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Chapter 3: The Mortal Realm

After the defeat in the war against the angels and demons, the Lords of Creation entered one of the pocket doors into a new dimension and created the mortal realm. Here, after several billion years of work, the Lords of Creation established a solar system with life on one of the planets there. On that planet, the Lords of Creation built several plates on the surface of the planet that would support mostly salt-water seas and oceans with some land. They created living things there- including the mortal races which are responsible for the name of the realm. The Mortal Realm is where the majority of campaigns takes place- though some characters in a campaign in the Mortal Realm may find themselves in other realms.

mortal realm.jpg
Arcana of the Realm

Arcana in the Mortal Realm consists of magic which the mortal races created. Any character of any race can practice any other race's magic, but books containing magic are segregated by race. Magic from the mortal races is divided into three categories: dances, songs, and spells (the latter of which included rituals). A player with character of a specific race may chose one dance from their race's list of dances to add as a free power while making their character sheet. Below are files containing the several dances, songs, and spells of the Mortal Realm.

Continents of the Realm


There are eight regions of the mortal realm. The northern and southern regions mark the poles of the mortal world with lighthouses that grant access to the dwarven afterlife realms. The northwest corner consists mostly of the continent Ulinawi. The southwest corner includes half of the islands of the Ocean of Peace in the western half and the continent of Hattun in the eastern half. The northeast corner consists of the continent of Zezen-Si (a singular continent separated by the Border Mountains). The southeast corner consists of the continent of Aliaanza'nchi in the western third and the Tea Ocean in the central third, and half of the Ocean of Peace islands in the eastern third. 



The native people of Ulinawi are the drow, though dwarves arrived in 3500 TA and brought human slaves with them. Deep gnomes would also develop between intermarriage of drow and dwarves during the late 3500's TA. In the northern third of the continent, drow politics revolved around small villages with clan leaders acting as the head executive and eldars serving as the legislature. In the central third of the continent, drow settlements ranged from the size of towns to cities. Chiefs were the executives of towns with a peace chief elected among the legislature of elders to serve during peacetime and war chiefs elected among the warriors to serve during times of war. In cities, high chiefs ruled and served both during peace and war. In the southern third of the continent, settlements ranged from villages to kingdoms with politics similar to the northern central drow in similar sized settlements to kings in larger nations.

Dwarves in the continent established republics where a steward (in Larrunana) or a Marshall (in Astigaraknana) gained power through the legislatures electing them to the seat for a temporary appointment. Legislatures consisted of representatives which the citizens among the nations elected to office. Each of these two large nations, smaller "counties" would have their own governments with governors leading these regions. Among the deep gnomes, warlords often overthrow elected stewards and rule via dictatorships.

After the arrival of the dwarves, dwarves moved drow from their native location to new regions- mostly in the Central Vast Plains, and the Larrunana Southwest. Nations and tribes of these peoples are listed below.

Drow: First Age- Present

- Snow Drow: Third Age- Present; +2 Endurance

-- Owenu (West Northwest Ulinawi): 1000TA-Present

-- Udohiyu (Northwest Ulinawi): 1000TA-Present

-- Yuwi (Northern Ulinawi): 2000TA-Present

-- Asiyuwi (Northern and Northeast Ulinawi): 2000TA-Present

-- Udali (East Northeast Ulinawi): 2000TA-Present

- West Wood Drow: Third Age- Present; +2 Nature

-- Waya (Southwest Northern Ulinawi): 1000TA-Present

-- Wohali (North Western Ulinawi): 1000TA-Present

-- Golanu (Central Northern Ulinawi): 1000TA-Present

-- Semoni (Central Western Ulinawi): 1000TA-Present

-- Alisoqualudi (South Western Ulinawi): 1000TA-Present

-- Pomo (Armarria Peninsula): 1000TA-Present

- Mountain Drow: Third Age- Present; +2 Religion

-- Uyutlu (Central Northwest Ulinawi): 1000TA-Present

-- Adanudo (Northern Ulinawi): 1000TA-Present

-- Nimipu (Northwest Central Ulinawi): 1000TA-Present

-- Tsiyuusdi (Northwest Central Ulinawi): 1000TA-Present

-- Matevilya (West Central Ulinawi): 1000TA-Present

-- Asgodi (West Central Ulinawi): 1000TA-Present

-- Wayaha (Southwest Central Ulinawi): 1000TA-Present

-- Agatanahi (Southwest Central Ulinawi): 1000TA-Present

-- Degalogesu (Northwest Southern Ulinawi): 1000TA-Present

-- Gaduhu (Northeast Southern Ulinawi): 1000TA-Present

-- Inage (Central Southern Ulinawi): 3000TA-Present

-- Udodaulosiyu (East Southern Ulinawi): 1000TA-Present

-- Galiquogi (Southwest Southern Ulinawi): 1000TA-Present

-- Ulogili (Southeast Southern Ulinawi): 1000TA-Present

-- Sapote (Southwest Southern Ulinawi): 1000TA-Present

- Plains Drow: Third Age- Present; +2 Will Defense or Initiative

-- Aaraxpeahu (North Central Ulinawi): 1000TA-Present

-- Goga (Northeast Central Ulinawi): 1000TA-Present

-- Nuguwiyusu (East Central Ulinawi): 1000TA-Present

-- Aligosu (East Central Ulinawi): 1000TA-Present

-- Nuya (Southeast Central Ulinawi): 1000TA-Present

-- Atalesdi (Southeast Central Ulinawi): 1000TA-Present

-- Nagoliguna (South Central Ulinawi): 1000TA-Present

- East Wood Drow: Third Age-Present; +2 Diplomacy or Nature

-- Asgaya (North Central Ulinawi): 1000TA-Present

-- Alitludodi (Northeast Central Ulinawi): 1000TA-Present

-- Usdiyegu (North Eastern Ulinawi): 1000TA-Present

-- Inali (West Eastern Ulinawi): 1000TA-Present

-- Uganawuiditlu (North Eastern Ulinawi): 1000TA-Present

-- Inadu (Central Eastern Ulinawi): 1000TA-Present

-- Usdagalu (Central Eastern Ulinawi): 1000TA-Present

-- Ochese (Southwest Eastern Ulinawi): 1000TA-Present

-- Tsiduna (Southwest Eastern Ulinawi): 1000TA-Present

-- Geyatahi (South Eastern Ulinawi): 1000TA-Present

Peninsular Drow: Third Age-Present; +2 Dungeoneering

-- Utsoasetanu (Peninsula of Confusion): Third Age-Present

-- Karif (Lake of the Chief): 1000TA-Present

-- Atsinatlai (Isthmus of the Fish): 1000TA-Present

Dwarves: 3500TA- Present

- Brown Dwarves: 3500TA-Present; +1 Will Defense

-- Larrunana (Northwest, West, Central, and East Ulinawi): 3600TA-Present

-- Astigarraknana (North and Northeast Ulinawi): 3600TA-Present

Humans: 3500TA- Present

- Brown Humans: 3500 TA-Present; +2 Athletics

- Astigarraknana (Northeast Ulinawi): 3800 TA-Present

- Larrunana (West, Central, and East Ulinawi): 3600 TA-Present

Deep Gnomes: 3500TA- Present

-- Armaria (Central and South Western Ulinawi): 3700TA-3900TA

-- Lagun (Southeast Central Ulinawi): 3600TA-Present

-- Arrananoma (Southern Ulinawi): 3600TA-Present


The drow of Ulinawi named the continent Turtle Island because the landmass resembles a large turtle with its head and left hand defining the north, its right hand making the northeast, its two legs making the central west and central east and its tail making the south. Below is a detailed description of the continent with lands inside Ulinawi in Red and lands outside of Ulinawi marked in Gray. To read this map, periods divide each quadrant into squares, semicolons divide a square vertically, and comas divide a square horizontally. (For example "Glacier; Caribou Sea. Means the northern half of the square is glacier and the southern half of the square is the Caribou Sea.)

Quadrants A-H, 1-18

- A Axis) 6) GlacierBank Island. 7) Isles of the Given Oath; Island of Victory. 8) Isles of the Oath; Island of Victory. 9) Isles of the Given Oath. 10) Island of Truth; Puffin Island. 11) Puffin Bay; Puffin Island. 12) Green Island; Puffin Bay. 13) Green Island. 14) Green Island. 15) Green Island. 16) Green Island.

- B Axis) 2) Three Knuckles Peninsulas. 3) Spring Mountains; Big River; Mountains of Eternal Sleep. 4) Spring Mountains; Big River; Mountains of Eternal Sleep. 5) River of Fire; Mountains of Fire; Big River; Coast Mountains. 6) Bear Lake; River of Fire; Bear Lake; Slave Lake. 7) Back River; Plank River. 8) Baker's Lake. 9) Homestead Island; Bay of Souls. 10) Puffin Island; Homestead Strait; Peninsula of Open Water. 11) Puffin Island; Homestead Straight. 12) Beloved Straight. 13) Green Island. 14) Green Island; Farmer's Strait. 15) Green Island; Farmer's Straight; White Island.

- C Axis) 1) Sea of the Lanced Bear; Bright Isles; Ocean of Peace. 2) Bright Isles; Ocean of Peace. 3) Bright Mountains; Bear Island; Ocean of Peace. 4) Gulf of Sleep; Ocean of Peace. 5) Coast Mountains; Isles of the Besieged; Bold Islands. 6) Mountains of Stone. 7) Reed River; Mountains of Stone. 8) Reed Lake; Reindeer Lake. 9) Lake of Dirty Waters. 10) Bay of the Souls. 11) Leaf River; Large Rock Lake. 12) Codfish Mountains; Laurel Mountains. 13) Santos Ocean; Laurel Mountains.

- D Axis)  6) Cattle Island; Cascade Mountains; Coast Mountains. 7) Snake River; Great Basin, Salt Lake. 8) Canoe River; Vast Plains; Yellow River. 9) Canoe River, Vast Plains, Father of Waters; Canoe River, Father of Waters; Vast Plains, Father of Waters. 10) Great Lake; Big Lake, Great Peninsula, Lake of the Wild Boar; Fog Lake. 11) Laurel Mountains; Lake of Beauty, Laurel River; Eastern Mountains. 12) Laurel Gulf; White Peninsula; Santos Ocean. 13) New Island; Santos Ocean.

- E Axis) 6) Coastal Mountains, North Snowy MountainsOcean of Peace. 7) North Snowy Mountains, Great Basin, Mountains of Stone; Valley of Death, Red River, Red Canyon. 8) Mountains of Stone; Wind River; Great River. 9) Canoe River, Father of Waters; Wind River, Father of Waters. 11) Father of Waters, Good River; Eastern Mountains. 12) Eastern Mountains; Heel River, Santos Ocean; Smooth River, Santos Ocean. 13) Santos Ocean; Isles of the Vigilant.

- F Axis) 7) Ocean of Peace, Armarria Peninsula, Gulf of Armarria. 8) Southwest Snowy Mountains, Southeast Snowy Mountains. 9) Southeast Snowy Mountains, Gulf of the Aloe Hare. 11) Gulf of the Aloe Hare, Floral Peninsula; Western Goblin Islands; Peninsula of Confusion.

- G Axis) 8) Ocean of Peace; Mother's Mountains. 9) Mother's Mountains; Ocean of Peace. 10) Peninsula of Confusion, Goblin Sea; South Snowy Mountains, Goblin Sea; Ocean of Peace, Lake of the Chief, Goblin Sea.

- H Axis) 7) Pirate Isle; Ocean of Peace. 8) Ocean of Peace. 9) Ocean of Peace. 10) Ocean of Peace, Isthmus of the Fish; Ocean of Peace.


Mortals first entered Ulinawi when elves crossed the frozen Caribou Sea and Sea of the Lanced Bear during the late First Age. Those elves who settled in Ulinawi would become the drow. During the Second Age, the drow of the continent were sparsely populated and resided mostly along the coasts and major rivers of the continent. During the Third Age, drow in the southern third of the continent developed city-states that waxed and waned as climate changed. Many built large, stone cities before the arrival of the dwarves who first came to the southern third of the continent in the 3500's and colonized the region. Few drow remained in the southern third after colonization and were largely replaced by the hybrid Deep Gnome race. In the central third of the continent, drow along rivers built earthen mounds under which they lived. Those in the mountains carved cities out of cliffs and caves while those in the forests built wooden lodges. Those in the earthen mounds established vast trade networks before abandoning their cities around the 3200's in favor of living above ground in the Vast Plains. When dwarven colonists arrived in the 3600's to the region, the dwarves slowly pushed drow out of their historic lands and into small plots of land. The dwarves in this region brought human slaves with them and elven immigrants from SI began arriving in small numbers. In the northern third, drow continued their long practice of hunting and gathering from the sea. When dwarves arrived in the 3600's, the dwarves largely ignored the small bands of drow.


Ulinawi is divided into seven distinct regions: north, west, west-central, east central, east, south, and far south.

In the north:

Plant Life includes: willow, birch, juniper, crowberry, bilberry, bearberry, cowberry, poppy, wintergreen, cottongrass, dandelion, moss

Animal life includes:

- Land/Freshwater: frost giants, caribou, caribou-centaur, muskox, polar bear, yeti, wolf, warg, werewolf, hellhound, fox, hare, lemming

- Sea: narwhal, humpback whale, orca, seal, cod, salmon, char, halibut, rose fish, seawolf

- Sky: ptarmigan, raven, eagle, roc, falcon, giant falcon, hippogryph, owl, giant owl, wheateater, eider, auk, bunting, cormorant, gull, fulmar, phalarope, merganser, diver, duck, puffin

In the west

Plant Life includes: redwood, sequoia, pine, cypress, fir, hemlock, cedar, oak, sycamore, cottonwood, willow, laurel, maple, buckeye, redbud, hazelnut, walnut, elderberry, greasewood, sagebrush, lilac, cherry, snowberry, huckleberry, gooseberry, sage, poppy, iris, mint, ginger, coral bell, foamflower, sorrel, fern, onion, lily, baby blue eye, morning glory, manroot, grape, fescue, deer grass, ricegrass, sedge, rush, lettuce, and stonecrop

Animal life includes:

- Land/Freshwater: forest giant, mountain giant, deer, deer-centaur, black bear, bigfoot, fox, cougar, sphinx, bobcat, elk, elk-centaur, bighorn sheep, weasel, hare, chipmunk, squirrel, wolf, warg, werewolf, hellhound, coyote, chupacabre, raccoon, beaver, porcupine, lynx, marten, garter snake, rattlesnake, black widow, brown recluse, tarantula, hobo spider, mountain frog, giant frog, vampire, bluegill, whitefish, catfish, bass, trout, salamander, newt, troll

- Sea: sea lion, seal, elephant seal, dolphin, gray whale, orca, sea otter, white shark, tiger shark, salmon

- Sky: bat, killer bat, thrush, robin, eagle, roc, gull, goose, woodpecker, duck, hawk, giant hawk, fury, jay, blackbird, kingfisher, chickadee, towhee, hummingbird, owl, giant owl, wasp, bee, fly, moth

In the west-central

Plant Life includes: elderberry, grape, cherry, raspberry, baneberry, thimbleberry, strawberry, star cactus, cholla, prickly pear cactus, bergamont, sagebrush, horehound, mint, yarrow, sprude, oak, cottonwood, juniper, pine, aspen, maple, olive, elm, groundsel, blue clematis, cattail, daisy, paintbrush, lily, skullcap, pasque flower, goldenbean, dog rose, rabbitrush, clover, milkweed, dogbane, sunflower, hemlock, flax, garlic, onion, goat's beard, yucca

Animals life includes:

- Land/Freshwater: mountain giant, shrew, squirrel, mouse, fox, rabbit, bighorn sheep, coyote, chupacabre, peccary, mountain goat, pronghorn, antelope-centaur, cougar, sphinx, raccoon, black bear, bigfoot, skunk, weasel, badger, lynx, wolf, warg, werewolf, hellhound, chipmunk, beaver, hairy scorpion, giant scorpion, wolf spider, jumping spider, weaving spider, crab spider, black widow, tarantula, giant spider, sidewinder, rattlesnake, horned lizard, fire drake, tortoise, vampire, trout, whitefish, bass, catfish, sunfish, carp, bluegill, salamander, toad, spadefoot, bullfrog, giant frog, toad, troll

- Sky: bat, killer bat, hawk, giant hawk, fury, eagle, roc, vulture, wyvern, falcon, giant falcon, hippogryph, pelican, owl, giant owl, roadrunner, wren, quail, finch, sandpiper, crossbill, cardinal, cormorant, grouse, wild turkey, harrier, bittern, bluebird.

In the east-central

Plant Life includes: orchid, ginseng, lotus, willow, sunflower, toadflax, violet, sneezeweed, mustard, lily, bloodroot, cardinal flower, indigo, vervain, pine, cedar, dogwood, hawthorn, sassafras, sycamore, hackberry, elm, mulberry, walnut, hickory, pecan, chestnut, oak, cottonwood, crabapple, persimmon, plum, cherry, redbud, locust, holly, buckthorn, buckeye, maple, sumac, ash, hazel, blueberry, honeysuckle

Animal life includes:

- Land/Freshwater: possum, armadillo, muskrat, beaver, mole, shrew, lemming, vole, mouse, gopher, squirrel, chipmunk, woodchuck, rabbit, badger, raccoon, badger, skunk, weasel, mink, river otter, fox, coyote, chupacabre, black bear, bigfoot, cougar, sphinx, bobcat, deer, deer-centaur, painted turtle, horned lizard, skink, corn snake, kingsnake, garter snake, copperhead, cottonmouth, rattlesnake, vampire, water snake, softshell turtle, snapping turtle, box turtle, salamander, newt, toad, frog, giant frog, tree frog, bullfrog, lamprey, paddlefish, pike, trout, carp, minnow, catfish, bass, bluegill, perch, incubi/succubae, nymph, siren, wyrm, lichen

- Sky: bat, killer bat, grebe, heron, goose, duck, snipe, hawk, giant hawk, fury, kestrel, harrier, bobwhite, wild turkey, pheasant, phoenix, dove, kingfisher, owl, giant owl, lark, crow, jay, woodpecker, chickadee, nuthatch, mockingbird, shrike, robin, bluebird, warbler, meadowlark, blackbird, starling, cardinal, goldfinch, sparrow, wren, thrush, bittern, egret, ibis, cuckoo, hummingbird, flycatcher, swallow, vireo, oriole, bunting, gull, prairie chicken.

In the east

Plant Life includes: ash, basswood, beech, birch, buckeye, cherry, chestnut, cottonwood, cyprus, dogwood, elderberry, elm, hackberry, hemlock, hickory, holly, poison ivy, locust, magnolia, maple, mulberry, oak, persimmon, pine, poplar, cedar, redbud, sassafras, silktree, spicebush, willow, sumac, sycamore, walnut, yew.

Animal life includes:

- Land/Freshwater: shrew, squirrel, skunk, deer, deer-centaur, blackbear, bigfoot, bobcat, coyote, chupacabre, cougar, sphinx, copperhead, cottonmouth, rattlesnake, garter snake, skink, vampire, box turtle, salamander, frog, giant frog, toad, pike, perch, catfish, trout, bass, crayfish, troll

- Sea: fin whale, sperm whale, sea monster, humpback whale

- Sky: bat, killer bat, eagle, roc, falcon, giant falcon, hippogryph, owl, giant owl, vulture, wyvern, woodpecker.

In the south

Plant Life includes: agave, amaranth, artillery plant, basil, beardtongue, begonia, nightshade, lily, ballmoss, burhead, mint, butterwort, cattail, lettuce, daisy, sunflower, thistle, duckweed, goatweed, hornwort, indigo, hurricane-grass, bamboo, dropseed, goose grass, paintbrush, mallow, milkweed, morning glory, orchid, periwinkle, poinsettia, clover, poppy, sage, sedge, snakewort, spiderflower, spurge, waterlily, hibiscus

Animal life includes:

- Land/Freshwater: possum, armadillo, sloth, anteater, howler monkey, spider monkey, porcupine, squirrel, chipmunk, beaver, gopher, prairie dog, tapir, vole, shrew, ocelot, cougar, sphinx, wolf, warg, werewolf, hellhound, jaguar, were-jaguar, wall lizard, skink, iguana, fire drake, crocodile, rattlesnake, boa, vampire, troll

- Sea: water drake, sea turtle, continent turtle, manatee, merfolk, blue whale, dolphin, angelshark, ray, swordtail, guitarfish, leopard shark, white shark, tiger shark, bull shark, minnow, yuriria

- Sky: bat, killer bat, eagle, roc, albatross, tropicbird, boobie, frigatebird, snake-bird, pelican, flamingo, vulture, wyvern, macaw, parakeet, owl, giant owl, hummingbird, toucan, flycatcher.

In the far south

Plant Life includes: tulip tree, lipsticktree, breadfruit, acacia, cannonball tree, dandelion, maize, coconut, mango, blackjack, passionfruit, passionflower, bracken, selfheal, yarrow, sowthistle, periwinkle, foxglove, orchid, clover, daisy, hyacinth, lily, cattail, plantain, nightshade, fig, mangrove, mint, balsa, papaya, hibiscus, littlebell, cacao, impatien, rain tree, screwpine, milkweed, parsley, cotton, morning glory, knotweed, pokeweed, water lettuce, bramble, pineapple, cashew, firebush, hawksbeard, tasstleflower, walking palm, jungle flame, paintbrush, spleenwort, ginger, starfruit, provision tree, shrimp plant, fern, joyweed, spleenwort, blueheart, spiderwort, poinsettia, polka dot plant, banana, guava, scarlet-star, tamarillo, pagoda flower, sunset bells, flamingo flower, kapok tree, jacaranda, lancewood, milk tree, rose apple, royal palm, rubber tree, tamarind, soursop, senna.

Animal life includes:

- Land/Freshwater: capuchin, howler monkey, sloth, coatli, tayra, tapir, jaguar, were-jaguar, deer, deer-centaur, anteater, ocelot, cougar, sphinx, tree frog, glassfrog, giant frog, toad, anole, iguana, fire drake, boa, coral snake, viper, vampire, salamander, caiman, crocodile, troll

- Sea: sea turtle, continent turtle, manatee, merfolk, blue whale, dolphin, angelshark, ray, swordtail, guitarfish, leopard shark, white shark, tiger shark, bull shark, minnow

- Sky: bat, killer bat, hummingbird, macaw, quetzal, butterfly, moth.



The native people of Hattun are goblins.​ Elves arrived during the First Age and would eventually become the goblins. During the second age, goblins lived in small villages along rivers. In the Goblin Sea, small villages of goblins emerged after mainland goblins arrived on canoes and slowly populated the region. Clan leaders ruled in the Goblin Isles in the eastern half of the sea while tribal chiefs ruled in the Goblin Islands in the western half of the sea. In the mainland, goblins in the west built large cities of stone with entrances above ground leading to vast underground networks. Kings and emperors ruled these lands. In the eastern jungles of the continent, goblins built earthen mounds above ground and lived within the forests in small city-states and tribes with kings ruling larger settlements and chiefs ruling small towns. Dwarves arrived in the 3600's TA and brought human slaves with them in vast numbers. Slaves intermarried with goblins and became the half-orcs who would become the dominant race in eastern Hattun and the Goblin Sea.

The dwarves in the region were ​few in number, but established an aristocracy in the continent that would allow them to rule over the more populous half-orcs in the Goblin Sea and Eastern Hattun and the goblins in Western Hattun. Native tribes of Hattun are listed below.

Goblins: First Age- Present

- Island Goblins: 1000TA- Present; +2 Arcana

-- Karu (West Goblin Islands): 1000TA-Present

-- Riporqanku (East Goblin Isles): 2000TA-Present

- Mountain Goblins: Third Age- Present; +2 Dungeoneering

-- Choque (Northwest Hattun): 1000TA-Present

-- Hattun (West Hattun): 1000TA-Present

-- Runa (Southwest Hattun): 1000TA-Present

- Jungle Goblins: Third Age- Present; +2 Religion

- Sumaq (West Northern Hattun): 1000TA-Present

- Ilaqta (Central Northern Hattun): 1000TA-Present

- Wawqi (East Northern Hattun): 1000TA-Present

- Yarpay (Northwest Central Hattun): 1000TA-Present

- Ukumari (West Central Hatun): 1000TA-Present

- Wiksayay (Southwest Central Hattun): 1000TA-Present

- Suyup (North Eastern Hattun): 1000TA-Present

- Wisnu (Central Eastern Hattun): 1000TA-Present

- Puka (South Eastern Hattun): 1000TA-Present

- Ayqiy (East Southern Hattun): 1000TA-Present

Dwarves: 3500TA- Present

- Black Dwarves: Third Age- Present; +1 Dungeoneering

-- Distira (Southeast Hattun): 3600TA-Present

Half-Orcs: 3500TA- Present

- Island Half-Orcs: 3600TA-Present; +2 Arcana or Speed

-- Ugaria (Northwest Goblin Island): 3600TA-Present

-- Arroka (Southwest Goblin Islands): 3600TA-Present

-- Berde (West and Central Goblin Isles): 3600TA-Present

-- Mistoa (East Goblin Isles and Northern Hattun): 3600TA-Present

- Jungle Half-Orcs: 3600TA-Present; +2 Arcana or Stealth

-- Oihanean (Northeast and Eastern Hattun): 3600TA-Present


Hattun takes the rough shape of a downward facing triangle with islands and isles of the Goblin Sea dotting north of the continent. The Ulinawi Peninsula of the Fish connects to Hattun in the northwest corner of Hattun. Below is a detailed description of the continent with lands inside Hattun in Orange and lands outside of Hattun marked in Gray. To read this map, periods divide each quadrant into squares, semicolons divide a square vertically, and comas divide a square horizontally. (For example "Glacier; Caribou Sea. Means the northern half of the square is glacier and the southern half of the square is the Caribou Sea.)

Quadrants A-H, 1-18

- F Axis) 10) Gulf of the Aloe Hare, Floral Peninsula; Western Goblin Islands; Peninsula of Confusion. 11) Isles of the Low Tide; String Isles; Western Goblin Islands.

- G Axis) 11) Western Goblin Islands. 12) Western Goblin Islands, Eastern Goblin Isles; Goblin Sea, Eastern Goblin Isles, Santos Ocean.

- H Axis) 11) Western Mountains, Basin of the Warrior Women. 12) River of Departure; Swamp Highlands.

Quadrants I-P, 1-18

- I Axis) 9) Ocean of Peace, Saddle Isles. 10) Saddle Isles, Ocean of Peace, Estuary Gulf. 11) Western Mountains, Basin of the Warrior Women. 12) Basin of the Warrior Women, River of the Warrior Women. 13) River of the Warrior Women; Basin of the Warrior Women. 14) Santos Ocean; Basin of the Warrior Women. 15) Santos Ocean; Basin of the Warrior Women, Santos Ocean. 16) Santos Ocean, Isle of the Bull, Santos Ocean.

- J Axis) 11) Ocean of Peace, Western Mountains. 12) Western Mountains, Mother of Waters, Jungle of Severed Heads; High Plains. 13) Perche River; Jungle of Severed Heads; White Swamp, Hills of Great Evil. 14) Highlands of Fire.

- K Axis) 10) Isle of Sweet Nectar. 11) Isles of Luck, Ocean of Peace, Western Desert. 12) Western Mountains, Grand Cliffs. 13) Hills of Great Evil, Hills of the General. Highlands of Fire, Santos Ocean.

- L Axis) 9) Ocean of Peace, Isles of the Bull. 10) Isles of the Bull, Ocean of Peace, Western Mountains. 11) Great Desert, Great Plain. 12) Great Plain, Black River, Santos Ocean.

- M Axis) 11) Ocean of Peace, Cold Isle, Mountains of Big Feet.

- N Axis) 11) Ocean of Peace, Isles of Big Feet, Mountains of Big Feet. 12) Santos Ocean; Exploration Strait; Cape of the Trumpet; Passage of the Water Drakes. 13) Kelp Isles; White Sea. 14) Santos Ocean. 15) South Farmer Isle. 16) South Luncheon Isles.


Mortals first arrived in Hattun during the late Third Age when elves arrived from Ulinawi. Those elves eventually became the goblins and settled the continent in small numbers. During the second age, goblins increased in numbers, living in villages along rivers. During the third age, goblins moved into the Goblin Sea and built stone cities in the western mountain region. Goblins in the forest established vast trade networks until dwarves arrived in the 3500's TA. When dwarves arrived, they brought large numbers of human slaves who often attempted to escape. Those who did found refuge among the few remaining goblins in the Goblin Sea and eastern Hattun and their intermarriage created the half-orcs.


Hattun is divided among three distinct regions- the Goblin Sea, the west, and the east.

In the Goblin Sea

Plant Life Includes: tree fern, orchid, mesquite, cactus, acacia, mangrove, pine, mahogany, cedar, oatgrass, verbena

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: mouse, rat, giant rat, tree snail, vampire, crocodile, caiman, frog, giant frog

- Sea: coral, sponge, sea fan, manatee, merfolk, sperm whale, sea monster, dolphin, pilot whale

- Sky: bat, killer bat, flamingo, tanager, thrush, hawk, giant hawk, fury, cuckoo, crossbill, egret, plover, sandpiper, pigeon, swift, crow, warbler, duck, parrot, parakeet, swallow.

In the West

Plant Life Includes: cactus, ichu grass, puya, moss, orchid, bromliad, palm tree 

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: mountain giant, beetle, jaguar, were-jaguar, black bear, bigfoot, woolly monkey, rat, giant rat, armadillo, anteater, sloth, marmoset, tamarin, capuchin, squirel monkey, night monkey, titi, saki, howler monkey, spider monkey, porcupine, chinchilla, guinea pig, capybara, mouse, shrew, ocelot, cougar, sphinx, fox, wolf, werewolf, warg, hellhound, raccoon, coati, weasel, river otter, skunk, tapir, peccary, llama, deer, deer-centaur, possum, caiman, anaconda, frog, giant frog, tree frog, salamander, troll, lichen

- Sea: manatee, merfolk, right whale, minke whale, fin whale, blue whale, humpback whale, dolphin, sperm whale, sea monster, beaked whale, orca, seal, sea lion

- Sky: bat, killer bat, rhea, tinamous, screamer, duck, goose, teal, guan, curassow, quail, flamingo, grebe, pigeon, dove, cuckoo, oilbird, potoo, nightjar, swift, hummingbird, rail, coot, plover, lapwing, sandpiper, jaeger, gull, tern, albatross, petrel, shearwater, booby, heron, egret, bittern, ibis, vulture, wyvern, hawk, giant hawk, fury, kite, owl, giant owl, trogon, motmot, kingfisher, jacamar, puffbird, barbet, toucan, woodpecker, falcon, giant falcon, hippogryph, parakeet, parrot, antbird, antpitta, tapaculo, woodcreeper, flycatcher, cotinga, manakin, tityra, vireo, jay, swallow, wren, gnatcatcher, thrush, pipit, tanager, sparrow, cardinal, warbler, troupial, finch, euphonia

In the East

Plant Life Includes: palm tree, pineapple, spurge, peacock flower, heliconia, cannonball tree, ayahuasca, mallow, mahogany, myrtle, orchid, bedstraw

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: wolf, werewolf, hellhound, warg, fox, jaguar, were-jaguar, cougar, sphinx, ocelot, anteater, sloth, armadillo, coati, river otter, tapir, peccary, deer, deer-centaur, capybara, howler monkey, capuchin, squirrel monkey, marmoset, tamarin, vampire, anaconda, caiman, crocodile, marsh turtle, box turtle, tortoise, worm lizard, iguana, fire drake, ground lizard, gekko, whiptail, spectacled lizard, skink, blind snake, ground snake, coral snake, viper, birdeater spider, thrip, rhea, tetra, catfish, piranha, pirarucu, frog, giant frog, tree frog, troll

- Sea: sea turtle, continent turtle, water drake, manatee, merfolk, right whale, minke whale, fin whale, blue whale, humpback whale, dolphin, sperm whale, sea monster, beaked whale, orca, seal, sea lion

- Sky: bat, killer bat, parrot, toucan, trogon, flamingo, duck, vulture, wyvern, hawk, giant hawk, fury, eagle, roc, owl, giant owl, swan, hummingbird.



The ​native peoples of Zezen are the dwarves in the west and central and the gnomes in the east. Among the dwarves large kingdoms defined the dwarves' history with theocratic kings ruling in the middle Third Age. Among the gnomes, most leadership fell on tribal chiefs with small kingdoms in the middle Third Age and a large, gnome empire forming in the late Third Age. Native tribes of Zezen are listed below.

Dwarves: First Age- Present

- Red Dwarves: Third Age- Present; +1 Religion or Intimidate

-- Izotz (White Island): 3000TA-Present

-- Iparraldea (West Northern Zezen): 2000TA-Present

-- Auto (North Central Zezen): 2000TA-Present

-- Zemya (Central Northern Zezen): 2000TA-Present

-- Haitzuloa (Northwest Central Zezen): 2000TA-Present

-- Mujika (Central Zezen): 2000TA-Present

-- Hegoaldea (South Central Zezen): 2000TA-Present

-- Aizkora (Northeast Central Zezen): 2000TA-Present

-- Hasiera (East Central Zezen): 2000TA-Present

-- Ekialdea (Southeast Central Zezen): 2000TA-Present

- Yellow Dwarves: Third Age- Present; +1 Arcana or Nature

-- Ugariak (West Spessartite Island): 1000TA-Present

-- Laranja (Southwest East Spessartite Island): 1000TA-Present

-- Jabalina (Western Zezen): 1000TA-Present

- Orange Dwarves: 2000TA Age- Present; +1 Diplomacy

-- Urdinak (Northern East Spessartite Island): 2000TA-Present

-- Gorri (Southeast East Spessartite Island): 2000TA-Present

-- Baso (Northern Western Zezen): 2000TA-Present

-- Olatuak (Northern Western Zezen [Just south of Baso]): 2000TA-Present

- Black Dwarves: Third Age- Present; +1 Dungeoneering

-- Portua (Western West Obsidian Peninsula): Weapon Proficiency: Spears, Crossbows

-- Portua (Western West Obsidian Peninsula): 3000TA-Present

-- Untxi (Central and Eastern West Obsidian Peninsula): 1000TA-Present

-- Harikatu (Thievery Island): 1000TA-Present

-- Apurtu (Fractured Island): 1000TA-Present

-- Txahal (Central Obsidian Peninsula): 1000TA-Present

-- Tok (Northern East Obsidian Peninsula): 1000TA-Present

-- Edertasuna (Southern East Obsidian Peninsula): Third Age-Present

-- Zezen (Silver Island): Third Age-Present

Gnomes: Second Age- Present

- Snow Gnomes: Second Age- Present; +1 Endurance

-- Emelt (East Northern Zezen): Second Age-Present

- Wood Gnomes: Third Age- Present; +2 Nature

-- Dolina (Northeast Central Zezen): 2000TA-Present

-- Gazda (White Gulf): 2000TA-Present

-- Elaltatni (Harbor Gulf): 2000TA-Present

-- Hatar (Phantom Marshes): 2000TA-Present

- Plains Gnomes: Second Age- Present; +2 Intimidate or Bluff

-- Otvud (Central and East Eastern Zezen): 2000TA-Present

-- Feher (Northwest Eastern Zezen): 2000TA-Present

-- Lovasok (Northwest Eastern Zezen): 2000TA-Present

-- Szel (West Eastern Zezen): 2000TA-Present

-- Gabona (West Eastern Zezen): 2000TA-Present

-- Ruma (Northeast East Obsidian Peninsula): 2000TA-Present

-- Hatar (Northwest Si): 2000TA-Present

- West Mountain Gnomes: Third Age-Present; +2 Endurance

- Szo (East Central Zezen): Weapon Proficiency: Swords

- Planinar (Northwest East Obsidian Peninsula): Weapon Proficiency: Swords

- Muz (North East Obsidian Peninsula): Weapon Proficiency: Swords

- Blato (West Central East Obsidian Peninsula): Weapon Proficiency: Swords

- Sas (East Central East Obsidian Peninsula): Weapon Proficiency: Swords

-East Mountain Gnomes: Third Age- Present; +2 Endurance

-- Szena (Northwest Drinking Cup Mountains): Weapon Proficiency: Swords

-- Tuz (Northeast Drinking Cup Mountains): Weapon Proficiency: Swords


Zezen is a thin continent that branches off of the larger continent of Si from the Border Mountains. A northern peninsula fish-hooks northwest then south with three southern southward-pointing peninsulas jutting into the Mediator Sea and three major islands to the west of the mainland. Below is a detailed description of the continent with lands inside Zezen in Yellow and lands outside of Zezen marked in Gray. To read this map, periods divide each quadrant into squares, semicolons divide a square vertically, and comas divide a square horizontally. (For example "Glacier; Caribou Sea. Means the northern half of the square is glacier and the southern half of the square is the Caribou Sea.)

Quadrants A-H, 1-18

- B Axis) 16) Green Island; Farmer's Straight; White Island. 17) White Island, Santos Ocean. 18) Santos Ocean; Isles of Sheep; Isles of Cats.

- C Axis) 18) Seal Isles; Southern Isles, East Spessartite Island; West Spessartite Island, Dwarf Isle, East Spessartite Island; Jabalina Channel.

- D Axis) 18) Santos Ocean, Channel Isles; Santos Ocean, Sediment River; Bay of Monstrous Waves; Singing Mountains; West Obsidian Peninsula.

- E Axis) 17) Santos Ocean; Wooden Isles. 18) West Obsidian Peninsula; Strait of Two Pillars; Northern Mountains.

Quadrants Quadrants A-H, 19-36

- A Axis) 19) Pointed Mountain Isles; Northern Ocean. 20) Pointed Mountain Isles; Northern Ocean; North Cape. 

- B Axis) 19) Northern Ocean; North Sea, Muskox Mountains. 20) Northern Ocean, Mountains of Cloudy Weather; Reindeer Mountains. 21) Simple Forest; Gulf of Fangs; White Forest. 22) Acorn Peninsula; White Forest, White Sea; White Forest. 23) Old Island; Northern Death River; Eastern Plains. 24) Border Mountains.

- C Axis) 19) Lice Jacket River; North Sea, Point Project; East Spessartite Island, Spessartite Channel, Nose River. 20) Will-o-the-Whisp Lakes, Goat Isles; Middle Island, Straight Sea; Eleventh River, River of Bones. 21) Straight Sea, White Gulf; Straight Sea, Harbor Gulf; Eastern Plains; Phantom Marshes. 22) Eastern Plains; Central Hills; Close Lowlands. 23) Eastern Plains; Spear Highlands, Spear River. 24) Border Mountains; Border River.

- D Axis) 19) Fish Net River, Oak Hills, Nose River; Sediment River, Pine Mountains; Village River, Flowing River; Huckleberry Mountains, Mediator Sea, Thievery Island; Mediator Sea, Fractured Island. 20) Pine Mountains; Central Obsidian Peninsula, Sea of the Black City, Oil Mountains; Sea of the Walled City, Central Obsidian Peninsula. 21) Rocky Mountains, Far River; Running River; Wooden Mountains; Wavy Sea. 22) Close River; Star Peninsula, Lowland Sea; Black Sea; White Mountain Peninsula. 23) Spear River; Drinking Cup Mountains, Gnome Sea. Border River; Gnome Sea, Plateau of a Thousand Winters, Island Sea; Gnome Sea, Black Sand River.

- E Axis) 19) Isles of the Infant Crane, Fractured Island; Mediator Sea; Northern Mountains. 20) Sickle Island; Honey Isle; Mediator Sea; Gulf of Redemption. 21) East Obsidian Peninsula, Circle Isles, White Mountain Peninsula; Silver Island; Mediator Sea; Windy Plateau. 22) White Mountain Peninsula; Swamp Tree Island; Mediator Sea, River of Descent; Miseer Delta, Peninsula of Hatred, Desert of the Prince. 23) Spear River; Drinking Cup Mountains, Gnome Sea.


Mortals first arrived in Zezen early in the Third Age. Those mortals would become the dwarves and during the late First Age, the dwarves intermarried with elves on the border of Zezen and Si to become the gnomes. During the Second Age, dwarves and gnomes established small villages along rivers. During the Third Age, dwarven villages grew into city-states with kings and chiefs ruling over small kingdoms. Nomadic gnome tribes slowly settled into permanent settlements and formed sedentary tribes. A theocratic class developed in the continent among the two races with several powerful theocrats taking power in the Spessartitle Isles, the Central Obsidian Peninsula, and Eastern Zezen.


Zezen is divided among five major regions: north, Spessartite Isles, central, east, and south.

In the North

Plant Life Includes: pine, spruce, aspen, rowan, alder, cherry, birch, juniper, myrtle, willow, moss, lichen, speedwell, forget-me-not, sorrel, catchfly, lady's mantle, nettle, crowberry, cudweed, orchid, fern, braken, moonwart, clubmoss, horsetail, wood rush, sedge, oat grass, meadow grass, wolfsbane, cranesbill, willowherb, cranberry, bilberry, rosemary, bearberry, azalea, gentian, butterwort, thistle, campion, buttercup, saxifrage, strawberry, fleabane, catsfoot, cotton grass, goldenrod

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: frost giants, hedgehog, shrew, hare, squirrel, beaver, vole, wolf, warg, werewolf, hellhound, fox, brown bear, bigfoot, polar bear, yeti, weasel, lynx, boar, deer, deer-centaur, reindeer, reindeer-centaur, musk ox, vampire, adder, smooth snake, sand lizard, grass snake, viper, common lizard, toad, salamander, frog, giant frog, pike, trout, bass, mantis, cicada, grasshopper, cricket, troll

- Sea: seal, walrus, minke whale, fin whale, blue whale, humpback whale, right whale, bowhead whale, dolphin, orca, pilot whale, sperm whale, sea monster, white whale, sea turtle, 

- Sky: bat, killer bat, goose, swan, duck, pheasant, phoenix, grouse, grebe, pigeon, swift, crake, crane, plover, sandpiper, jaeger, puffin, gull, tern, loon, shearwater, heron, vulture, wyvern, eagle, roc, hawk, giant hawk, fury, owl, giant owl, woodpecker, falcon, giant falcon, hippogryph, shrike, crow, raven, lark, swallow, tit, warbler, flycatcher, robin, thrush, pipit, finch, bunting, sparrow, dragonfly, moth, butterfly, hornet, bee

In the Spessartite Isles

Plant Life Includes: pine, spruce, aspen, rowan, alder, cherry, birch, juniper, myrtle, willow, moss, lichen, speedwell, forget-me-not, sorrel, catchfly, lady's mantle, nettle, crowberry, cudweed, orchid, fern, braken, moonwart, clubmoss, horsetail, wood rush, sedge, oat grass, meadow grass, wolfsbane, cranesbill, willowherb, cranberry, bilberry, rosemary, bearberry, azalea, gentian, butterwort, thistle, campion, buttercup, saxifrage, strawberry, fleabane, catsfoot, cotton grass, goldenrod

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: newt, toad, frog, giant frog, adder, grass snake, smooth snake, common lizard, sand lizard, green lizard, wall lizard, beaver, squirrel, mouse, vole, hare, hedgehog, shrew, vampire, lynx, fox, wolf, werewolf, warg, hellhound, brown bear, bigfoot, weasel, marten, badger, otter, pony, centaur, pegasi, boar, deer, deer-centaur, moose, ibex, pike, trout, bass, troll

- Sea: sea turtle, continent turtle, seal, salmon, pike, trout, bass, mantis, cicada, grasshopper, cricket

- Sky: bat, killer bat, duck, goose, swan, grouse, pheasant, phoenix, partridge, quail, diver, albatross, shearwater, petrel, cormorant, bittern, heron, egret, grebe, buzzard, eagle, roc, vulture, wyvern, falcon, giant falcon, hippogryph, crake, plover, sandpiper, skua, gull, tern, auk, puffin, pigeon, cuckoo, owl, giant owl, swift, woodpecker, shrike, crow, tit, lark, swallow, warbler, thrush, flycatcher, sparrow, wagtail, pipit, finch, bunting, dragonfly, moth, butterfly, hornet, bee

In the Central

Plant Life Includes: pine, spruce, aspen, rowan, alder, cherry, birch, juniper, myrtle, willow, moss, lichen, speedwell, forget-me-not, sorrel, catchfly, lady's mantle, nettle, crowberry, cudweed, orchid, fern, braken, moonwart, clubmoss, horsetail, wood rush, sedge, oat grass, meadow grass, wolfsbane, cranesbill, willowherb, cranberry, bilberry, rosemary, bearberry, azalea, gentian, butterwort, thistle, campion, buttercup, saxifrage, strawberry, fleabane, catsfoot, cotton grass, goldenrod

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: newt, toad, frog, giant frog, adder, grass snake, smooth snake, common lizard, sand lizard, green lizard, wall lizard, beaver, squirrel, mouse, vole, hare, hedgehog, shrew, vampire, lynx, fox, wolf, werewolf, warg, hellhound, brown bear, bigfoot, weasel, marten, badger, otter, pony, centaur, boar, deer, deer-centaur, moose, ibex, pike, trout, bass, mantis, cicada, grasshopper, cricket, troll, minotaur

- Sea: right whale, gray whale, fin whale, blue whale, minke whale, humpback whale, narwhal, sperm whale, sea monster, beaked whale, dolphin, orca, walrus, seal, 

- Sky: bat, killer bat, goose, swan, duck, pheasant, phoenix, partridge, grebe, pigeon, crake, plover, sandpiper, gull, tern, shearwater, heron, vulture, wyvern, eagel, roc, hawk, giant hawk, fury, owl, giant owl, woodpecker, falcon, giant falcon, hippogryph, shrike, crow, lark, warbler, flycatcher, thrush, pipit, finch, bunting, dragonfly, moth, butterfly, hornet, bee

In the East

Plant Life Includes: pine, spruce, aspen, rowan, alder, cherry, birch, juniper, myrtle, willow, moss, lichen, speedwell, forget-me-not, sorrel, catchfly, lady's mantle, nettle, crowberry, cudweed, orchid, fern, braken, moonwart, clubmoss, horsetail, wood rush, sedge, oat grass, meadow grass, wolfsbane, cranesbill, willowherb, cranberry, bilberry, rosemary, bearberry, azalea, gentian, butterwort, thistle, campion, buttercup, saxifrage, strawberry, fleabane, catsfoot, cotton grass, goldenrod

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: mountain giant, fire giant, newt, toad, frog, giant frog, adder, grass snake, smooth snake, common lizard, sand lizard, green lizard, wall lizard, beaver, squirrel, mouse, vole, hare, hedgehog, shrew, vampire, lynx, fox, wolf, werewolf, warg, hellhound, brown bear, bigfoot, weasel, marten, badger, otter, pony, centaur, pegasi, boar, deer, deer-centaur, moose, ibex, pike, trout, bass, mantis, cicada, grasshopper, cricket, troll, minotaur

- Sky: bat, killer bat, goose, swan, duck, pheasant, phoenix, partridge, grebe, pigeon, crake, plover, sandpiper, gull, tern, shearwater, heron, vulture, wyvern, eagel, roc, hawk, giant hawk, fury, owl, giant owl, woodpecker, falcon, giant falcon, hippogryph, shrike, crow, lark, warbler, flycatcher, thrush, pipit, finch, bunting, dragonfly, moth, butterfly, hornet, bee

In the South

Plant Life Includes: olive, agrume, pine, oak, myrtle, strawberry tree, sage, juniper, laurel, heath, beech, chestnut, larch, fir, hornbeam, rhododendron

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: newt, toad, frog, giant frog, adder, grass snake, smooth snake, common lizard, sand lizard, green lizard, wall lizard, beaver, squirrel, mouse, vole, hare, hedgehog, shrew, vampire, lynx, fox, wolf, werewolf, hellhound, warg, brown bear, bigfoot, weasel, marten, badger, otter, pony, centaur, pegasi, boar, deer, deer-centaur, moose, ibex, pike, trout, bass, mantis, cicada, grasshopper, cricket, incubi/succubae, nymph, siren, troll, minotaur

- Sea: coral, sponge, sea fan, dolphin, jellyfish, anemone, squid, octopus, hydra, kraken, starfish, sea urchin, crab, giant crab, lobster, shrimp, cuttlefish, seal

- Sky: bat, killer bat, goose, swan, duck, pheasant, phoenix, partridge, grebe, pigeon, crake, plover, sandpiper, gull, tern, shearwater, heron, vulture, wyvern, eagle, roc, hawk, giant hawk, fury, owl, giant owl, woodpecker, falcon, giant falcon, hippogryph, shrike, crow, lark, warbler, flycatcher, thrush, pipit, finch, bunting, dragonfly, moth, butterfly, hornet, bee



The ​native people of Aliaanza'nchi are the humans, though half-elves would arrive in the northeastern Miseer region during the Second Age and in the rest of the northern region during the Third Age- as well as halflings arriving on Farthing Island during the late Third Age and becoming the Farthings. In Western and Eastern Aliaanza'nchi, small city-states fell under the rule of kings with several dynasties of human and half-elf rulers controlling Miseer. In the rest of the continent, tribal chiefs ruled large tribes throughout the interior of the continent. During the late Third Age, dwarves colonized the continent but- with the exception of Southern Aliaanza'nchi- few dwarves settled there. Native tribes of Aliaanza'nchi are listed below.

Humans: First Age- Present

- Blue Humans: Second Age- Present; +2 Endurance

-- Wenyeji (Northwest Aliaanza’nchi): Third Age- Present

-- Toka (North Central Aliaanza’nchi): Third Age- Present

-- Udhaifu (North Central Aliaanza’nchi): Third Age- Present

-- Dhahabu (Northeast Aliaanza’nchi): Third Age- Present

- West Ivory Humans: Third Age- Present* (West Ivory and East Ivory Humans derive from a singular "Ivory Humans" from the Second Age); +2 Arcana

-- Tajiri (Western Aliaanza’nchi): 1000 TA-Present

-- Haki (Western Aliaanza’nchi): 1000 TA-Present

-- Porini (Western Aliaanza’nchi): 1000 TA-Present

-- Mateso (Western Aliaanza’nchi): 1000 TA-Present

-- Njano (Western Aliaanza’nchi): 1000 TA-Present

-- Wajenzi (Western Aliaanza’nchi): 1000 TA-Present

- Red Humans: Second Age- Present; +2 Athletics

-- Mwesho (West Central Aliaanza’nchi): Third Age- Present

-- Mkutano (West Central Aliaanza’nchi): Third Age- Present

-- Pamba (West Central Aliaanza’nchi): Third Age- Present

-- Hatamu (Central Aliaanza’nchi): Third Age- Present

-- Fedha (Central Aliaanza’nchi): Third Age- Present

-- Tawanya (Central Aliaanza’nchi): Third Age- Present

-- Wapangaji (East Central Aliaanza’nchi): Third Age- Present

-- Ng’ombe (East Central Aliaanza’nchi): Third Age- Present

-- Mijini (East Central Aliaanza’nchi): Third Age- Present

- Gold Humans: Second Age- Present; +1 Speed or Endurance

-- Bumba (East Central Aliaanza’nchi): Third Age- Present

-- Damu (East Aliaanza’nchi): Third Age- Present

-- Nyeusi (East Aliaanza’nchi): Third Age- Present

-- Mbali (East Aliaanza’nchi): Third Age- Present

-- Kakawana (East Aliaanza’nchi): Third Age- Present

-- Watu (East Aliaanza’nchi): Third Age- Present

-- Kuchoma (East Aliaanza’nchi): Third Age- Present

-- Kama (East Aliaanza’nchi): Third Age- Present

-- Nyeupe (East Aliaanza’nchi): Third Age- Present

- East Ivory Humans: Third Age- Present* (West Ivory and East Ivory Humans derive from a singular "Ivory Humans" from the Second Age); +2 Intimidate

 Meli (East Aliaanza’nchi): 1000 TA-Present

- Moto (East Aliaanza’nchi): 1000 TA-Present

- Kuheshimiwa (Southern Aliaanza’nchi): 1000 TA-Present

- Mfalme (Southern Aliaanza’nchi): 1000 TA-Present

- Gari (Southern Aliaanza’nchi): 1000 TA-Present

- Simba (Southern Aliaanza’nchi): 1000 TA-Present

- Ndege (Southern Aliaanza’nchi): 1000 TA-Present

- Wakanda (Southern Aliaanza’nchi): 1000 TA-Present

- Green Humans: Second Age- Present; +2 Nature

-- Kitu (Southern Aliaanza’nchi): Second Age- Present

Half-Elves: Second Age- Present

- Delta Half-Elves: Second Age-Present; +2 Dungeoneering or Religion

-- Miseer (Northeast Aliaanza’nchi): Second Age-Present

- Coastal Half-Elves: Second Age- Present; +2 Religion

-- Kumir (Central North Aliaanza'nchi): Second Age-Present

-Desert Half-Elves: 2500 TA- Present; +2 Endurance

-- Ivyrbiam (South Southwest Si): 2500TA-Present

Farthings: 3500TA- Present

-- Haurauru (Farthing Island): 3500TA-Present

Dwarves: 3700TA- Present

- Brown Dwarves: 3500TA-Present; +1 Will Defense

-- Kapa Kalonia (Southern Aliaanza’nchi): 3700TA-Present


Aliaanza'nchi resebles two perpendicular rectagles meeting at a ninety-degree angle with the northern rectangle stretching west to east and the southern rectangle reaching north to south. Below is a detailed description of the continent with lands inside Aliaanza'nchi in Green and lands outside of Aliaanza'nchi marked in Gray. To read this map, periods divide each quadrant into squares, semicolons divide a square vertically, and comas divide a square horizontally. (For example "Glacier; Caribou Sea. Means the northern half of the square is glacier and the southern half of the square is the Caribou Sea.)

Quadrants A-H, 1-18

- F Axis) 17) Canary Isles; Santos Ocean, Western Desert. 18) West Dune Sea.

- G Axis) 16) Isles of the Green Cape. 17) Santos Ocean, River of Our Canoe. 18) West Dune Sea; Black River.

- H Axis) 17) Santos Ocean, Ivory Coast; Santos Ocean. 18) Ivory Coast; Burnt Gulf.

Quadrants I-P, 1-18

- I Axis) 17) Santos Ocean; Santos Ocean, Isles of Levitation, Santos Ocean.

- J Axis) 18) Santos Ocean, Isle of the Holy Torch, Santos Ocean.

- K Axis)  16) Three Isles; Santos Ocean.

- L Axis) 17) Santos Ocean; Santos Ocean, Riot Isle, Santos Ocean.

- M Axis) 18) Smith Isle, Santos Ocean; Santos Ocean

Quadrants Quadrants A-H, 19-36

- E Axis) 19) Isles of the Infant Crane, Fractured Island; Mediator Sea; Northern Mountains. 20) Sickle Island; Honey Isle; Mediator Sea; Gulf of Redemption. 21) East Obsidian Peninsula, Circle Isles, White Mountain Peninsula; Silver Island; Mediator Sea; Windy Plateau. 22) White Mountain Peninsula; Swamp Tree Island; Mediator Sea, River of Descent; Miseer Delta, Peninsula of Hatred, Desert of the Prince.

- F Axis) 19) Rampart Plateau; Plateau of Rivers; Talking Mountains. 20) Outstretched Mountains; Northern Desert; Gravel Lake; Gravel River. 21) Windy Desert; Holy Mountains. 22) Miseer River, East Desert, Blood Sea, Desert Peninsula.

- G Axis) 19) Mountains of the Sky; Black River. 20) South Highlands, River of Pierced Lips. 21) Windy Desert; Prairie of the Drums. 22) Miseer River, Blood Sea; Miseer River; West Miseer River, East Miseer River. 23) Desert Peninsula. 24) South Dune Sea; Sea of the Desert; Isle of Bliss.

- H Axis) 19) Black River; Burnt Gulf; Isle of the Equator; Twin Isles. 20) Mountain River Delta, Black Forest. 21) Prairie of the Drums; River of Pierced Lips; Mountain River. 22) Black Highlands; Red Lake. 23) Blood Sea, South Dune Sea. 24) Gulf of Little Fire; Black Highlands.

Quadrants Quadrants I-P, 19-36

- I Axis) 20) Plateau of Honey; Plateau of the Kite. 21) Mountain River; Black Forest, Valley of Death; River of Simple Lips. 22) Lake of Victory; Lake Wilderness, Divine Steppe; Valley of Death. 23) Black Highlands, Scorched Horn; Flow River. 24) Dragonfly Isles; Tea Ocean.

- J Axis) 20) Santos Ocean, Skeleton Coast, Desert of Nothingness. 21) River of Universal Heart, Lake Trap; Waterfall of Victory; Delta of the Oasis. 22) River of Coups; Sacred Lake; Stone River; River of Universal Heart, Channel of Drawn Out Trade. 23) Tea Ocean; Jewel Atolls.

- K Axis) 20) Santos Ocean; Cape of Hope. 21) Waterless Desert; Orange River. 22) Waterfall River, Channel of Drawn Out Trade. 23) Channel of Drawn Out Trade, Farthing Island. 24) Tea Ocean. 25) Tea Ocean. 26) Tea Ocean. 27) Granite Isles.

- L Axis) 21) Hard Desert, Fire Drake Hills; Tea Ocean. 22) Tea Ocean. 23) Tea Ocean. 24) Tea Ocean. 25) Tea Ocean; Isles of Warts.

- M Axis) 24) Tea Ocean; Angel Isles.


All mortal beings can trace their lineage to this continent with humans being the original race. During the First Age, humans spread across the continent in nomadic bands that grew into tribes during the Second Age. In Miseer, half-elves intermingled with humans to develop several city-states before unifying into a single kingdom. City-states emerged on the coasts of the west and east of the continent during the early Third Age with half-elves from the eastern coast of the Mediator Sea arriving in the central north. More half-elves from the Desert Peninsula arrived during the middle Third Age and dwarves arrived in the late Third Age to colonize the continent. 


Aliaanza'nchi is divided into six regions: north, west, central, east, south, and the Tea Ocean.

In the North

Plant Life Includes: lily, oleander, olive, juniper, lentisc tree, brome grass, canary grass, bluegrass, rye, fig, date palm, saltwort, spurge, goosefoot, wormwood, asphodel, seagrass

Animal Life Includes: 

- Land/Freshwater: elephant, olifant, giraffe, rhinoceros, unicorn, hyena, gnoll, were-hyena, fox, gazelle, gazelle-centaur, wildcat, wolf, werewolf, warg, hellhound, cheetah, were-cheetah, adder, krait, freshwater shrimp, gerbil, orangetail lizard, vampire, rat, giant ratmole-rat, vole, beetle, scorpion, giant scorpion, land snail, milipede, minotaur, lichen

- Sea: seal, sea turtle, continent turtle, tuna, killifish

- Sky: bat, killer bat, flamingo, plover, bustard, stork, lark, sparrow, sandgrouse, heron, duck, wader, kitebee

In the West

Plant Life Includes: lily, orchid, aloe vera, custard-apple, hanza, mahogany, tropic grass, tamarisk, shittah tree

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: ostrich, aardvark, hyrax, elephant, olifant, bushbaby, patas monkey, spot-nosed monkey, baboon, colobus, chimpanzee, porcupine, rat, giant rat, squirrel, mouse, gerbil, hare, hedgehog, shrew, vampire, pangolin, cheetah, were-cheetah, golden cat, wildcat, lion, griffon, sphinx, leopard, civet, genet, mongoose, hyena, gnoll, were-hyena, jackal, chupacabre, wolf, werewolf, warg, hellhound, otter, warthog, hippopotamus, hippocamp, giraffe, gazelle, gazelle-centaur, water buffalo, eland, duiker, antelope, antelope-centaur, oryx, wyrm, troll

- Sea: manatee, merfolk, minke whale, blue whale, fin whale, humpback whale, gray whale, right whale, sperm whale, sea monster, dolphin, beaked whale, orca, seal, sea turtle, continent turtle, tuna, killifish

- Sky: butterfly, moth, grebe, shearwater, heron, spoonbill, stork, duck, goose, teal, vulture, wyvern, hawk, giant hawk, fury, eagle, roc, falcon, giant falcon, hippogryph, crake, bustard, plover, sandpiper, gull, tern, dove, cuckoo, owl, giant owl, nightjar, swift, kingfisher, bee-eater, roller, hornbill, barbet, woodpecker, lark, swallow, pipit, bulbul, cisticola, warbler, sunbird, starling, weaver, waxbill, indigobird, bunting, bat, killer bat

In the Central

Plant Life Includes: raffia palm, saptree, bulletwood

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: water buffalo, civet, golden cat, wolf, werewolf, warg, hellhound, leopard, sphinx, python, rat, giant rat, weasel, mongoose, mamba, duiker, bonobo, hyrax, cheetah, were-cheetah, chimpanzee, eland, peacock, phoenix, crocodile, elephant, olifant, gorilla, viper, vampire, giraffe, beetle, zebra, zebra-centaur, kudu, pangolin, hippopotamus, lion, griffon, sphinx, rhinoceros, unicorn, okapi, river hog, antelope, antelope-centaur, jackal, chupacabre, hyena, were-hyena, gnoll, hornbill, warthog, troll, lichen

- Sea: manatee, merfolk

- Sky: lovebird, dove, bat, killer bat, heron, egret, ibis, stork, goose, duck, hawk, giant hawk, fury, vulture, wyvern, eagle, roc, falcon, giant falcon, hippogryph, francolin, guineafowl, flufftail, crake, courser, lapwing, sandpiper, tern, gull, parrot, turaco, cuckoo, owl, giant owl, nightjar, swift, kingfisher, bee-eater, roller, woodhoopo, hornbill, barbet, honeyguide, woodpecker, lark, swallow, wagtail, pipit, bulbul, thrush, cisticola, warbler, flycatcher, wattle-eye, babbler, chickadee, sunbird, oriole, shrike, starling, weaver, waxbill, indigobird, canary

In the East

Plant Life Includes: lily, orchid, aloe vera, custard-apple, hanza, mahogany, tropic grass, tamarisk, shittah tree, baobab tree

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: mountain giant, water buffalo, civet, golden cat, wolf, werewolf, warg, hellhound, leopard, sphinx, python, rat, giant rat, weasel, mongoose, mamba, duiker, hyrax, cheetah, were-cheetah, chimpanzee, eland, peacock, phoenix, crocodile, elephant, olifant, viper, vampire, giraffe, beetle, zebra, zebra-centaur, kudu, pangolin, hippopotamus, lion, griffon, sphinx, rhinoceros, unicorn, okapi, river hog, antelope, antelope-centaur, jackal, chupacabre, hyena, were-hyena, gnoll, hornbill, warthog, wildebeest, incubi/succubae, nymph, siren, wyrm, troll, minotaur

- Sea: water drake, sea turtle, continent turtle, humpback whale, blue whale, right whale, coral, sponge, sea fan

- Sky: dove, bat, killer bat, heron, egret, ibis, stork, goose, duck, hawk, giant hawk, fury, vulture, wyvern, eagle, roc, falcon, giant falcon, hippogryph, francolin, guineafowl, flufftail, crake, courser, lapwing, sandpiper, tern, gull, parrot, turaco, cuckoo, owl, giant owl, nightjar, swift, kingfisher, bee-eater, roller, woodhoopo, hornbill, barbet, honeyguide, woodpecker, lark, swallow, wagtail, pipit, bulbul, thrush, cisticola, warbler, flycatcher, wattle-eye, babbler, chickadee, sunbird, oriole, shrike, starling, weaver, waxbill, indigobird, canary

In the South

Plant Life Includes: lily, orchid, aloe vera, custard-apple, hanza, mahogany, tropic grass, tamarisk, shittah tree, baobab tree

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: water buffalo, civet, golden cat, wolf, werewolf, warg, hellhound, leopard, sphinx, python, rat, giant rat, weasel, mongoose, mamba, duiker, hyrax, cheetah, were-cheetah, eland, peacock, phoenix, crocodile, elephant, olifant, viper, vampire, giraffe, beetle, zebra, zebra-centaur, kudu, pangolin, hippopotamus, lion, griffon, rhinoceros, unicorn, okapi, river hog, antelope, antelope-centaur, jackal, chupacabre, hyena, were-hyena, gnoll, hornbill, warthog, wildebeest, troll

- Sea: sea turtle, continent turtle

- Sky: dove, bat, killer bat, heron, egret, ibis, stork, goose, duck, hawk, giant hawk, fury, vulture, wyvern, eagle, roc, falcon, giant falcon, hippogryph, francolin, guineafowl, flufftail, crake, courser, lapwing, sandpiper, tern, gull, parrot, turaco, cuckoo, owl, giant owl, nightjar, swift, kingfisher, bee-eater, roller, woodhoopo, hornbill, barbet, honeyguide, woodpecker, lark, swallow, wagtail, pipit, bulbul, thrush, cisticola, warbler, flycatcher, wattle-eye, babbler, chickadee, sunbird, oriole, shrike, starling, weaver, waxbill, indigobird, canary

In the Tea Ocean

Plant Life Includes: palm, fern, bamboo, liana, tamarind, baobab

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: lemur, rat, giant rat, vampire, fossa, shrew, chameleon, gecko, skink, iguana, fire drake, tortoise, mud turtle, tree frog, frog, giant frog, catfish, rainbowfish, herring, killifish, beetle, bark spider, troll

- Sea: water drake, sea turtle, continent turtle, humpback whale, blue whale, right whale, coral, sponge, sea fan

- Sky: bat, killer bat, mesite, roller, cuckoo, warbler, lapwing, mosquito



Si is the largest continent in the realm with three native peoples: the elves, half-elves, and fairies. Among the elves, large-scale kingdoms and empires flourished throughout the Second and Third Ages. Among the half-elves of Western Si, small kingdoms emerged with some brief empires during the Second and Third Ages- largely influenced by theocrats. Among the fairies of Southeast Si, several city-states emerged early in the Third Age. Late in the Third Age, a gnome empire expanded across northern Si. Native tribes of Si are listed below.

Elves: First Age- Present

- North Snow Elves: Third Age- Present* (North Snow and South Snow Elves derive from a singular "Snow Elves" from the Second Age); +2 Intimidate

-- Bianfu (Northwest Si): 1000 TA- Present

-- Yonggan (North Central Si): 1000 TA- Present

-- Nanren (Northeast Si): 1000 TA- Present

- Mountain Elves: Second Age- Present; +2 Endurance

-- Gaodu (Central Si): Third Age-Present

-- Shengren (South Central Si): Third Age-Present

-- Long (Southeast Central Si): Third Age-Present

- Hill Elves: Second Age- Present; +2 Religion or Acrobatics

-- Juyou (North Eastern Si): Third Age-Present

-- Shi (Central Eastern Si): Third Age-Present

-- Xiang (South Eastern Si): Third Age-Present

-- Chengqiang (Peninsula of the Calm Morning): 1000 TA- Present

-- Richu (Eastern Islands): 1000 TA- Present

- South Snow Elves: Third Age- Present* (North Snow and South Snow Elves derive from a singular "Snow Elves" from the Second Age); +1 Dexterity Attack

-- Youma (North Western Si): 1000 TA- Present

-- Zhu (West Central Western Si): 1000 TA- Present

-- Sishi (Central Western Si): 1000 TA- Present

-- Huoji (East Central Western Si): 1000 TA- Present

-- Yebu (South Western Si): 1000 TA- Present

-- Pashais (West Central Si): 1000 TA- Present

-- Guojia (West Southern Si): 1000 TA- Present

- Wood Elves: Second Age- Present; +2 Religion

-- Chundu (Northeast Southern Si): Third Age-Present

-- Gongheguo (Northwest Southern Si): Third Age-Present

-- Hu (Southwest Southern Si): Third Age-Present

-- Kongque (Southeast Southeast Si): Third Age-Present

-- Shizi (Atolls of War): Third Age-Present

-- Dao (Tear Drop Island): Third Age-Present

Half-Elves: Second Age- Present

- Mountain Half-Elves: Second Age- Present; +2 Fortitude Defense

-- Turuk (White Mountain Peninsula): Second Age-Present

-- Nuwest (Southern Drinking Cup Mountains): Second Age-Present

-- Yr’ibir (Southeast Drinking Cup Mountains): Second Age-Present

- Coastal Half-Elves: Second Age- Present; +2 Religion

-- Erz (North Eastern Mediator Sea Coast): Second Age-Present

-- Kumir (Central Eastern Mediator Sea Coast): Second Age-Present

-- Iplsheem (South Eastern Mediator Sea Coast): Second Age-Present

- Twin River Half-Elves: Second Age- Present; +2 Dungeoneering or Arcana

- Migdil (Northern & Central Twin Rivers): Second Age-Present

- Mubizeer (Southern Twin Rivers): Second Age-Present

-Desert Half-Elves: Third Age- Present; +2 Endurance

-- Ivyrbiam (South Southwest Si): Third Age-Present

Fairies: Second Age- Present

- Mainland Fairies: Second Age- Present; No Bonus

-- Lemba (Northwest Southeast Si): Third Age-Present

-- Sihat (Northeast Southeast Si): Third Age-Present

-- Aman (West Southeast Si): Third Age-Present

-- Tiga (East Southeast Si): Third Age-Present

-- Negeri (Southern Southeast Si): Third Age-Present



Si roughly resembles a headless cow with a bent arm in the southwest, an udder in the south, a leg in the southeast, and a tail in the northeast. Below is a detailed description of the continent with lands inside Si in Blue and lands outside of Si marked in Gray. To read this map, periods divide each quadrant into squares, semicolons divide a square vertically, and comas divide a square horizontally. (For example "Glacier; Caribou Sea. Means the northern half of the square is glacier and the southern half of the square is the Caribou Sea.)

Quadrants Quadrants A-H, 19-36

- A Axis) 23) Northern Ocean; Horse Trough Island. 24) Northern Ocean; Horse Trough Island; Northern Ocean. 25) Dark Sea; Mammoth Peninsula. 26) Glacier; Amber Coast. 27) Glacier; Amber Coast. 28) Glacier; Walrus Sea; Frozen Lowlands. 29) Walrus Sea; Frozen Lowlands. 30) Walrus Sea; Frozen Lowlands. 31) Walrus Sea; Frozen Lowlands. 32) Walrus Sea; Frozen Lowlands. 33) Glacier; Walrus Sea, Frozen Isles; Movement Bay. 34) Glacier; Frozen Isles, Glacier; East Frozen Sea.

- B Axis) 25) Sleeping Forest. 26) Sleeping Forest. 27) Sleeping Forest. 28) Sleeping Forest. 29) Sleeping Forest. 30) Sleeping Forest. 31) Sleeping Forest. 32) Sleeping Forest. 33) Sleeping Forest. 34) Sleeping Forest. 35) Sleeping Forest. 36) Sleeping Forest. 

- C Axis) 25) Sleeping Forest. 26) Sleeping Forest. 27) Sleeping Forest. 28) Dragon Mountains; Merry Mountains. 29) Sleeping Forest; Dragon Mountains. 30) Sleeping Forest; Mountains of the Bulge. 31) Sleeping Forest; Mountains of the Bulge. 32) Sleeping Mountains; Mountains of the Bulge. 33) Shining Sea; Craggy Rock Island, Shining Sea. 34) Shining Sea, Peninsula of the World's End. 35) Shining Sea, Peninsula of the World's End.

- D Axis) 24) Border River; Gnome Sea, Plateau of a Thousand Winters, Island Sea; Gnome Sea, Black Sand River. 25) Forty Women Steppe; Firm River. 26) Forty Women Steppe; Firm River, Valley of the Unicorns. 27) Lake of Seasons, Golden Mountains. 28) Golden Mountains. 29) Northern Plains; Northern Desert. 30) Northern Plains; Northern Desert. 31) Brave Mountains; Northeast Plains; Bright River. 32) Mountains of the Bulge; East Sea. 33) Craggy Rock Island, Shining Sea; Eastern Islands, Elf Isles. 34) Elf Isles; Ocean of Peace.

- E Axis) 21) East Obsidian Peninsula, Circle Isles, White Mountain Peninsula; Silver Island; Mediator Sea; Windy Plateau. 22) White Mountain Peninsula; Swamp Tree Island; Mediator Sea, River of Descent; Miseer Delta, Peninsula of Hatred, Desert of the Prince. 23) Spear River; Drinking Cup Mountains, Gnome Sea. 24) Gnome Sea; Great Mountains; Stormy Mountains, Centaur Plateau. 25) Black Sand Desert, Fortress Mountains; Black Sand Desert; Mountains of Slaughter. 26) Fortress Mountains, Paradise Desert; Black Sand Desert. 27) Paradise Desert; Radical Mountains. 28) Radical Mountains; Basin of the Mummies, Sky Mountains; Long River. 29) Yellow River; Sky Mountains; Four River Valley, Long River. 30) Yellow River, Great Eastern Plain; Long River. 31) Yellow Sea, Peninsula of the Calm Morning; East Central Sea. 32 Eastern Sea, Eastern Islands; Ocean of Peace. 33) Eastern Islands; Ocean of Peace.

- F Axis) 22) Miseer River, East Desert, Blood Sea, Desert Peninsula. 23) White Mountains; Twin Rivers. 24) Stormy Mountains; Pearl Gulf; South Dune Sea. 25) Sand Sea. 26) Winter Mountains; Swift River; Hundred Mountains. 27) Winter Mountains; Swift River; Hundred Mountains. 28) Holy River; Winter Mountains; Teak Hills, Elephant River, Long River. 29) Long River; Kingdom River; Red River. 30) Black Dragon Hills; Kingdom River; South Central Sea. 31) East Central Sea; Sword Drop Isles; Canoe People Island.

- G Axis) 26) Tea Ocean; Western Plains. 27) Eastern Hills, Tiger Bay; Tiger Bay. 28) Tiger Bay, Teak Hills, Elephant River; Tiger Bay, Elephant River Delta; Isles of Gold; Gold Sea. 29) Maternal River, South Peace Mountains, North Bay Gulf, Jade Isle; Maternal River, South Peace Mountains; Freedom Gulf, South Peace Mountains. 30) Umbrella Isles; South Central Sea.

- H Axis) 22) Blood Sea, South Dune Sea. 23) Gulf of Little Fire; Black Highlands. 24) Tea Ocean. 25) Tea Ocean. 26) Atolls of War, Southern Hills; Atolls of War. 27) Tear Drop Island, Tiger Bay; Tea Ocean. 28) Isles of Gold; Tea Ocean, West Fairy Islands. 29) Fairy Peninsula, South Central Sea.

Quadrants Quadrants I-P, 19-36

- I Axis) 26) Atolls of War; Tea Ocean.

Quadrants A-H, 1-18

- B Axis) 1) Caribou Sea; East Chain Mountains; Sea of the Lanced Bear.


Humans entered Si in the early Third Age and became the elves. The elves scattered across the continent and settled in river villages. During the early Second Age, those villages became major cities where in the southwest elves intermarried with humans and became the half-elves and in the southeast where they intermarried with halflings and became the fairies. Elves in the north formed nomadic tribes while half-elves in the southeast and elves in the south and east formed kingdoms and empires. In the southeast, fairies built city-states. Religion played a major factor in the lives of the elves as well as trade with the establishment of a trade network that covered Zezen, Si, and Aliaanza'nchi as well as some parts of the Ocean of Peace.


Si is divided into six main regions: north, central, east, southwest, south, and southeast.

In the North

Plant Life Includes: lichen, moss, spruce, pine, fir, larch

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: frost giants, reindeer, reindeer-centaur, lemming, fox, polar bear, yeti, brown bear, bigfoot, lynx, wolf, warg, werewolf, hellhound, wolverine, elk, elk-centaur, mountain goat, snow leopard, were-snow leopard, black bear, tiger, were-tiger, troll

- Sea: seal, walrus, sea otter, salmon

- Sky: vulture, wyvern, eagle, roc, falcon, giant falcon, hippogryph, auk, puffin, swan

In the Central

Plant Life Includes: lichen, moss, spruce, pine, fir, larch

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: mountain giant, bactrian camel, barbel, sturgeon, wolf, werewolf, warg, hellhound, deer, deer-centaur, brown bear, bigfoot, gazelle, gazelle-centaur, gerbil, tortoise, antelope, antelope-centaur, caracal, wildcat, snow leopard, were-snow leopard, horse, centaur, pegasi, wild donkey, donkey-centaur, incubi/succubae, nymph, wyrm, siren, troll, minotaur

- Sea: seal

- Sky: eagle, roc, bustard, wyvern, flamingo, heron, stork

In the East

Plant Life Includes: bamboo, juniper, yew, redwood, cypress, fir, larch, ginseng, wolfberry, dove tree, happy tree

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: forest giant, mountain giant, fire giant, gibbon, macaque, leaf monkey, langur, loris, snub-nosed monkey, tiger, were-tiger, leopard, snow-leopard, sphinx, lynx, golden cat, wildcat, wolf, werewolf, warg, hellhound, fox, panda, bigfoot, black bear, brown bear, civet, mongoose, otter, badger, weasel, marten, wolverine, otter, elephant, olifant, horse, wild donkey, donkey-centaur, moose, moose-centaur, deer, deer-centaur, elk, elk-centaur, reindeer, reindeer-centaur, gazelle, gazelle-centaur, takin, mountain goat, bighorn sheep, ibex, yak, bactrian camel, pangolin, porcupine, beaver, squirrel, mouse, rat, giant rat, vole, hare, vampire, crocodile, crocodile lizard, tortoise, viper, ratsnake, grass snake, frog, giant frog, salamander, wyrm, troll, minotaur, lichen

- Sea: seal, sea lion, dolphin, minke whale, baleen whale, blue whale, humpback whale, fin whale, right whale, gray whale, sperm whale, sea monster, beaked whale, orca, dugong, merfolk, water drake, sea turtle, continent turtle, swordfish

- Sky: bat, killer bat, crane, spoonbill, pheasant, phoenix, sparrow, eagle, roc, bustard, wyvern, flamingo, heron, stork, butterfly

In the Southwest

Plant Life Includes: cedar, pine, oak, fir, cypress, juniper, pistachio, almond, apple, maple, violet, fern, moss

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: mountain giant, ostrich, gecko, desert monitor, fire drake, pond turtle, whip snake, ratsnake, tortoise, wildcat, leopard, sphinx, baboon, badger, sheep, vampire, brown bear, bigfoot, black bear, mouse, squirrel, cheetah, were-cheetah, deer, deer-centaur, shrew, weasel, vole, rat, giant rat, fox, gazelle, gazelle-centaur, gerbil, hedgehog, badger, jackal, chupacabre, mongoose, mole-rat, lynx, ibex, wild donkey, donkey-centaur, oryx, otter, hyena, were-hyena, gnoll, camel, wolf, warg, werewolf, hellhound, frog, giant frog, tree frog, salamander, newt, wyrm, troll, minotaur, lichen

- Sea: seal

- Sky: patridge, wheateater, babbler, heron, bulbul, bunting, bustard, wyvern, crow, cuckoo, dove, eagle, roc, owl, giant owl, falcon, giant falcon, hippogryph, flamingo, ibis, kingfisher, lark, nightjar, sandgrouse, sparrow, tern, warbler, waxbill, woodpecker, bat, killer bat

In the South

Plant Life Includes: lotus, teak, pine, juniper, deodar, babul, fir, spruce, cedar, larch, cypress

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: ant, catfish, toad, frog, giant frog, newt, crocodile, tortoise, box turtle, gecko, forest lizard, chameleon, glass snake, skink, grass lizard, monitor, fire drake, viper, cobra, hedgehog, mole, shrew, vampire, loris, macaque, langur, leaf monkey, gibbon, wolf, werewolf, warg, hellhound, fox, black bear, brown bear, bigfoot, red panda, marten, weasel, otter, civet, mongoose, byena, were-hyena, gnoll, cheetah, were-cheetah, golden cat, lynx, caracal, lion, griffon, sphinx, leopard, tiger, were-tiger, elephant, olifant, horse, centaur, wild donkey, donkey-centaur, rhinoceros, unicorn, boar, deer, deer-centaur, yak, water buffalo, gazelle, gazelle-centaur, takin, bighorn sheep, pangolin, squirrel, mouse, rat, giant rat, porcupine, hare, pika, troll, minotaur, lichen

- Sea: bonefish, eel, screaming eel, sardine, lancefish, toadfish, requiem shark, hammerhead shark, herring, anchovy, loach, killifish, tarpon, cod, milkfish, thresher shark, white shark, lanternfish, nurse shark, whale shark, knifefish, mackerel, parrotfish, flounder, ray, bramble shark, pufferfish, sea turtle, continent turtle, water drake, dolphin, minke whale, blue whale, fin whale, humpback whale, right whale, beaked whale, sperm whale, sea monster, dugong, merfolk

- Sky: butterfly, dragonfly, damselfly, pheasant, phoenix, quail, goose, duck, swan, shearwater, petrel, grebe, flamingo, tropicbird, stork, ibis, bittern, heron, egret, pelican, frigatebird, booby, cormorant, eagle, roc, vulture, wyvern, hawk, giant hawk, fury, falcon, giant falcon, hippogryph, bustard, crake, crane, lapwing, plover, sandpiper, pratnicole, gull, tern, jaeger, sandgrouse, pigeon, dove, parakeet, cuckoo, owl, giant owl, nightjar, swift, kingfisher, bee-eater, hornbill, barbet, woodpecker, pitta, shrike, oriole, drongo, crow, tit, lark, bulbul, swallow, warbler, cistocola, thrush, babbler, yuhina, nuthatch, treecreeper, starling, thrush, flycatcher, flowerpecker, sunbird, sparrow, weaver, waxbill, accentor, wagtail, pipit, bunting, finch, bat, killer bat

In the Southeast

Plant Life Includes: pine, juniper, deodar, babul, fir, spruce, cedar, larch, cypress, rumdul, pitcher plant, chankreussna, cinnamon

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: ant, catfish, toad, frog, giant frog, newt, crocodile, tortoise, box turtle, gecko, forest lizard, chameleon, glass snake, skink, grass lizard, monitor, fire drake, viper, cobra, hedgehog, mole, shrew, vampire, loris, macaque, langur, leaf monkey, gibbon, wolf, werewolf, warg, hellhound, fox, black bear, brown bear, bigfoot, red panda, marten, weasel, otter, civet, mongoose, byena, were-hyena, gnoll, cheetah, were-cheetah, golden cat, lynx, caracal, lion, griffon, sphinx, leopard, tiger, were-tiger, elephant, olifant, horse, centaur, wild donkey, donkey-centaur, rhinoceros, unicorn, boar, deer, deer-centaur, yak, water buffalo, gazelle, gazelle-centaur, takin, bighorn sheep, pangolin, squirrel, mouse, rat, giant rat, porcupine, hare, pika, troll, minotaur, lichen

- Sea: bonefish, eel, screaming eel, sardine, lancefish, toadfish, requiem shark, hammerhead shark, herring, anchovy, loach, killifish, tarpon, cod, milkfish, thresher shark, white shark, lanternfish, nurse shark, whale shark, knifefish, mackerel, parrotfish, flounder, ray, bramble shark, pufferfish, sea turtle, continent turtle, water drake, dolphin, minke whale, blue whale, fin whale, humpback whale, right whale, beaked whale, sperm whale, sea monster, dugong, merfolk

- Sky: butterfly, dragonfly, damselfly, pheasant, phoenix, quail, goose, duck, swan, shearwater, petrel, grebe, flamingo, tropicbird, stork, ibis, bittern, heron, egret, pelican, frigatebird, booby, cormorant, eagle, roc, vulture, wyvern, hawk, giant hawk, fury, falcon, giant falcon, hippogryph, bustard, crake, crane, lapwing, plover, sandpiper, pratnicole, gull, tern, jaeger, sandgrouse, pigeon, dove, parakeet, cuckoo, owl, giant owl, nightjar, swift, kingfisher, bee-eater, hornbill, barbet, woodpecker, pitta, shrike, oriole, drongo, crow, tit, lark, bulbul, swallow, warbler, cistocola, thrush, babbler, yuhina, nuthatch, treecreeper, starling, thrush, flycatcher, flowerpecker, sunbird, sparrow, weaver, waxbill, accentor, wagtail, pipit, bunting, finch, bat, killer bat

Ocean of Peace


The native peoples of the Ocean of Peace are the halflings and the fairies. During the late First Age, elves entered the Ocean of Peace and became the halflings. Those halflings then returned to Southeast Si and intermarried with the elves to become the fairies. During the Third Age, halflings sailed to Hattun and intermarried with the goblins on the islands west of the continent to become the hobgoblins. Fairies established city-states with theocratic kings to rule over them. Halflings in island chains submitted to secular kings while those on the Great Jungle Island and Koraha remained in small tribes which clan leaders and chiefs ruled. In small atolls, clan leaders led their villages. Dwarves arrived in the 3700's TA and established nations in Koraha and the Woodland Islands with marshalls elected from landowner legislatures to lead them. Below is a list of the native tribes of the Ocean of Peace.

Halflings: First Age- Present

- Fire Halflings: Third Age- Present; +1 Perception

-- Kainga (North Central Ocean of Peace): 3000TA- Present

-- Waru (North Central Ocean of Peace): 2500TA- Present

-- Weiwei (West Central Ocean of Peace): 2000TA- Present

-- Tunu (Central Ocean of Peace): 2000TA- Present

-- Nui (East Central Ocean of Peace): 2500TA-Present

-- Raro (South Central Ocean of Peace): 2000TA- Present

-- Mahamotu (Eastern Ocean of Peace): 3500TA- Present

-- Aotemoana (Wooded Islands): 3000TA- Present

- Water Halflings: Third Age- Present; +1 Nature

-- Autaki (Village Atolls): Third Age-Present

-- Moana (Violent Atolls): 1000TA-Present

-- Motu Iti (Princess Atolls): Third Age-Present

-- Hoiho (Horseman Atolls & Wave Atoll): 1000TA-Present

-- Papura (Central Ocean of Peace): 1000TA-Present

- Fey Halflings: Third Age- Present; +1 Arcana

-- Koura (Great Jungle Island): Third Age-Present

-- Whakaaro (West Central Ocean of Peace): 1000TA-Present

-- Puia (South Central Ocean of Peace): 1000TA-Present

- Earth Halflings: Third Age- Present; +1 Religion

-- Mara (Western Koraha): Third Age-Present

-- Nge’ekara (North Central Koraha): Third Age-Present

-- Whakarere (Central Koraha): Third Age-Present

-- Waewae Nui (South Central Koraha Proper): Third Age-Present

-- Kuini (Eastern Koraha): Third Age-Present

-- Whakamarie (Water Island): Third Age-Present

Fairies: Second Age- Present

- Island Fairies: Second Age- Present; No Bonus

-- Pokok (Northern Fairy Islands): Second Age-Present

-- Gunung (West Southern Fairy Islands): Second Age-Present

-- Pembakaran (Central Southern Fairy Islands): Second Age-Present

-- Penyerahan (East Southern Fairy Islands): Second Age-Present

Hobgoblins: 3000TA- Present

-- Kohatu (Isles of Delicious Greens): 3000TA-Present

Dwarves: 3700TA-Present

- Brown Dwarves: 3500TA-Present; +1 Will Defense

-- Ekialdea (Koraha and Woodland Islands): 3800TA-Present


Si roughly resembles a headless cow with a bent arm in the southwest, an udder in the south, a leg in the southeast, and a tail in the northeast. Below is a detailed description of the continent with lands inside Si in Blue and lands outside of Si marked in Gray. To read this map, periods divide each quadrant into squares, semicolons divide a square vertically, and comas divide a square horizontally. (For example "Glacier; Caribou Sea. Means the northern half of the square is glacier and the southern half of the square is the Caribou Sea.)

Quadrants Quadrants A-H, 19-36

- F Axis) 33) Ocean of Peace; Violent Atolls. 34) Ocean of Peace. 35) Ocean of Peace. 36) Ocean of Peace; Wave Atoll.

- G Axis) 31) Volcano Strait; North Fairy Islands. 32) Ocean of Peace. 33) Violent Atolls. 34) Ocean of Peace. 35) Ocean of Peace; Horseman Atolls. 36) Ocean of Peace; Horseman Atolls, Ocean of Peace.

- H Axis) 28) Isles of Gold; Tea Ocean, West Fairy Islands. 29) Fairy Peninsula, South Central Sea. 30) South Central Sea, North Fairy Islands; Central Fairy Islands. 31) North Fairy Islands; Sea of Fame. 32) Village Atolls. 33) Princess Atolls; Ocean of Peace. 34) Princess Atolls. 35) Princess Atolls. 36) Horseman Atolls; Hostage Atolls.

Quadrants Quadrants I-P, 19-36

- I Axis) 27) Tea Ocean, West Fairy Islands; Tea Ocean. 28) West Fairy Islands; Central Fairy Islands. 29) Central Fairy Islands. 30) Central Fairy Islands. 31) Great Jungle Island; East Fairy Islands, Freeman's Sea, Great Jungle Island. 32) Admiral's Atolls; Admiral's Sea; Great Jungle Island; Bull's Strait. 33) Isles of Wisdom, Ocean of Peace; Isles of Wisdom; Sea of Wisdom, Isles of Wisdom. 34) Ocean of Peace, Beach Atoll; Ocean of Peace; Isles of Wisdom. 36) Hostage Atolls; Ocean of Peace, Eel Atolls.

- J Axis) 31) Central Fairy Islands; Sea of the Rising Sun; Great Sandy Desert. 32) Homeland Peninsula, Gulf of Koraha; Artwork Desert. 33) Gulf of Koraha, North Cape Peninsula, Great Koraha Reef. 32) Warrior Atolls, Coral Sea; Coral Sea; Coral Sea Atolls. 34) Isles of Wisdom; Ocean of Peace, Standing Atolls. 36) Eel Atolls; Ocean of Peace, Cannibal Isles.

- K Axis) 30) Tea Ocean, Great Sandy Desert. 31) Great Sandy Desert; Cat Desert. 32) Noisy Desert. 33) Noisy Desert. 34) Mountains of Division, Ocean of Peace. 35) Ocean of Peace, Loyalty Isles; Ocean of Peace.

- L Axis) 30) Tea Ocean, Desert of Great Victory; Tea Ocean. 31) Desert of Great Victory; Golden Plains; Great Koraha Coast; Tea Ocean. 32) Noisy Desert; Garden Lake, Splintered Mountains; Great Koraha Coast. 33) Gray Mountains; Beautiful River; Houseboat River; Bass Strait. 34) Mountains of Division, Ocean of Peace. 35) Ocean of Peace. 36) North Woodland Island.

- M Axis) 33) Tea Ocean, Water Island. 34) Ocean of Peace. 35) Ocean of Peace, South Woodland Island. 36) South Woodland Island, North Woodland Island; Ocean of Peace.

- N Axis) 35) Oak Atolls. 36) Crooked Mouth Atolls.

Quadrants A-H, 1-18

- D Axis) 1) Ocean of Peace; Middle Atolls.

- E Axis) 3) Ocean of Peace; Fire Isles.

- F Axis) 2) Line Atolls; Ocean of Peace. 3) Fire Isles, Ocean of Peace; Ocean of Peace.

- G Axis) 1) Baker Atolls; Ocean of Peace. 2) Line Atolls, Ocean of Peace; Ocean of Peace. 3) Line Atolls, Ocean of Peace. 4) Ocean of Peace. 5) Ocean of Peace. 6) Ocean of Peace. Ocean of Peace; Atolls of Protection.

- H Axis) 1) Phoenix Atolls; Ocean of Peace. 2) Ocean of Peace. 3) Ocean of Peace; Line Atolls.

Quadrants I-P, 1-18

- I Axis) 1) North Wind Isles; Ocean of Peace. 2) Ocean of Peace; Northern Cook Isles. 3) Line Atolls; Ocean of Peace. 4) Ocean of Peace, Atolls of the Duke. 5) Ocean of Peace; Atolls of the Duke, Ocean of Peace. 6) Ocean of Peace. 7) Rabbit Isles; Ocean of Peace.

- J Axis) 1) Future Isles, Chicken Isles; South Wind Isles. 2) South Wind Isles, Warrior Isles, Central Cook Isles. 3) Society Isles; Ocean of Peace. 4) Isles of the Sacred Canoe; Ocean of Peace. 5) Atolls of the Duke, Ocean of Peace; Ocean of Peace.

- K Axis) 1) South Wind Isles; South Wind Isles, Ocean of Peace; Ocean of Peace. 2) Ocean of Peace, Southern Cook Isles. 3) Southern Cook Isles, Eastern Atolls. 4) Eastern Atolls; Ocean of Peace. 5) Resin Atolls; Ocean of Peace. 6) Isles of Delicious Greens.

- L Axis) 1) Warriors Home Isles; Ocean of Peace.


Humans entered Si in the early Third Age and became the elves. The elves scattered across the continent and settled in river villages. During the early Second Age, those villages became major cities where in the southwest elves intermarried with humans and became the half-elves and in the southeast where they intermarried with halflings and became the fairies. Elves in the north formed nomadic tribes while half-elves in the southeast and elves in the south and east formed kingdoms and empires. In the southeast, fairies built city-states. Religion played a major factor in the lives of the elves as well as trade with the establishment of a trade network that covered Zezen, Si, and Aliaanza'nchi as well as some parts of the Ocean of Peace.


The Ocean of Peace is divided into seven regions: Fire Isles, Northern Atolls, Fairy Islands, Great Jungle Island [and nearby isles], Eastern Isles, Koraha, and the Woodland Islands.

In the Fire Isles

Plant Life Includes: hibiscus, palm, gardenia, acacia, greensword, silversword, dubautia, iliau, cyanea, coconut

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: fire giant, vampire, skink, troll

- Sea: anchovy, angelfish, barracuda, bonefish, butterflyfish, cardinalfish, eel, screaming eel, damselfish, frogfish, goatfish, goby, grouper, lizardfish, marlin, needlefish, parrotfish, pufferfish, ray, sardine, scorpionfish, reef shark, tiger shark, whale shark, snapper, squirrelfish, surgeonfish, triggerfish, tuna, wrasses, seal, sperm whale, sea monster, beaked whale, dolphin, orca, sea turtle, continent turtle, sea snake

- Sky: duck, goose, pheasant, phoenix, grebe, pigoen, rail, plover, sandpiper, skua, auk, gull, tern, albatross, petrel, booby, egret, eagle, roc, flycatcher, thrush, honeyeater, waxbill, pipit, finch, tanager, bat, killer bat

In the Northern Atolls

Plant Life Includes: palm, poisontree, ka tree

- Land/Freshwater: vampire, skink

- Sea: anchovy, angelfish, barracuda, bonefish, butterflyfish, cardinalfish, eel, screaming eel, damselfish, frogfish, goatfish, goby, grouper, lizardfish, marlin, needlefish, parrotfish, pufferfish, ray, sardine, scorpionfish, reef shark, tiger shark, whale shark, snapper, squirrelfish, surgeonfish, triggerfish, tuna, wrasses, seal, sperm whale, sea monster, beaked whale, dolphin, orca, sea turtle, continent turtle, sea snake

- Sky: duck, goose, pheasant, phoenix, grebe, pigoen, rail, plover, sandpiper, skua, auk, gull, tern, albatross, petrel, booby, egret, eagle, roc, flycatcher, thrush, honeyeater, waxbill, pipit, finch, tanager, bat, killer bat

In the Fairy Islands

Plant Life Includes: ginger, begonia, gesneriad, orchid, pandan, palm, dipterocarp, fig

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: fire giant, mountain giant, monitor lizard, fire drake, forest turtle, dragon, beetle, crab, giant crab, elephant, olifant, shrew, lemur, loris, tarsier, macaque, porcupine, squirrel, rat, giant rat, mouse, vampire, pangolin, civet, mongoose, badger, otter, horse, centaur, pegasi, warthog, mouse-deer, water buffalo, goat, troll

- Sea: water drake, manatee, merfolk, minke whale, fin whale, blue whale, humpback whale, sperm whale, sea monster, beak whale, dolphin, orca, pilot whale

- Sky: hornbill, eagle, roc, rachket-tail, rail, sandpiper, coucal, cockatoo, dove, butterfly, bat, killer bat

In the Great Jungle Island

Plant Life Includes: orchid, myrtle, pal, cycad, acacia, glue berry, ficus, doughwood

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: echidna, quoll, wallaby, tree-kangaroo, possum, sugar glider, rat, giant rat, vampire, boar, mouse, rusa deer, cassowary, toad, frog, giant frog, tree frog, skink, gecko, agamid, monitor lizard, fire drake, crocodile, rainbowfish, goby, silverside, glassfish, catfish, troll

- Sea: water drake, saltwater crocodile, coral, sponge, sea fan

- Sky: bat, killer bat, pigeon, parrot, passerine, bird of paradise, bowerbird, pitohui, butterfly

In the Eastern Isles

Plant Life Includes: hibiscus, palm, gardenia, acacia, greensword, silversword, dubautia, iliau, cyanea, coconut

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: fire giant, vampire, skink, troll

- Sea: anchovy, angelfish, barracuda, bonefish, butterflyfish, cardinalfish, eel, screaming eel, damselfish, frogfish, goatfish, goby, grouper, lizardfish, marlin, needlefish, parrotfish, pufferfish, ray, sardine, scorpionfish, reef shark, tiger shark, whale shark, snapper, squirrelfish, surgeonfish, triggerfish, tuna, wrasses, seal, sperm whale, sea monster, beaked whale, dolphin, orca, sea turtle, continent turtle, sea snake

- Sky: duck, goose, pheasant, phoenix, grebe, pigoen, rail, plover, sandpiper, skua, auk, gull, tern, albatross, petrel, booby, egret, eagle, roc, flycatcher, thrush, honeyeater, waxbill, pipit, finch, tanager, bat, killer bat

In Koraha

Plant Life Includes: bush pea, bitter pea, eucalyptus, honey myrtle, tea tree, spinifex, sedge, orchid, heather, spurge, cypress, creeping pine, wollemia, fern, moss, liverwort, hornwort

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: mountain giant, possum, squirrel, platypus, echidna, mole, bandicoot, bilbie, wombat, koala, kangaroo, wallaby, dingo, fox, hare, emu, cassowary, malleefowl, brush-turkey, toad, frog, giant frog, tree frog, crocodile, fierce snake, brown snake, tiger snake, python, blind snake, thorny devil, gecko, bearded dragon, frill-necked lizard, monitor lizard, fire drake, goanna, blue-tongued lizard, arowana, lungfish, salamanderfish, lamprey, herring, catfish, rainbowfish, gudgeon, cod, barramundi, perch, beetle, weevilant, fire ant, grasshopper, funnel-web spider, earthworm, wyrm, crayfish, wyrm, troll

- Sea: humpback whale, dolphin, orca, dugong, merfolk, saltwater crocodile, sea turtle, continent turtle, sea snake, water drake, eel, screaming eel, squirrelfish, pipefish, seahorse, grouper, snapper, damselfish, butterflyfish, angelfish, goby, cardinalfish, wrasses, triggerfish, surgeonfish, stonefish, pufferfish, lionfish, ray, barracuda, requiem shark, catshark, wobblegong shark, dogfish shark, bullhead shark, bull shark, tiger shark, white shark, megamouth shark, jellyfish, coral, sea cucumber, lamp shell, comp jellyfish, anemone, sea urchin, sea star, brittle star, oyster, clam, octopus, hydra, cone snail, abalone, lobster, mussel

- Sky: cockatoo, galah, kingfisher, passerine, magpie, thornbill, pardalote, honeyeater, treecreeper, lyrebird, bird of paradise, bowerbird, bee, wasp, moth, fly, mosquito

In the Woodland Islands

Plant Life Includes: akeake, cape rata, beech, bog pine, broom, cabbage tree, daisy bush, five finger, white pine, broadleaf, kakabeak, tea tree, laurel, karamu, kawakawa, kohukohu, lacebark, lancewood, lemonwood, whiteywood, white mangrove, red matipo, black pine, silver pine, totara, miro, mousehole tree, tree nettle, seven finger, iron tree, bullibulli, marbleleaf, rangiora, honeysuckle, ribbonwood, red pine, taraire, tawa, celery pine, passionfruit, yellow pine, wineberry, fern, liverwort, needlegrass, bluegrass, hair grass, snowgrass, moss, mountain daisy, mistletoe, flax, spinach, palm, bulrush, woodrose

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: mountain giant, fire giant, gecko, crab, giant crab, frog, giant frog, vampire, kiwi, moa, penguin, troll

- Sea: humpback whale, dolphin, orca, dugong, merfolk, saltwater crocodile, sea turtle, continent turtle, sea snake, water drake, eel, screaming eel, squirrelfish, pipefish, seahorse, grouper, snapper, damselfish, butterflyfish, angelfish, goby, cardinalfish, wrasses, triggerfish, surgeonfish, stonefish, pufferfish, lionfish, ray, barracuda, requiem shark, catshark, wobblegong shark, dogfish shark, bullhead shark, bull shark, tiger shark, white shark, megamouth shark, jellyfish, coral, sea cucumber, lamp shell, comp jellyfish, anemone, sea urchin, sea star, brittle star, oyster, clam, octopus, hydra, cone snail, abalone, lobster, mussel

- Sky: butterfly, bat, killer bat, petrel, shearwater, albatross, booby, cormorant, heron, egret, spoonbill, goose, duck, teal, rail, pheasant, phoenix, oystercatcher, plover, snipe, sandpiper, gull, tern, skua, dove, grebe, eagle, roc, cuckoo, parakeet, parrot, wren, raven, robin, creeper, flycatcher, honeyeater, wattlebird, swallow, finch

History of the Realm


Era: The Time Before Life

Years: 0-0.5 Billion Years

- Period: Days of the Sun

- Years: 0-0.25 Billion

- Description: Lords of Creation arrive and establish the solar system of the realm- beginning with celestial bodies.

-Period: Days of the Moon

- Years: 0.25-0.5 Billion

- Description: Lords of Creation construct the planet on which life will eventually emerge in the realm.

Era: The Time of the Beginning

Years: 0.5-2.1 Billion

- Period: Days of Water

- Years: 0.5-0.9 Billion

- Description: Lords of Creation form the seas of the planet and establish the first, simple lifeforms of the realm.

- Period: Days of Stone

- Years: 0.9-1.3 Billion

- Description: Lords of Creation form the continents of the planet.

- Period: Days of Ice

- Years: 1.3-1.7 Billion

- Description: Lords of Creation form the polar glaciers of the planet.

- Period: Days of Life

- Years: 1.7-2.1 Billion

- Description: Lords of Creation form the first complex lifeforms of the realm.

Era: The Time of Early Life

Years: 2.1-3.9 Billion

- Period: Days of the Mountains

- Years: 2.1-2.7 Billion

- Description: Lords of Creation form the mountains of the planet.

- Period: Days of Land

- Years: 2.7-3.3 Billion

- Description: Lords of Creation break up the continents of the planet.

- Period: Days of the Lanterns

- Years: 3.3-3.9 Billion

- Description: Lords of Creation build lanterns on the poles of the planet and expand the glaciers of the planet.


Era: Time of Old Life

Years: 0-300 Million

- Period: Days of Oceans

- Years: 0-50 Million

- Description: Lords of Creation create the first plants of the land and animals of the sea.

- Period: Days of Seas

- Years: 50-100 Million

- Description: Lords of Creation expand upon the plant and animal life from the previous period.

- Period: Days of Fish

- Years: 100-150 Million

- Description: Lords of Creation create the first vertibrates of the planet.

- Period: Days of Coral

- Years: 150-200 Million

- Description: Lords of Creation expand upon the complex sea life of the planet. Complex societies of shark-people emerge.

- Period: Days of Amphibeans

- Years: 200-250 Million

- Description: Lords of Creation form the first amphibeans of the realm. Complex societies of frog-people emerge.

- Period: Days of Reptiles

- Years: 250-300 Million

- Description: Lords of Creation form the first reptiles of the realm. Complex societies of lizard-people emerge.

Era: Time of Middle Life

Years: 300-480 Million Years

- Period: Days of the Three Lands

- Years: 300-360 Million

- Description: Lords of Creation form the three continents on the planet on which large reptiles become the dominant lifeforms. The first mammals emerge.

- Period: Days of the First Extinction

- Years: 360-420 Million

- Description: Lords of Creation kill off the shark-people, frog-people, and lizard-people.

- Period: Days of the Second Extinction

- Years: 420-480 Million

- Description: Lords of Creation kill off the large reptiles of the era- leaving mammals and birds as the new dominant lifeforms of the planet.

Era: Time of New Life

Years: 480-545 Million

- Period: Days of Early Mammals

- Years: 480-520 Million

- Description: The Lords of Creation give "Continental Deities" control of the realm. The new gods expand mammalian lifeforms.

- Period: Days of Early Birds

- Years: 520-540 Million

- Description: The new gods expand upon avian lifeforms and continue to expand upon mammalian lifeforms- including creating the first apes and first bipedal ancestors of the mortal races.

- Period: Days of the Demons

- Years: 540-545 Million

- Description: Mortal beings emerge from Aliaanza'nchi and expand rapidly across the realm. The Lords of Creation intervene by hiring four demons of the Void to balance the expansion of mortals. Eventually, one of the four demons- Death- fights the other three to prevent the extermination of the mortal races. Death builds realms for the gods to reside in, the astral plain for nightmares and dream walkers to reside in, and realms of the dead for the souls of the deceased to reside in. Death also assists mortal spellcasters in creating prisons for her three siblings.


Era: Time of Old Tools

Years: 0-3.3 Million

- Period: Days of Stone

- Years: 0-1.1 Million

- Description: Humans, Dwarves, and Elves expand upon their cultures while halflings, drow, and goblins expand in territory.

- Period: Days of Obsidian

- Years: 1.1-2.2 Million

- Description: Halflings, Drow, and Goblins expand upon their cultures while Gnomes, Fairies, Half-Dwarves, and Half-Elves expand upon their territory.

- Period: Days of Art

- Years: 2.2-3.3 Million

- Description: The races of the world establish the first complex cultures and permanent settlements of the world.

Era: Time of Middle Tools

Years: 3.3-3.315 Million

- Period: Days of Heroes

- Years: 3.3-3.315

- Description: The first heroes emerge in the realm to fight the monsters of the world to assist the work of the half-demon.

Era: Time of New Tools

Years: 3.315-3.335 Million

- Period: Days of Demi-Gods

- Years: 3.3-3.335

- Description: Mortal beings begin establishing permanent settlements with agriculture to support large populations- leading to a need for more powerful heroes to protect the mortal races from the monsters of the realm. Those heroes who emerge during this period become demigods for their pursuits.


Era: First Millennium

Years: 0-1000

- Period: Days of Copper

- Years: 0-1000

- Description: Cultures around the world begin producing complex metals for the purpose of constructing large cities and organized nations.

Era: Second Millennium

Years: 1000-2000

- Period: Days of Iron

- Years: 1000-2000

- Description: Cultures around the world expand and establish the first world empires uniting tribes into singular nations.

Era: Third Millennium

Years: 2000-3000

- Period: Days of the Gods

- Years: 2000-3000

- Description: Empires around the realm collapse and the tribes of the realm return to rule by local chiefs.

Era: Fourth Millennium

Years: 3000-4000

- Period: Days of the Demons

- Years: 3000-4000

- Description: The Four Demons influence seeps back into the realm following the collapse of the worlds' empires. As a result, a new band of demigods emerge from heroes dedicated to preventing their full return to the realm.

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