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Chapter 2: The Void

The first realm in the universe was the Void- a realm personified by the beings Time and Place. The two beings then sired the demons who in turn sired the Lords of Creation and the Primordials. These three tiers of characters all have the power to enter and leave the Void- unless bound to a particular object (such as the prisons of the Four Demons). Inside the Void, neither time nor space exist, and- within the confines of the realm- a character entering may never leave or- if they manage to escape- could find themselves transported into either the past or future.

the void.png
Creatures of the Realm

There are three tiers of creatures that reside in or have some connection to the Void. Tier 8 characters include Being and Place. Tier 7 characters include angels and demons. Finally, the Lords of Creation and Primordials are creatures of the Void.

Arcana of the Realm

Arcana from the Void is incredible dangerous, but any sentient character may practice those rituals from the dimension. These spells however do cause the spellcaster to slowly become possessed by a creature from the Void. Those spells can be found in the table included below.

History of the Realm

The Void was created when the beings Time and Place were born simultaneously 10 Billion Years before the birth of the Mortal Beings. For the first billion years, Time and Place wove the fabric of their realm from the hostile materials of exploding stars. With those materials, the two beings created angels and demons which would follow through on the creation of the universe with some giving birth to the Lords of Creation. During the first billion years of the Void, the being Being became unable to control her powers leading to Place working with the angels and demons to siphon some of Being's powers and erasing her memory to convince her she was a demon.


At around for six billion years in the Void, the young Lords of Creation waged a war against the Angels and Demons of the Void. The war created bi-products in the form of pocket universes and portals to new dimensions; so when the Lords of Creation failed to defeat their superiors, they entered one of the portals and created the Mortal Realm.

After the departure of the Lords of Creation, Place gave titles to the angels and demons to protect the realm and the multiverse from invasive beings with half of his creations tasked with defending the Void from invasion and the other half tasked with entering through the portals to other universes and keeping watch on the creatures of other realms.

At about ten billion years in the Void, the Lords of Creation living in the Mortal Realm invited four angels/demons to enter the mortal realm to help then limit the power of the new mortal races from destroying the dimension. In response, those four demons left the Void and (with the exception of the depowered Being- known in her angel form as Death) were never seen in the Void again.

Nature of the Realm


The Void is a vastly empty space with only relatively microscopic matter floating in the dark emptiness of space. Small pockets of matter glowing with several possible colors of light drift aimlessly in the darkness of the realm with seemingly infinite boundaries. Neither time nor space exist in the realm, meaning character traits such as Initiative and Speed are irrelevant during encounters in this realm. In the event of an encounter hear, each character decides how they will spend their turn before committing to their decision. Once each character has made their decision, the DM has all of the actions occur simultaneously as a single-turn round.

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