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Chapter 7: Tier 2 Beings

Tier 2 Beings consist of several sub-types including spiritual beings (personifications of divine ideals), young sentient beings (such as newly sired vampires), and non-sentient beings of divine or fiendish origin (such as unicorns.) These are all beings who originate from the mortal realm, but may have some connection with another realm- such as phantoms which call the Astral Plain their home. Each sub-group of Tier 2 Beings contain several individuals including those beings personified by language (Spirits), those monsters recently sired, and those beings of non-sentient divine nature. Spirits are beings who took form from language- beings who were brought into existence by the mortal beings who conceived of ideas (such as nature or victory) and who assigned them divine status as characters. These beings are similar to demigods in their regard as beings which began as non-divine beings who achieved divine status, but unlike demigods (who were granted divine status by the gods), spirits were granted divine status by the mortals through language.

Spirits of the Human Language

The Wanyama are spirits of animals. These are beings which represent the animals of the world and are granted divine spirits. Each of the Wanyama represent one species of animal each and may grant several different abilities to those who worship them (for example, the Wanyama of gorillas grants increased athletics while the Wanyama of panthers grants increased acrobatics). Each of the Wanyama manifest in a phantom form of whatever animal they represent. Humans invoke their spirits via tattoos. Humans typically have one spirit which acts as a guardian for their family and thus each human has a tattoo of their family's guardian spirit.

Spirits of the Half-Elf Language

Yulsi is the spirit of beauty and represents the beauty of the half-elves. A character may pray to Yulsi to change their appearance to become more beautiful. Yulsi appears as a half-elf woman clad in expensive textiles and a veiled face. Half-elves invoke their spirits through string bracelets- with each spirit invoked through a different color of string. Yulsi's color is pink.

Huyimm is the spirit of the day and represents the light hours of a day. Huyimm is a handy spirit to pray to when a character is in need of the dawn- such as when one is being chased by vampires. Huyimm also represents safety under the sun and a character may pray to Huyimm for protection from the sun. Huyimm manifests as a half-elf woman clad in a sun dress and a wide-brimmed hat. Huyimm's bracelet color is orange.

Lilah is the spirit of night. She represents the dark hours of the day, but does not represent the dark forces that reside within it (such as vampires). Instead, Lilah represents safety under the night sky and may grant certain worshipers protection from those fiends who call the night sky their home. (This can include rituals which protect a home from vampires.) Lilah manifests as a half-elf woman, shrouded in black clothes dotted with starlight gems. Lilah's bracelet color is dark blue.

Rimmun is the spirit of fruit and represents the various species of fruits named in the half-elf language. While she may not be the first choice of being a character may pray to when hungry, she does come in handy when fresh fruit is either desired or necessary. Rimmun appears as a half-elf woman clad in pomegranate-colored clothes bearing fruit baskets filled with fresh fruit. Rimmun's string bracelet color is red.

Lyly is the spirit of seduction and is a handy being to pray to when attempting to make one character fall in love with another. Lyly manifests as a a half-elf woman clad in iris-purple clothes with a pet snake. Praying to Lyly can help a character seduce a target character or cause a target character to cease attraction between characters. Lyly's bracelet color is green.

Heka is the spirit of magic and is a strong ally when attempting to strengthen a character's arcana. Heka appears in the form of a half-elf wizard (in female form) and may both increase a character's arcana or decrease it (giving a character protection from arcane attacks). Heka's string bracelet color is brown.

Tatanen is the spirit of land. Tatanen is a handy spirit to pray to when a character is lost at sea or is struggling to swim to shore. Tatanen appears in the form of a half-elf man with a pet duck and assists characters with swimming or directing lost sailors or boaters towards safe land. Tatanen's color is gray.

Ihy is the spirit of music and represents not only bards, but the magical powers of song as well. A character may pray to Ihy for increased abilities for their musical instruments, or for a boost to song or dance arcana. Ihy appears in the form of a half-elf bard and may even bring characters musical equipment or may repair instruments. Ihy's color is white.

Spirits of the Elf Language

Asena is the spirit of honor and may help increase a character's Fortitude Defense or diplomacy. Asena is a handy spirit to pray to when attempting to inspire a group of warriors or for preparing for a long and exhausting encounter. The spirit appears in the form of a male elf with a pet wolf. Elves connect with spirits through statuettes- small figures or effigies made in the image of each of their spirits. Thus, Elves invoke Asena through Asena effigies; and the same stands for the other spirits.


The Zuxian are the ancestral spirits of the elven language. Elves regard their ancestors with great renown and often attempt to gain guidance from them. These spirits appear in the phantom form of their once live bodies and grant insight to their descendants who pray to them for help.

Sampa is the spirit of snakes and takes the form of an elven woman with pet snakes wrapped around her body. A character may pray to Sampa to grant their attacks ongoing venom damage, for protection from ongoing venom damage, or may even allow a character to communicate with snakes for a temporary window of time.

Sangitakarom is the spirit of music and represents not only bards, but the magical powers of song as well. A character may pray to Sangitakarom for increased abilities for their musical instruments, or for a boost to song or dance arcana. Sangitakarom appears in the form of n elven bard and may even bring characters musical equipment or may repair instruments.

Spirits of the Gnome Language

Perhe is the spirit of maternity and is a being gnomes pray to when scared and in need of affection. Perhe appears in the form of a motherly gnome, but treats all who pray to her as her own children, granting increased Will and Insight. Gnomes appeal to Perhe through cooking- a ritual by food preparation through which Perhe may appear at meal time.

Spirits of the Dwarf Language

Pikor is the spirit of grains. This being manifests as a dwarven tavern maid bearing craft beers. Pikor is always a good spirit to pray to when in desperate need of a cold brew or for celebrating a victorious battle with party companions. Dwarves summon aid from spirits through rings. Farmers typically wear rings of Pikor; though they may also be worn by beer brewers.

Nabigatu is the spirit of sailing. This spirit manifests in the form of a male dwarven whaler, singing dwarven sea-shanties. Nabigatu is a handy being to pray to when wind is needed for boating, when a party is attempting to build a boat, or when a group of sailors simply wants a good bard knowledgeable in the songs of the sea. Sailors and boat builders typically wear the rings of Nabigatu.

Abesti is the spirit of music and represents not only bards, but the magical powers of song as well. A character may pray to Abesti for increased abilities for their musical instruments, or for a boost to song or dance arcana. Abesti appears in the form of a male dwarven bard and may even bring characters musical equipment or may repair instruments. Bards and musicians typically wear the rings of Abesti.

Isiltasun is the spirit of silence. This spirit represents noise and may increase a character's perception when attempting to listen for noises or may help with stealth by allowing a character to make no noise while moving or hiding. Isiltasun appears as a male dwarf dressed in yellow robes. Clerics will often wear the rings of Itsiltasun as dwarven priests are dedicated to long bouts of silence.

The Haize are spirits of the four winds and are four in number. Each of the winds individually represent the cardinal directions and a character may pray to these spirits when in need of extra perception, in need of wind for sailing, or- on a hot day- in need of a cool breeze. The Haize appear as male dwarves clad in white robes. Dwarven rangers typically wear rings of the Haize as a means of preventing disorientation while adventuring.

Txakur is the spirit of canine companions. Txakur appears as a male dwarf with several leashed pet dogs of various breeds. Txakur is a handy deity to pray to when a character wants a canine companion or when in desperate need of a saving throw for a canine companion. Dwarven animal breeders- especially livestock farmers- usually bear the rings of Txakur.

Ibai is the spirit of rivers and represents not only the water that makes up the streams, but also one's ability to cross them. Ibai appears in the form of a woman clad in outdoor clothing- usually carrying a kayak or canoe. Ibai is a handy being to pray to when a party needs to cross a river safely. Boaters and fishers of rivers and streams- as opposed to sailors of the sea- will usually wear the rings of Ibai.

Ametsa is the spirit of dreams. With many fiends patrolling the Astral Plain, Ametsa is a handy spirit to pray to for safety while sleeping. Ametsa appears only in dream-state as a dwarven man clad in black robes. Warlocks among the dwarves often wear the rings of Ametsa as a means of drawing power from the Astral Plain.

Loaren is the spirit of sleep. While Ametsa protects the sleeping in the Astral Plain, Loaren protects the sleeping in the mortal realm. Loaren is handy to pray to when a party does not plan on setting a designated sentinel to protect sleeping characters. Instead, Loaren acts as the guardian for the group. This spirit appears in the form of a dwarven man dressed in white robes. Wizards among the dwarves typically wear the rings of Loaren which allow them to draw power from the Astral Plain.

Garaipena is the spirit of victory. Dwarves who pray to her may reroll failed attacks. Garaipena appears in the form of a dwarven woman with swan-wings wearing white robes. Soldiers wear the rings of Garaipena.

Spirits of the Fairy Language

The Haiwan are spirits of animals. These are beings which represent the animals of the world and are granted divine spirits. Each of the Haiwan represent one species of animal each and may grant several different abilities to those who worship them (for example, the Haiwan of elephants grants increased athletics while the Haiwan of monkeys grants increased acrobatics). Each of the Haiwan manifest in a phantom form of whatever animal they represent. Fairies wear charms via jewelry (whether necklace, bracelt, or earrings) to invoke their spirits. For the Haiwan, fairies wear charms depicting the Haiwan their particular village associates with.

The Moyang are the ancestral spirits of the fairy language. Fairies regard their ancestors with great renown and often attempt to gain guidance from them. These spirits appear in the phantom form of their once live bodies and grant insight to their descendants who pray to them for help. Fairies also wear charms representing their ancestors- which for those well versed in their family's lineage can result in a tremendous amount of jewelry.

Spirits of the Halfling Language

The Kohu are guardian spirits of the islands of the Ocean of Peace. These beings appear in the form of phantasmal halflings carrying torches and are only seen at night. They arrive in the presence of outsiders- those foreign to a particular island, isle, or atoll- and act in defense of the locale. A character might pray to the Kohu for safety in a foreign land (especially if the character is foreign to the island they find themself on) or may call on the Kohu to attack a target foreigner. Halflings invoke the Kohu of an island through a specific dance. Each island in the Ocean of Peace has its own specific Kohu dance for invoking its Kohu.

Spirits of the Drow Language

Anudadisdi is the spirit of the remembered dead. She represents those ancestors whom a drow can name by heart or a friend or loved one the drow still rememberes. Anudadisdi appears in the form of a drow woman clad in merrigold clothes with her face painted to appear as a skull. Anudadisdi is a handy spirit to pray to when attempting to make a History check or when wanting to communicate with a target deceased character. Drow invoke their spirits through masks. For Anudadisdi, drow wear drow skull masks, sometimes painted on with white clay.

Gugewisdi is the spirit of the forgotten dead and represents memory loss. Any drow who has no living drow to remember them falls under the yoke of Gugewisdi. This spirit is a good deity to pray to when a character wants to make another character forget something they've seen. Gugewisdi appears of the form of a drow man clad in jaguar spot body-paint with a jaguar skull headdress. Drow invoke Gugewisdi through jaguar skull masks.

The Delenanuhi are spirits of animals. These are beings which represent the animals of the world and are granted divine spirits. Each of the Delenanuhi represent one species of animal each and may grant several different abilities to those who worship them (for example, the Delenanuhi of bison grants increased athletics while the Delenanuhi of jaguars grants increased acrobatics). Each of the Delenanuhi manifest in a phantom form of whatever animal they represent. For the Delenanuhi, drow wear masks of each individual animal a spirit represents.

Spirits of the Goblin Language

The Uywa are spirits of animals. These are beings which represent the animals of the world and are granted divine spirits. Each of the Uywa represent one species of animal each and may grant several different abilities to those who worship them (for example, the Uywa of bears grants increased athletics while the Uywa of jaguars grants increased acrobatics). Each of the Uywa manifest in a phantom form of whatever animal they represent. Like with the drow, goblins invoke their animal spirits via masks representing the animals the spirits stand for.

Hutumia Fiends

Any character turned into a vampire begins their new life at level 1 of Tier 2. These characters may be cured of their vampirism if they do not reach level 2 (which is done through killing a mortal being via drinking their blood). Each time a vampire kills a mortal being via drinking their blood, they gain a level. Once at Tier 3, vampires must sire new vampires (one per level) to level up.

Killer bats are level 2 once they are born. As they grow- once per year- the killer bats level up until they reach Tier 3 when they are fully grown. At that level, killer bats level-up via the same combat requirements as fighters.

Incubi and Succubae as well as nymphs level up in the same way that any warlock levels up beginning at Tier 2 and into Tier 3. 

Herensuge Fiends

Dragons are born as Tier 2 creatures and level up as they grow just like killer bats. Dragons require eleven years until they are fully grown and once there they enter Tier 3.

Drakes are born as Tier 2 creatures and level up as they grow just like killer bats. Drakes require eleven years until they are fully grown and once there they enter Tier 3.

Wyverns are born as Tier 2 creatures and level up as they grow just like killer bats. Wyverns require eleven years until they are fully grown and once there they enter Tier 3.

Rocs are born as Tier 2 creatures and level up as they grow just like killer bats. Rocs require eleven years until they are fully grown and once there they enter Tier 3.

Pegasi are born as Tier 2 creatures and level up as they grow just like killer bats. Pegasi require eleven years until they are fully grown and once there they enter Tier 3.

Hippogryphs are born as Tier 2 creatures and level up as they grow just like killer bats. Hippogryphs require eleven years until they are fully grown and once there they enter Tier 3.

Griffons are born as Tier 2 creatures and level up as they grow just like killer bats. Griffons require eleven years until they are fully grown and once there they enter Tier 3.

Giants are born as Tier 2 creatures and level up as they grow just like killer bats. Giants require eleven years until they are fully grown and once there they enter Tier 3.

Aisui Fiends

Zombies are characters that become fiends through infection. A character that is a level 1 zombie in Tier 2 can still be cured and returned to their mortal form. As a zombie levels up (via eating the brains of mortal beings), they become more and more unconscious and unable to control their behavior until they reach Tier 3 when they lose all control of their actions.

Ghouls are characters that become fiends through infection. A character that is a level 1 ghoul in Tier 2 can still be cured and returned to their mortal form. As a ghoul levels up (via eating the brains of mortal beings), they become more and more unconscious and unable to control their behavior until they reach Tier 3 when they lose all control of their actions.

Skeletons are the reanimated corpses of the dead. These creatures are reborn into Tier 2 and gain rank through killing the living.

White Walkers are characters that become fiends through hypothermia. A character that is a level 1 white walker in Tier 2 can still be cured and returned to their mortal form. As a white walker levels up (via eating the brains of mortal beings), they become more and more unconscious and unable to control their behavior until they reach Tier 3 when they lose all control of their actions.

Windegos are the reanimated corpses of the cowardly battle dead. These creatures are reborn into Tier 2 and gain rank through killing the living.

Twl't Fiends

Wyrms are born as Tier 2 creatures and level up as they grow just like killer bats. Wyrms require eleven years until they are fully grown and once there they enter Tier 3.

Sea Monsters are born as Tier 2 creatures and level up as they grow just like killer bats. Sea Monsters require eleven years until they are fully grown and once there they enter Tier 3.

Screaming Eels are born as Tier 2 creatures and level up as they grow just like killer bats. Screaming Eels require eleven years until they are fully grown and once there they enter Tier 3.

Trolls are born as Tier 2 creatures and level up through class just like mortal races.

Hantu Fiends

Wraiths are the spectral spirits of dead mass murderers. Wraiths become Tier 2 immediately after rebirth and gain rank through continuing their murdering ways (with one level-up per murder).

Poltergeists are the spectral spirits of violent persons tied to a specific location. Poltergeists can level-ups through killing the living (with one lever per kill).

Ghosts are the spirits of dead souls that choose not to enter an afterlife realm. These souls gain level-ups through assisting the living.

Phantoms are the spectral souls of the wrongfully dead. A character can be returned to life from their phantom state if they are cured before they reach level 2 in Tier 2. As phantoms level-up (done so through possessing living mortal beings), they lose control of their actions just like zombies. Once at Tier 3, phantoms lose the ability to communicate with the living.

Wights are the spectral spirits of the murdered dead. Like with phantoms, a character can be returned to life from their wight state if they are cured before they reach level 2 in Tier 2. As wights level-up (done so through killing living mortal beings), they lose control of their actions just like zombies. Once at Tier 3, wights lose all control of their actions.

Zuzulo Fiends

Furies are born as Tier 2 creatures and level up as they grow just like killer bats. Furies require eleven years until they are fully grown and once there they enter Tier 3.

Centaurs are born as Tier 2 creatures and level up through class just like mortal races.

Minotaurs are born as Tier 2 creatures and level up through class just like mortal races.

Phoenix are born as Tier 2 creatures and level up as they grow just like killer bats. Phoenix require eleven years until they are fully grown and once there they enter Tier 3.

Unicorns are born as Tier 2 creatures and level up as they grow just like killer bats. Unicorns require eleven years until they are fully grown and once there they enter Tier 3.

Hellhounds are born as Tier 2 creatures and level up as they grow just like killer bats. Hellhounds require eleven years until they are fully grown and once there they enter Tier 3.

Mura Niho Fiends

Krakens are born as Tier 2 creatures and level up as they grow just like killer bats. Krakens require eleven years until they are fully grown and once there they enter Tier 3.

Continent Turtles are born as Tier 2 creatures and level up as they grow just like killer bats. Continent Turtles require eleven years until they are fully grown and once there they enter Tier 3.

Merfolk are born as Tier 2 creatures and level up through class just like mortal races.

Hippocamps are born as Tier 2 creatures and level up as they grow just like killer bats. Hippocamps require eleven years until they are fully grown and once there they enter Tier 3.

Hydras are born as Tier 2 creatures and level up as they grow just like killer bats. Hydras require eleven years until they are fully grown and once there they enter Tier 3.

Manchay Fiends

Nightmares level up in the same way that any warlock levels up beginning at Tier 2 and into Tier 3.

Dream-Walkers level up in the same way that any warlock levels up beginning at Tier 2 and into Tier 3.

Soul-Eaters level up in the same way that any warlock levels up beginning at Tier 2 and into Tier 3.

Death-Eaters level up in the same way that any warlock levels up beginning at Tier 2 and into Tier 3.

Sirens level up in the same way that any warlock levels up beginning at Tier 2 and into Tier 3.

Sphinx are born as Tier 2 creatures and level up as they grow just like killer bats. Sphinx require eleven years until they are fully grown and once there they enter Tier 3.

Lichen are born as Tier 2 creatures and level up as they grow just like killer bats. Lichen require eleven years until they are fully grown and once there they enter Tier 3.

Devils level up in the same way that any warlock levels up beginning at Tier 2 and into Tier 3.

Verfarkas Fiends

Werefolk are characters that become fiends through infection. A character that is a level 1 werefolk in Tier 2 can still be cured and returned to their mortal form. As werefolk level up (via class regulations), they become more and more able to control their animal forms until they reach Tier 3 when they are in full control of their actions.

Shapeshifters level up in the same way that any warlock levels up beginning at Tier 2 and into Tier 3.

Skinwalkers level up in the same way that any warlock levels up beginning at Tier 2 and into Tier 3.

Gnolls are born as Tier 2 creatures and level up through class just like mortal races.

Wargs are born as Tier 2 creatures and level up as they grow just like killer bats. Wargs require eleven years until they are fully grown and once there they enter Tier 3.

Bigfoot/Yeti level up in the same way that any rogue levels up beginning at Tier 2 and into Tier 3.

Chupacabre are born as Tier 2 creatures and level up as they grow just like killer bats. Chupacabre require eleven years until they are fully grown and once there they enter Tier 3.


Half-Demons are mortal beings infused with the essence of demonic power. Once a half-demon, a character immediately enters Tier 2, level 1 and gains increased speed, athletics, acrobatics, heal, and initiative from their mortal form. Half-Demons level-up once per year so long as they are continuously combating and slaying fiends for that year and enter Tier 3 after combating fiends for ten years.

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