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After the defeat of the Civil War Demon in the Larrunana Civil War, Plague was the final demon left to take over the realm. Beginning in Ulinawi, Plague's incorporeal form wandered the realm from continent to continent gaining power. His influence over the realm grew as he and his spawn corrupted the leaders of the world. Dwarven nations expanded their borders through use of technology and arcana in an attempt to colonize the entire realm. These nations began expanding their military might and rapidly deployed them across the realm.

The world was becoming smaller, and the various races of the world were being forced onto one another as the dwarves slowly marched their armies across the map. In their home continent of Zezen, the dwarved forged military alliances paired with the experimentation of powerful new weapons which allowed Plague to become stronger than ever. Realizing the need for a new strategy for war, the waining Jabalina Empire established a new military unit never before seen in the armies of the dwarves. Jabalina desegregated their military with an army corps composed of subjects from their world-wide colonies and any being who desired honor in military service. The resulting unit would be known as the Jabalina Foreign Legion and began training in the Summer of 3914.

Players in this campaign are soldiers in the Jabalina Foreign Legion. All characters double class as a fighter and will only level up their fighter class. As their fighter class levels up, they will gain new ranks in the Legion and take on added responsibilities of leading soldiers into the battles of the Great Dwarf War. Over the course of the war, players will encounter various new weapons of war including toxic arcane gas, war elephants, and aerial mounts like wyverns and eagles. Players will also encounter new fiends such as soul-eaters who feed on the soldiers tired of war. Along the war, the party will encounter Plague a number of times- each time finding the demon has grown in power- and by the end of the conflict, the party will have to battle the demon himself to end the war. During the campaign, there will be a number of possible battles and events the party can take part in and it will be up to the DM to decide where the Jabalina Foreign Legion goes and to what extent they will be involved in these events.

Encounter Plots

Summer 3914

A) Standard Bearers

- Players go through the rigorous training of the Jabalina Foreign Legion in the Jabalina countryside on the eve of the outbreak of the Great Dwarf War.

Autumn 3914

A) First Longcoat Campaign

- Players will have to engage the invading Mujikan Army along the Jabalina-Olatuak border. The Legion is assigned the task of counter-attacking the hesitating Mujikans held up in a defensive network along a ridge in what will become known as the Battle of the Ridge. Before the Legion can capture the defenses, the Mujikan artillery assaults their own defenses and force the Legion to withdraw.

Winter 3915

A) Second Longcoat Campaign

- The Legion succumbs to an arcane gas attack which induces hallucinations of the soldiers' worst fears.  This is followed by an attack by the Mujikan Army in what would become known as the Battle of Long Field.

Spring 3915

A) Second Wheat Beer Campaign

- The Legion takes part in a massive battle between Labana and Jabalina Armies and the Mujikan Army along the Mujika-Jabalina border. The Legion is taksed with capturing the ruins of a town once used as a coin factory in what would become known as the Battle of the Mint.

Summer 3915

A) Battle of the Wooden Villa

- The Legion assists a Labana force attempting to recapture a Jabalina village from the Mujikan Army. The attack is successful, but the allies take too heavy of casualties to continue forward.

Autumn 3915

A) Tower of Fire

- Due to heavy casualties in the war thus far, the Legion goes on leave to the Jabalina capital. During their stay in the city, Mujikan dragons raid the capital and the Legion must help defend the city.

Winter 3916

A) Battle of the Strong Fort

- Mujikan and Jabalina armies begin fortifying their trenches along the border and explodes into a year-long battle. In its first month, the Legion is tasked with defending a fortified castle ruins. During the battle, the outmatched Legion is reinforced by a mysterious woman warrior who arrives to save the unit and route the Mujikans.

Spring 3916

A) Replacements

- After sustaining intense casualties in the war thus far the Legion is heading off the front to train new recruits which will replace the heavy casualties of the unit. Players receive battlefield commissions and gain new roles in the unit which will allow them to not only level up but to design the make-up of their new military unit. (See troop types for available units).

Summer 3916

A) Fallen Nobles Campaign

- The Legion takes part in a major offensive aimed at dislodging the invasive Mujikans. Labana troops set off a massive explosive under Mujikan trenches and follow up with a massive frontal assault. The combined Labana and Jabalina armies capture the destroyed trenches but find a second line just beyond. Labana troops continue forward and are utterly destroyed by the second assault.

B) Battle of the Flower Garden

- The Legion is dispatched to fight beside Labana war elephants which the Labanans are testing on the battlefield for the first time.

Autumn 3916

A) Leave in the Capital

- The Legion is pulled from the front to help rebuild the raided Jabalina capital city. The party's unit is tasked with checking the catacombs under the city to measure the structural stability of the columns holding the cavern city up. While checking the catacombs, the party encounters a poltergeist and are aided by a female ghost in their encounter with the poltergeist.

Winter 3917

A) Siren's Song

- The Legion is tasked with locating a spy in the capital. The spy turns out to be a siren who hypnotizes victims in Red Light District taverns, then leaving the tavern's patrons slain in her wake. The party will have to battle the siren.

Spring 3917

A) Soul-Eaters

- The Legion is sent to the front lines where Jabalina troops refuse to advance against the Mujikan trenches. The party arrives to find soul-eaters have laid waste to the mentally crippled Jabalina Army and must combat the soul-eaters to re-energize the troops.

Summer 3917

A) Third Longcoat Campaign Part 1

- The Legion takes part in one of the most unnecessarily bloody battles of the war which includes high casualties on both sides. The battle involves a combination of mostly Labana and Jabalina soldiers charging Mujikan trenches only to find that the Mujikan trench system includes three full lines. The Legion and their allies only capture the first of three lines of trenches before being hammered by Mujikan artillery. in what would become known as the Battle of the Plateau.

Autumn 3917

A) Battle of the Grassy Hill

- The Legion is tasked with fighting beside Astigarraknana infantry in an assault against Mujikan trenches. The assault is thrust back after two weeks of brutal fighting.

Winter 3918

A) Larrunanans

- The Legion is pulled from the front lines to help train the newly arrived Larrunana Expeditionary Force.

Spring 3918

A) Spring Offensive

- The Legion is rushed to the Jabalina capital where Mujikan forces have launched a surprise attack from their trenches. The Legion must help evacuate the city which is now in range of the Mujikan artillery. 

Summer 3818

A) Plague

- The Legion falls victim to Plague who has now taken corporeal form and is terrorizing field hospitals on the war's front lines.

B) Battle of Sparkling Water

- The Legion takes part in a massive counter-attack against the stalled Mujikan assault.

Autumn 3818

A) The Pumice Stone

- The Legion encounters Plague in Olatuak is a ruined fortress and the party must defeat the demon. After the demon's defeat, they learn the axis powers of Ekialdia, Turuk, and Mujika are surrendering to the allies and the war has ended.

Non-Player Characters

Allied Armies

Labana Empire (Spessartites), Ekia, and Astigarraknana

- Heavy Infantry: Iron Helm, Hide Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Spear, Shortsword, Dagger

- Light Infantry: Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Crossbow, Shortsword, Dagger

- Heavy Cavalry: Fell Pony; Iron Helm, Hide Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Spear, Shortsword, Dagger

- Light Cavalry: Wolfhound; Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Crossbow, Shortsword, Dagger

- War Elephants: Elephant; Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Shortsword, Dagger

- Heavy Artillery: Trebuchet; Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Battleaxe, Dagger

- Medium Artillery: Onager; Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Battleaxe, Dagger

- Light Artillery: Ballista/Scorpion; Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Battleaxe, Dagger

- Fighter Pilots: Pegasi; Leather Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Shortsword, Dagger

- Bomber Pilots: Giant Eagle; Leather Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers,Leather Boots, Leggings; Shortsword, Dagger

- Cruisers: 0 Decks, 1 Scorpion

- Destroyers: 1 Deck, 1 Ballista

- Corvettes: 2 Decks, 12 Ballista

- Frigates: 3 Decks, 24 Ballista

- Battleships: 4 Decks, 40 Ballista

Jabalina Empire

- Heavy Infantry: Iron Helm, Hide Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Spear, Shortsword, Dagger

- Light Infantry: Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Crossbow, Shortsword, Dagger

- Heavy Cavalry: Fell Pony; Iron Helm, Hide Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Spear, Shortsword, Dagger

- Light Cavalry: Wolfhound; Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Crossbow, Shortsword, Dagger

- Heavy Artillery: Trebuchet; Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Battleaxe, Dagger

- Medium Artillery: Onager; Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Battleaxe, Dagger

- Light Artillery: Ballista/Scorpion; Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Battleaxe, Dagger

-  Fighter Pilots: Pegasi; Leather Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Shortsword, Dagger

- Cruisers: 0 Decks, 1 Scorpion

- Destroyers: 1 Deck, 1 Ballista


- Heavy Infantry: Iron Helm, Hide Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Spear, Shortsword, Dagger

- Light Infantry: Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Crossbow, Shortsword, Dagger

- Heavy Cavalry: Fell Pony; Iron Helm, Hide Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Spear, Shortsword, Dagger

- Light Cavalry: Wolfhound; Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Crossbow, Shortsword, Dagger

- Heavy Artillery: Trebuchet; Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Battleaxe, Dagger

- Medium Artillery: Onager; Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Battleaxe, Dagger

- Light Artillery: Ballista/Scorpion; Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Battleaxe, Dagger

Txahal Republic

- Heavy Infantry: Iron Helm, Hide Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Spear, Shortsword, Dagger

- Light Infantry: Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Crossbow, Shortsword, Dagger

- Heavy Cavalry: Fell Pony; Iron Helm, Hide Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Spear, Shortsword, Dagger

- Light Cavalry: Wolfhound; Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Crossbow, Shortsword, Dagger

- Heavy Artillery: Trebuchet; Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Battleaxe, Dagger

- Medium Artillery: Onager; Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Battleaxe, Dagger

- Light Artillery: Ballista/Scorpion; Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Battleaxe, Dagger

- Cruisers: 0 Decks, 1 Scorpion

- Destroyers: 1 Deck, 1 Ballista

- Corvettes: 2 Decks, 12 Ballista

- Frigates: 3 Decks, 24 Ballista

- Battleships: 4 Decks, 40 Ballista

Larrunana Republic

- Heavy Infantry: Iron Helm, Hide Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Spear, Shortsword, Dagger

- Light Infantry: Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Crossbow, Shortsword, Dagger

- War Elephants: Elephant; Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Shortsword, Dagger

- Heavy Artillery: Trebuchet; Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Battleaxe, Dagger

- Medium Artillery: Onager; Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Battleaxe, Dagger

- Light Artillery: Ballista/Scorpion; Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Battleaxe, Dagger

- Fighter Pilots: Pegasi; Leather Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Shortsword, Dagger

Otvud Empire

- Heavy Infantry: Iron Helm, Hide Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Spear, Shortsword, Dagger

- Light Infantry: Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Crossbow, Shortsword, Dagger

- Heavy Cavalry: Sheepdog; Iron Helm, Hide Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Spear, Shortsword, Dagger

- Heavy Artillery: Trebuchet; Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Battleaxe, Dagger

- Medium Artillery: Onager; Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Battleaxe, Dagger

- Light Artillery: Ballista/Scorpion; Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Battleaxe, Dagger

- Cruisers: 0 Decks, 1 Scorpion

- Destroyers: 1 Deck, 1 Ballista

- Corvettes: 2 Decks, 12 Ballista

- Frigates: 3 Decks, 24 Ballista

- Battleships: 4 Decks, 40 Ballista

Axis Armies

Turuk Empire

- Heavy Infantry: Iron Helm, Hide Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Spear, Shortsword, Dagger

- Light Infantry: Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Crossbow, Shortsword, Dagger

- Heavy Cavalry: Fell Pony; Iron Helm, Hide Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Spear, Shortsword, Dagger

- Light Cavalry: Wolfhound; Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Crossbow, Shortsword, Dagger

- Heavy Artillery: Trebuchet; Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Battleaxe, Dagger

- Medium Artillery: Onager; Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Battleaxe, Dagger

- Light Artillery: Ballista/Scorpion; Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Battleaxe, Dagger

- Cruisers: 0 Decks, 1 Scorpion

- Destroyers: 1 Deck, 1 Ballista

- Corvettes: 2 Decks, 12 Ballista

- Frigates: 3 Decks, 24 Ballista

- Battleships: 4 Decks, 40 Ballista

Ekialdian Empire

- Heavy Infantry: Iron Helm, Hide Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Spear, Shortsword, Dagger

- Light Infantry: Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Crossbow, Shortsword, Dagger

- Heavy Cavalry: Fell Pony; Iron Helm, Hide Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Spear, Shortsword, Dagger

- Light Cavalry: Wolfhound; Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Crossbow, Shortsword, Dagger

- Heavy Artillery: Trebuchet; Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Battleaxe, Dagger

- Medium Artillery: Onager; Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Battleaxe, Dagger

- Light Artillery: Ballista/Scorpion; Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Battleaxe, Dagger

- Cruisers: 0 Decks, 1 Scorpion

- Destroyers: 1 Deck, 1 Ballista

- Corvettes: 2 Decks, 12 Ballista

- Frigates: 3 Decks, 24 Ballista

- Battleships: 4 Decks, 40 Ballista

Mujikan Empire

- Heavy Infantry: Iron Helm, Hide Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Spear, Shortsword, Dagger

- Light Infantry: Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Crossbow, Shortsword, Dagger

- Heavy Cavalry: Fell Pony; Iron Helm, Hide Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Spear, Shortsword, Dagger

- Light Cavalry: Wolfhound; Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Crossbow, Shortsword, Dagger

- War Elephants: Elephant; Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Shortsword, Dagger

- Heavy Artillery: Trebuchet; Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Battleaxe, Dagger

- Medium Artillery: Onager; Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Battleaxe, Dagger

- Light Artillery: Ballista/Scorpion; Iron Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Battleaxe, Dagger

- Fighter Pilots: Pegasi; Leather Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Shortsword, Dagger

- Bomber Pilots: Wyvern; Leather Helm, Leather Armor, Tunic, Cotton Trousers,Leather Boots, Leggings; Shortsword, Dagger

- Cruisers: 0 Decks, 1 Scorpion

- Destroyers: 1 Deck, 1 Ballista

- Corvettes: 2 Decks, 12 Ballista

- Frigates: 3 Decks, 24 Ballista

- Battleships: 4 Decks, 40 Ballista

Orders of Battle

First Longcoat Campaign

- Battle of the Ridge

- Date: Autumn 3914

Jabalina Foreign Legion

- 6000 Heavy Infantry

- 3000 Light Infantry Each

- 1000 Heavy Cavalry

- 1000 Light Cavalry

- 50 Light Artillery

- 10 Heavy Artillery

- 20 Medium Artillery

- 500 Engineers

- 500 Medical Staff

Mujikan Infantry Division

- 9000 Heavy Infantry

- 3000 Light Infantry

- 10 Heavy Artillery

- 20 Medium Artillery

- 50 Light Artillery    

Second Longcoat Campaign

- Battle of Long Field

- Date: Winter 3915

Jabalina Foreign Legion

- 3500 Heavy Infantry

- 1800 Light Infantry

- 200 Heavy Cavalry

- 300 Light Cavalry

- 30 Light Artillery

- 10 Heavy Artillery

- 20 Medium Artillery

- 500 Engineers

- 500 Medical Staff

Jabalina Infantry Division

- 9000 Heavy Infantry

- 3000 Light Infantry

- 20 Medium Artillery

- 50 Light Artillery

- 500 Engineers

- 500 Medical Staff

2 Mujikan Infantry Divisions

- 14,000 Heavy Infantry

- 5000 Light Infantry

- 20 Heavy Artillery

- 40 Medium Artillery

- 100 Light Artillery

Second Wheat Beer Campaign

- Battle of the Mint

- Date: Spring 3915

Jabalina Foreign Legion

- 3500 Heavy Infantry

- 1800 Light Infantry

- 200 Heavy Cavalry

- 300 Light Cavalry

- 30 Light Artillery

- 10 Heavy Artillery

- 20 Medium Artillery

- 500 Engineers

- 500 Medical Staff

Mujikan Infantry Division

- 9000 Heavy Infantry

- 3000 Light Infantry

- 10 Heavy Artillery

- 20 Medium Artillery

- 50 Light Artillery

Battle of the Wooded Villa

- Date: Spring3915

4 Labana Infantry Divisions

- 36,000 Heavy Infantry

- 12,000 Light Infantry

- 80 Medium Artillery

- 200 Light Artillery

- 2000 Engineers

- 2000 Medical Staff

2 Labana Artillery Divisions

- 40 Heavy Artillery

- 120 Medium Artillery

Jabalina Foreign Legion

- 2800 Heavy Infantry

- 1100 Light Infantry

- 80 Heavy Cavalry

- 120 Light Cavalry

- 30 Light Artillery

- 10 Heavy Artillery

- 20 Medium Artillery

- 500 Engineers

- 500 Medical Staff

3 Mujikan Infantry Divisions

- 27,000 Heavy Infantry

- 9000 Light Infantry

- 30 Heavy Artillery

- 60 Medium Artillery

- 150 Light Artillery

Battle of Strong Fort

- Date: Summer 3915

Jabalina Foreign Legion

- 1800 Heavy Infantry

- 320 Light Infantry

- 60 Heavy Cavalry

- 30 Light Cavalry

- 12 Light Artillery

- 10 Heavy Artillery

- 20 Medium Artillery

- 500 Engineers

- 500 Medical Staff

Mujikan Infantry Division

- 9000 Heavy Infantry

- 3000 Light Infantry

- 10 Heavy Artillery

- 20 Medium Artillery

- 50 Light Artillery

Fallen Nobles Campaign

- Left Flank

- Date: Winter 3916

Jabalina Foreign Legion

- 4300 Heavy Infantry

- 1380 Light Infantry

- 560 Heavy Cavalry

- 530 Light Cavalry

- 12 Light Artillery

- 10 Heavy Artillery

- 20 Medium Artillery

- 500 Engineers

- 500 Medical Staff

2 Mujikan Infantry Divisions

- 16,000 Heavy Infantry

- 4000 Light Infantry

- 20 Heavy Artillery

- 40 Medium Artillery

- 100 Light Artillery

- Battle of the Flower Garden

- Date: Winter 3916

Jabalina Foreign Legion

- 4300 Heavy Infantry

- 1380 Light Infantry

- 560 Heavy Cavalry

- 530 Light Cavalry

- 12 Light Artillery

- 10 Heavy Artillery

- 20 Medium Artillery

- 500 Engineers

- 500 Medical Staff

Labana Cavalry Division

- 300 War Elephants

- 150 War Wagons

- 3000 Heavy Cavalry

- 3000 Light Cavalry

- 10 Heavy Artillery

- 20 Medium Artillery

- 50 Light Artillery

2 Mujikan Infantry Divisions

- 16,000 Heavy Infantry

- 4000 Light Infantry

- 20 Heavy Artillery

- 40 Medium Artillery

- 100 Light Artillery

Third Longcoat Campaign

- Battle of the Plateau

- Date: Summer 3917

5 Labana Infantry Divisions

- 45,000 Heavy Infantry

- 15,000 Light Infantry

- 100 Medium Artillery

- 250 Light Artillery

- 2500 Engineers

- 2500 Medical Staff

Labana Cavalry Division

- 300 War Elephants

- 150 War Wagons

- 3000 Heavy Cavalry

- 3000 Light Cavalry

- 10 Heavy Artillery

- 20 Medium Artillery

- 50 Light Artillery

Labana Artillery Division

- 20 Heavy Artillery

- 60 Medium Artillery

Jabalina Foreign Legion

- 6000 Heavy Infantry

- 1500 Light Infantry

- 600 Heavy Cavalry

- 600 Light Cavalry

- 15 Light Artillery

- 10 Heavy Artillery

- 20 Medium Artillery

- 500 Engineers

- 500 Medical Staff

Jabalina Infantry Division

- 9000 Heavy Infantry

- 3000 Light Infantry

- 20 Medium Artillery

- 50 Light Artillery

- 500 Engineers

- 500 Medical Staff

6 Mujikan Infantry Divisions

- 72,000 Heavy Infantry

- 18,000 Light Infantry

5 Mujikan Artillery Divisions

- 1500 War Elephants

- 750 War Wagons

- 300 Heavy Artillery

- 600 Medium Artillery

- 750 Light Artillery

- Battle of Grassy Hill

- Date: Autumn 3917

4 Astigarraknana Infantry Divisions

- 36,000 Heavy Infantry

- 12,000 Light Infantry

- 80 Medium Artillery

- 200 Light Artillery

- 2000 Engineers

- 2000 Medical Staff

Jabalina Foreign Legion

- 4800 Heavy Infantry

- 1100 Light Infantry

- 450 Heavy Cavalry

- 480 Light Cavalry

- 15 Light Artillery

- 10 Heavy Artillery

- 20 Medium Artillery

- 500 Engineers

- 500 Medical Staff

4 Mujikan Infantry Divisions

- 48,000 Heavy Infantry

- 12,000 Light Infantry

Mujikan Artillery Division

- 300 War Elephants

- 150 War Wagons

- 60 Heavy Artillery

- 120 Medium Artillery

- 150 Light Artillery

Battle of Sparkling Water

- Date: Summer 3918

5 Labana Infantry Divisions

- 60,000 Heavy Infantry

- 20,000 Light Infantry

- 130 Medium Artillery

- 300 Light Artillery

- 3500 Engineers

- 3500 Medical Staff

2 Labana Artillery Divisions

- 40 Heavy Artillery

- 120 Medium Artillery

Labana Cavalry Division

- 300 War Elephants

- 150 War Wagons

- 150 Giant Eagles

- 300 Pegasi

- 10 Heavy Artillery

- 20 Medium Artillery

- 50 Light Artillery

4 Ekia Infantry Divisions

- 36,000 Heavy Infantry

- 12,000 Light Infantry

- 80 Medium Artillery

- 200 Light Artillery

- 2000 Engineers

- 2000 Medical Staff

Ekia Artillery Divisions

- 20 Heavy Artillery

- 60 Medium Artillery

4 Astigarraknana Infantry Divisions

- 36,000 Heavy Infantry

- 12,000 Light Infantry

- 80 Medium Artillery

- 200 Light Artillery

- 2000 Engineers

- 2000 Medical Staff

10 Jabalina Infantry Divisions

- 90,000 Heavy Infantry

- 30,000 Light Infantry

- 200 Medium Artillery

- 500 Light Artillery

- 5000 Engineers

- 5000 Medical Staff

Jabalina Foreign Legion

- 5800 Heavy Infantry

- 1970 Light Infantry

- 23 Giant Eagles

- 48 Pegasi

- 15 Light Artillery

- 10 Heavy Artillery

- 20 Medium Artillery

- 500 Engineers

- 500 Medical Staff

Jabalina Artillery Division

- 20 Heavy Artillery

- 60 Medium Artillery

10 Mujikan Infantry Divisions

- 120,000 Heavy Infantry

- 30,000 Light Infantry

4 Mujikan Artillery Divisions

- 1200 War Elephants

- 150 Wyverns

- 300 Pegasi

- 240 Heavy Artillery

- 480 Medium Artillery

- 600 Light Artillery

Found Items

Jabalina Cities/Towns

Magic Shops

- Songbooks: East Yellow Dwarf, Blue Human

- Spellbooks: Dwarf, Human

- Ritual Books: Dwarf

- Other: Magic Hat, Magic Book, Magic Kit

Clothing Store

- Clothing/Armor: Cotton Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Fancy Suit, Leather Shoes

Book Store

- Books: East Yellow Dwarf History, Black Dwarf History, Self-Help, Political Science Text, Yellow Dwarf Religious Book, Black Dwarf Religious Book, Jabalina Atlas

Government Buildings

- Depends on Size of Settlement (Can include capitol buildings, governors' mansions or town halls, etc.); Will always include at least 1 jail, at least 1 legislative building, and at least 1 executive building.


- Items: First Aid Kit

Local Park

- Flora and Fauna of region


- Food: Sauted Vegetables

- Drinks: Gin, Red Wine, White Wine


- Colleges: Wizard School, Bard School, Cleric School, Medical School, Law School

Local Temple

- Can Include any number of Dwarven Deities

Residential Districts

- East Yellow Dwarves

Nearby Farms

- Livestock: Cattle Ranches, Horse and Pony Farms, Sheep and Goat Farms, Chicken Farms

- Crops: Wheat Fields, Apple Orchards, Vineyards

Olatuak Cities/Towns

Magic Shops

- Songbooks: East Orange Dwarf

- Spellbooks: Dwarf

- Ritual Books: Dwarf

- Other: Magic Hat, Magic Book, Magic Kit

Clothing Store

- Clothing/Armor: Cotton Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Fancy Suit, Leather Shoes

Book Store

- Books: East Orange Dwarf History, Red Dwarf History, Self-Help, Political Science Text, Red Dwarf Religious Book, Olatuak Atlas

Government Buildings

- Depends on Size of Settlement (Can include capitol buildings, governors' mansions or town halls, etc.); Will always include at least 1 jail, at least 1 legislative building, and at least 1 executive building.


- Items: First Aid Kit

Local Park

- Flora and Fauna of region


- Food: Roasted Pork with Matchstick Potatoes

- Drinks: Gin, Red Wine, White Wine, Ale


- Colleges: Wizard School, Bard School, Cleric School, Medical School, Law School

Local Temple

- Can Include any number of Dwarven Deities

Residential Districts

- East Orange Dwarves

Nearby Farms

- Livestock: Pig Farms, Horse and Pony Farms, Sheep and Goat Farms, Chicken Farms

- Crops: Wheat Fields, Apple Orchards, Vineyards

Army Trenches

Quartermaster's Room

- Weapons: (See Non-Player Characters)

- Clothing/Armor: (See Non-Player Charactrers)

- Mounts/Vehicles: (See Non-Player Charactrers)

- Packs, Kits, and Books: Backpack, Canteen

- Food/Drink: Whiskey; Hardtack, Coffee, Bacon, Beans; Cigars

Officer Rooms

Field Hospital

- Items: First Aid Kit

Cards Room

- Drinks: Whiskey, Gin, Lager, Stout, Ale, Hard Cider

- Games: Poker, Dice

Chaplain's Room

- Can Include any number of Dwarven Deities

Unit Trench Sites

- (See Orders of Battle)

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