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Chapter 8: Tier 1 Beings

Tier 1 Beings are any creatures and characters born of the mortal realm of mortal parents. This can include sentient beings- like dwarves, gnomes, and half-orcs- or non-sentient beings- like horses, sharks, or parrots. The list of Tier 1 Non-Sentient Beings is extensive and is categorized by types of creature. For a list of sentient creatures, see "Character Races" in the Player's Manual


Comb Jellyfish (Deep Water)


Anemones & Corals (Ocean floor)


- Jellyfish (Middle Ocean)

- Box Jellyfish (Middle Ocean and Seas)


Sea Stars & Urchin (All saltwater sources)



            - Arachnids, Horseshoe Crabs, & Sea Spiders

                        - Whip Spiders (Tropical and subtropical land)

                        - Spider

                                    - Web Spiders (All continents except Land of Ice & Snow)

                                                - Includes Giant Spiders

                                    - Burrowing Spiders (Tropics and Subtropics)

                        - Daddy Longlegs (All continents except Land of Ice & Snow)

                        - Book Scorpions (All continents except Land of Ice & Snow)

                        - Scorpions (All continents except Land of Ice & Snow excluding tundra)

                        - Camel Spiders (Dry climates)

                        - Horseshoe Crabs (All saltwater sources)

                        - Sea Spiders (All saltwater sources)

            - Centipedes & Millipedes (All terrestrial climates)

            - Crustaceans

                        - Shrimp, Lobsters, Crabs, & Crawfish (All saltwater sources)

                        - Barnacles (All saltwater sources)

            - Insects

                        - Mayflies (Freshwater sources in Ulinawi and Si)

                        - Dragonflies & Damselflies (Freshwater sources in Ulinawi and Si)

                        - Cockroaches and Termites (Aliaanza’nchi)

                        - Beetles (All continents except Land of Ice & Snow)

                        - Earwig (All continents except Land of Ice & Snow)

                        - Flies and Mosquitoes (All continents except Land of Ice & Snow)

                        - Cicadas, Aphids, & Bed Bugs (All continents except Land of Ice & Snow)

                        - Wasps, Bees, & Ants (All continents except Land of Ice & Snow)

                        - Butterflies & Moths (All continents except Land of Ice & Snow)

                        - Mantis (Temperate and tropical climates)

                        - Grasshoppers, Locust, & Crickets (All continents except Land of Ice & Snow)

                        - Stick-bugs (Tropic and subtropic climates)

                        - Lice (All continents except Land of Ice & Snow)

                        - Stoneflies (All continents except Land of Ice & Snow)

                        - Fleas (All continents except Land of Ice & Snow)

- Tunicates (Sea floors)

- Fish

            - Lampreys & Hagfish (Ocean of Peace and Santos Ocean resp.)

            - Sharks and Rays

                        - Rays (Coastal sea floor)

                        - Sharks

                                    - Bullhead Sharks (Sea Floor)

                                    - Frilled Sharks (Southern Aliaanza’nchi coast)

                                    - Pray Sharks [Threshers, Basking, White, Sand, Goblin] (All saltwater environments)

                                    - Carpet Sharks [Blind, Nurse, Bamboo, Wobbegong, Whale, Zebra] (All saltwater environments)

                                    - Sawsharks (All saltwater environments)

                                    - Squal Sharks [Gulper, Kitefin, Bramble, Lantern, Rough, Sleeper, Dogfish] (All saltwater environments)

                                    - Angelsharks (Sea Floor)

                                    - Ground Sharks [Requiem {Tiger, Blue, Bull}, Weasel, Catshark, Hammerhead] (All saltwater environments)

            - Ray-finned Fish

            - Sturgeon (All water sources)

            - New Fins

                        - Gars (Ulinawi freshwater sources)

                        - Eels & Sea Serpents (All saltwater sources)

                        - Herring & Anchovies (All saltwater sources)

                        - Carp, Piranhas, & Catfish (All freshwater sources)

                        - Salmon, Trout, & Pike (Cold saltwater environments)

                        - Cod (Cold saltwater environments)

                        - Mullets, Pufferfish, Seahorses, Perch, Sculpins & Sunfish (Warm water environments)

- Tetrapods

            - Amphibians

                        - Old Frogs (Cool, humid coasts of Ocean of Peace)

                        - Middle [Spadefoot] Frogs (Warm, humid Zezen, Si, & Ocean of Peace)

                                    - Includes giant frogs

                        - New Frogs (Hot, humid Aliaanza’nchi, Si, Koraha, Ulinawi, & Hattun)

                        - Salamanders (Warm, humid Zezen, Si, & Ulinawi)

            - Mammals

                        - Monotremes

                                    - Platypus (Koraha proper)

                                    - Echidna (Koraha proper)

                        - Shrews and Hedgehogs

                                    - Shrew (Burrowing; all continents except Land of Ice & Snow)

                                    - Hedgehog (Burrowing; all continents except Land of Ice & Snow)

                        - Bats (Caves; all continents except Land of Ice & Snow)

                        - Pangolins (Central & Southern Aliaanza’nchi, South & Southeast Si)

                        - Carnivores

                                    - Cats, Hyenas, and Mongoose

                                                - Mongooses (Aliaanza’nchi and Si)

                                                - Big Cats [Tigers, Lions, Jaguars, Leopards, Snow Leopards] (Aliaanza’nchi, Si, Ulinawi, & Hattun)

                                                - Lesser Cats [Cheetah, caracal, domestic, mountain, ocelot, lynx, bobcat] (Zezen, Aliaanza’nchi, Si, Ulinawi, & Hattun)

                                                - Hyenas (Aliaanza’nchi, Southwest & South Si)

                                    - Canines

                                                - Wolves [Wolves, domestic, coyote, jackal] (All continents except Land of Ice & Snow)

                                                - Foxes (All continents except Korana & Land of Ice & Snow)

                                    - Bears [Polar, black, brown, panda] (Zezen, Si, & Ulinawi)

                                    - Red Pandas (Si highlands)

                                    - Walrus (Northern Ocean coasts)

                                    - Sea Lions (Santos Ocean, Ocean of Peace, Southern Ocean, & Tea Ocean coasts)

                                    - Seals (Santos Ocean, Ocean of Peace, Southern Ocean, & Tea Ocean coasts)

                                    - Skunks (Ulinawi)

                                    - Fur Mammals [Badger, weasel, otter, marten, mink, wolverine] (Zezen & Ulinawi)

                                    - Raccoon (Ulinawi)

                        - Odd-toed ungulates

                                    - Equines [Horse/ pony, donkey, zebra] (Zezen, Aliaanza’nchi, & Si)

                                    - Tapirs (Aliaanza’nchi)

                                    - Rhinoceros [Black, white, fairy] (Aliaanza’nchi & Si)

                        - Even-toed ungulates

                                    - Camels & Llamas/ Alpaca (Aliaanza’nchi, Si, & Hattun)

                                    - Swine [Boars, pigs, hogs] (Aliaanza’nchi, Zezen, & Si)

                                    - Peccary (Ulinawi & Hattun)

                                    - Grazing mammals [Cattle, giraffe, goats, sheep, deer, antelope] (All continents except Koraha & Land of Ice & Snow)

                                    - Hippopotamus (Aliaanza’nchi waterways)

                                    - Whales [Right, gray, fin, humpback, blue, mink, bowhead] (All oceans)

                                    - Dolphins [dolphin, orca, sperm whale] (All oceans)

                        - Glires

                                    - Rodents [Porcupine, guinea pig, chipmunk, beaver, kangaroo rat, gopher, mouse] (All continents except Land of Ice & Snow)

                                                - Includes giant rats

                                    - Rabbits/ Hares (All continents except Land of Ice & Fog)

                        - Primates

                                    - Lemurs & Loris (Farthing Island)

                                    - New World Monkeys [marmoset, tamarin, capuchin, squirrel, saki, uakari, howler, spider, woolly] (Southern Ulinawi & Hattun)

                                    - Old World Monkeys [vervet, macaque, colobus, langur, snub-nose] (warm climates; Aliaanza’nchi, Zezen, & Si)

                                    - Lesser Apes (Southeast Si)

                                    - Greater Apes [Mortal races, gorilla, chimpanzee, orangutan] (Central Aliaanza’nchi [gorilla, chimp], South and Southeast Si [orangutan])

                        - Elephants and anteaters

                                    - Anteaters, Sloths, & Armadillos (Ulinawi & Hattun)

                                    - Elephants (Aliaanza’nchi & Si)

                                                - Includes olifants

                                    - Aarvarks (Aliaanza’nchi)

                                    - Sea Cows (Tropical coasts)

                        - Marsupials

                                    - Opossums (Koraha proper & Ulinawi)

                                    - Bandicoots (Southeast Si)

                                    - Koalas (Koraha proper)

                                    - Wombats (Koraha proper)

                                    - Kangaroos (Koraha proper)

            - Birds

                        - Flightless Birds

                                    - Kiwi (Woodland Islands)

                                    - Cassowaries (Hattun)

                                    - Rhea (Hattun)

                                    - Ostriches (Aliaanza’nchi)

                                    - Tinamou (Southern Ulinawi)

                        - Fowl

                                    - Screamers (Hattun)

                                    - Geese and Swans (All continents except Land of Ice & Snow)

                                    - Ducks (All continents except Land of Ice & Snow)

                                    - Megapodes and Turkeys (Ulinawi& Koraha proper)

                                    - Guans (Southern Ulinawi, Hattun, & Goblin Isles)

                                    - Quail (Hattun & Ulinawi)

                                    - Guineafowl (Aliaanza’nchi)

                                    - Ground Birds [pheasants, partridge, junglefowl, chicken] (All continents except Land of Ice & Snow)

                        - Aves

                                    - Flamingos (Tropical and subtropical water sources)

                                    - Grebes (All continents except Land of Ice & Snow)

                                    - Pigeons & Doves (All continents except Land of Ice & Snow)

                                    - Sandgrouse (Zezen, Aliaanza’nchi, & Si)

                                    - Mesites (Farthing Island)

                                    - Hummingbirds and Swifts (All continents except Land of Ice & Snow)

                                    - Cuckoos (Ulinawi & Zezen)

                                    - Bustards (Zezen and Si highlands)

                                    - Turacao (Hattun)

                                    - Rails and Cranes (All continents except Land of Ice & Snow)

                                    - Shorebirds (Coasts on all continents)

                                    - Core Water Birds

                                                - Loons (All continents except Land of Ice & Snow)

                                                - Penguins (Land of Ice & Snow, Hattun, Aliaanza’nchi)

                                                - Herons and cranes (All continents except Land of Ice & Snow)

                                                - Pelicans (Coasts on all continents)

                                    - Tropicbirds [cormorant, gannet, frigatebird] (Equatorial zone)

                                    - Suboscines [Broadbill, flycatcher] (All continents except Land of Ice & Snow)

                                    - Songbirds [lyrebird, treecreeper, honeyeater, logrunner, shrike, bird of paradise, crows/ ravens, stitchbird, tit, chickadee, swallow, waxwing, wren, finch, sunbird,                                          weaver, bunting] (All continents except Land of Ice & Snow)

                        - Birds of Prey

                                    - Hawks/ Kites (All continents except Land of Ice & Snow)

                                    - Eagles (All continents except Land of Ice & Snow)

                                    - Vultures (Warm to hot climates; All continents except Land of Ice & Snow)

                        - Owls (All continents except Land of Ice & Snow)

                        - Hornbills (Tropical climates; Si and Farthing Island)

                        - Kingfishers (All continents except Land of Ice & Snow)

                        - Galbuli (Southern Ulinawi)

                        - Toucans (Tropical climates; Aliaanza’nchi & Si)

                        - Woodpeckers (All continents except Land of Ice & Snow)

                        - Falcons (All continents except Land of Ice & Snow)

                        - Parrots (Aliaanza’nchi, Si, Koraha, & Hattun)

            - Reptiles

                        - Alligators and Crocodiles (All continents except Zezen & Land of  Ice & Snow)

                        - Tuatara (Woodland Islands)

                        - Legless Lizards (Ocean of Peace tropics)

                        - Geckos (All warm climates)

                        - Wall Lizards (Zezen, Aliaanza’nchi, & Si)

                        - Skinks (All warm climates)

                        - Iguania [chameleon, iguana, monitors, anole] (All warm climates)

                        - Snakes

                                    - Boas (All continents except Land of Ice & Snow)

                                    - Common Snakes (All continents except Land of Ice & Snow)

                                    - Elapids [adder, cobra, copperhead, mamba, coral, sea snakes] (All continents except Zezen, Hattun, & Land of Ice & Snow)

                                    - Homalopsids (Southeast Asia & Koraha proper)

                                    - Lamphrids (Aliaanza’nchi, Zezen, & Si)

                                    - Vipers (All continents except Zezen, Koraha, & Land of Ice & Snow)

                                    - Blind Snakes (All continents except Koraha & Land of Ice & Snow)

                        - Turtles

                                    - Snapping Turtles (Ulinawi)

                                    - Sea Turtles (Ocean of Peace)

                                    - Box Turtles (Si)

                                    - Tortoises (Ocean of Peace)

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