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Chapter 7: The Astral Plane

After the defeat of the Three Demons at the end of the First Age, Death created the Astral Plane as a middle world between the land of the living and the lands of the gods and of the dead. The Astral Plane is an exact replica of the mortal realm- with the exception that it is under constant darkness with the stars of all realms illuminating the sky. The souls of the dead of all worlds first enter this realm- then those souls granted entrance to other realms may find entrance elsewhere. Therefore, the realm is filled with the wandering souls of the dead- including mortals and animals- and is also home to a number of fiend races.

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Arcana of the Realm

All forms of arcana work in the Astral Plane.

Nature of the Realm


In the north:

Plant Life includes: willow, birch, juniper, crowberry, bilberry, bearberry, cowberry, poppy, wintergreen, cottongrass, dandelion, moss

Animal life includes:

- Land/Freshwater: wraith, poltergeist, ghost, phantom, nightmare, dreamwalker, death-eater, devil, caribou, caribou-centaur, muskox, polar bear, wolf, fox, hare, lemming

- Sea: narwhal, humpback whale, orca, seal, cod, salmon, char, halibut, rose fish, seawolf

- Sky: ptarmigan, raven, eagle, falcon, owl, wheateater, eider, auk, bunting, cormorant, gull, fulmar, phalarope, merganser, diver, duck, puffin

In the west

Plant Life includes: redwood, sequoia, pine, cypress, fir, hemlock, cedar, oak, sycamore, cottonwood, willow, laurel, maple, buckeye, redbud, hazelnut, walnut, elderberry, greasewood, sagebrush, lilac, cherry, snowberry, huckleberry, gooseberry, sage, poppy, iris, mint, ginger, coral bell, foamflower, sorrel, fern, onion, lily, baby blue eye, morning glory, manroot, grape, fescue, deer grass, ricegrass, sedge, rush, lettuce, and stonecrop

Animal life includes:

- Land/Freshwater: wraith, poltergeist, ghost, phantom, nightmare, dreamwalker, death-eater, devil, deer, black bear, fox, cougar, sphinx, bobcat, elk, bighorn sheep, weasel, hare, chipmunk, squirrel, wolf, coyote, raccoon, beaver, porcupine, lynx, marten, garter snake, rattlesnake, black widow, brown recluse, tarantula, hobo spider, mountain frog, bluegill, whitefish, catfish, bass, trout, salamander, newt

- Sea: sea lion, seal, elephant seal, dolphin, gray whale, orca, sea otter, white shark, tiger shark, salmon

- Sky: bat, thrush, robin, eagle, gull, goose, woodpecker, duck, hawk, jay, blackbird, kingfisher, chickadee, towhee, hummingbird, owl, wasp, bee, fly, moth

In the west-central

Plant Life includes: elderberry, grape, cherry, raspberry, baneberry, thimbleberry, strawberry, star cactus, cholla, prickly pear cactus, bergamont, sagebrush, horehound, mint, yarrow, sprude, oak, cottonwood, juniper, pine, aspen, maple, olive, elm, groundsel, blue clematis, cattail, daisy, paintbrush, lily, skullcap, pasque flower, goldenbean, dog rose, rabbitrush, clover, milkweed, dogbane, sunflower, hemlock, flax, garlic, onion, goat's beard, yucca

Animals life includes:

- Land/Freshwater: wraith, poltergeist, ghost, phantom, nightmare, dreamwalker, death-eater, devil, shrew, squirrel, mouse, fox, rabbit, bighorn sheep, coyote, peccary, mountain goat, pronghorn, cougar, sphinx, raccoon, black bear, skunk, weasel, badger, lynx, wolf, chipmunk, beaver, hairy scorpion, wolf spider, jumping spider, weaving spider, crab spider, black widow, tarantula, sidewinder, rattlesnake, horned lizard, fire drake, tortoise, trout, whitefish, bass, catfish, sunfish, carp, bluegill, salamander, toad, spadefoot, bullfrog, toad

- Sky: bat, hawk, eagle, vulture, falcon, pelican, owl, roadrunner, wren, quail, finch, sandpiper, crossbill, cardinal, cormorant, grouse, wild turkey, harrier, bittern, bluebird

In the east-central

Plant Life includes: orchid, ginseng, lotus, willow, sunflower, toadflax, violet, sneezeweed, mustard, lily, bloodroot, cardinal flower, indigo, vervain, pine, cedar, dogwood, hawthorn, sassafras, sycamore, hackberry, elm, mulberry, walnut, hickory, pecan, chestnut, oak, cottonwood, crabapple, persimmon, plum, cherry, redbud, locust, holly, buckthorn, buckeye, maple, sumac, ash, hazel, blueberry, honeysuckle

Animal life includes:

- Land/Freshwater: wraith, poltergeist, ghost, phantom, nightmare, dreamwalker, death-eater, devil, possum, armadillo, muskrat, beaver, mole, shrew, lemming, vole, mouse, gopher, squirrel, chipmunk, woodchuck, rabbit, badger, raccoon, badger, skunk, weasel, mink, river otter, fox, coyote, black bear, cougar, sphinx, bobcat, deer, painted turtle, horned lizard, skink, corn snake, kingsnake, garter snake, copperhead, cottonmouth, rattlesnake, water snake, softshell turtle, snapping turtle, box turtle, salamander, newt, toad, frog, tree frog, bullfrog, lamprey, paddlefish, pike, trout, carp, minnow, catfish, bass, bluegill, perch

- Sky: bat, grebe, heron, goose, duck, snipe, hawk, kestrel, harrier, bobwhite, wild turkey, pheasant, dove, kingfisher, owl, lark, crow, jay, woodpecker, chickadee, nuthatch, mockingbird, shrike, robin, bluebird, warbler, meadowlark, blackbird, starling, cardinal, goldfinch, sparrow, wren, thrush, bittern, egret, ibis, cuckoo, hummingbird, flycatcher, swallow, vireo, oriole, bunting, gull, prairie chicken

In the east

Plant Life includes: ash, basswood, beech, birch, buckeye, cherry, chestnut, cottonwood, cyprus, dogwood, elderberry, elm, hackberry, hemlock, hickory, holly, poison ivy, locust, magnolia, maple, mulberry, oak, persimmon, pine, poplar, cedar, redbud, sassafras, silktree, spicebush, willow, sumac, sycamore, walnut, yew.

Animal life includes:

- Land/Freshwater: wraith, poltergeist, ghost, phantom, nightmare, dreamwalker, death-eater, devil, shrew, squirrel, skunk, deer, blackbear, bobcat, coyote, cougar, copperhead, cottonmouth, rattlesnake, garter snake, skink, box turtle, salamander, frog, toad, pike, perch, catfish, trout, bass, crayfish

- Sea: fin whale, sperm whale, humpback whale

- Sky: bat, eagle, falcon, owl, vulture, woodpecker

In the south

Plant Life includes: agave, amaranth, artillery plant, basil, beardtongue, begonia, nightshade, lily, ballmoss, burhead, mint, butterwort, cattail, lettuce, daisy, sunflower, thistle, duckweed, goatweed, hornwort, indigo, hurricane-grass, bamboo, dropseed, goose grass, paintbrush, mallow, milkweed, morning glory, orchid, periwinkle, poinsettia, clover, poppy, sage, sedge, snakewort, spiderflower, spurge, waterlily, hibiscus

Animal life includes:

- Land/Freshwater: wraith, poltergeist, ghost, phantom, nightmare, dreamwalker, death-eater, devil, possum, armadillo, sloth, anteater, howler monkey, spider monkey, porcupine, squirrel, chipmunk, beaver, gopher, prairie dog, tapir, vole, shrew, ocelot, cougar, wolf, jaguar, wall lizard, skink, iguana, crocodile, rattlesnake, boa

- Sea: sea turtle, manatee, blue whale, dolphin, angelshark, ray, swordtail, guitarfish, leopard shark, white shark, tiger shark, bull shark, minnow, yuriria

- Sky: bat, eagle, albatross, tropicbird, boobie, frigatebird, snake-bird, pelican, flamingo, vulture, macaw, parakeet, owl, hummingbird, toucan, flycatcher

In the far south

Plant Life includes: tulip tree, lipsticktree, breadfruit, acacia, cannonball tree, dandelion, maize, coconut, mango, blackjack, passionfruit, passionflower, bracken, selfheal, yarrow, sowthistle, periwinkle, foxglove, orchid, clover, daisy, hyacinth, lily, cattail, plantain, nightshade, fig, mangrove, mint, balsa, papaya, hibiscus, littlebell, cacao, impatien, rain tree, screwpine, milkweed, parsley, cotton, morning glory, knotweed, pokeweed, water lettuce, bramble, pineapple, cashew, firebush, hawksbeard, tasstleflower, walking palm, jungle flame, paintbrush, spleenwort, ginger, starfruit, provision tree, shrimp plant, fern, joyweed, spleenwort, blueheart, spiderwort, poinsettia, polka dot plant, banana, guava, scarlet-star, tamarillo, pagoda flower, sunset bells, flamingo flower, kapok tree, jacaranda, lancewood, milk tree, rose apple, royal palm, rubber tree, tamarind, soursop, senna.

Animal life includes:

- Land/Freshwater: wraith, poltergeist, ghost, phantom, nightmare, dreamwalker, death-eater, devil, capuchin, howler monkey, sloth, coatli, tayra, tapir, jaguar, deer, anteater, ocelot, cougar, tree frog, glassfrog, toad, anole, iguana, boa, coral snake, viper, salamander, caiman, crocodile

- Sea: sea turtle, manatee, blue whale, dolphin, angelshark, ray, swordtail, guitarfish, leopard shark, white shark, tiger shark, bull shark, minnow

- Sky: bat, hummingbird, macaw, quetzal, butterfly, moth


In the Goblin Sea

Plant Life Includes: tree fern, orchid, mesquite, cactus, acacia, mangrove, pine, mahogany, cedar, oatgrass, verbena

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: wraith, poltergeist, ghost, phantom, nightmare, dreamwalker, death-eater, devil, mouse, rat, tree snail, crocodile, caiman, frog

- Sea: coral, sponge, sea fan, manatee, merfolk, sperm whale, dolphin, pilot whale

- Sky: bat, flamingo, tanager, thrush, hawk, cuckoo, crossbill, egret, plover, sandpiper, pigeon, swift, crow, warbler, duck, parrot, parakeet, swallow

In the West

Plant Life Includes: cactus, ichu grass, puya, moss, orchid, bromliad, palm tree 

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: wraith, poltergeist, ghost, phantom, nightmare, dreamwalker, death-eater, devil, beetle, jaguar, black bear, woolly monkey, rat, armadillo, anteater, sloth, marmoset, tamarin, capuchin, squirel monkey, night monkey, titi, saki, howler monkey, spider monkey, porcupine, chinchilla, guinea pig, capybara, mouse, shrew, ocelot, cougar, fox, wolf, raccoon, coati, weasel, river otter, skunk, tapir, peccary, llama, deer, possum, caiman, anaconda, frog, tree frog, salamander

- Sea: manatee, right whale, minke whale, fin whale, blue whale, humpback whale, dolphin, sperm whale, beaked whale, orca, seal, sea lion

- Sky: bat, rhea, tinamous, screamer, duck, goose, teal, guan, curassow, quail, flamingo, grebe, pigeon, dove, cuckoo, oilbird, potoo, nightjar, swift, hummingbird, rail, coot, plover, lapwing, sandpiper, jaeger, gull, tern, albatross, petrel, shearwater, booby, heron, egret, bittern, ibis, vulture, hawk, kite, owl, trogon, motmot, kingfisher, jacamar, puffbird, barbet, toucan, woodpecker, falcon, parakeet, parrot, antbird, antpitta, tapaculo, woodcreeper, flycatcher, cotinga, manakin, tityra, vireo, jay, swallow, wren, gnatcatcher, thrush, pipit, tanager, sparrow, cardinal, warbler, troupial, finch, euphonia

In the East

Plant Life Includes: palm tree, pineapple, spurge, peacock flower, heliconia, cannonball tree, ayahuasca, mallow, mahogany, myrtle, orchid, bedstraw

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: wraith, poltergeist, ghost, phantom, nightmare, dreamwalker, death-eater, devil, wolf, fox, jaguar, cougar, ocelot, anteater, sloth, armadillo, coati, river otter, tapir, peccary, deer, capybara, howler monkey, capuchin, squirrel monkey, marmoset, tamarin, anaconda, caiman, crocodile, marsh turtle, box turtle, tortoise, worm lizard, iguana, ground lizard, gekko, whiptail, spectacled lizard, skink, blind snake, ground snake, coral snake, viper, birdeater spider, thrip, rhea, tetra, catfish, piranha, pirarucu, frog, tree frog

- Sea: sea turtle, manatee, right whale, minke whale, fin whale, blue whale, humpback whale, dolphin, sperm whale, beaked whale, orca, seal, sea lion

- Sky: bat, parrot, toucan, trogon, flamingo, duck, vulture, hawk, eagle, owl, swan, hummingbird


In the North

Plant Life Includes: pine, spruce, aspen, rowan, alder, cherry, birch, juniper, myrtle, willow, moss, lichen, speedwell, forget-me-not, sorrel, catchfly, lady's mantle, nettle, crowberry, cudweed, orchid, fern, braken, moonwart, clubmoss, horsetail, wood rush, sedge, oat grass, meadow grass, wolfsbane, cranesbill, willowherb, cranberry, bilberry, rosemary, bearberry, azalea, gentian, butterwort, thistle, campion, buttercup, saxifrage, strawberry, fleabane, catsfoot, cotton grass, goldenrod

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: wraith, poltergeist, ghost, phantom, nightmare, dreamwalker, death-eater, devil, hedgehog, shrew, hare, squirrel, beaver, vole, wolf, fox, brown bear, polar bear, weasel, lynx, boar, deer, reindeer, musk ox, adder, smooth snake, sand lizard, grass snake, viper, common lizard, toad, salamander, frog, pike, trout, bass, mantis, cicada, grasshopper, cricket

- Sea: seal, walrus, minke whale, fin whale, blue whale, humpback whale, right whale, bowhead whale, dolphin, orca, pilot whale, sperm whale, white whale, sea turtle 

- Sky: bat, goose, swan, duck, pheasant, grouse, grebe, pigeon, swift, crake, crane, plover, sandpiper, jaeger, puffin, gull, tern, loon, shearwater, heron, vulture, eagle, hawk, fury, owl, woodpecker, falcon, shrike, crow, raven, lark, swallow, tit, warbler, flycatcher, robin, thrush, pipit, finch, bunting, sparrow, dragonfly, moth, butterfly, hornet, bee

In the Spessartite Isles

Plant Life Includes: pine, spruce, aspen, rowan, alder, cherry, birch, juniper, myrtle, willow, moss, lichen, speedwell, forget-me-not, sorrel, catchfly, lady's mantle, nettle, crowberry, cudweed, orchid, fern, braken, moonwart, clubmoss, horsetail, wood rush, sedge, oat grass, meadow grass, wolfsbane, cranesbill, willowherb, cranberry, bilberry, rosemary, bearberry, azalea, gentian, butterwort, thistle, campion, buttercup, saxifrage, strawberry, fleabane, catsfoot, cotton grass, goldenrod

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: wraith, poltergeist, ghost, phantom, nightmare, dreamwalker, death-eater, devil, newt, toad, frog, adder, grass snake, smooth snake, common lizard, sand lizard, green lizard, wall lizard, beaver, squirrel, mouse, vole, hare, hedgehog, shrew, lynx, fox, wolf, brown bear, weasel, marten, badger, otter, pony, boar, deer, moose, ibex, pike, trout, bass, mantis, cicada, grasshopper, cricket

- Sea: sea turtle, seal, salmon

- Sky: bat, duck, goose, swan, grouse, pheasant, partridge, quail, diver, albatross, shearwater, petrel, cormorant, bittern, heron, egret, grebe, buzzard, eagle, vulture, falcon, crake, plover, sandpiper, skua, gull, tern, auk, puffin, pigeon, cuckoo, owl, swift, woodpecker, shrike, crow, tit, lark, swallow, warbler, thrush, flycatcher, sparrow, wagtail, pipit, finch, bunting, dragonfly, moth, butterfly, hornet, bee

In the Central

Plant Life Includes: pine, spruce, aspen, rowan, alder, cherry, birch, juniper, myrtle, willow, moss, lichen, speedwell, forget-me-not, sorrel, catchfly, lady's mantle, nettle, crowberry, cudweed, orchid, fern, braken, moonwart, clubmoss, horsetail, wood rush, sedge, oat grass, meadow grass, wolfsbane, cranesbill, willowherb, cranberry, bilberry, rosemary, bearberry, azalea, gentian, butterwort, thistle, campion, buttercup, saxifrage, strawberry, fleabane, catsfoot, cotton grass, goldenrod

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: wraith, poltergeist, ghost, phantom, nightmare, dreamwalker, death-eater, devil, newt, toad, frog, adder, grass snake, smooth snake, common lizard, sand lizard, green lizard, wall lizard, beaver, squirrel, mouse, vole, hare, hedgehog, shrew, lynx, fox, wolf, brown bear, weasel, marten, badger, otter, pony, boar, deer, moose, ibex, pike, trout, bass, mantis, cicada, grasshopper, cricket

- Sea: right whale, gray whale, fin whale, blue whale, minke whale, humpback whale, narwhal, sperm whale, beaked whale, dolphin, orca, walrus, seal

- Sky: bat, goose, swan, duck, pheasant, partridge, grebe, pigeon, crake, plover, sandpiper, gull, tern, shearwater, heron, vulture, eagel, hawk, owl, woodpecker, falcon, shrike, crow, lark, warbler, flycatcher, thrush, pipit, finch, bunting, dragonfly, moth, butterfly, hornet, bee

In the East

Plant Life Includes: pine, spruce, aspen, rowan, alder, cherry, birch, juniper, myrtle, willow, moss, lichen, speedwell, forget-me-not, sorrel, catchfly, lady's mantle, nettle, crowberry, cudweed, orchid, fern, braken, moonwart, clubmoss, horsetail, wood rush, sedge, oat grass, meadow grass, wolfsbane, cranesbill, willowherb, cranberry, bilberry, rosemary, bearberry, azalea, gentian, butterwort, thistle, campion, buttercup, saxifrage, strawberry, fleabane, catsfoot, cotton grass, goldenrod

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: wraith, poltergeist, ghost, phantom, nightmare, dreamwalker, death-eater, devil, newt, toad, frog, adder, grass snake, smooth snake, common lizard, sand lizard, green lizard, wall lizard, beaver, squirrel, mouse, vole, hare, hedgehog, shrew, lynx, fox, wolf, brown bear, weasel, marten, badger, otter, pony, boar, deer, moose, ibex, pike, trout, bass, mantis, cicada, grasshopper, cricket

- Sky: bat, goose, swan, duck, pheasant, partridge, grebe, pigeon, crake, plover, sandpiper, gull, tern, shearwater, heron, vulture, eagel, hawk, owl, woodpecker, falcon, shrike, crow, lark, warbler, flycatcher, thrush, pipit, finch, bunting, dragonfly, moth, butterfly, hornet, bee

In the South

Plant Life Includes: olive, agrume, pine, oak, myrtle, strawberry tree, sage, juniper, laurel, heath, beech, chestnut, larch, fir, hornbeam, rhododendron

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: wraith, poltergeist, ghost, phantom, nightmare, dreamwalker, death-eater, devil, newt, toad, frog, adder, grass snake, smooth snake, common lizard, sand lizard, green lizard, wall lizard, beaver, squirrel, mouse, vole, hare, hedgehog, shrew, lynx, fox, wolf, brown bear, weasel, marten, badger, otter, pony, boar, deer, moose, ibex, pike, trout, bass, mantis, cicada, grasshopper, cricket

- Sea: coral, sponge, sea fan, dolphin, jellyfish, anemone, squid, octopus, hydra, kraken, starfish, sea urchin, crab, giant crab, lobster, shrimp, cuttlefish, seal

- Sky: bat, goose, swan, duck, pheasant, partridge, grebe, pigeon, crake, plover, sandpiper, gull, tern, shearwater, heron, vulture, eagle, hawk, owl, woodpecker, falcon, shrike, crow, lark, warbler, flycatcher, thrush, pipit, finch, bunting, dragonfly, moth, butterfly, hornet, bee


In the North

Plant Life Includes: lily, oleander, olive, juniper, lentisc tree, brome grass, canary grass, bluegrass, rye, fig, date palm, saltwort, spurge, goosefoot, wormwood, asphodel, seagrass

Animal Life Includes: 

- Land/Freshwater: wraith, poltergeist, ghost, phantom, nightmare, dreamwalker, death-eater, devil, elephant, giraffe, rhinoceros, hyena, fox, gazelle, wildcat, wolf, cheetah, adder, krait, freshwater shrimp, gerbil, orangetail lizard, rat, mole-rat, vole, beetle, scorpion, land snail, milipede

- Sea: seal, sea turtle, tuna, killifish

- Sky: bat, flamingo, plover, bustard, stork, lark, sparrow, sandgrouse, heron, duck, wader, kitebee

In the West

Plant Life Includes: lily, orchid, aloe vera, custard-apple, hanza, mahogany, tropic grass, tamarisk, shittah tree

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: wraith, poltergeist, ghost, phantom, nightmare, dreamwalker, death-eater, devil, ostrich, aardvark, hyrax, elephant, bushbaby, patas monkey, spot-nosed monkey, baboon, colobus, chimpanzee, porcupine, rat, squirrel, mouse, gerbil, hare, hedgehog, shrew, pangolin, cheetah, golden cat, wildcat, lion, leopard, civet, genet, mongoose, hyena, jackal, wolf, otter, warthog, hippopotamus, giraffe, gazelle, water buffalo, eland, duiker, antelope, oryx

- Sea: manatee, minke whale, blue whale, fin whale, humpback whale, gray whale, right whale, sperm whale, dolphin, beaked whale, orca, seal, sea turtle, tuna, killifish

- Sky: butterfly, moth, grebe, shearwater, heron, spoonbill, stork, duck, goose, teal, vulture, hawk, eagle, falcon, crake, bustard, plover, sandpiper, gull, tern, dove, cuckoo, owl, nightjar, swift, kingfisher, bee-eater, roller, hornbill, barbet, woodpecker, lark, swallow, pipit, bulbul, cisticola, warbler, sunbird, starling, weaver, waxbill, indigobird, bunting, bat

In the Central

Plant Life Includes: raffia palm, saptree, bulletwood

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: wraith, poltergeist, ghost, phantom, nightmare, dreamwalker, death-eater, devil, water buffalo, civet, golden cat, wolf, leopard, python, rat, weasel, mongoose, mamba, duiker, bonobo, hyrax, cheetah, chimpanzee, eland, peacock, crocodile, elephant, gorilla, viper, giraffe, beetle, zebra, kudu, pangolin, hippopotamus, lion, rhinoceros, okapi, river hog, antelope, jackal, hyena, hornbill, warthog

- Sea: manatee, merfolk

- Sky: lovebird, dove, bat, heron, egret, ibis, stork, goose, duck, hawk, vulture, eagle, falcon, francolin, guineafowl, flufftail, crake, courser, lapwing, sandpiper, tern, gull, parrot, turaco, cuckoo, owl, nightjar, swift, kingfisher, bee-eater, roller, woodhoopo, hornbill, barbet, honeyguide, woodpecker, lark, swallow, wagtail, pipit, bulbul, thrush, cisticola, warbler, flycatcher, wattle-eye, babbler, chickadee, sunbird, oriole, shrike, starling, weaver, waxbill, indigobird, canary

In the East

Plant Life Includes: lily, orchid, aloe vera, custard-apple, hanza, mahogany, tropic grass, tamarisk, shittah tree, baobab tree

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: wraith, poltergeist, ghost, phantom, nightmare, dreamwalker, death-eater, devil, water buffalo, civet, golden cat, wolf, leopard, python, rat, weasel, mongoose, mamba, duiker, hyrax, cheetah, chimpanzee, eland, peacock, crocodile, elephant, olifant, viper, giraffe, beetle, zebra, kudu, pangolin, hippopotamus, lion, rhinoceros, okapi, river hog, antelope, jackal, hyena, hornbill, warthog, wildebeest

- Sea: sea turtle, humpback whale, blue whale, right whale, coral, sponge, sea fan

- Sky: dove, bat, heron, egret, ibis, stork, goose, duck, hawk, vulture, eagle, falcon, francolin, guineafowl, flufftail, crake, courser, lapwing, sandpiper, tern, gull, parrot, turaco, cuckoo, owl, nightjar, swift, kingfisher, bee-eater, roller, woodhoopo, hornbill, barbet, honeyguide, woodpecker, lark, swallow, wagtail, pipit, bulbul, thrush, cisticola, warbler, flycatcher, wattle-eye, babbler, chickadee, sunbird, oriole, shrike, starling, weaver, waxbill, indigobird, canary

In the South

Plant Life Includes: lily, orchid, aloe vera, custard-apple, hanza, mahogany, tropic grass, tamarisk, shittah tree, baobab tree

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: wraith, poltergeist, ghost, phantom, nightmare, dreamwalker, death-eater, devil, water buffalo, civet, golden cat, wolf, leopard,, ython, rat, weasel, mongoose, mamba, duiker, hyrax, cheetah, eland, peacock,phoenix, crocodile, elephant, olifant, viper, giraffe, beetle, zebra, kudu, pangolin, hippopotamus, lion, rhinoceros, okapi, river hog, antelope, jackal, hyena, hornbill, warthog, wildebeest

- Sea: sea turtle

- Sky: dove, bat, heron, egret, ibis, stork, goose, duck, hawk, vulture, eagle, falcon, francolin, guineafowl, flufftail, crake, courser, lapwing, sandpiper, tern, gull, parrot, turaco, cuckoo, owl, nightjar, swift, kingfisher, bee-eater, roller, woodhoopo, hornbill, barbet, honeyguide, woodpecker, lark, swallow, wagtail, pipit, bulbul, thrush, cisticola, warbler, flycatcher, wattle-eye, babbler, chickadee, sunbird, oriole, shrike, starling, weaver, waxbill, indigobird, canary

In the Tea Ocean

Plant Life Includes: palm, fern, bamboo, liana, tamarind, baobab

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: wraith, poltergeist, ghost, phantom, nightmare, dreamwalker, death-eater, devil, lemur, rat, fossa, shrew, chameleon, gecko, skink, iguana, tortoise, mud turtle, tree frog, frog, catfish, rainbowfish, herring, killifish, beetle, bark spider

- Sea: sea turtle, humpback whale, blue whale, right whale, coral, sponge, sea fan

- Sky: bat, mesite, roller, cuckoo, warbler, lapwing, mosquito


In the North

Plant Life Includes: lichen, moss, spruce, pine, fir, larch

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: wraith, poltergeist, ghost, phantom, nightmare, dreamwalker, death-eater, devil, reindeer, lemming, fox, polar bear, brown bear, lynx, wolf, wolverine, elk, mountain goat, snow leopard, black bear, tiger

- Sea: seal, walrus, sea otter, salmon

- Sky: vulture, eagle, falcon, auk, puffin, swan

In the Central

Plant Life Includes: lichen, moss, spruce, pine, fir, larch

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: wraith, poltergeist, ghost, phantom, nightmare, dreamwalker, death-eater, devil, bactrian camel, barbel, sturgeon, wolf, deer, brown bear, gazelle, gerbil, tortoise, antelope, caracal, wildcat, snow leopard, horse, donkey

- Sea: seal

- Sky: eagle, bustard, flamingo, heron, stork

In the East

Plant Life Includes: bamboo, juniper, yew, redwood, cypress, fir, larch, ginseng, wolfberry, dove tree, happy tree

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: wraith, poltergeist, ghost, phantom, nightmare, dreamwalker, death-eater, devil, gibbon, macaque, leaf monkey, langur, loris, snub-nosed monkey, tiger, leopard, snow-leopard, lynx, golden cat, wildcat, wolf, fox, panda, black bear, brown bear, civet, mongoose, otter, badger, weasel, marten, wolverine, otter, elephant, horse, wild donkey, moose, deer, elk, reindeer, gazelle, takin, mountain goat, bighorn sheep, ibex, yak, bactrian camel, pangolin, porcupine, beaver, squirrel, mouse, rat, vole, hare, vampire, crocodile, crocodile lizard, tortoise, viper, ratsnake, grass snake, frog, salamander

- Sea: seal, sea lion, dolphin, minke whale, baleen whale, blue whale, humpback whale, fin whale, right whale, gray whale, sperm whale, beaked whale, orca, dugong, sea turtle, swordfish

- Sky: bat, crane, spoonbill, pheasant, sparrow, eagle, bustard, flamingo, heron, stork, butterfly

In the Southwest

Plant Life Includes: cedar, pine, oak, fir, cypress, juniper, pistachio, almond, apple, maple, violet, fern, moss

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: wraith, poltergeist, ghost, phantom, nightmare, dreamwalker, death-eater, devil, ostrich, gecko, desert monitor, pond turtle, whip snake, ratsnake, tortoise, wildcat, leopard, baboon, badger, sheep, brown bear, black bear, mouse, squirrel, cheetah, deer, shrew, weasel, vole, rat, fox, gazelle, gerbil, hedgehog, badger, jackal, chupacabre, mongoose, mole-rat, lynx, ibex, wild donkey, oryx, otter, hyena, camel, wolf, frog, tree frog, salamander, newt

- Sea: seal

- Sky: patridge, wheateater, babbler, heron, bulbul, bunting, bustard, crow, cuckoo, dove, eagle, owl, falcon, flamingo, ibis, kingfisher, lark, nightjar, sandgrouse, sparrow, tern, warbler, waxbill, woodpecker, bat

In the South

Plant Life Includes: lotus, teak, pine, juniper, deodar, babul, fir, spruce, cedar, larch, cypress

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: wraith, poltergeist, ghost, phantom, nightmare, dreamwalker, death-eater, devil, ant, catfish, toad, frog, newt, crocodile, tortoise, box turtle, gecko, forest lizard, chameleon, glass snake, skink, grass lizard, monitor, viper, cobra, hedgehog, mole, shrew, loris, macaque, langur, leaf monkey, gibbon, wolf, fox, black bear, brown bear, red panda, marten, weasel, otter, civet, mongoose, golden cat, lynx, caracal, lion, leopard, tiger, elephant, horse, wild donkey, rhinoceros, boar, deer, yak, water buffalo, gazelle, takin, bighorn sheep, pangolin, squirrel, mouse, rat, porcupine, hare, pika

- Sea: bonefish, eel, sardine, lancefish, toadfish, requiem shark, hammerhead shark, herring, anchovy, loach, killifish, tarpon, cod, milkfish, thresher shark, white shark, lanternfish, nurse shark, whale shark, knifefish, mackerel, parrotfish, flounder, ray, bramble shark, pufferfish, sea turtle, dolphin, minke whale, blue whale, fin whale, humpback whale, right whale, beaked whale, sperm whale, dugong

- Sky: butterfly, dragonfly, damselfly, pheasant, quail, goose, duck, swan, shearwater, petrel, grebe, flamingo, tropicbird, stork, ibis, bittern, heron, egret, pelican, frigatebird, booby, cormorant, eagle, vulture, hawk, falcon, bustard, crake, crane, lapwing, plover, sandpiper, pratnicole, gull, tern, jaeger, sandgrouse, pigeon, dove, parakeet, cuckoo, owl, nightjar, swift, kingfisher, bee-eater, hornbill, barbet, woodpecker, pitta, shrike, oriole, drongo, crow, tit, lark, bulbul, swallow, warbler, cistocola, thrush, babbler, yuhina, nuthatch, treecreeper, starling, thrush, flycatcher, flowerpecker, sunbird, sparrow, weaver, waxbill, accentor, wagtail, pipit, bunting, finch, bat

In the Southeast

Plant Life Includes: pine, juniper, deodar, babul, fir, spruce, cedar, larch, cypress, rumdul, pitcher plant, chankreussna, cinnamon

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: wraith, poltergeist, ghost, phantom, nightmare, dreamwalker, death-eater, devil, ant, catfish, toad, frog, newt, crocodile, tortoise, box turtle, gecko, forest lizard, chameleon, glass snake, skink, grass lizard, monitor, viper, cobra, hedgehog, mole, shrew, loris, macaque, langur, leaf monkey, gibbon, wolf, fox, black bear, brown bear, red panda, marten, weasel, otter, civet, mongoose, golden cat, lynx, caracal, lion, leopard, tiger, elephant, horse, wild donkey, rhinoceros, boar, deer, yak, water buffalo, gazelle, takin, bighorn sheep, pangolin, squirrel, mouse, rat, porcupine, hare, pika

- Sea: bonefish, eel, sardine, lancefish, toadfish, requiem shark, hammerhead shark, herring, anchovy, loach, killifish, tarpon, cod, milkfish, thresher shark, white shark, lanternfish, nurse shark, whale shark, knifefish, mackerel, parrotfish, flounder, ray, bramble shark, pufferfish, sea turtle, dolphin, minke whale, blue whale, fin whale, humpback whale, right whale, beaked whale, sperm whale, dugong

- Sky: butterfly, dragonfly, damselfly, pheasant, quail, goose, duck, swan, shearwater, petrel, grebe, flamingo, tropicbird, stork, ibis, bittern, heron, egret, pelican, frigatebird, booby, cormorant, eagle, vulture, hawk, falcon, bustard, crake, crane, lapwing, plover, sandpiper, pratincole, gull, tern, jaeger, sandgrouse, pigeon, dove, parakeet, cuckoo, owl, nightjar, swift, kingfisher, bee-eater, hornbill, barbet, woodpecker, pitta, shrike, oriole, drongo, crow, tit, lark, bulbul, swallow, warbler, cistocola, thrush, babbler, yuhina, nuthatch, treecreeper, starling, thrush, flycatcher, flowerpecker, sunbird, sparrow, weaver, waxbill, accentor, wagtail, pipit, bunting, finch, bat


In the Fire Isles

Plant Life Includes: hibiscus, palm, gardenia, acacia, greensword, silversword, dubautia, iliau, cyanea, coconut

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: wraith, poltergeist, ghost, phantom, nightmare, dreamwalker, death-eater, devil, skink

- Sea: anchovy, angelfish, barracuda, bonefish, butterflyfish, cardinalfish, eel, damselfish, frogfish, goatfish, goby, grouper, lizardfish, marlin, needlefish, parrotfish, pufferfish, ray, sardine, scorpionfish, reef shark, tiger shark, whale shark, snapper, squirrelfish, surgeonfish, triggerfish, tuna, wrasses, seal, sperm whale, beaked whale, dolphin, orca, sea turtle, sea snake

- Sky: duck, goose, pheasant, grebe, pigoen, rail, plover, sandpiper, skua, auk, gull, tern, albatross, petrel, booby, egret, eagle, flycatcher, thrush, honeyeater, waxbill, pipit, finch, tanager, bat

In the Northern Atolls

Plant Life Includes: palm, poisontree, ka tree

- Land/Freshwater: wraith, poltergeist, ghost, phantom, nightmare, dreamwalker, death-eater, devil, skink

- Sea: anchovy, angelfish, barracuda, bonefish, butterflyfish, cardinalfish, eel, damselfish, frogfish, goatfish, goby, grouper, lizardfish, marlin, needlefish, parrotfish, pufferfish, ray, sardine, scorpionfish, reef shark, tiger shark, whale shark, snapper, squirrelfish, surgeonfish, triggerfish, tuna, wrasses, seal, sperm whale, beaked whale, dolphin, orca, sea turtle, sea snake

- Sky: duck, goose, pheasant, grebe, pigoen, rail, plover, sandpiper, skua, auk, gull, tern, albatross, petrel, booby, egret, eagle, flycatcher, thrush, honeyeater, waxbill, pipit, finch, tanager, bat

In the Fairy Islands

Plant Life Includes: ginger, begonia, gesneriad, orchid, pandan, palm, dipterocarp, fig

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: wraith, poltergeist, ghost, phantom, nightmare, dreamwalker, death-eater, devil, monitor lizard, forest turtle, beetle, crab, elephant, shrew, lemur, loris, tarsier, macaque, porcupine, squirrel, rat, mouse, pangolin, civet, mongoose, badger, otter, horse, warthog, mouse-deer, water buffalo, goat

- Sea: manatee, merfolk, minke whale, fin whale, blue whale, humpback whale, sperm whale, beak whale, dolphin, orca, pilot whale

- Sky: hornbill, eagle, rachket-tail, rail, sandpiper, coucal, cockatoo, dove, butterfly, bat

In the Great Jungle Island

Plant Life Includes: orchid, myrtle, pal, cycad, acacia, glue berry, ficus, doughwood

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: wraith, poltergeist, ghost, phantom, nightmare, dreamwalker, death-eater, devil, echidna, quoll, wallaby, tree-kangaroo, possum, sugar glider, rat, boar, mouse, rusa deer, cassowary, toad, frog, tree frog, skink, gecko, agamid, monitor lizard, crocodile, rainbowfish, goby, silverside, glassfish, catfish

- Sea: saltwater crocodile, coral, sponge, sea fan

- Sky: bat, pigeon, parrot, passerine, bird of paradise, bowerbird, pitohui, butterfly

In the Eastern Isles

Plant Life Includes: hibiscus, palm, gardenia, acacia, greensword, silversword, dubautia, iliau, cyanea, coconut

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: wraith, poltergeist, ghost, phantom, nightmare, dreamwalker, death-eater, devil, skink

- Sea: anchovy, angelfish, barracuda, bonefish, butterflyfish, cardinalfish, eel, damselfish, frogfish, goatfish, goby, grouper, lizardfish, marlin, needlefish, parrotfish, pufferfish, ray, sardine, scorpionfish, reef shark, tiger shark, whale shark, snapper, squirrelfish, surgeonfish, triggerfish, tuna, wrasses, seal, sperm whale, beaked whale, dolphin, orca, sea turtle, sea snake

- Sky: duck, goose, pheasant, grebe, pigoen, rail, plover, sandpiper, skua, auk, gull, tern, albatross, petrel, booby, egret, eagle, flycatcher, thrush, honeyeater, waxbill, pipit, finch, tanager, bat

In Koraha

Plant Life Includes: bush pea, bitter pea, eucalyptus, honey myrtle, tea tree, spinifex, sedge, orchid, heather, spurge, cypress, creeping pine, wollemia, fern, moss, liverwort, hornwort

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: wraith, poltergeist, ghost, phantom, nightmare, dreamwalker, death-eater, devil, possum, squirrel, platypus, echidna, mole, bandicoot, bilbie, wombat, koala, kangaroo, wallaby, dingo, fox, hare, emu, cassowary, malleefowl, brush-turkey, toad, frog, tree frog, crocodile, fierce snake, brown snake, tiger snake, python, blind snake, thorny devil, gecko, bearded dragon, frill-necked lizard, monitor lizard, goanna, blue-tongued lizard, arowana, lungfish, salamanderfish, lamprey, herring, catfish, rainbowfish, gudgeon, cod, barramundi, perch, beetle, weevilant, fire ant, grasshopper, funnel-web spider, earthworm, crayfish

- Sea: humpback whale, dolphin, orca, dugong, saltwater crocodile, sea turtle, sea snake, eel, squirrelfish, pipefish, seahorse, grouper, snapper, damselfish, butterflyfish, angelfish, goby, cardinalfish, wrasses, triggerfish, surgeonfish, stonefish, pufferfish, lionfish, ray, barracuda, requiem shark, catshark, wobblegong shark, dogfish shark, bullhead shark, bull shark, tiger shark, white shark, megamouth shark, coral, sea cucumber, lamp shell, comp jellyfish, anemone, sea urchin, sea star, brittle star, oyster, clam, octopus, cone snail, abalone, lobster, mussel

- Sky: cockatoo, galah, kingfisher, passerine, magpie, thornbill, pardalote, honeyeater, treecreeper, lyrebird, bird of paradise, bowerbird, bee, wasp, moth, fly, mosquito

In the Woodland Islands

Plant Life Includes: akeake, cape rata, beech, bog pine, broom, cabbage tree, daisy bush, five finger, white pine, broadleaf, kakabeak, tea tree, laurel, karamu, kawakawa, kohukohu, lacebark, lancewood, lemonwood, whiteywood, white mangrove, red matipo, black pine, silver pine, totara, miro, mousehole tree, tree nettle, seven finger, iron tree, bullibulli, marbleleaf, rangiora, honeysuckle, ribbonwood, red pine, taraire, tawa, celery pine, passionfruit, yellow pine, wineberry, fern, liverwort, needlegrass, bluegrass, hair grass, snowgrass, moss, mountain daisy, mistletoe, flax, spinach, palm, bulrush, woodrose

Animal Life Includes:

- Land/Freshwater: wraith, poltergeist, ghost, phantom, nightmare, dreamwalker, death-eater, devil, gecko, crab, frog, kiwi, moa, penguin

- Sea: humpback whale, dolphin, orca, dugong, saltwater crocodile, sea turtle, sea snake, eel, squirrelfish, pipefish, seahorse, grouper, snapper, damselfish, butterflyfish, angelfish, goby, cardinalfish, wrasses, triggerfish, surgeonfish, stonefish, pufferfish, lionfish, ray, barracuda, requiem shark, catshark, wobblegong shark, dogfish shark, bullhead shark, bull shark, tiger shark, white shark, megamouth shark, coral, sea cucumber, lamp shell, comp jellyfish, anemone, sea urchin, sea star, brittle star, oyster, clam, octopus, cone snail, abalone, lobster, mussel

- Sky: butterfly, bat, petrel, shearwater, albatross, booby, cormorant, heron, egret, spoonbill, goose, duck, teal, rail, pheasant, oystercatcher, plover, snipe, sandpiper, gull, tern, skua, dove, grebe, eagle, cuckoo, parakeet, parrot, wren, raven, robin, creeper, flycatcher, honeyeater, wattlebird, swallow, finch

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