome Shepherd Villages

     Major Settlements: Vwetrovit


- White Mountain Peninsula: Gnome Shepherd Villages

     Major Settlements: Vidi

Streetwise Elf Countries


- White Mountain Peninsula: Half-Elf Shepherd Villages

     Major Settlements: Dao

- Great Mountains: Elven Metropolese

     Major Settlements: Nuan, Baocun, Huangyan

- Stormy Mountains: Elven Industrial Cities

     Major Settlements: Lieshi

- Centaur Plateau: Elven Camel Herding Villages

     Major Settlements: Junying, Zhuan, Sediao


- Fortress Mountains: Elven Shepherd Villages

     Major Settlements: Yanshou

- Black Sand Desert: Elven Camel Herding Villages

West Gongheguo

- Mountains of Slaughter: Elven Shepherd Villages

     Major Settlements: Nanren

- Paradise Desert: Elven Metropolese

     Major Settlements: Yanjiang, Dahulu, Qieshitou,                    Taiyang, Bao

- Black Sand Desert: Elven Industrial Cities

     Major Settlements: Yu Zhen, Wunu


- White Mountain Peninsula: Half-Elf Metropolese, Half-Elf    Shepherd Towns

     Major Settlements: Sh'pah

- Swamp Tree Island: Dwarf and Half-Elf Fishing Towns

- White Mountains: Half-Elf Shepherd Villages

- Twin Rivers: Half-Elf Farming Villages


- Twin Rivers: Half-Elf Farming Towns

     Major Settlements: Mivstyry Khalib, Mibtysyr


- River of Descent: Half-Elf Farming Cities, Half-Elf Fishing     Cities

     Major Settlements: Gim, Shulysh


- River of Descent: Half-Elf Farming Cities, Half-Elf Fishing      Cities

     Major Settlements: Shulum, Gib't Bin


- Desert of the Prince: Half-Elf Farming Cities

     Major Settlements: Rimmun


- Twin Rivers: Half-Elf Industrial Cities

     Major Settlements: Mitunah, Portoputos, Hatstroput


- Territories: Twin Rivers Delta


- Miseer Delta: Half-Elf Metropolese, Half-Elf Farming             Cities, Half-Elf Fishing Cities

     Major Settlements: Nytskhun, Setioa

- Peninsula of Hatred: Blood Sea Canal

     Major Settlements: Canal City

- Miseer River: Half-Elf Farming Cities

- East Desert: Half-Elf Camel Herding Camps


- Desert of the Prince: Half-Elf Camel Herding Towns

     Major Settlements: Muqilt, Hu'yr

- Desert Peninsula: Half-Elf Camel Herding Camps

     Major Settlements: Sabbat

- South Dune Sea: Half-Elf Desert Herding Camps

     Major Settlements: Ginn, Hukpir


- South Dune Sea: Half-Elf Metropolese

     Major Settlements: Zupta City

United Desert Tribes

- South Dune Sea: Half-Elf Metropolese

     Major Settlements: Sukhyr


- Desert Peninsula: Half-Elf Industrial Cities

     Major Settlements: Zuhyr

- Isle of Bliss: Half-Elf and Human Fishing Villages


- Desert Peninsula: Half-Elf and Elf Industrial Cities

Streetwise Half-Elf Countries
Streetwise Human Countries


- Outstretched Mountains: Half-Elf Industrial Cities

     Major Settlements: Tatu

- Windy Plateau: Human Horse Herding Villages

- Northern Desert: Human Camel Herding Camps

- Windy Desert: Human Camel Herding Camps

- Holy Mountains: Human Camel Herding Towns


- Windy Desert: Human Camel Herding Camps

- Prairie of the Drums: Human Cattle Herding Towns

- Miseer River: Human Industrial Towns

     Major Settlements: Shina, Kuni

- West Miseer River: Human Cattle Herding Towns

- East Miseer River: Human Cattle Herding Towns


- Blood Sea Coast: Human and Half-Elf Fishing Towns


- East Miseer River: Human Cattle Herding Towns

     Major Settlements: Batu

- Black Highlands: Human Cattle Herding Towns

- Red Lake: Human Fishing Towns

North Kama

- Gulf of Little Fire: Human and Half-Elf Fishing Towns


- Black Highlands: Human Cattle Herding Towns

- Scorched Horn: Human Industrial Cities, Pirate Havens

     Major Settlements: Wakfu, Fupi

- Flow River: Human Cattle Herding Towns

Streetwise Other Realms


- Island city populated by women only elves and half-elves


- Underwater city populated by half-dwarves

Campaign Timeline

Winter 3990

- Two worms go rogue in West Gongheguo.

- Khytsyr Gnomes become the target of violent riots in Sah. The Otvud Union sends soldiers to pacify the country.

- Minotaurs in the Fortress Mountains begin raiding Elven villages.

- A fire drake attacks a tavern in the Miseer capital.

- Tivmim officials execute a Labana Dwarf for espionage.

Spring 3990

- Violence erupts between West and Central Gongheguo Elves during the funeral of a deceased cleric.

- The divided nations of Pyryuwit unite into a single nation.

Summer 3990

- An earth giant massacres elves in Northern Guojia.

- Minotaurs attack half-elves during a religious ceremony in the Humdibeer holy city.

- Bodyguards of the Kama steward massacre patrons at a local soccer game.

- The Tivmim Army invades Mubizeer.

- The Larrunana steward dispatches air forces to Humdibeer in preparation for the defense against the Tivmim Army and are later joined by nations neighboring Humdibeer

- Tivmim announces its annexation of Mubizeer.

Autumn 3990

- Gnolls in Iplsheem attack half-elves in the Iplsheem holy city.

- Yr’ibiran forces invade Erz at the height of the Erz Civil War and oust the Erz steward.

- A new marshall is elected in West Gongheguo.

Winter 3991

- Bordari forces invade a separatist nation in the Drinking Cup Mountains region of the Otvud Federation.

- Larrunana falcon riders raid cities in Tivmim starting the War of Desert Storm followed by the arrival of Labana rangers.

- Battle of Pearl Diver's Camp: Larrunana and Humdibeer troops recapture a town occupied by Tivmim forces.

- An earth giant attacks elves in Pashais and West Gongheguo.

- Tivmim forces begin withdrawing from Mubizeer and creates walls of fire in their wake to slow their enemies' advance.

- Tivmim forces begin attacking gnomes and elves in their northern frontier.

- Larrunana forces begin withdrawing from the Pearl Sea. The Duke of Mubizeer returns to his country.

Spring 3991

- An earth giant attacks towns in Bordari.

- Gold Humans in the Black Highlands region of Kama declare independence.

- The Steward of Kuchoma flees the country followed by the revolutionaries capturing the capital; ending the Kuchoma Civil War.

Summer 3991

- The Deli state of Planinar announces its independence as two nations- North and South Planinar.

- The Otvud Union formally dissolves into several independent nations.

Autumn 3991

- Deli forces invade North Planinar and begin the Siege of the Good Swamp.

- Deli wyverns raid the home of the North Planinar earl.

- Deli forces fighting beside gnome mercenaries capture a major city in North Planinar and massacre the population.

Winter 3992

- Riots begin in Bordari with the goal of overthrowing the newly elected steward.

- Deli forces slay a dwarven wyvern carrying peacekeepers.

- Deli dissolves as a nation with its territories dividing into several new nations.

- Civil Strife erupts in Khytsyr between gnomes and elves.

- Violence in the newly independent nation of Tichane (former Running River region of Deli) erupts.

- A cave troll attacks half-elf miners in Turuk.

- An earth giant attacks towns in Eastern Turuk.

Spring 3992

- Minotaurs overthrow the steward of Pashais and begin a war to take over the nation.

Summer 3992

- After a brief period of stability, peacekeepers withdraw from Tichane.

Autumn 3992

- An earth giant attacks the Mizeer capital.

- Larrunana forces land in Kama to combat piracy in the region.

Winter 3993
- Larrunana falcons raid the Tivmim capital and resume miliary action in the region.

Spring 3993

- Bahari gains independence from Kuchoma.

Summer 3993

- Kama pirates kill West Gongheguo peacekeepers in the Kama capital.

Autumn 3993

- Battle of the Hallowed Ground: Larrunana forces clash with Kama pirates in the Kama capital.


Winter 3994

-  Minotaurs in West Gonghehuo take a hundred elf children hostage.

- Larrunana troops withdraw from Kama.

Non-Player Characters

Tivmim Military

- Heavy Infantry: Iron Helm, Chainmail, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots; 2 Javelins, Spear, Shortsword, Dagger

- Light Infantry: Keffiyah, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Sandals; Crossbow, Shortsword, Dagger

- War Chariots: War Horses; 1 Driver; Keffiyah, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Sandals; Hand Crossbow, Shortsword, Dagger

- War Elephants: Elephant; Ballista; Keffiyah, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Sandals;  Crossbow, Shortsword, Dagger

Larrunana Military

- Heavy Infantry: Iron Helm, Chainmail, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots; Spear, Shortsword, Dagger

- Light Infantry: Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots; Crossbow, Shortsword, Dagger

- Medium Cavalry: Fell Pony; Iron helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Riding Boots; Spear, Shortsword, Dagger

- Light Cavalry: Greyhound; Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Riding Boots; Hand Crossbow, Shortsword, Dagger

- War Wagons: Oxen; Scorpion; Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots; Shortsword, Dagger

- War Elephants: Armored Elephant; Ballista; Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots; Shortsword, Dagger

- Fighter Pilots: Giant Eagle; Leather Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Shoes; Shortsword, Dagger

- Naval Pilots: Giant Falcon; Leather Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Shoes; Shortsword, Dagger

- Marines: Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots; Crossbow, Shortsword, Dagger

Humdibeer Military

- Heavy Infantry: Iron Helm, Chainmail, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots; 2 Javelins, Spear, Shortsword, Dagger

- Light Infantry: Keffiyah, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Sandals; Crossbow, Shortsword, Dagger

- War Chariots: War Horses; 1 Driver; Keffiyah, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Sandals; Hand Crossbow, Shortsword, Dagger

Deli Military

- Heavy Infantry: Iron Helm, Chainmail, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots; Battle Axe, Shortsword, Dagger

North Planinar Military

- Heavy Infantry: Iron Helm, Chainmail, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots; Battle Axe, Shortsword, Dagger

- Light Infantry: Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots; Crossbow, Shortsword, Dagger

Kama Pirates

- Medium Infantry: Keffiyah, Cloth Armor, Cotton Trousers, Sandals; 2 Javelins, Scimitar, Dagger

- Medium Cavalry: Quarterhorse; Keffiyah, Cloth Armor, Cotton Trousers, Sandals; 2 Javelins, Scimitar, Dagger

Orders of Battle

Battle of Pearl Diver's Camp


- 8000 Marines

- 1000 Heavy Infantry

- 2000 Light Infantry

- 3000 Medium Cavalry

- 5000 Light Cavalry

- 200 War Wagons

- 700 War Elephants

- 4000 Engineers


- 300 War Chariots

- 900 Heavy Infantry

- 600 Light Infantry


- 1500 Heavy Infantry

- 600 War Elephants

- 150 War Chariots

- 2000 Engineers

Siege of the Good Swamp


- 7000 Heavy Infantry

North Planinar

- 480 Heavy Infantry

- 500 Relief Light Infantry

Battle of Hallowed Ground


- 12 War Wagons

- 19 Wyverns

Kama Pirates

- 4000 Medium Infantry

- 2000 Medium Cavalry

Found Items

Primordial Weapons:

- The Open One: Chain that binds Verfarkas located in the Drinking Cup Mountains

- Book of the Dead: Set of scrolls which traps Hantu inside its pages located in the Eastern Desert

- Hammer of Tximista: Sledgehammer which deals lightning damage located in the White Mountain Peninsula

- Mace of the Gods: Brass mace that causes severe brain damage located on Swamp Tree Island

- Bow of Kipinga: Shortbow that fires pure solar radiation located in the Black Highlands

- Javelin of Waiguoren: Javelin that annihilates anything it touches located in the Twin Rivers region

- Scythe of Death: Scythe capable of slaying phantasmal creatures located in Miseer

- Sands of Time: Hourglass filled with sand that traps Mura Niho located in Santos

- Sword of the Poesia: Bronze sword which contains solar power located in Ilti'ah

Southeast Zezen Cities

Magic Shops

- Songbooks: Mountain Half-Elf, Plains Gnomes, North Mountain Gnomes, South Mountain Gnomes, East Black Dwarves, Central Black       Dwarves

- Spellbooks: Dwarf, Half-Elf, Gnome

- Ritual Books: Dwarf, Gnome

- Other: Magic Hat, Magic Book, Magic Kit


- Jewelry: Brass Earrings, Silver Earrings, Gold Earrings, Brass Bracelets, Silver Bracelets, Gold Bracelets, Silver Necklace, Gold Necklace

- Clothing/Armor: Keffiyah, Cotton Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leather Shoes, Sandals, Riding Boots

- Mounts/Vehicles: Sheepdog, Retriever, Greyhound, Pegasus, Fell Pony, Quarter Horse, Donkey, War Horse, Thoroughbred, Row Boat, Cart, Wagon, Flying Carpet

- Packs, Kits, and Books: Backpack, External Frame Pack, Saddle Bag, Calligraphy Kit, Orientation Kit, Canteen

- Food/Drink: Water, Red Wine, White Wine, Vodka; Olive Oil, Sausages, Eggplant, Vegetables, Citrus Fruits, Pine Honey, Dwarf Spices, Goat Cheese, Flatbread

Music Store

- Instruments: Castanets, Cowbells, Symbols, Bass Guitar, Guitar, Harp, Lute, Lyre, Mandolin, Flute

Book Store

- Books: Black Dwarf History, Mountain Gnomes History, Plains Gnome History, Self-Help, Political Science Text, Zezen Wildlife, Black Dwarf Religious Book, Mountain Gnome Religious Book, Plains Gnome Religious Book, Zezen Atlas

Government Buildings

- Depends on Size of Settlement (Can include capitol buildings, governors' mansions or town halls, etc.); Will always include at least 1 jail, at least 1 legislative building, and at least 1 executive building.

Sports Stadium

- Soccer Fields


- Items: First Aid Kit

Local Park

- Flora and Fauna of region


- Food: Gyros with spinach salad

- Drinks: Red and White Wine, Vodka


- Colleges: Wizard School, Bard School, Cleric School, Medical School

Local Temple

- Can Include any number of Dwarven, Half-Elf, or GnomeDeities

Residential Districts

- East Black Dwarf, West Mountain Gnome, East Mountain Gnome, Mountain Half-Elf

Nearby Farms

- Livestock: Cattle Ranches, Horse and Pony Farms, Sheep and Goat Farms, Chicken Farms

- Crops: Wheat Fields, Vinyards

Northwest Aliaanza'nchi Cities

Magic Shops

- Songbooks: Blue Human, Gold Human, East Ivory Human, Delta Half-Elf, Coastal Half-Elf, Desert Half-Elf

- Spellbooks: Half-Elf, Human

- Other: Magic Book, Magic Kit


- Jewelry: Brass Earrings, Silver Earrings, Gold Earrings, Wooden Bracelets, Brass Bracelets, Silver Bracelets, Gold Bracelets, Silver Necklace, Gold Necklace

- Weapons: Scimitar, Bastard Sword, Crossbow, Dagger

- Clothing/Armor: Keffiyah, Cotton Tunic, Cotton Cloth, Dishdasha, Kurta, Cotton Trousers, Sirwal, Leather Shoes, Sandals

- Mounts/Vehicles: Fell Pony, Quarter Horse, Camel, Donkey, War Horse, Thoroughbred, Elephant, Raft, Row Boat, Cart

- Packs, Kits, and Books: Backpack, External Frame Pack, Saddle Bag, Calligraphy Kit, Orientation Kit, Canteen

- Food/Drink: Water, Palm Wine, Coffee; Goat Head, Whole Chicken, Aliaanza'nchi Spices, Vegetables, Legumes

Music Store

- Instruments: Trumpet, Bongo Drum, Castanets, Guitar, Lute, Mandolin

Book Store

- Books: Delta Half-Elf History, Coastal Half-Elf History, Desert Half-Elf History, Blue Human History, Gold Human History, East Ivory Human History, Political Science Text, Aliaanza'nchi Wildlife, Delta Half-Elf Religious Book, Coastal Half-Elf Religious Book, Desert Half-Elf Religious Book, Blue Human Religious Book, Gold Human Religious Book, East Ivory Human Religious Book, Aliaanza'nchi Atlas

Government Buildings

- Depends on Size of Settlement (Can include capitol buildings, governors' mansions or town halls, etc.); Will always include at least 1 jail, at least 1 legislative building, and at least 1 executive building.

Sports Stadium

- Soccer Fields


- Items: First Aid Kit

Local Park

- Flora and Fauna of region


- Food: Spiced lentils and beef with flatbread

- Drinks: Coffee, Mint Tea, and Palm Wine


- Colleges: Bard School, Cleric School, Medical School

Local Temple

- Can Include any number of Human or Half-Elf Deities

Residential Districts

- Blue Human, Delta Half-Elf, Desert Half-Elf, Gold Human, and East Ivory Human

Nearby Farms

- Livestock: Cattle Ranches, Horse Ranches, Sheep and Goat Ranches, Camel Ranches, Chicken Farms

- Crops: Wheat Fields, Peanut Farms, Sorghum Farms

Southwest Si Cities

Magic Shops

- Songbooks: Mountain Half-Elf, South Mountain Gnomes, Delta Half-Elves, Coastal Half-Elves, Twin-River Half-Elves, Desert Half-Elves, Mountain Elves, Wood Elves, Southern Snow Elves

- Spellbooks: Elf, Half-Elf, Gnome

- Ritual Books: Elf, Gnome

- Other: Magic Hat, Magic Book, Magic Kit


- Jewelry: Cameo Ring, Brass Earrings, Silver Earrings, Gold Earrings, Brass Bracelets, Silver Bracelets, Gold Bracelets

- Weapons: Scimitar, Crossbow, Dagger

- Clothing/Armor: Keffiyah, Cotton Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Kurta, Dishdasha, Sirwal, Lungi, Leather Boots, Leather Shoes, Sandals, Riding Boots

- Mounts/Vehicles: Greyhound, Pegasus, Fell Pony, Quarter Horse, Donkey, War Horse, Thoroughbred, Row Boat, Cart, Wagon, Flying Carpet

- Packs, Kits, and Books: Backpack, External Frame Pack, Saddle Bag, Calligraphy Kit, Orientation Kit, Canteen

- Food/Drink: Water, Palm Wine, Black Tea; Chicken Halves, Leg of Lamb, Rice, Flatbread, Vegetables, Si Spices, Citrus Fruits, Yogurt, Dates

Music Store

- Instruments: Bass Drum, Bongo Drum, Marimba, Guitar, Lute

Book Store

- Books: East Mountain Gnome History, Mountain Half-Elf History, Coastal Half-Elf History, South Snow Elf History, Desert Half-Elf History, Mountain Elf History, Wood Elf History, Political Science Text, Si Wildlife, Mountain Gnome Religious Book, Mountain Half-Elf Religious Book, Coastal Half-Elf Religious Book, Desert Half-Elf Religious Book, Wood Elf Religious Book, Si Atlas

Government Buildings

- Depends on Size of Settlement (Can include capitol buildings, governors' mansions or town halls, etc.); Will always include at least 1 jail, at least 1 legislative building, and at least 1 executive building.

Sports Stadium

- Soccer Fields


- Items: First Aid Kit

Local Park

- Flora and Fauna of region


- Food: Lamb Stew with Beef Kabobs

- Drinks: Palm Wine and Black Tea


- Colleges: Wizard School, Bard School, Cleric School, Medical School

Local Temple

- Can Include any number of Gnome, Half-Elf, or Elf Deities

Residential Districts

- East Mountain Gnome, Mountain Half-Elf, Coastal Half-Elf, South Snow Elf, Desert Half-Elf, Mountain Elf, Wood Elf

Nearby Farms

- Livestock: Cattle Ranches, Horse Ranches, Sheep and Goat Farms, Chicken Farms

- Crops: Wheat Fields, Rice Fields, Poppy Fields, Date Farms

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