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After the events of the Spessartite-Jabalina Wars, the dwarves of Ulinawi gained power in the world. Their nation grew beyond their western border of the Father of Waters all the way across the Vast Plains and the Mountains of Stone to the coast of the Ocean of Peace. After seventy-five years of independence, the dwarves of Northern Larrunana and Southern Larrunana were headed towards war. Since before the revolution, the dwarves of Larrunana imported slaves from Aliaanza’nchi. Shortly after the end of the Spessartite-Jabalina Wars, the dwarves of Northern Larrunana replaced slave labor with machinery; replacing farm fields with factories. In the south, the dwarves continued their slave practices under the influence of an underground movement of vampires to continue the archaic practice. During the 3850’s the anti-slave protesters pushed their leaders to the front of Larrunana politics and in 3860, Stewart Aita took office. The southern counties of Larrunana declared open rebellion and a civil war began.


The party members begin the campaign as members of the Pink Detective Agents- a group of detectives-for-hire. Their campaign begins with minor missions in investigating issues related to the war and lead to an ultimate showdown against the demon Civil War herself.


The timeline of this campaign takes place over a 4 year period beginning in Winter of 3861 and ending in the Spring of 3865. Instead of the “mission of the week” style, this campaign is more open-world giving the party the task of choosing where to investigate and travel to for their investigations. There is still however a schedule- of sorts- in the form of mission prompts sent by Fox (letters carried by foxes from the Pink Detective Agency) to the party which they have the option of accepting or declining based on their available time. As such, there is included below a list of counties in Larrunana and the rebelling faction as well as neighboring countries. There are also “worm hole” (literal holes dug by giant worms which characters ride worms through to travel from one location to another rapidly) maps that show where worms can take players to and from. There are also other lists of events and locations that may be of help.

Loyalist Counties and Cities
Rebel Counties and Cities



Nuevo Herrixka


- Harrizko (Wormhole)



Nuevo Eborekon

- Nuevo Eborekon City (Wormhole)


- Senidetasun (Wormhole)

Nuevo Tunika

- Lanberria (Wormhole)

West Birjina


- Estugune (Wormhole)


- Maldatsu (Wormhole)

- Kometen (Wormhole)


- Gaztelua




- Luratsegina (Wormhole)


- Tipula Basa (Wormhole)

Aliatu Territory



Tindagai Territory

Gari Territory

Garai Territory

- Gazia Aintzira


Ehizatu Territory


- Gizon Librea

Border Counties and Cities



- Aliatu City* (Wormhole)

- Jauregi (Wormhole)



- Paladin City

Nuevo Arrananoma Territory

- Fede Santua


- Aberatsa* (Wormhole)

North Gizon

- Sagar (Wormhole)

- Orgatz (Wormhole)

South Gizon

- Gizakiaren


- Santos (Wormhole)


- Ur Gozoa


- New Pyramid


- Mugitu



- Crescent City

Drow Territory


- Belaze

- Dotore

- Soilune

Streetwise Loyalist Counties


Aliatu Territory

- Nimipu Villages

- Adanudo Villages

- Semoni Villages

- Dwarf Frontier Forts


- Dwarf Cattle Ranches


- Wormhole Construction

- Dwarf/Elf Fishing Towns

- Deep Gnomes Towns

- Gadaquali Villages

Ehizatu Territory

- Dwarf Cattle Ranches

- Wayaha Villages

- Mateviya Villages

- Dwarf Frontier Forts

Gari Territory

- Aligosu Villages

- Nuguwiyusu Villages

- Goga Villages

- Asgaya Villages

- Dwarf Frontier Forts

Garai Territory

- Asgosdi Villages

- Tsiyuusdi Villages

- Nuya Villages

- Wayaha Villages

- Dwarf Cleric Settlements

Tindagai Territory

- Dwarf Cattle Ranches

- Dwarf Frontier Forts


- Dwarf Grain Farms


- Dwarf Grain Farms

Aliatu Territory

- Nimipu Villages

- Adanudo Villages

- Semoni Villages

- Dwarf Frontier Forts

West (cont.)


- Dwarf Cattle Ranches


- Wormhole Construction

- Dwarf/Elf Fishing Towns

- Deep Gnomes Towns

- Gadaquali Villages

Ehizatu Territory

- Dwarf Cattle Ranches

- Wayaha Villages

- Mateviya Villages

- Dwarf Frontier Forts

Gari Territory

- Aligosu Villages

- Nuguwiyusu Villages

- Goga Villages

- Asgaya Villages

- Dwarf Frontier Forts

Garai Territory

- Asgosdi Villages

- Tsiyuusdi Villages

- Nuya Villages

- Wayaha Villages

- Dwarf Cleric Settlements

Tindagai Territory

- Dwarf Cattle Ranches

- Dwarf Frontier Forts


- Dwarf Grain Farms


- Dwarf Grain Farms



- Dwarf River Towns

- Longbow School


- Dwarf Grain Farms


- Dwarf River Towns


- Dwarf River Towns

Central (cont.)


- Steward Aita’s Home

- Dwarf River Towns

- Uganawuiditlu Towns

- Inali Towns


- Dwarf Pig Farms


- Dwarf Grain Farms


- Dwarf Factory Towns


- Dwarf Ranger Villages



- Dwarf Fishing Towns

- Dwarf Logging Towns


- Dwarf Logging Towns

Nuevo Herrixka

- Dwarf Logging Towns


- Dwarf Factory Towns


- Dwarf Fishing Towns


- Dwarf Fishing Towns

Nuevo Eborekon

- Dwarf Factory Towns

- Inadu Towns

- NEC (Largest City)

            - Gangs

            - Vampires


- Dwarf Factory Towns

Nuevo Tunika

- Dwarf Factory Towns

- Warlord School

West Birjina

- Dwarf Ranger Villages


- Dwarf Factory Towns


- Dwarf Factory Towns

- Aliatu City (Capital)

Streetwise Rebel Counties


Nuevo Arrananoma Territory

- Dwarf Cattle Ranches

- Agatanahi Villages

- Degalogesu Villages

- Gaduhu Villages

- Nagoliguna Villages

- Atalesdi Villages

- Dwarf Frontier Forts

Drow Territory

- Usdagalu Villages

- Tsisduna Villages

- Geyatahi Villages

- Ochese Villages

- Bounty Hunters & Thieves


- Dwarf Cattle Ranches

- Deep Gnome Towns



- Dwarf Pig Farms


- Dwarf Slave Plantations

- Crescent City (Largest Port)

- Vampires

Central (cont.)


- Dwarf Slave Plantations


- Dwarf Slave Plantations

- Vampires


- Dwarf Slave Plantations

- Vampires



- Dwarf Slave Plantations

- Dwarf Ranger Villages

- Aberatsa (Capital)

North Gizon

- Dwarf Slave Plantations

- Dwarf Ranger Villages

South Gizon

- Dwarf Slave Plantations


- Dwarf Slave Plantations

- Vampire


- Dwarf Slave Plantations

- Dwarf Fishing Villages

Streetwise Astigarraknana Counties



- Asiyuwi Villages

- Uyutlu Villages


- Golanu Villages

- Dwarf Frontier Forts



- Asiyuwi Villages


- Asgaya Villages

- Alitludodi Villages

- Dwarf Cattle Ranches



- Asiyuwi Villages


- Udali Villages

- Usdiyegu Villages

- Dwarf Towns

Streetwise Arrananoma Counties


- Nagoliguna Villages

- D Gnome Frontier Forts


- D Gnome Towns

- Udodaulosiyu Villages

- Inage Villages

- Galiquogi Villages

- Ulogili Villages


- Sapote Villages

- Utsoasetanu Villages

Pinker Detective Missions

Winter 3861


Plot: The detectives must help the undercover newly elected steward enter the Larrunana capital in secret. Along the carriage ride from Jauregi to Aliatu City, the party and the steward are ambushed by vampires.*

Spring 3861

Battle of Fort Pleasant

Plot: Rebel militia are bombarding a loyalist fort in the harbor of Gizakiaren. After 24 hours of constant artillery fire, the fort surrenders.

Summer 3861

Battle of the Forgotten Cause

Plot: Loyalist and rebel armies clash for the first time. Rebel Victory.

Ezazigun Affair

Plot: Loyalist General Eman must cross a river from Lotan into Geroaldi and capture a river town on the other side of the river.

Winter 3862


Plot: Loyalist forces launch their first armored destroyer ship.

Battle of Lukewarm Ridge

Plot: Loyalist forces push into rebel territory in the Western Theatre. Loyalist Victory.

Spring 3862

​Battle of the Peace

Plot: General Eman engages in his first major battle of the war against a massive rebel army. Loyalist victory.

Summer 3862

Aligosu Uprising

Plot: Aligosu Drow in the Aliatu Territory attack and burn dwarf settlements there.

Second Battle of the Forgotten Cause

Plot: Loyalist and Rebel armies clash again in the Eastern Theatre. Rebel Victory.

Battle of Swift Water

Plot: A rebel army is invading Loyalist territory but has been cut off from escape by a loyalist army twice its number. Draw.

Autumn 3862

​Battle of Peace Chief Town

Plot: Loyalist forces attempt to besiege the rebel capital and engage the rebels at the outer defenses of the city. Rebel Victory.


Winter 3863

Transcontinental Wormhole

Plot: Ground is broken in Armarria for the building of the first worm hole designed to bridge the Ocean of Peace and the Santos Ocean.

Draft Dodgers

Plot: When Steward Aita signs a law drafting Larrunana citizens into military service, riots ensue in Nuevo Eborekon.

Spring 3863

Four Sin’s Raiders

Plot: The rebel renegade cavalry have attacked a burned the county seat in Haize.

Battle of Advisory Village

Plot: A rebel army challenges a loyalist army twice its size resulting in victory, but at the loss of the charismatic rebel cavalry commander. Rebel Victory.

Summer 3863

Battle of Winged Victory

Plot: A second rebel attempt at invading loyalist territory climaxes at the town of Winged Victory where for three days the rebel army attempts to breach the loyalist army standing between the rebels and the nation’s capital. Loyalist Victory.

Winter 3864

Long Walk of the Degalogesu

Plot: Larrunana soldiers escort Degalogesu Drow from their traditional homelands in Southwest Larrunana to a reservation three hundred miles away.

The Great Escape

Plot: 100 Loyalist prisoners of war escape a rebel prison camp.

Spring 3864

​Battle of the Wilderness

Plot: In an attempt to prevent the rebel army from escaping, the new commander-in-chief- General Eman- sets fire to the forest of northern Birjina during a massive battle against rebel forces. Draw.

Summer 3864

Battle of the Crater

Plot: Underneath the defensive walls of the rebel capital, loyalist forces have place explosives in the hopes of blasting through the rebel defenses. After setting off the explosives, the loyalists rush a massive army of soldiers forward to find the wall has only partially been destroyed. Draw.

Fall 3864

March to the Sea

Plot: Loyalist General Moztu is pushing deep through rebel territory with the goal of breaking the rebelling counties in half. Along the way, he burns farms, liberates slaves, and destroys anything the rebel armies may use in the war.

Tsiyuusdi Massacre

Plot: Seven hundred Larrunanan cavalry massacre a village of two hundred Tsiyuusdi Drow making camp for the winter.

Spring 3865

Evacuation Day

Plot: With the largest rebel army on the run, the rebel capital is evacuated and set a flame. the demon Civil War makes the burning city her headquarters. The detectives must engage in a final showdown against the demon.*

War’s End

Plot: The commander of the largest rebel army surrenders to General Eman. Less than a week later, Steward Aita is assassinated by a vampire rebel inside of a theatre in the capital. Two weeks later, a Pinker Detectives locate the vampire and slay him.*

*Denotes Required Mission

Non-Player Characters

Loyalist Military



- Heavy Infantry: Chainmail, Tunic, Wool Trousers, Leather Boots; Longspear, Shortsword

- Light Infantry: Cloth Armor, Tunic, Wool Trousers, Leather Boots; Crossbow, Shortsword

- Medium Cavalry (Lancers): Ponies, Cloth Armor, Tunic, Wool Trousers, Riding Boots; Longspear, Scimitar

- Light Cavalry: Wolfhounds, Cloth Armor, Tunic, Wool Trousers, Riding Boots; Hand Crossbow, Scimitar

- Medium Artillery: Hide Armor, Tunic, Wool Trousers, Leather Boots, Gaiters; Onager, Handaxe, Dagger

- Light Artillery: Hide Armor, Tunic, Wool Trousers, Leather Boots, Gaiters; Ballista, Handaxe, Dagger


- Corvettes: 2 Decks, 10 Ballista

- Destroyers: 1 Deck, 1 Ballista

- Cruisers: 0 Decks, 0 Artillery

- Marines: Leather Armor, Tunic, Wool Trousers, Leather Boots; Battleaxe, Handaxe



- Heavy Infantry: Chainmail, Tunic, Wool Trousers, Leather Boots, Gaiters; Longsword, Shortsword

- Light Infantry: Cloth Armor, Tunic, Wool Trousers, Leather Boots, Leggings; Longbow, Shortsword

- Light Cavalry: Wolfhounds, Cloth Armor, Tunic, Wool Trousers, Riding Boots; Hand Crossbow, Scimitar

- Heavy Artillery: Hide Armor, Tunic, Wool Trousers, Leather Boots, Gaiters; Trebuchet, Handaxe, Dagger

- Medium Artillery: Hide Armor, Tunic, Wool Trousers, Leather Boots, Gaiters; Onager, Handaxe, Dagger

- Light Artillery: Hide Armor, Tunic, Wool Trousers, Leather Boots, Gaiters; Scorpion, Handaxe, Dagger


- Frigates: 3 Decks, 24 Ballista

- Corvettes: 2 Decks, 12 Ballista

- Destroyers: 1 Deck, 1 Ballista

- Cruisers: 0 Decks, 0 Artillery

- Marines: Leather Armor, Tunic, Wool Trousers, Leather Boots, Gaiters; Battleaxe, Handaxe

Rebel Military



- Heavy Infantry: Chainmail, Tunic, Wool Trousers, Leather Boots; Longspear, Shortsword

- Light Infantry: Cloth Armor, Tunic, Wool Trousers, Leather Boots; Crossbow, Shortsword

- Medium Cavalry (Lancers): Ponies, Cloth Armor, Tunic, Wool Trousers, Riding Boots; Longspear, Scimitar

- Light Cavalry: Wolfhounds, Cloth Armor, Tunic, Wool Trousers, Riding Boots; Hand Crossbow, Scimitar

- Medium Artillery: Hide Armor, Tunic, Wool Trousers, Leather Boots, Gaiters; Onager, Handaxe, Dagger

- Light Artillery: Hide Armor, Tunic, Wool Trousers, Leather Boots, Gaiters; Ballista, Handaxe, Dagger


- Corvettes: 2 Decks, 10 Ballista

- Destroyers: 1 Deck, 1 Ballista

- Cruisers: 0 Decks, 0 Artillery



- Heavy Infantry: Cloth Armor, Tunic, Wool Trousers, Leather Boots; Longspear, Shortsword

- Light Infantry: Cloth Armor, Tunic, Wool Trousers, Leather Boots; Crossbow, Shortsword

- Medium Cavalry (Lancers): Donkeys, Cloth Armor, Tunic, Wool Trousers, Riding Boots; Longspear, Scimitar

- Light Cavalry: Dismounted, Cloth Armor, Tunic, Wool Trousers, Riding Boots; Hand Crossbow, Scimitar

- Medium Artillery: Hide Armor, Tunic, Wool Trousers, Leather Boots, Gaiters; Onager, Handaxe, Dagger

- Light Artillery: Hide Armor, Tunic, Wool Trousers, Leather Boots, Gaiters; Ballista, Handaxe, Dagger


- Corvettes: 2 Decks, 12 Ballista

- Destroyers: 1 Deck, 1 Ballista

- Cruisers: 0 Decks, 0 Artillery

Orders of Battle

Battle of Fort Pleasant

Date: Spring 3861

Loyalist Garrison

- 85 Marines

Rebel Militia (Victorious)

- 400 Medium Artillery

First Battle of the Forgotten Cause

Date: Summer 3861

Loyalist Army

- 8200 Heavy Infantry

- 150 Marines

- 1000 Militia

- 150 Light Cavalry

- 107 Light Artillery

Rebel Army (Victorious)

- 10,850 Heavy Infantry

- 450 Light Infantry

- 2550 Light Cavalry

- 180 Light Artillery

Battle of Lukewarm Ridge

Date: Winter 3862

Loyalist Army (Victorious)

- 4750 Heavy Infantry

- 1100 Light Cavalry

- 150 Light Artillery

Rebel Army

- 5150 Heavy Infantry

- 1300 Light Infantry

- 3200 Light Cavalry

- 140 Light Artillery

Battle of the Peace

Date: Spring 3862

Loyalist Forces (Victorious)

- 35,000 Heavy Infantry

- 3000 Medium Cavalry

- 50 Medium Artillery

- 210 Light Artillery


- 17,500 Heavy Infantry

- 400 Light Infantry

- 1500 Medium Cavalry

- 20 Medium Artillery

- 100 Light Artillery

Rebel Forces

- 32,400 Heavy Infantry

- 400 Heavy Cavalry

- 2800 Medium Cavalry

- 144 Medium Artillery

- 20 Light Artillery

Second Battle of the Forgotten Cause

Date: Summer 3862

Loyalist Forces

- 61,200 Heavy Infantry

- 800 Light Infantry

- 7000 Medium Cavalry

- 75 Medium Artillery

- 480 Light Artillery

Rebel Forces (Victorious)

- 37,500 Heavy Infantry

- 500 Light Infantry

- 2300 Medium Cavalry

- 225 Medium Artillery

Battle of Swift Water

Date: Summer 3862

Loyalist Forces (Draw)

- 60,500 Heavy Infantry

- 1500 Light Infantry

- 5000 Medium Cavalry

- 95 Medium Artillery

- 440 Light Artillery

Rebel Forces (Draw)

- 24,400 Heavy Infantry

- 150 Light Infantry

- 2000 Medium Cavalry

- 1 Heavy Artillery

- 45 Medium Artillery

- 40 Light Artillery

Battle of Peace Chief Town

Date: Autumn 3862

Loyalist Forces

- 91,700 Heavy Infantry

- 1800 Light Infantry

- 8400 Medium Cavalry

- 128 Medium Artillery

- 585 Light Artillery

Rebel Forces (Victorious)

- 52,600 Heavy Infantry

- 300 Light Infantry

- 5900 Medium Cavalry

- 9 Heavy Artillery

- 300 Medium Artillery

- 191 Light Artillery

Battle of Advisory Village

Date: Spring 3863

Loyalist Forces

- 101,200 Heavy Infantry

- 1600 Light Infantry

- 8700 Medium Cavalry

- 6 Heavy Artillery

- 135 Medium Artillery

- 302 Light Artillery

Rebel Army (Victorious)

- 42,000 Heavy Infantry

- 300 Light Infantry

- 3100 Medium Cavalry

- 274 Medium Artillery

- 62 Light Artillery

Battle of Winged Victory

Date: Summer 3863

Loyalist Forces (Victorious)

- 72,900 Heavy Infantry

- 900 Light Infantry

- 9200 Medium Cavalry

- 9 Heavy Artillery

- 123 Medium Artillery

- 692 Light Artillery

Rebel Forces

- 49,200 Heavy Infantry

- 300 Light Infantry

- 7700 Medium Cavalry

- 300 Light Cavalry

- 8 Heavy Artillery

- 317 Medium Artillery

- 28 Light Artillery

Battle of the Wilderness

Date: Spring 3864

Loyalist Forces (Draw)

- 83,300 Heavy Infantry

- 2200 Light Infantry

- 350 Heavy Cavalry

- 12,000 Medium Cavalry

- 350 Light Cavalry

- 26 Heavy Artillery

- 89 Medium Artillery

- 944 Light Infantry

Rebel Forces (Draw)

- 29,000 Heavy Infantry

- 600 Light Infantry

- 5900 Medium Cavalry

- 228 Medium Artillery

- 75 Light Artillery

Battle of the Crater

Date: Summer 3864

Loyalist Forces

- 6400 Heavy Infantry

- 250 Light Infantry

- 250 Light Cavalry

- 5 Heavy Artillery

- 59 Light Artillery

Rebel Forces (Victorious)

- 4700 Heavy Infantry

- 1 Heavy Artillery

- 22 Medium Artillery

- 7 Light Artillery

Found Items

Loyalist Cities

Magic Shops

- Songbooks: Brown Human, West Yellow Dwarf, West Orange Dwarf, Northeast Fur Dwarf

- Spellbooks: Dwarf, Human, Drow

- Ritual Books: Dwarf, Drow

- Other: Magic Hat, Magic Book, Magic Kit

General Store

- Weapons: Handaxe, Shortbow, Dagger

- Clothing/Armor: Bowler Hat, Cowboy Hat, Bandana, Cloak, Wool Tunic, Cotton Tunic, Wool Trousers, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leather Shoes, Gaiters, Riding Boots

- Mounts/Vehicles: Sheepdog, Fell Pony, Quarter Horse, Kayak, Row Boat, Cart, Wagon

- Packs, Kits, and Books: Backpack, External Frame Pack, Saddle Bag, Calligraphy Kit, Orientation Kit, Canteen

- Food/Drink: Whiskey, Gin, Brandy, Lager, Stout, Ale, Hard Cider, Sasparilla, Root Beer; Flour, Sugar, Milk, Eggs, Coffee, Bacon, Beans, Potatoes, Rock Candy, Lemon Drops, Saltwater Taffy, Licorice

Music Store

- Instruments: Guitar, Mandolin, Violin, Banjo

Book Store

- Books: Fur Dwarf History, Orange Dwarf History, Black Dwarf History, Yellow Dwarf History, Red Dwarf History, Self-Help, Political Science Text, Wilderness Survival, Ulinawi Wildlife, Yellow Dwarf Religious Book, Orange Dwarf Religious Book, Red Dwarf Religious Book, Eastern Wood Drow Ethnographic Text, Larrunana Atlas

Government Buildings

- Depends on Size of Settlement (Can include capitol buildings, governors' mansions or town halls, etc.); Will always include at least 1 jail, at least 1 legislative building, at least 1 court house, and at least 1 executive building.

Sports Stadium

- Based on local culture: West- rodeo chute; Central- shooting range; East- boxing ring


- Items: First Aid Kit

Local Park

- Flora and Fauna of region


- Food: Beef steak with baked beans and biscuits

- Drinks: Whiskey, Gin, Lager, Stout, Ale, Hard Cider, Sarsaparilla


- Colleges: Wizard School, Bard School, Cleric School, Medical School, Law School

Local Temple

- Can Include any number of Dwarven Deities

Residential Districts

- Central Red Dwarf, West Yellow Dwarf, Fur Dwarf, River Hill Elf, Free Brown Human

Nearby Farms

- Livestock: Cattle Ranches, Pig Farms, Horse and Pony Farms, Sheep and Goat Farms, Chicken Farms

- Crops: Wheat Fields, Corn Fields, Apple Orchards

Loyalist Cities

Magic Shops

- Songbooks: Brown Human, West Yellow Dwarf, West Orange Dwarf, Southeast Fur Dwarf

- Spellbooks: Dwarf, Human

- Ritual Books: Dwarf

- Other: Magic Hat, Magic Book, Magic Kit

General Store

- Weapons: Handaxe, Shortbow, Dagger

- Clothing/Armor: Bandana, Cloak, Cotton Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leather Shoes, Gaiters, Riding Boots

- Mounts/Vehicles: Sheepdog, Bloodhound, Fell Pony, Quarter Horse, Kayak, Row Boat, Cart, Wagon

- Packs, Kits, and Books: Backpack, External Frame Pack, Saddle Bag, Calligraphy Kit, Orientation Kit, Canteen

- Food/Drink: Whiskey, Gin, Brandy, Tequila, Lager, Stout, Ale, Hard Cider, Sasparilla, Root Beer; Flour, Sugar, Milk, Eggs, Chickory, Bacon, Beans, Potatoes, Rock Candy, Lemon Drops, Licorice

Music Store

- Instruments: Guitar, Mandolin, Violin, Banjo

Book Store

- Books: Fur Dwarf History, Orange Dwarf History, Black Dwarf History, Yellow Dwarf History, Red Dwarf History, Self-Help, Political Science Text, Wilderness Survival, Ulinawi Wildlife, Yellow Dwarf Religious Book, Orange Dwarf Religious Book, Red Dwarf Religious Book, Eastern Wood Drow Ethnographic Text, Larrunana Atlas

Government Buildings

- Depends on Size of Settlement (Can include capitol buildings, governors' mansions or town halls, etc.); Will always include at least 1 jail, at least 1 legislative building, at least 1 court house, and at least 1 executive building.

Sports Stadium

- Based on local culture: West- rodeo chute; Central- rodeo chute; East- horse race tracks


- Items: First Aid Kit

Local Park

- Flora and Fauna of region


- Food: Fried Chicken with Mashed Potatoes and Gravy

- Drinks: Whiskey, Gin, Tequila, Lager, Stout, Ale, Hard Cider, Sarsaparilla


- Colleges: Wizard School, Bard School, Cleric School, Medical School, Law School

Local Temple

- Can Include any number of Dwarven Deities

Residential Districts

- Central Red Dwarf, West Yellow Dwarf, Fur Dwarf

Nearby Farms

- Livestock: Cattle Ranches, Pig Farms, Horse and Pony Farms, Sheep and Goat Farms, Chicken Farms

- Crops: Wheat Fields, Corn Fields, Apple Orchards, Cotton Fields

Astigarraknana Cities

Magic Shops

- Songbooks: East Yellow Dwarf, West Orange Dwarf, Northeast Fur Dwarf

- Spellbooks: Dwarf, Human, Drow

- Ritual Books: Dwarf, Drow

- Other: Magic Hat, Magic Book, Magic Kit

General Store

- Weapons: Handaxe, Shortbow, Dagger

- Clothing/Armor: Bowler Hat, Cowboy Hat, Bandana, Cloak, Wool Tunic, Cotton Tunic, Wool Trousers, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leather Shoes, Gaiters, Riding Boots

- Mounts/Vehicles: Sheepdog, Fell Pony, Quarter Horse, Kayak, Row Boat, Cart, Wagon

- Packs, Kits, and Books: Backpack, External Frame Pack, Saddle Bag, Calligraphy Kit, Orientation Kit, Canteen

- Food/Drink: Whiskey, Gin, Brandy, Lager, Stout, Ale, Hard Cider; Flour, Sugar, Milk, Eggs, Coffee, Bacon, Beans, Potatoes, Rock Candy, Licorice

Music Store

- Instruments: Guitar, Mandolin, Violin, Banjo

Book Store

- Books: Orange Dwarf History, Yellow Dwarf History, Self-Help, Political Science Text, Wilderness Survival, Ulinawi Wildlife, Yellow Dwarf Religious Book, Orange Dwarf Religious Book, Astigarraknana Atlas

Government Buildings

- Depends on Size of Settlement (Can include capitol buildings, governors' mansions or town halls, etc.); Will always include at least 1 jail, at least 1 legislative building, at least 1 court house, and at least 1 executive building.


- Items: First Aid Kit

Local Park

- Flora and Fauna of region


- Food: Beef steak with baked beans and biscuits

- Drinks: Whiskey, Gin, Lager, Stout, Ale, Hard Cider


- Colleges: Wizard School, Bard School, Cleric School, Medical School, Law School

Local Temple

- Can Include any number of Dwarven Deities

Residential Districts

- West Orange Dwarf, West Yellow Dwarf, Fur Dwarf

Nearby Farms

- Livestock: Cattle Ranches, Pig Farms, Horse and Pony Farms, Sheep and Goat Farms, Chicken Farms

- Crops: Wheat Fields, Corn Fields, Apple Orchards

Arrananoma Cities

Magic Shops

- Songbooks: West Black Dwarf, Deep Gnome

- Spellbooks: Dwarf, Drow

- Ritual Books: Dwarf, Drow

- Other: Magic Book, Magic Kit


- Weapons: Bastard Sword, Crossbow, Dagger

- Clothing/Armor: Cowboy Hat, Wool Poncho, Bandana, Cloak, Cotton Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots, Leather Shoes, Gaiters, Riding Boots

- Mounts/Vehicles: Sheepdog, Bloodhound, Fell Pony, Donkey, Kayak, Row Boat, Cart

- Packs, Kits, and Books: Saddle Bag, Calligraphy Kit, Orientation Kit, Canteen

- Food/Drink: Tequila, Lager; Tortillas, Eggs, Coffee, Chicken, Beans

Music Store

- Instruments: Guitar, Mandolin, Violin, Banjo

Book Store

- Books: Black Dwarf History, Wilderness Survival, Ulinawi Wildlife, Black Dwarf Religious Book, Arrananoma Atlas

Government Buildings

- Depends on Size of Settlement (Can include capitol buildings, governors' mansions or town halls, etc.); Will always include at least 1 jail, at least 1 legislative building, and at least 1 executive building.

Local Park

- Flora and Fauna of region


- Food: Tacos with Refried Beans and Rice

- Drinks: Tequila, Lager

Local Temple

- Can Include any number of Dwarven Deities

Residential Districts

- Deep Gnomes

Nearby Farms

- Livestock: Cattle Ranches, Pig Farms, Horse and Pony Farms, Sheep and Goat Farms, Chicken Farms

- Crops: Corn Fields, Agave Fields

Drow Settlements

Sweat Lodge


- Weapons: Shortbow, Handaxe, Dagger

- Clothing/Armor: Cowboy Hat, Wool Cloth, Bandana, Leather Trousers, Leather Boots, Mocassins

- Mounts/Vehicles: Quarterhorse

- Food/Drink: Bison Jerkey, Cornbread, Wild Berries

Music Store

- Instruments: Flute, Base Drum

Government Buildings

- Chief's Home, Community House

Local Shrine

- Can Include any number of Drow Deities

Residential Homes

Nearby Farms

- Livestock: Cattle Ranches, Horse Farms, Sheep and Goat Farms

- Crops: Corn Fields

Army Camps


- Weapons: (See Non-Player Characters)

- Clothing/Armor: (See Non-Player Charactrers)

- Mounts/Vehicles: (See Non-Player Charactrers)

- Packs, Kits, and Books: Backpack, Saddle Bag, Canteen

- Food/Drink: Whiskey; Hardtack, Coffee, Bacon, Beans; Cigars

Officer Tents

Field Hospital

- Items: First Aid Kit

Cards Tent

- Food: Beef steak with baked beans and biscuits

- Drinks: Whiskey, Gin, Lager, Stout, Ale, Hard Cider, Sarsaparilla

- Games: Poker, Dice

Chaplain's Tent

- Can Include any number of Dwarven Deities

Unit Camp Sites

- (See Orders of Battle)

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