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Chapter 3: Character Races

A Variety of cultures and societies populate the world of the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game, some made up of humans but others made up of fantastic races such as elves, dwarves, and tieflings. Adventurers and heroes can arise from these various peoples. Your choice of character race provides you with a basic set of advantages and special abilities. If you’re a fighter, are you a stubborn dwarf monster-slayer, a graceful elf blademaster, or a fierce dragonborn gladiator? If you’re a wizard, are you a brave human spell-for-hire or a devious tiefling conjurer? Your character race not only affects your ability scores and powers but also provides the first cues for building your character’s story.


Each character race offers the following types of benefits. Ability Scores: Your character race gives you a bonus to a particular ability score or two. Keep these bonuses in mind when you assign your ability scores. Speed: Your speed is the number of squares you can normally move when you walk. Vision: Most races, including humans, have normal vision. Some races have low-light vision; they see better in darkness than humans do. Languages: You start off knowing how to speak, read, and write a few languages. All races speak Common, the language passed on by the last human empire, and some races let you choose a language. Other Racial Traits: Other traits include bonuses to your skills, weapon training, and a handful of other traits that give you capabilities or bonuses that members of other races don’t have. Racial Power: Several races give you access to a racial power, which is an extra power you gain at 1st level in addition to the powers your class gives you.

Deep Gnomes


HP: 20 for 1st level +5 for Each Additional Level

Subraces: None

Height/Weight: Micro (2'6"-3'6")/ Weight: 30-60 lbs

Hair/Eyes: Dwarf Prerequisite

Skintone: Drow Prerequisite

Vision: Diurnal & Nocturnal; Low-Light

Adulthood/Middle Age/ Lifespan: 50/100/250

Weapon Proficiency: Hammers, Mace

Favorite Classes: Cleric, Rogue


Location: Southern Ulinawi

Timeline: Late Third Age to the Present

Languages: Dwarf

Patron Deity: Rodiou, spirit of the seasons

Pantheon: Southern Zezen deities

Lifestyle: Subterranean Towns

Government: Council of Lords


- Men: Cowboy hat, patterned tunic, cotton trousers, leather boots

- Women: Patterned dress, leather boots

Food and Drink: Tacos, barbequed meats, tequila, and lager

Bonus: None


Male Names: Amets, Basajaun, Edur, Garaile, Hodei, Ibai, Kemen, Oroitz, Sendoa, Zigor

Female Names: Aintza, Berezi, Erlea, Irati, Lore, Maite, Naia, Oihana, Usoa, Zorion

West Wood Drow

Location: Northwestern Ulinawi

Timeline: Early Second Age to the Present

Languages: Drow

Patron Deity: Wohali, god of thunder

Pantheon: Western Ulinawi deities

Lifestyle: Subterranean Clans

Government: Clan Leaders


- Men: Patterned tunic, leather trousers, leather boots

- Women: Patterned tunic, leather trousers, leather boots

Food and Drink: Roasted Meats, Smoked Fish, Wild Berries, and Water

Bonus: +2 Nature or +2 Dungeoneering

Plains Drow

Location: Central Ulinawi

Timeline: Middle Third Age to the Present

Languages: Drow

Patron Deity: Wohali, god of thunder

Pantheon: Eastern Ulinawi deities

Lifestyle: Prairie Nomads

Government: Tribal Chieftains


- Men: Wool cloak, leather trousers, leather boots

- Women: Wool cloak, patterned dress, leather boots

Food and Drink: Jerky, Cornbread, Wild Berries, and Herbal Tea

Bonus: +2 Nature or +2 Dungeoneering

Peninsular Drow

Location: Southern Ulinawi

Timeline: Late First Age to the Present

Languages: Drow

Patron Deity: Danuwa, god of war

Pantheon: Southern Ulinawi deities

Lifestyle: Subterranean City-States

Government: Warrior Kings


- Men: Cotton trousers, sandals

- Women: Patterned tunic, cotton trousers, sandals

Food and Drink: Tamales, beans, squash, and cacao

Bonus: +2 Religion or +2 Dungeoneering



HP: 25 for 1st level +7 for Each Additional Level

Subraces: Red, Yellow, Orange, Black, and Brown

Height/Weight: Small (3'-5')/ Weight: 100-150 lbs

Hair/Eyes: Dwarf Prerequisite/ Brown, Blue, or Green

Skintone: Pale

Vision: Diurnal and Nocturnal

Adulthood/Middle Age/ Lifespan: 100/175/350

Weapon Proficiency: Axes, Crossbow

Favorite Classes: Fighter, Wizard


Red Dwarves

Location: Northern and Central Zezen

Timeline: Middle First Age to the Present

Languages: Dwarf, Gnome

Patron Deity: Poesia, god of wisdom

Pantheon: Northern Zezen deities

Lifestyle: Subterranean Towns

Government: Earls


- Men: Cloak, Dyed tunic, trousers, leather boots

- Women: Woolen shawl, woolen dress, leather boots

Food and Drink: Roasted Meats and Vegetables, Rye Bread, Mead, and Ale

Bonus: +2 Athletics or +2 Intimidate

Yellow Dwarves

Location: Western Zezen

Timeline: Middle First Age to the Present

Languages: Dwarf

Patron Deity: Patua, goddess of fate

Pantheon: Western Zezen deities

Lifestyle: Subterranean Kingdoms

Government: Warrior Kings


- Men: Cloak, Dyed tunic, trousers, leather boots

- Women: Woolen shawl, woolen dress, leather boots

Food and Drink: Roasted Meats and Vegetables, and Whiskey, and Wine

Bonus: +2 Nature or +2 Intimidate

Black Dwarves

Location: Southern Zezen

Timeline: Middle First Age to the Present

Languages: Dwarf, Gnome

Patron Deity: Tximista, god of lightning

Pantheon: Southern Zezen deities

Lifestyle: Subterranean City-States

Government: Warrior Kings


- Men: Dyed cloth, sandals

- Women: Dyed cloth, sandals

Food and Drink: Smoked Sausages, Pastas, and Wine

Bonus: +2 Diplomacy or +2 Dungeoneering

Mountain Elves

Location: Northern and Western Si

Timeline: Middle First Age to the Present

Languages: Elf

Patron Deity: Yixue, god of medicine

Pantheon: Eastern Si deities

Lifestyle: Mountain Fortresses

Government: Warrior Kings


- Men: Dyed robes, fur boots

- Women: Patterned robes, fur boots

Food and Drink: Roasted Yak and Butter Tea

Bonus: +2 Endurance or +2 Religion

Wood Elves

Location: Southern Si

Timeline: Late First Age to the Present

Languages: Elf

Patron Deity: Muqin, goddess of life

Pantheon: Southern Si deities

Lifestyle: City-States

Government: Warrior Kings


- Men: Patterned tunics, trousers, sandals

- Women: Patterned dresses, sandals

Food and Drink: Grilled Chicken and Vegetables, and Spiced Tea

Bonus: +2 Nature or +2 Religion



HP: 20 for 1st level +5 for Each Additional Level

Subraces: Mainland, Island

Height/Weight: Adjustable/ Weight: Adjustable

Hair/Eyes: Black/ Brown

Skintone: Pale

Vision: Diurnal and Nocturnal

Adulthood/Middle Age/ Lifespan: 100/200/400

Weapon Proficiency: Unarmed Melee, Bastard Sword

Favorite Classes: Rogue, Warlord


Mainland Fairies

Location: Southeast Si

Timeline: Late First Age to the Present

Languages: Fairy, Elf

Patron Deity: Ancestor Spirits

Pantheon: Eastern Si deities

Lifestyle: Subterranean City-States

Government: Warrior Kings


- Men: Patterned tunics, trousers, sandals

- Women: Patterned dresses, sandals

Food and Drink: Spiced Lentils and Green Tea

Bonus: +2 Stealth or +2 Intimidate


Male Names: Chan, Dara, Makara, Pich, Samnang, Sopheap, Soth, Vanna, Veasna, Vibol

Female Names: Bopha, Botum, Channary, Chantrea, Chenda, Kolab, Kunthea, Sothy, Sovanna, Tola



HP: 20 for 1st level +5 for Each Additional Level

Subraces: Snow, Forest, Plains, and Mountain

Height/Weight: Micro (1'6"-2'6")/ Weight: 30-60 lbs

Hair/Eyes: Dwarf Prerequisite

Skintone: Elf Prerequisite

Vision: Diurnal and Nocturnal

Adulthood/Middle Age/ Lifespan: 50/100/250

Weapon Proficiency: Improvised Weapons, Unarmed Melee

Favorite Classes: Fighter, Warlock


Snow Gnomes

Location: Northern Zezen

Timeline: Early Second Age to the Present

Languages: Gnome, Dwarf

Patron Deity: Bika, the trickster

Pantheon: Northern Zezen deities

Lifestyle: Arctic Nomads

Government: Tribal Chieftains


- Men: Dyed tunic, trousers, leather boots

- Women: Woolen shawl, patterned tunic, dyed skirt, leather boots

Food and Drink: Reindeer Sausage and Reindeer Milk

Bonus: +2 Stealth or +2 Will

Forest Gnomes

Location: Central Zezen

Timeline: Early Third Age to the Present

Languages: Gnome, Dwarf

Patron Deity: Medve, goddess of the forest

Pantheon: Eastern Zezen deities

Lifestyle: Arborial Towns

Government: Dukes


- Men: Dyed tunic, trousers, leather boots

- Women: Woolen shawl, patterned tunic, dyed skirt, leather boots

Food and Drink: Pork Sausages, Rye Bread, and Ale

Bonus: +2 Intimidate or +2 Fortitude


Male Names: Chavdar, Desislav, Goran, Krasimir, Milu, Nayden, Radko, Tsvetan, Valko, Zlatan

Female Names: Albena, Bisera, Darina, Iskra, Kalina, Malina, Nevena, Ruzha, Vesela, Zora

Mountain Goblins

Location: Western and Southern Hattun

Timeline: Middle First Age to the Present

Languages: Goblin

Patron Deity: Inti, god of the sun

Pantheon: Western Hattun deities

Lifestyle: Subterranean City-States

Government: Warrior Kings


- Men: Wool cap, patterned tunic, cotton trousers, and leather shoes

- Women: Wool cap, patterned tunic, cotton trousers, and leather shoes

Food and Drink: Hand Pies, Potatoes, Cornbread, and Chicha

Bonus: +4 Dungeoneering


Male Names: Antiman, Antinaco, Aucaman, Inti, Nahuel, Quidel, Waman, Wayna, Wayra

Female Names: Aylen, Calfuray, Killa, Millaray, Nina, Quispe, Rayen, Saqui, Sayen, Tamaya



HP: 25 for 1st level +7 for Each Additional Level

Subraces: None

Height/Weight: Medium (5'-5'5")/ Weight: 120-200 lbs

Hair/Eyes: Black/ Brown

Skintone: Tan

Vision: Diurnal

Adulthood/Middle Age/ Lifespan: 50/100/300

Weapon Proficiency: Spear, Javelin, Short Sword

Favorite Classes: Warlock/Cleric


Location: Santos

Timeline: Early Third Age to the Present

Languages: Half-Dwarf, Dwarf, Human, Half-Elf

Patron Deity: Itsaso, goddess of the sea

Pantheon: South Zezen deities

Lifestyle: Separate Realm; underwater city

Government: Warrior Kings


- Men: Dyed cloth, sandals

- Women: Dyed cloth, sandals

Food and Drink: Grilled Seafood, Tree Fruit, and Wine

Bonus: Can breath underwater


Male Names: Amets, Basajaun, Edur, Garaile, Hodei, Ibai, Kemen, Oroitz, Sendoa, Zigor

Female Names: Aintza, Berezi, Erlea, Irati, Lore, Maite, Naia, Oihana, Usoa, Zorion

Twin River Half-Elves

Location: Twin Rivers (West Si)

Timeline: Middle Second Age to the Present

Languages: Half-Elf, Elf

Patron Deity: Bruwiz, god of agriculture

Pantheon: Western Si deities

Lifestyle: City-States

Government: Warrior Kings


- Men: Head wrap, dyed robes, sandals

- Women: Head wrap, dyed robes, sandals

Food and Drink: Grilled Lamb, Flatbread and Hummus, and White Wine

Bonus: +1 Dungeoneering or +1 History

Desert Half-Elves

Location: Desert Peninsula (West Si)

Timeline: Late Second Age to the Present

Languages: Half-Elf, Elf

Patron Deity: Hutun, god of the desert

Pantheon: Western Si deities

Lifestyle: Desert Nomads

Government: Tribal Chieftains


- Men: Head wrap, dyed robes, sandals

- Women: Head wrap, dyed robes, sandals

Food and Drink: Grilled Lamb, Flatbread and Hummus, and White Wine

Bonus: +1 Nature or +1 Endurance


Male Names: Adir, Chayyim, Dekel, Eyal, Maor, Nitzan, Ofek, Rotem, Yaniv, Zeev

Female Names: Ahuva, Hila, Lihi, Menuha, Naamah, Orit, Raziela, Shamira, Talya, Yaara



HP: 25 for 1st level +7 for Each Additional Level

Subraces: Water, Fey, Fire, and Earth

Height/Weight: Small (3'-5')/ Weight: 100-150 lbs

Hair/Eyes: Black (Water, Fire), Blonde (Fey), or Brown (Earth) / Brown

Skintone: Tan (Water), Red (Fey), Brown (Fire, or Black (Earth)

Vision: Diurnal

Adulthood/Middle Age/ Lifespan: 50/75/150

Weapon Proficiency: Improvised Ranged, Great Club

Favorite Classes: Ranger, Warlord


Water Halflings

Location: Western Ocean of Peace

Timeline: Late First Age to the Present

Languages: Halfling

Patron Deity: Puia, goddess of fire

Pantheon: Northern Ocean of Peace deities

Lifestyle: Atoll Clans

Government: Clan Leaders


- Men: Patterned skirts, sandals

- Women: Patterned skirts, sandals

Food and Drink: Tuna and Coconut Milk

Bonus: +2 Perception or +2 Dungeoneering

Fire Halflings

Location: Northeast, East, and Southeast Ocean of Peace

Timeline: Early Third Age to the Present

Languages: Halfling

Patron Deity: Puia, goddess of fire

Pantheon: Eastern Ocean of Peace deities

Lifestyle: Island Kingdoms

Government: Warrior Kings


- Men: Patterned skirts, sandals

- Women: Patterned skirts, sandals

Food and Drink: Tuna, and Coconut Milk

Bonus: +2 Intimidate or +2 Athletics


Male Names: Kahurangi, Manaia, Moana, Nikau, Rangi, Tama, Tane

Female Names: Anahera, Awhina, Hine, Kiri, Ngaio, Ngaire, Roimata, Waimarie, Whetu

Jungle Half-Orcs

Location: Eastern Hattun

Timeline: Late Third Age to the Present

Languages: Human, Dwarf, Goblin

Patron Deity: Mbuzu, god of hope

Pantheon: Western Aliaanza'nchi deities

Lifestyle: Jungle Villages

Government: Tribal Chieftains


- Men: Dyed tunic, cotton trousers, leather boots

- Women: Dyed tunic, patterned skirt, sandals

Food and Drink: Barbequed meats, meat stews, Rum, and Lagers

Bonus: +2 Stealth or +2 Arcana



HP: 25 for 1st level +7 for Each Additional Level

Subraces: None

Height/Weight: Medium (5'-5'5")/ Weight: 120-200 lbs

Hair/Eyes: Black/ Brown

Skintone: Tan

Vision: Diurnal

Adulthood/Middle Age/ Lifespan: 50/100/300

Weapon Proficiency: Spear, Short Bow

Favorite Classes: Fighter/Warlord


Location: West Ocean of Peace

Timeline: Middle Third Age to the Present

Languages: Halfling, Goblin

Patron Deity: Puia, goddess of fire

Pantheon: Eastern Ocean of Peace deities

Lifestyle: Island Kingdoms

Government: Warrior Kings


- Men: Patterned skirts, sandals

- Women: Patterned skirts, sandals

Food and Drink: Tuna, and Coconut Milk

Bonus: +2 Athletics


Male Names: Kahurangi, Manaia, Moana, Nikau, Rangi, Tama, Tane

Female Names: Anahera, Awhina, Hine, Kiri, Ngaio, Ngaire, Roimata, Waimarie, Whetu

West Ivory Humans

Location: West Aliaanza'nchi

Timeline: Late Second Age to the Present

Languages: Human

Patron Deity: Nyeupe, goddess of the day

Pantheon: Western Aliaanza'nchi deities

Lifestyle: Sedentary Villages

Government: Warrior Kings


- Men: Head wrap, dyed robes, sandals

- Women: Head wrap, dyed robes, sandals

Food and Drink: Peanut Chicken Stew, Flat Bread, Cola and Palm Wine

Bonus: +1 Intimidate

Red Humans

Location: Central Aliaanza'nchi

Timeline: Late First Age to the Present

Languages: Human

Patron Deity: Wavujani, guides in the afterlife

Pantheon: Central Aliaanza'nchi deities

Lifestyle: Sedentary Villages

Government: Warrior Kings


- Men: Trousers, sandals

- Women: Dyed tunic and patterned skirt, sandals

Food and Drink: Grilled Chicken and Cola

Bonus: +1 Stealth

Green Humans

Location: Southern Aliaanza'nchi

Timeline: Late First Age to the Present

Languages: Human

Patron Deity: Mabwana, the guardians

Pantheon: Southern Aliaanza'nchi deities

Lifestyle: Prairie Nomads

Government: Tribal Chieftains


- Men: Patterned tunic, trousers, sandals

- Women: Head scarf, patterned dress, sandals

Food and Drink: Jerky and Water

Bonus: +1 Nature


Male Names: Faraji, Imamu, Jelani, Jengo, Khamisi, Kibwe, Mosi, Sefu, Tendaji, Zuberi

Female Names: Asha, Chausiku, Furaha, Mchumba, Mwanajuma, Nia, Nuru, Sanaa, Subira, Zuri



HP: 25 for 1st level +7 for Each Additional Level

Subraces: Snow, West Wood, Mountain, Plains, East Wood, and Peninsular

Height/Weight: Medium (5'6"-6'6")/ Weight: 120-200 lbs

Hair/Eyes: White/ Red

Skintone: Gray (Snow), Slate Gray (West Wood), Blue (Mountain), Indigo (Plains), Purple (East Wood), Black (Peninsular)

Vision: Nocturnal

Adulthood/Middle Age/ Lifespan: 100/500/1000

Weapon Proficiency: Handaxe, Shortbow

Favorite Classes: Warlord/Paladin


Snow Drow

Location: Northern Ulinawi

Timeline: Late First Age to the Present

Languages: Drow

Patron Deity: Alisi, goddess of life

Pantheon: Northern Ulinawi deities

Lifestyle: Subterranean Clans

Government: Clan Leaders


- Men: Fur cloak, patterned tunic, wool trousers, wool boots

- Women: Fur cloak, patterned tunic, wool trousers, wool boots

Food and Drink: Roasted Meats, Smoked Fish, Wild Berries, and Water

Bonus: +2 Endurance or +2 Fortitude

Mountain Drow

Location: Western and Southern Ulinawi

Timeline: Early Second Age to the Present

Languages: Drow

Patron Deity: Wohali, god of thunder

Pantheon: Western Ulinawi deities

Lifestyle: Subterranean Towns

Government: Warrior Kings


- Men: Wool cloth, leather trousers, leather moccasins

- Women: Wool cloth, patterned dress, leather moccasins

Food and Drink: Jerky, wild berries, cornbread, and herbal tea

Bonus: +2 Intimidate or +2 Will

East Wood Drow

Location: Eastern Ulinawi

Timeline: Early Second Age to the Present

Languages: Drow

Patron Deity: Selu, god of agriculture

Pantheon: Eastern Ulinawi deities

Lifestyle: Subterranean Tribal Confederacies

Government: Tribal Councils


- Men: Wool cloth, leather trousers, leather moccasins

- Women: Wool cloth, patterned dress, leather moccasins

Food and Drink: Roasted Meats, Squash, Cornbread, Beans, and Herbal Tea

Bonus: +2 Insight or +2 Diplomacy


Male Names: Catahecassa, Hokolesqua, Sequoyah, Lalawethika, Methoataske, Ohiyesa, Shikoba, Tasunka, Tatanka, Wawatum

Female Names: Awinita, Galilahi, Isi, Kawineshawe, Kimimela, Nita, Nonhelema, Shikoba, Tagwanibisan, Winona

Orange Dwarves

Location: Western Zezen

Timeline: Middle Third Age to the Present

Languages: Dwarf

Patron Deity: Adorea, god of courage

Pantheon: Western and Northern Zezen deities

Lifestyle: Subterranean Cities

Government: Trade Emperors


- Men: Cloak, Dyed tunic, trousers, leather boots

- Women: Woolen shawl, woolen dress, leather boots

Food and Drink: Roasted Meats and Vegetables, Rye Bread, Gin, and Ale

Bonus: +2 Perception or +2 Insight

Brown Dwarves

Location: Ulinawi, Southern Aliaanza'nchi, and Southern Ocean of Peace

Timeline: Late Third Age to the Present

Languages: Dwarf

Patron Deity: Oreinak, goddess of hunting

Pantheon: Western and Northern Zezen deities

Lifestyle: Subterranean Cities

Government: Trade Emperors


- Men: Cloak, Dyed tunic, trousers, leather boots

- Women: Woolen shawl, woolen dress, leather boots

Food and Drink: Roasted Meats and Vegetables, Rye Bread, Whiskey, and Ale

Bonus: +2 Perception or +2 Athletics


Male Names: Amets, Basajaun, Edur, Garaile, Hodei, Ibai, Kemen, Oroitz, Sendoa, Zigor

Female Names: Aintza, Berezi, Erlea, Irati, Lore, Maite, Naia, Oihana, Usoa, Zorion



HP: 25 for 1st level +7 for Each Additional Level

Subraces: Snow, Mountain, Hill, and Wood

Height/Weight: Medium (5'6"-6'6")/ Weight: 120-200 lbs

Hair/Eyes: Black, Red, or Brown/ Brown or Green

Skintone: Gray (Snow), Pale (Mountain), Tan (Hill), or Brown (Wood)

Vision: Diurnal and Nocturnal

Adulthood/Middle Age/ Lifespan: 100/500/1000

Weapon Proficiency: Shortbow, Longsword

Favorite Classes: Ranger/Cleric


Snow Elves

Location: Northern and Western Si

Timeline: Late First Age to the Present

Languages: Elf, Half-Elf, Gnome

Patron Deity: Qi, god of the sun

Pantheon: Northern Si deities

Lifestyle: Prairie Nomads (North), City-States (West)

Government: Tribal Chieftains (North), Warrior Kings (West)


- Men: Fur Cap, Fur robes, fur boots (North); See Twin River Half-Elves (West)

- Women: Fur Cap, Fur robes, fur boots (North); See Twin River Half-Elves (West)

Food and Drink: Dumplings, Flatbread, and Black Tea

Bonus: +2 Speed or +2 Acrobatics

Hill Elves

Location: Eastern Si

Timeline: Late First Age to the Present

Languages: Elf, Fairy

Patron Deity: Long, god of rain

Pantheon: Eastern Si deities

Lifestyle: Metropoles

Government: Trade Emperors


- Men: Patterned robes, sandals

- Women: Patterned robes, sandals

Food and Drink: Dumplings, Sauted Vegetables, Green Tea, and Rice Wine

Bonus: +2 Diplomacy or +2 Dungeoneering


Male Names: Bai, Cheng, Gang, Hong, Jianhong, Kai, Lin, Qiang, Tao, Xun

Female Names: Ai, Juan, Mei, Na, Nuan, Shu, Xiu, Xiulan, Yaling, Yawen

Island Fairies

Location: Western Ocean of Peace

Timeline: Late First Age to the Present

Languages: Fairy, Halfling

Patron Deity: Nature Spirits

Pantheon: Western Ocean of Peace deities

Lifestyle: Subterranean Tribes

Government: Tribal Chieftains


- Men: Patterned tunics, trousers, sandals

- Women: Patterned dresses, sandals

Food and Drink: Spiced Lentils and Green Tea

Bonus: +2 Perception or +2 Nature



HP: 25 for 1st level +7 for Each Additional Level

Subraces: None

Height/Weight: Medium (5'-5'5")/ Weight: 120-200 lbs

Hair/Eyes: Black/ Brown

Skintone: Tan

Vision: Diurnal

Adulthood/Middle Age/ Lifespan: 50/100/300

Weapon Proficiency: Spear, Short Bow

Favorite Classes: Warlord/Warlock


Location: Southwest Tea Ocean

Timeline: Middle Third Age to the Present

Languages: Human, Elf

Patron Deity: Shui, goddess of the sea

Pantheon: Easter Aliaanza'nchi and Southern Si deities

Lifestyle: Tribal Villages

Government: Tribal Chieftains


- Men: Head wrap, dyed robes, sandals

- Women: Head wrap, dyed robes, sandals

Food and Drink: Peanut Chicken Stew, Flat Bread, Cola and Palm Wine

Bonus: +1 Nature


Male Names: Faraji, Imamu, Jelani, Jengo, Khamisi, Kibwe, Mosi, Sefu, Tendaji, Zuberi

Female Names: Asha, Chausiku, Furaha, Mchumba, Mwanajuma, Nia, Nuru, Sanaa, Subira, Zuri

Plains Gnomes

Location: Eastern Zezen

Timeline: Early Third Age to the Present

Languages: Gnome

Patron Deity: Teli, goddess of the winter

Pantheon: Eastern Zezen deities

Lifestyle: Subterranean Towns

Government: Trade Emperors


- Men: Dyed tunic, trousers, leather boots

- Women: Woolen shawl, patterned tunic, dyed skirt, leather boots

Food and Drink: Vegetable Stews and Vodka

Bonus: +2 Endurance or +2 Will

Mountain Gnomes

Location: Southeast Zezen

Timeline: Early Third Age to the Present

Languages: Gnome, Dwarf. Half-Elf

Patron Deity: Nap, god of the sun

Pantheon: Eastern Zezen deities

Lifestyle: Subterranean Towns

Government: Dukes


- Men: Dyed tunic, trousers, leather boots

- Women: Woolen shawl, patterned tunic, dyed skirt, leather boots

Food and Drink: Pork Sausages, Rye Bread, and Ale

Bonus: +2 Endurance or +2 Intimidate



HP: 25 for 1st level +7 for Each Additional Level

Subraces: Island, Mountain, and Jungle

Height/Weight: Medium (5'6"-6'6")/ Weight: 120-200 lbs

Hair/Eyes: Black/ Red

Skintone: Green (Island), Black (Mountain), or Dark Green (Jungle)

Vision: Nocturnal

Adulthood/Middle Age/ Lifespan: 100/500/1000

Weapon Proficiency: Great Club, Mace

Favorite Classes: Wizard/Paladin


Island Goblins

Location: Goblin Isles

Timeline: Early Third Age to the Present

Languages: Goblin

Patron Deity: Phaqcha, goddess of feminine beauty

Pantheon: Northern Hattun deities

Lifestyle: Island Villages

Government: Tribal Chieftains


- Men: Loin cloth

- Women: Loin cloth

Food and Drink: Beans, Squash, Cornbread, and Coconut Milk

Bonus: +4 Religion

Jungle Goblins

Location: Eastern Hattun

Timeline: Middle First Age to the Present

Languages: Goblin

Patron Deity: Para, god of rain

Pantheon: Eastern Hattun deities

Lifestyle: Subterranean Towns

Government: Tribal Chieftains


- Men: Loin cloth

- Women: Loin cloth

Food and Drink: Hand Pies, Sweet Potato, Roasted Meats, and Water

Bonus: +4 Stealth



HP: 25 for 1st level +7 for Each Additional Level

Subraces: Mountain, Coastal, Twin River, Delta, and Desert

Height/Weight: Medium (5'6"-6'6")/ Weight: 120-200 lbs

Hair/Eyes: Black/ Brown or Green

Skintone: Tan

Vision: Diurnal and Nocturnal

Adulthood/Middle Age/ Lifespan: 20/80/160

Weapon Proficiency: Scimitar, Crossbow

Favorite Classes: Rogue/Cleric


Mountain Half-Elves

Location: White Mountains (West Si)

Timeline: Middle Second Age to the Present

Languages: Half-Elf, Dwarf, Gnome

Patron Deity: Rum, god of lightning

Pantheon: Western Si deities

Lifestyle: Mountain Fortresses

Government: Trade Emperors


- Men: Head wrap, dyed robes, sandals

- Women: Head wrap, dyed robes, sandals

Food and Drink: Grilled Lamb, Flatbread and Hummus, and White Wine

Bonus: +1 AC or +1 Diplomacy

Coastal Half-Elves

Location: Mediator Sea Coasts (South Zezen, North Aliaanza'nchi, and West Si)

Timeline: Late Second Age to the Present

Languages: Half-Elf, Human, Dwarf

Patron Deity: Yarah, goddess of war

Pantheon: Western Si deities

Lifestyle: City-States

Government: Warrior Kings


- Men: Head wrap, dyed robes, sandals

- Women: Head wrap, dyed robes, sandals

Food and Drink: Grilled Lamb, Flatbread and Hummus, and White Wine

Bonus: +1 Religion or +1 Nature

Delta Half-Elves

Location: Miseer (Northeast Aliaanza'nchi)

Timeline: Late Second Age to the Present

Languages: Half-Elf, Human, Dwarf

Patron Deity: Yin, god of death

Pantheon: Western Si deities

Lifestyle: City-States

Government: Warrior Kings


- Men: Head wrap, dyed robes, sandals

- Women: Head wrap, dyed robes, sandals

Food and Drink: Grilled Duck, Flatbread and Hummus, and Beer

Bonus: +1 Dungeoneering or +1 Insight

Fey Halflings

Location: Central Ocean of Peace

Timeline: Late First Age to the Present

Languages: Halfling

Patron Deity: Hutan, god of the jungle

Pantheon: Western Ocean of Peace deities

Lifestyle: Island Tribes

Government: Tribal Chieftains


- Men: Patterned skirts, sandals

- Women: Patterned skirts, sandals

Food and Drink: Tuna, Octopus, and Coconut Milk

Bonus: +2 Stealth or +2 Nature

Earth Halflings

Location: Central Ocean of Peace

Timeline: Late First Age to the Present

Languages: Halfling

Patron Deity: Aniwaniwa, god of dreams

Pantheon: Southern Ocean of Peace deities

Lifestyle: Sedentary Tribes

Government: Tribal Chieftains


- Men: Patterned skirts, sandals

- Women: Patterned skirts, sandals

Food and Drink: Macadamia Nuts, Grilled Meats, and Water

Bonus: +2 Endurance or +2 Nature



HP: 25 for 1st level +7 for Each Additional Level

Subraces: Island and Jungle

Height/Weight: Medium (5'6"-6'6")/ Weight: 120-200 lbs

Hair/Eyes: Black/ Brown or Red

Skintone: Brown

Vision: Diurnal and Nocturnal

Adulthood/Middle Age/ Lifespan: 20/80/160

Weapon Proficiency: Greataxe, Falchion

Favorite Classes: Rogue/Warlock


Island Half-Orcs

Location: Goblin Isles

Timeline: Late Third Age to the Present

Languages: Human, Dwarf

Patron Deity: Kondoo Dume, god of justice

Pantheon: Western Aliaanza'nchi deities

Lifestyle: Island Villages

Government: Pirate Captains


- Men: Dyed tunic, cotton trousers, leather boots

- Women: Dyed tunic, patterned skirt, sandals

Food and Drink: Grilled meats, Rice and Beans, and Rum

Bonus: +2 Diplomacy or +2 Arcana


Male Names: Amets, Basajaun, Edur, Garaile, Hodei, Ibai, Kemen, Oroitz, Sendoa, Zigor

Female Names: Aintza, Berezi, Erlea, Irati, Lore, Maite, Naia, Oihana, Usoa, Zorion



HP: 25 for 1st level +7 for Each Additional Level

Subraces: Blue, Ivory, Red, Gold, Green, and Brown

Height/Weight: Medium (5'6"-6'6")/ Weight: 120-200 lbs

Hair/Eyes: Black/ Brown

Skintone: Tan-Dark Brown

Vision: Diurnal

Adulthood/Middle Age/ Lifespan: 20/40/80

Weapon Proficiency: Spear, Javelin

Favorite Classes: Fighter/Warlord


Blue Humans

Location: Northern Aliaanza'nchi

Timeline: Late Second Age to the Present

Languages: Human, Dwarf, Half-Elf

Patron Deity: Nyeusi, goddess of the night

Pantheon: Northern Aliaanza'nchi deities

Lifestyle: Desert nomads

Government: Tribal Chieftains


- Men: Head wrap, dyed robes, sandals

- Women: Head wrap, dyed robes, sandals

Food and Drink: Sheep and Camel Stew, Flat Bread, and Mint Tea

Bonus: +1 Endurance

East Ivory Humans

Location: East Aliaanza'nchi

Timeline: Early Third Age to the Present

Languages: Human, Half-Elf, Elf

Patron Deity: Nyeupe, goddess of the day

Pantheon: Western Aliaanza'nchi deities

Lifestyle: Ciy-States

Government: Warrior Kings


- Men: Head wrap, dyed robes, sandals

- Women: Head wrap, dyed robes, sandals

Food and Drink: Peanut Chicken Stew, Flat Bread, Cola and Palm Wine

Bonus: +1 Intimidate

Gold Humans

Location: West Aliaanza'nchi

Timeline: Early First Age to the Present

Languages: Human, Half-Elf, Elf

Patron Deity: Nyeupe, goddess of the day

Pantheon: Eastern Aliaanza'nchi deities

Lifestyle: Ciy-States

Government: Warrior Kings


- Men: Patterned Cloth, sandals

- Women: Head wrap, patterned robes, sandals

Food and Drink: Grilled Lamb and Coffee

Bonus: +1 Diplomacy

Brown Humans

Location: Ulinawi, Goblin Isles, Hattun

Timeline: Late Third Age to the Present

Languages: Dwarf

Patron Deity: Nyeupe, goddess of the day

Pantheon: Western Aliaanza'nchi deities

Lifestyle: (See Fur Dwarves)

Government: (See Fur Dwarves)

Clothing: (See Fur Dwarves)

Food and Drink: (See Fur Dwarves)

Bonus: +1 Athletics

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