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Chapter 1: The Universe

There are several dimensions (or realms) within the Joka universe. Each realm has its own environment and challenges a character must face while navigating through them. There are also portals that connect dimensions to each other with several alternative ways of transporting from one world to another. The first realm was the Void- where the beings Being and Place would later sire several characters that would lead to the creation of other realms. The second realm was the Mortal Realm where the majority of campaigns take place. There are realms of the dead, realms of the gods, an astral plane, and manufactured realms that powerful spellcasters created at various points in the history of the mortal races.

Structure of the Universe

The structure of the Joka Universe can be complex. The best way to imagine it is to think of the connected realms as a web. The mortal realm is the center of the web with spindles branching off into the realms of the gods, the realms of the dead, and the manufactures realms. The ties that bind the mortal realm to the realms of the dead make up the Astral Plane- a multi-dimensional realm in which characters in different paths can see one another but cannot interact. Characters in the Astral Plane may also interact with those in the Mortal Realm and in the realms of the dead. Surrounding the web of the realms is the Void- the absence of dimension that provides a backdrop for the several other dimensions. 

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