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Chapter 4: Divine Realms

The Demon of Death created the Divine Realms to separate gods and mortals to give the gods their own realms. As a result, the gods crafted their realms into new homes-each with their own unique appearance. Mortal characters may enter realms of the gods, but must have a Spirit guide them through the realm.

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Anga is the land of the gods of humans. The realm is a fast territory centered around an infinite river that flows through alush oasis surrounded by an impenetrable desert. Within the foliage of the oasis stand several palaces for the gods. Those who enter the realm must do so via river boat. When they enter the realm, they arrive on their boat on the river.


Only human spells work in Anga.


The ruling monarch of Anga is Nyeupe- goddess of day.



- Wild: cattail, amaranth, sea rush, camelthorn, swamp sawgrass, morning glory, date palm, papyrus

- Crops: cotton, cereals, sugarcane, beans, oil seed crops, groundnuts, date palms, sycamore, carob, acacia, papyrus reeds


- Wild: giraffes, hippopotamuses, crocodiles, ostriches, elephants, white rhinoceroses, gerenuk, weasel, gerbil, shrew, toad, butterfly, vultures, eagles, hawks, falcons, owls, storks, flamingoes, herons, egrets, pelicans, quail, sunbirds golden orioles, goose, duck, shearwater, lapwing, curlew, bunting, cobra, false smooth snake, horned viper, crocodiles, softshell turtle, tilapia

- Livestock: sheep, goats, pigs, ducks, geese, pigeons 


First Age:

- Ruler: Kujenga (Lord of Creation and God of Starlight)

- Masters: Peponi (Lord of Creation and God of Daylight) the Maisha na Baada (Lord/Lady of Creation, God[dess] of Life and Death)

- Chieftains: Nyeupe and Nyeusi (Gods of Day and Night), the Mabwana (Ten God[desse]s of Safety), the Maidwani (Three God[desse]s of Guidance)

- Residents: Simba (Goddess of the Hunt), Kipinga (God of the Sun), Nuru (Goddess of Medicine), Bombwe (God of Luck), Kondoo Dume (God of Justice), Myua (Goddess of Femininity), Mbuzu (God of Hope), Jua (God of Cattle), Ugoniwa (God of Magic)

Second Age:

- Ruler: Kujenga 

- Masters: Peponi, the Maisha na Baada 

- Chieftains: Nyeupe and Nyeusi, the Mabwana, the Maidwani

- Matri/Patriarchs: Simba and Bombwe, Kipinga and a daughter of Nuru, Nuru and Mbuzu, Kondoo Dume and a daughter of Simba, Jua and Myua, Ugoniwa and a daughter of Simba

- Residents: Children of the gods; Bweha (Demigod of paladins), Ndama (demigoddess of children), Korongo (demigoddess of the lost), Bata (demigoddess of agriculture), Chuma (demigod of metallurgy), Njia Panda (demigod of trade), Upepo (demigoddess of weather)

Third Age:

- Ruler: Nyeupe and Nyeusi

- Masters: The Mabwana, the Maidwani

- Chieftains: Bweha and Ndama, Bata and Njia Panda, Chuma and Upepo, Korongo and a son of Bweha

- Residents: Grandchildren of the gods; children of the demigods; the Wanyama (Several Spirits of Animals)

Fourth Age:

- Rulers: The Mabwana

- Masters: The Maidwani

- Chieftains: Bata and Njia Panda, Korongo

- Matri/Patriarchs: The Wanyama

- Residents: Great grandchildren of the gods; grandchildren of the demigods; children of the Wanyama


Dujiaoshou is the land of the gods of the elves. This land exists in a lush valley surrounded by snow-capped mountains. To enter Dukiaoshou, a character must be true neutral in alignment and may enter through meditation.


Only elven spells work in Dujiaoshou.


The ruling monarch of Dujiaoshou is Tongyi- god of unity.



- Wild: hardwood, bamboo, palm, sal trees, wild celery, woodland poppy, knotweed, orchid, rhododendron

- Crops: rice, millet


- Wild: fox, tiger, clouded leopard, rhinoceros, elephant, marbled cat, pangolin, red panda, snow leopard, wolf, pit vipers, monitor lizards, tortoise, gecko, agamid lizard, pheasant, stork, minivet, cuckoos, flycatchers, warblers, catfish, minnow, snowtrout, beetle, moth, cricket, tarantulas, jumping spider, scorpion, centipede, snail

- Livestock: yak, cattle, pigs, chickens, duck


First Age:

- Ruler: Tongyi (Lord of Creation and God of Unity)

- Masters: Eryuanxing (Lord of Creation and God of Balance), Sanweiyiti (Lord of Creation and God of Division)

- Chieftains: Gunung (God of Mountains)

- Residents: Zizong (Goddess of Femininity), Liu (Goddess of the Moon), Qi (God of the Sun), Yixue (God of Medicine), Lianhua (Goddess of Compassion), Long (God of Rain), Yingua (God of Rage), Tuzi (Goddess of Fertility), Shui (Goddess of the Sea), Taiyang (God of Solar Power), Waiguoren (God of Destruction), Muqin (Goddess of Life)

Second Age:

- Ruler: Tongyi

- Masters: Eryuanxin, Sanweiyiti

- Chieftains: Gunung

- Matri/Patriarchs: Zizong and Long, Liu and Qi, Yixue and Muqin, Lianhua and Yingua, Tuzi and Waiguoren, Shui and Taiyang

- Residents: Children of the gods; Dijun (Demigod of Wisdom), Fangxun (Demigod of Tactical Warlords), Shun (Demigod of Sorrow), Hou Zi (Demigod of Martial Arts), Dajia (Demigod of Inspiring Warlords), Gonliu (Demigod of Defense), Xiyue (Demigod of Heroism), Yufan (Demigoddess of Warrior Women), Xiang (Demigod of Peace), E Yu (Demigoddess of Fishing), Shuang (Demigod of Rebirth)

Third Age:

- Ruler: Gunung

- Masters: Fangxun and a daughter of Yufan, Dajia and a daughter of Yufan

- Chieftains: Yufan and Xiyue, E Yu and Shun, Dijun and a daughter of E Yu, Hou Zi, Gonliu and a daughter of E Yu, Xiang and a daughter of E Yu, Shuang

- Residents: Grandchildren of the gods; children of the demigods; Asena (Spirit of Honor) and daughter of Sampa, Sampa (Spiritess of Serpents) and Sangitakarom (Spirit of Music)

Fourth Age:

- Ruler: Shuang

- Masters: Shun, Hou Zi, Gonliu

- Residents: Great grandchildren of the gods; grandchildren of the demigods; children of the spirits


Mendia is the land of the gods of dwarves. This​ realm exists on a large island surrounded by a massive expanse of ocean. On the island, cool air compliments the dark green grasses surrounding the central volcano of the island. Several black-stone mountains dot the countryside and the beaches are filled with black sand and large waves that crash onto the soft shores. To enter this realm, a character must ask Ortzador- god of travellers- to grant them entrance through becoming drunk on mead and blowing a musical horn.


Only dwarven spells work in Mendia.


The ruling monarch of Mendia is Tximista- god of thunder.



- Wild: bentgrass, birch, bellflower, juniper, fern, butterwort, willow, saxifrage, mountain-ash, starwort, blueberry

- Crops: barley, rye, oats, wheat, millet, linseed, horsebeans, peas, cabbage, onion


- Wild: fox, mink, mice, rats, rabbits, reindeer, polar bears, seals, whales, dolphins, catshark, hake, skate, moth, bunting, duck, petral, goose, auk, gull, loon, plover, puffin, shearwater, 

- Livestock: cattle, chicken, goat/sheep, horse/pony


First Age:

- Ruler: Amak (Lady of Creation and Goddess of Motherhood) and Elurra (Lord of Creation and God of Fatherhood)

- Masters: Eguzkia (God of the Sun), Poesia (God of Wisdom), Ortzador (God of Travel), Behor (God of Magic), Armarria (Goddess of Warrior Women), Gerra (God of War), Heriotza (Goddess of Death)

- Residents: Arkulari (God of Archery), Itsaso (Goddess of the Sea), Ehizatu (Goddess of Snowy Mountains), Adorea (God of Courage), Tximista (God of Thunder), Sagar (Goddess of Youth), Patua (Goddess of Fate), Zaldi (Goddess of Equines), Basseriko (God of Agriculture), Gau (Goddess of Night), Oreinak (Goddess of the Hunt), Egun (God of the Day), Errementari (God of Industry), Sutondo (Goddess of the Home), Perla (Goddess of Femininity), Ogio (Goddess of the Harvest), Krasi (God of Alcohol)

Second Age:

- Ruler: Poesia and Sutondo

- Masters: Eguzkia and Gau, Ortzador and Itsaso, Behor and Zaldi, Armarria and Basseriko, Gerra and Perla

- Chieftains: Arkulari and Oreinak, Ehizatu and Adorea, Tximista and Ogio, Sagar, Patua and Krasi, Egun and a daughter of Gau, Errementari and Perla (Affair)

- Residents: Children of the gods; Kanpai (Demigoddess of Female Prisoners) and Indarra (Demigod of the Impossible), Talamh (Demigoddess of Queens) and Garbitazun (Demigod of Pure Spirit), Clais (Demigod of Refugees) and Agun (Demigoddess of Engineering), Solas (Demigod of Heroism) and Sendatzeko (Demigoddess of Medicine), Atletismoa (Demigod of Sports) and an Amortizazio, Merkataritzaren (Demigod of Trade) and an Amortizazio, the Amortizazios (Demigoddesses of Inspiration), Bilatzea (Demigod of Adventure) and an Amortizazio

Third Age:

- Ruler: Tximista and Ogio

- Masters: Eguzkia and Gau, Ortzador and Itsaso, Behor and Zaldi, Armarria and Basseriko, Gerra and Perla

- Chieftains: Arkulari and Oreinak, Ehizatu and Adorea, Sagar, Patua and Krasi, Egun and a daughter of Gau, Errementari and Perla (Affair)

- Matri/Patriarchs: Kanpai and Indarra, Talamh and Garbitazun, Clais and Agun, Solas and Sendatzeko, Atletismoa, Merkataritzaren, The Amortizazios, Bilatzea

- Residents: Grandchildren of the gods; children of the demigods; Pikor (Spiritess of Grains) and Abesti (Spirit of Music), Nabigatu (Spirit of Sailing) and Ibai (Spiritess of Rivers), Isiltasun (Spirit of Silence) and a daughter of Ibai, the Haize (Spirits of the Four Winds), Txakur (Spirit of Canines) and a daughter of Pikor, Ametsa (Spirit of Dreams) and Garaipena (Spiritess of Victory), Loaren (Spirit of Sleep) and a daughter of Garaipena

Fourth Age:

- Ruler: Merkataritzaren

- Masters: Sagar, Gerra and Perla, Ortzador and Itsaso, Behor and Zaldi, Eguzkia and Gau, Errementari

- Chieftains: Patua and Krasi, 

- Matri/Patriarchs: Clais and Agun, Atletismoa, the Haize, Txakur, Ametsa and Garaipena

- Residents: Great grandchildren of the gods; grandchildren of the demigods; children of the spirits

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Moemoea​ is the realm of the gods of halflings. This realm exists within volcanic caves with several tunnels going deep in the mountain. The massive network of caves includes small rivers and large spaces where residents have small gardens and large thatched huts. To enter this realm, a character must first pass through the Astral Plane and receive permission from Aniwaniwa to enter the realm.


Only halfling spells work in Moemoea.


The ruling monarch of Moemoea is Puia- goddess of volcanoes.



- Wild: koa, ohi'a, allamanda, lily, anthurium, ginger, canna, cigar flower, coral plant, croton, crown flower, primrose, fuschia, gardenia, hibiscus, morning glory, orchid

- Crops: banana, pineapple, sugarcane, taro


- Wild: seal, bat, heron, egret, teal, quail, firgatebird, goose, hawk, owl, finch, pheasant, albatross, duck, plover, dove, sandpiper

- Livestock: pigs, chickens


First Age:

- Ruler: Puia (Lady of Creation and Goddess of Heat)

- Residents: Ai (Goddess of Femininity) and Ua (God of Rain), Manu (God of the Sky) and Marama (Goddess of the Sun), Wheke (God of the Sea) and a daughter of Ai, Te Hepohepo (God of Magic) and a daughter of Marama

Second Age:

- Ruler: Puia

- Masters: Ai and Ua, Manu and Marama, Wheke, Te Hepohepo

- Residents: Children of the gods; Kokonati (Demigod of Exploration) and Hukarere (Demigoddess of Snow), Waka (Demigod of Sailing) and Kanikani (Demigoddess of Dance), Mango (Demigod of Magic), Waipuke (Demigod of Water) and a daughter of Hukarere

Third Age:

- Ruler: Puia

- Masters: Ai and Ua, Manu and Marama, Wheke, Te Hepohepo

- Chieftains: Kokonati and Hukarere, Waka and Kanikani, Mango, Waipuke

- Residents: Grandchildren of the gods; children of the demigods

Fourth Age:

- Ruler: Waka and Kanikani

- Masters: Waipuke

- Residents: Great grandchildren of the gods; grandchildren of the demigods


Gado’amagadeyasdu is the realm of the gods of the drow. The realm exists within a large canyon along a central flowing river. On the cliffs above, an infinite grassland exists on one side and an infinite forest on the other. In between is fertile soil where residents live inside of small hills with vast farmlands occupying the available land. To enter here, travelers must do so via riverboat and arrive on the river.


Only drow spells work in Gado’amagadeyasdu.


The ruling monarch of Gado’amagadeyasdu is Selu- god of agriculture.



- Wild: bugbane, chokeberry, false aster, brome, clover, bedstraw, pennywort, mallow, amaranth, orchid, loosestrife, false aloe, watermillfoil, pondweed, senna, goldenrod, nettle, blackhaw, mudmidget, oak, elm

- Crops: maize, beans, squash, sunflower


- Wild: bat, mouse, vole, squirrel, chipmonk, groundhog, chipmonk, beaver, gopher, mole, rabbit, possum, raccoon, fox, coyote, otter, skunk, bobcat, deer, wolf, black bear, mountain lion, goose, duck, woodpecker, wild turkey, toad, treefrog, salamander, skink, box turtle, snapping turtle, kingsnake, garter snake, water snake, rattler snake, cottonmouth

- Livestock: turkey


First Age:

- Ruler: Dayunisi (Lord of Creation and God of Soil)

- Masters: Kalona (Lord of Creation and God of Magic)

- Chieftains: Alisi (Goddess of Life) and Wohali (God of Thunder), Ganohalidasdi (Goddess of the Hunt) and Selu (God of Agriculture)

- Residents: Aluli (Goddess of Children) and Elaqua (God of Wisdom), Kalugo (God of the Sun) and Ama (Goddess of the Sea), Tsi's (God of Magic), Agasgu (God of Rain) and a daughter of Alisi, Iga (God of Volcanoes) and a daughter of Ama, Tludatsi (God of Hurricanes) and a daughter of Ama, Danuwa (God of War) and a daughter of Elaqua

Second Age:

- Ruler: Dayunisi

- Masters: Alisi and Wohali, Ganohalidasdi and Selu

- Chieftains: Aluli and Elaqua, Kalugo and Ama, Tsi's, Agasgu, Iga, Tludatsi, Danuwa

- Residents: Children of the gods; Three Sisters (Three Demigoddesses of Agriculture), Hero Twins (Demigods of Sport) and two of the Three Sisters, Sunoyihinudo (Demigod of Astronomy) and one of the Three Sisters, Wodigekalitsetsi (Demigod of Chocolate) and Ugitsisgu (Demigoddess of Love)

Third Age:

- Ruler: Alisi and Wohali

- Masters: Ganohalidasdi and Selu

- Chieftains: Aluli and Elaqua, Kalugo and Ama, Tsi's, Agasgu, Iga, Tludatsi, Danuwa

- Matri/Patriarchs: Three Sisters and Hero Twins/ Sunoyihinudo, Wodigekalitsetsi and Ugitsisgu

- Residents: Grandchildren of the gods; children of the demigods; the Delenanuhi (Spirits of Animals)

Fourth Age:

- Ruler: Alisi and Wohali

- Masters: Ganohalidasdi and Selu

- Chieftains: Three Sisters and Hero Twins/ Sunoyihinudo, Wodigekalitsetsi and Ugitsisgu

- Matri/Patriarchs: the Delenanuhi

- Residents: Great grandchildren of the gods; grandchildren of the demigods; children of the spirits


Urqu is the land of the gods of goblins. ​The realm consists of gold-covered temple complexes rising above gold-paved roads. A vast jungle surrounds the realm and a central highway leads into the city. Characters wishing to gain entrance to the realm must do so by walking a mountain road at night and appear in the realm along the central road.


Only goblin spells work in Urqu.


The ruling monarch of Urqu is Inti- god of the sun.



- Wild: totora, tola, yareta, shrubs, vanilla, sarsaparilla, saffron, quebracho tree

- Crops: pineapple, potato, tobacco, cacao, tomato, peppers, quinoa, rubber tree, manioc, peanut, sweet potato


- Wild: vicuna, cougars, wolves, foxes, deer, chinchilla, opossums, rats, squirrels, mice, rabbits, bats, tapir, sloth, armadillo, anteaters, porcupine, catfish, pike, Condors, eagles, egrets, flamingo, owls, partridges, coots, geese, finches, woodpeckers, tarantula, rattlesnake, flies, mosquitos, butterflies, 

- Livestock: llama, alpaca, guinea pig


First Age:

- Ruler: Alipa (Lady of Creation and Goddess of Nature) 

- Masters: Phaqcha (Goddess of Femininity) and Kurki (God of Masculinity)

- Residents: Para (God of Rain) and a daughter of Phaqcha, Inti (God of the Sun) and a daughter of Phaqcha, Killa (Goddess of the Moon) and Wanuy (God of the Night)

Second Age:

- Ruler: Alipa

- Masters: Phaqcha and Kurki

- Chieftains: Para, Inti, Killa and Wanuy

- Residents: Children of the gods; Ilapa (Demigod of Weather) and Sara (Demigoddess of Maize), Nina (Demigod of Travel) and a Sasha, Awqanakay (Demigod of Warlords) and a Sasha, Tuta (Demigod of Instability) and a Sasha

Third Age:

- Ruler: Inti

- Masters: Phaqcha and Kurki

- Chieftains: Para, Inti, Killa and Wanuy

- Matri/Patriarchs: Ilapa and Sara, Nina,  Awqanakay, Tuta

- Residents: Grandchildren of the gods; children of the demigods; the Uywa (Spirits of Animals)

Fourth Age:

- Ruler: Inti

- Masters: Phaqcha and Kurki, Awqanakay, Tuta

- Chieftains: the Uywa

- Residents: Great grandchildren of the gods; grandchildren of the demigods; children of the spirits

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Nebe is the ​land of the gods of gnomes. The realm is a large island with several castles and hill forts dotting the rolling, grassy hills. Surrounding the island is an infinite sea. To reach Nebe, characters must do so on a sea-faring vessel and arrive in the harbor of the island in the realm.


Only gnome spells work in Nebe.


The ruling monarch of Nebe is Tayasz- god of spring.



- Wild: pine, oak, birch, hornbeam, beech, spruce, hollyhock, goat grass, ground elder, woodrough, thistle, hackberry, saffron, dogwood, smoketree, hawthorn, bedstraw, starfruit, spurge laurel, silverberry, sea holly, myrtle spurge, herb of grace, cherry, iris, walnut, larch, spring snowflake, crabapple, daffodill, poplar, aspen, wild pear, azalea, willow, lilac, tulip, wayfaring tree, periwinkle

- Crops: barley, rye, oats, wheat, millet, linseed, horsebeans, peas, cabbage, onion


- Wild: fox, marten, mouflon, roe deer, wildcat, wild pig, mouse, jerboa, ground squirrel, bison, shag, elk, owl, partridge, duck, stork, goose, perch, pike, sterlet, sturgeo

- Livestock: chicken, goat/sheep, pony


First Age:

- Ruler: Tuz (God of Fire) and Teli

- Masters: Sas (God of Lightning) and a daughter of Teli, Bika (God of Magic)

- Residents: Medve (God of the Forest) and Fa (Goddess of the Hunt), Buza (God of Wind) and a daughter of Teli, Nap (God of the Sun) and a daughter of Teli, Tayasz (God of Spring) and a daughter of Fa, Teli (Goddess of Winter)

Second Age:

- Ruler: Tuz and Teli

- Masters: Sas, Bika

- Chieftains: Medve and Fa, Buza, Nap, Tayasz

- Residents: Children of the gods; Vezeto (Demigod of Lost Children) and Erramu (Demigoddess of Stalked Women), Kiralyno (Demigoddess of Princesses) and Haboru (Demigod of Equines), Szepszeg (Demigoddess of Warrior Women)

Third Age:

- Ruler: Tuz and Teli

- Masters: Sas, Bika

- Chieftains: Medve and Fa, Buza, Nap, Tayasz

- Matri/Patriarchs: Vezeto and Erramu, Kiralyno and Haboru, Szepszeg

- Residents: Grandchildren of the gods; children of the demigods; Perhe (Spirittess of Motherhood)

Fourth Age:

- Ruler: Tuz and Teli

- Masters: Bika

- Chieftains: Tayasz

- Matri/Patriarchs: Perhe

- Residents: Great grandchildren of the gods; grandchildren of the demigods


Ganiden​ is the land of the gods of half-elves. The realm consists of orchard farmlands surrounded by desert on three sides and a sea on the fourth a river flows into the sea from the opposite direction via the surrounding desert. Stone temples and buildings rest at the center of the farms and characters may enter the realm through the lock on the desert side of the river. Only those characters of true good alignment can enter the realm.


Only half-elf spells work in Ganiden.


Ganiden is the only divine realm without a reigning monarch. Instead, those born in the realm elect leadership into a republic with an elected official elected from among the gods of the realm.



- Wild: snaketongue, catchfly, smartweed, warrior bean, date palm

- Crops: wheat, barley, millet, rye, emmer, sesame, olive, flax, peas, fig, pomegranate, apple, pistachio, dates


- Wild: moth, dugong, jerboa, mouse, gerbil, hedgehog, bat, blue whale, humpback whale, dolphin, caracal, wildcat, leopard, mongoose, jackal, fox, gazelle, oryx, ostrich, grebe, shearwater, tropicbird, cormorant, pelican, heron, egret, ibis, stork, flamingo, swan, osprey, kite, vulture, eagle, kestrel, falcon, quail, crane, bustard, plover, lapwing, plover, sandpiper, gull, tern, dove, pigeon, cuckoo, parakeet, owl, swift, king-fisher, bee-eater, lark, martin, pipit, bulbul, thrush, warbler, flycatcher, wheateater, shrike, crow, bunting, sparrow

- Livestock: chicken, goat/sheep, cattle, horse


First Age:

- Ruler: Nesir (Goddess of the Afterlife) and Yin (God of Death)

- Residents: Ryah (God of the Sun) and Lilah, Prahi (Goddess of Wild Animals) and Uz (God of Kings), Rum (God of Lightning) and a daughter of Prahi, Yarah (Goddess of Warrior Women), Bruwiz (God of Agriculture) and Um (Goddess of Motherhood), Hutun (God of the Desert)

Second Age:

- Ruler: Ryah and Lilah

- Masters: Prahi and Uz, Rum, Yarah, Bruwiz and Um, Hutun

- Residents: Children of the gods; Gul (Demigoddess of Justice) and Huyimm (Demigod of the Day), Ild (Demigod of Kings) and Yulsi (Demigoddess of Grace), Lilah (Demigoddess of the Night)

Third Age:

- Ruler: Ryah and Lilah

- Masters: Prahi and Uz, Rum, Yarah, Bruwiz and Um, Hutun

- Chieftains: Gul and Huyimm, Ild and Yulsi, Lilah, Rimmun

- Residents: Grandchildren of the gods; children of the demigods; Yulsi (Spiritess of Femininity) and a son of Ihy, Rimmun (Spiritess of Fruit) and Tatanen (Spirit of Soil), Lyly (Spiritess of Seduction) and Ihy (Spirit of Music), Heka (Spiritess of Magic) and a son of Huyimm

Fourth Age: [Only a miniaturized version of one city in the realm]

- Ruler: Gul and Huyimm

- Masters: Rimmun and Tatanen

- Residents: Great grandchildren of the gods; grandchildren of the demigods; children of the spirits


Popok is the land of the gods of fairies.​ This realm consists of a large central island with several atolls surrounding it within a vast and endless sea. Several buildings exist among the jungle of the main island with huts dotting the atolls. Several sailboats whirl around the sea and characters enter the realm through flying at night and enter the realm in the skies above the main island.


Only fairy spells work in Popok.


Popok is populated by divine pirates on the atolls and warchiefs on the main island. The goddess Idu- guardian of children- resides in the realm, but does not rule it.



- Wild: corpse lilly, pitcher plant, javanica, eucalyptus, jasmine, orchid, titan arum, kauri, mangrove palm, rosewood

- Crops: rice, rubber, cassava, tea, clove, nutmeg, black pepper


- Wild: orangutan, long-nosed monkey, rhinocerous, tiger, elephant, leopard, anoa, babirusa, macaque, tarsier, loris, langur, black bear, starling, plover, maleo, monitor lizard, legless salamander, crocodile, water monitor, arowana, goby, butterfly, giant bee, mollusc, crab, shrimp

- Livestock: chicken, pigs, water buffalo


First Age:

- Ruler: Hutan (God of the Forest) and Tanah

- Masters: Ibu (Goddess of Mothehood) and a son of Hutan, Laut (Goddess of the Sea) and a son of Hutan

- Residents: Tanah (Goddess of Soil)

Second Age:

- Ruler: Hutan and Tanah

- Masters: Ibu, Laut

- Residents: Children of the gods

Third Age:

- Ruler: Hutan and Tanah

- Masters: Ibu, Laut

- Residents: Grandchildren of the gods; the Haiwan (Spirits of Animals)

Fourth Age: 

- Ruler: Hutan and Tanah

- Masters: Ibu, Laut

- Chieftains: the Haiwan

- Residents: Great grandchildren of the gods; children of the spirits

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