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Chapter 6: Tier 3 Beings

Tier 3 beings are characters with some form of mortal shell- such as werewolves or zombies; but which may have either enhanced or withdrawn personalities (such as demi-gods or ghouls respectively). Tier Three Beings are divided by two categories- divine and dark; with demi-gods in the first category and monsters in the second. Occasionally however, characters from either group may act with neutrality, do heroic deeds, or commit evil sins. Also, those in the monster category are Tier 2 until they have completed their initiation task within their particular tribe. After these initiation rights, monsters become Tier 3. Demi-gods are similar to spirits in their secondary earning of divine status. Demi-gods however receive divine status as mortal beings from a particular god or group of gods- thus making them more powerful than spirits.

Aliaanza'nchi Demi-Gods

Gul is a demigoddess from Miseer who was honored by the gods as a herald of justice. In life, she acted as a lawyer and judge remembered for fair rulings. In the afterlife, she serves as a representative for mortal souls during the preliminary judgement during which the gods decide which afterlife realm the soul will reside in. Gul appears in the form of a half-elf princess.

Bweha is a demigod of paladins. In life, Bweha founded the first paladin order in the mortal realm- the Hubbad. In death, Bweha serves the gods as a captain of their divine armies. Bweha appears as a human man dressed in battle armor.


Ndama is a demigoddess of children. In life, Ndama lost her only child to half-elf pirates and wandered the desert in forelord hope of finding her son. In the afterlife, Ndama acts as a guide for the souls of dead children in finding peace after death. Ndama appears as a human woman in blue robes.

Chozi is a demigod of engineering. In life, this king of Miseer engineered a series of locks and dams to irrigate the croplands of Lower Miseer in order to end a powerful famine. In death, Chozi acts as an architect for the gods and appears as a half-elf engineer.

Korongo is a demigoddess of lost travelers. In life, she created a series of singing stones that formed the first desert roads of Northern Aliaanza'nchi. In death, Korongo now acts as a servant for human explorers to help reorient them. She appears as a human woman in blue robes.

Bata is a demigoddess of agriculture. In Miseer, she developed new ways of farming fruit orchards. In the afterlife, Bata is in charge of maintaining the gardens of the gods in the divine realm. She appears in the form of a human woman often dressed as a farmer.

Chuma is a demigod of blacksmithing. In life, he was the first human to forge iron weapons for his kingdom's warriors. In death, Chuma acts as the weaponsmith of the gods and may be called upon or characters wishing to receive divine weapons. Chuma appears in the form of a male human weaponsmith.

Njia Panda is a demigod of trade. In life, this character oversaw trade deals in Western Aliaanza'nchi. In death, Njia Panda acts as the mediator between trading parties as a negotiator of fair trades.

Upepo is a demigoddess of weather- particularly sea storms. In life, Upepo was a powerful warlock who harnessed arcana of nature and used it to combat hydras at sea. In death, Upepo acts as a servant of the gods to bring weather patterns to the mortal realm. Upepo appears as a human woman in red robes.

Si Demi-Gods

Dijun is a demigod of wisdom. In life, Dijun united several hill elf kingdoms with sound judgement rather than war. In death, Dijun acts as a servant of the gods in giving wise counsel to monarchs of the mortal realm. This demigod appears in the form of an elderly elf with a long white beard.

Fangxun is a demigod of warlords. In life, this rare dragonborn character led his kingdom through a difficult war with the assistance of the Bow of Kapinga. In death, Fangxun acts as a captain of the divine armies of the elven gods. He appears as a dragonborn warlord.

Shun is a demigod of sorrow. In life, this adopted son of Fangxun became emperor and through his tears of sorrow at Fangxun's passing, his kingdom flooded and caused emtire forests to grow. In death, Shun acts as a mediator between the living and their ancestral dead and appears as an elven man with red hair.

Ild is a half-elf demigod of kings. In life, this king of the Twin Rivers ruled with wisdom and adventure. In a search for immortality, Ild died in failure. In death however, Ild became a demigod tasked with assisting monarchs of the half-elves with wise counsel. He appears as a half-elf king.

Yulsi is a demigoddess of beauty and grace among the half-elves. In life, this bachelorette entertained travelers with her beauty and charm. In death, she became a servant of the gods as a host for mortal guests in their realm. Yulsi appears as a half-elf woman dressed in divine textiles.

Huyim and Lilah are twin demigoddesses who personify day and night. The two were born in the mortal realm to a divine father- Yin. In death, the two served as guides for travelers in need of orientation with Huyim assiting in the day and Lilah at night. Huyim appears as a half-elf woman with blonde hair and Lilah as a half-elf woman with black hair.

Rimmun is a demigoddess of Death. In life, this powerful warlock discovered a ritual for summoning the demon Death and in doing so earned Death's trust. The demon gave Rimmun a book containing the spells necessary for defeating her three siblings. In death, Rimmun now acts as a mediator between mortals and Death and appears in the form of a half-elf woman in dark purple robes.

Lyly is a demigoddess of civilization. In life, Lyly served Ild (another eventual demi-deity) in convincing the several pastoral tribal chieftains in establishing settlements and joining Ild's kingdom. In death, Lyly acts as a servant for kings attempting to annex neighboring peoples and appears in the form of a half-elf bellydancing woman.

Hou Zi is a demigod of martial arts. In life, this fighter wandered the continent of Si learning fighting styles from anyone willing to teach him- including monkeys. Also known as the Monkey King, Hou Zi entered the afterlife as a servant of martial artists in the mortal realm as a master of martial arts and trainer of fighters. He appears as half monkey and half-elf.

Dajia is another demigod of warlords. In life, this god of the wood elves led armies against several fiendish hordes in Southern Si with the assistance of gods and goddesses. In death, Dajia acts as a second captain of the divine armies and appears as an elven warlord.

Gonliu is a demigod of defensive warfare. In life, this warlord inherited Dajia's war and fought a defensive campaign against the fiends of Southern Si. In death, Gongliu acts as a captain of the divine guards who protect the divine realm from invasive threats. He appears in the form of an elven warlord.

Xiyue is a demigod of heroism. In life, this wood elf became exiled for his love of the king's daughter and- after a shapeshifter kidnapped the princess- endured several trials before rescuing her. In the afterlife, Xiyue serves as an assistant for elves of pure character on adventures to save their true love. He appears in the form of an elven barbarian with a vulture companion.

Yufan is a demigoddess of warrior women. In life, this queen led an armada of warriors into the Tea Ocean to battle the armies of giant crabs that plagued the sea. In death, Yufan acts as a patron of Ilti'ah- the realm of warrior women- and appears as an elven queen in battle armor.

Xiang is a demigod of peace-time kings. In life, Xiang united the elven settlements along the River of Life into a kingdom that could work together to combat the fiends that plagued them. In death, Xiang acts as a servant for monarchs during times of peace and appears as an elven king.

E Yu is a demigoddess of fishers. In life, this elven woman risked storms at sea in the Tea Ocean to find the best places to catch the largest fish. In death, E Yu became a servant of fishers in the Tea Ocean as a guardian during storms and an assistant in finding good spots to catch fish. She appears in the form of an elven fisherwoman.

Those who die on the continent of Si have no afterlife realm to reside in after death. Instead, they are reborn unless they die without guilt. Shuang is a demigod of rebirth. In life, he discovered the reincarnation of characters who die in Si. In death, he acts as a servant of the gods in determining how a character is reborn into their next life. He appears in the form of an elven minotaur.

Zezen Demi-Gods

Kanpai is a demigoddess of imprisoned women. In life, Kanpai was a prisoner locked away in a tower. In death, Kanpai acts as a voice of comfort for imprisoned women dwarves. She appears in the form of a blonde dwarven woman with extremely long hair.


Kopogoszellem is a demigod of mischief. In life, this gnome warlock would play sinister tricks on the dwarves, but would always agree to undo spells if his victims to could recite his name. In death, Kopogoszellem continues to engage in sinister pranks against dwarves. He appears in the form of a gnome warlock in white and black striped garments.

Talamh is a demigoddess of queens. During her life, this shapeshifter of the Spessartite Isles ruled as queen during several wars against more sinister fiends who plagued the islands. In death, Talamh acts as a servant to monarchs of the Spessartite Isles and may appear in the form of several spectral animals.

Clais is a demigod of refugees. In life, this wandering refugee led his people to the Spessartite Isles and earned an allegiance with the shapeshifters there. In death, Clais serves as a guardian of refugees and appears in the form of a wayward sailor.

Solas is a demigod of unlikely heroes. In life, this young dwarf untied the divided peoples of the Spessartite Isles against the tyranny of troll pirates. In death, Solas is a servant for victims of tyranny and appears in the form of a young dwarven fighter.

Sendatzeko is a demigoddess of medicine. In life, this dwarf explored the Spessartite Isles in search of medicinal plants and recorded her findings for future generations. In death, she became the chief doctor of the divine realm and appears in the form of a dwarven doctor.

Indarra is a demigod of impossible feats. In life, this dwarf braves fire and ice to find the soul of his wrongfully deceased wife. In death, Indarra acts as a servant for adventurers battling impossible odds and appears in the form of a dwarven barbarian.

Garbitazun is a demigod of pure character. In life, this son of Poesia and a dwarf woman fell victim to Behor's trickery. In death, the demigod became a target for prayers at funerals where dwarves attempt to send their dead off to the land of the honored dead. Garbitazun appears in the form of a burning dwarf.

Vezeto is a demigod of lost children from Eastern Si. In life, a shapeshifter raised this boy after his aunts killed his mother and left him in the wild to die. In death, Vezeto acts as a servant for lost children and appears in the form of a young gnome boy.

Kiralyno is a demigoddess of princesses. In life, this gnome princess had to fight her sinister stepmother and stepsisters for the right to marry the man she loved. In death, Kiralyno acts as a counsellor for gnome women on the nights before their weddings and appears as a gnome princess.

Fa is a demigoddess of wild animals. In life, this gnome was a great huntress who showed respect for the animals of the forest. In death, Fa became a guardian of wild animals and appears in the form of a gnome barbarian woman.

Haboru is a demigod of equestrians. In life, this warchief was the first gnome to harness the power of ponies for war. In death, he became a servant for gnome equestrians and appears in the form of a pony-mounted warlord.

Szepszeg is a demigoddess of warrior women. In life, this gnome led a band of women warriors to avenge the death of her father and rescue her kidnapped siblings. In death, Szepszeg became associated with Ilti'ah- the realm of warrior women- and appears in the form of a female gnome warlord.

Erramu is a demigoddess of stalked women. In life, this gnome woman fell under the unwanted gaze of the god Arkulari. In death, Erramu became a guardian for gnome and dwarf women from unwanted male gaze and attention.She appears in the form of a gnome woman with a tiara made of laurel branches.

Atletismoa is a demigod of sport. In life, Atletismoa founded the first Partidak- a series of athletic events held every four years to honor the gods. In death, Atletismoa serves as an assistant to dwarven athletes and appears in the form of a male dwarven fighter.

Agun is a demigoddess of dungeoneering. In life, this princess assisted the dwarf Ipinini slay the minotaur of Zilar by guiding the hero through her father's dungeons. In death, Agun acts as a guide in cavernous environments and appears in the form of a spelunking dwarf woman.

Merkataritzaren is a demigod of traders. In life, the dwarf wandered Zezen trading with and learning from the various cultures of the continent. In death, Merkataritzaren became a servant of traders and appears in the form of a dwarven merchant.

The Amortizazios are a group of demigoddesses of inspiration. In life, these wizards used magic to inspire fellow dwarves in music, theatre, dance, poetry, and history. In death, the Amortizazios act as inspiration for dwarves in need of history and diplomacy checks.

Bilatzea is a demigod of great quests. In life, the dwarf had to complete twelve impossible tasks to earn forgiveness for killing his wife and son. In death, Bilatzea serves as an assistant for dwarves with impossible goals and appears in the form of a dwarven male barbarian.

Ocean of Peace Demi-Gods

Kokonati is a demigod of naval exploration. In life, this halfling princes expanded his father's kingdom by sailing in exploration to find unsettled islands. In death, Kokonati serves as a guardian for halfling explores and appears in the form of a halfling prince.

Waka is a demigod of sailing. In life, this adventurer braved the terrible sea storms of the Ocean of Peace to discover several islands. In death, Waka serves as a protector os sailors and appears in the form of a halfling barbarian.

Mango is a demigod of magic. In life, this warlock used his power to protect his island's coasts from sharks and invented the sport of surfing. In death, Mango became a protector of the Fire Islands and a patron of surfers. He appears in the form of a halfling warlock often with a surfboard.

Kanikani is a demigoddess of dance. In life, this halfling warlock invented several new arcane dances. In death, Kanikani acts as a servant of practitioners of dance arcana and appears in the form of a halfling woman dancer.

Hukarere is another warlock demigoddess- this one of snow. In life, this warlock created snow on the volcanoes that- when melting- would serve as a warning to villagers that their volcano would soon erupt. In death, Hukarere became a guardian of mortal victims of volcanic eruptions and appears in the form of a halfling woman with white hair.


Waipuke is a demigod of water. In life, this halfling of Koraha wandered the desert in search of fresh water for his drought-stricken people. In death, Waipuke became a sn assistant for characters in search of safe drinking water and appears in the form of of a spider.

Ulinawi Demi-Gods

Selu, Duya, and Kayusequa are demigoddesses of agriculture. In life, these three sisters introduced maize, beans, and squash to their people's farmlands. In death, the sisters became servants of farmers often as targets of prayers during planting and harvesting seasons. They appear in the form of female drow farmers.

Ugitsisgu is a demigoddess of love. In life, this drow woman was the love interest of a famous hunter whom the goddess Ganohalidasdi also loved. Unable to convince the hunter to love her, the goddess turned his love Ugitsisgu into a star in the night sky so that he could always see her but never be with her. As a star in the night sky, this demigoddess acts as a mediator between long-distance lovers.

Galoque and Sonela are twin brother demigods of sport. In life, they challenged the Lords of the Underworld to a game of basketball to save their father's soul. In death, the brothers act as servants of athletes and appear in the form of drow basketball players.

Sunoyihinudo is a demigod of astronomy. In life, this drow devised methods for calculating the best times to plant and harvest crops based on celestial bodies. In death, he became the chief astronomer of the gods and a servant for mortal scientists. He appears in the form of a drow astronomer.

Wodigekalitsetsi is a demigod of chocolate. In life, she was a powerful warlock who discovered the cacao plant and used its beans to create beverages of magical power in religious ceremonies. In death, Wodigekalitsetsi became a mediator between the living and their ancestor dead and appears in the form of a drow woman with white body paint mimicking a skeleton and covered in orange marigold flowers.

Hattun Demi-Gods

The Sasha are demigoddesses of warrior women. In life, these goblin women ruled tribes of warrior women with the power of magical clay from the Lake of the Moon. In death, the Sasha became officers in the Iltii'ah- realm of warrior women- armies and appear as goblin fighters in Ilti'ah armor.


Ilapa is a demigod of weather. In life, the goblin sailor battled storms at sea. In death, he became a guardian of goblins from lightning. Ilapa appears in the form of a goblin barbarian.

Sara is a demigoddess of maize. In life, the goblin ventured into Ulinawi and stole maize from the drow and brought it back to the goblins. In death, Sara became a target for prayers during planting and harvest times and appears in the form of a goblin farmer.

Nina is a demigod of travelers. In life, this engineer created several roads across Hattun. In death, Nina became the chief architect of the divine realm and appears in the form of a goblin engineer.

Awqanakay is a demigod of warlords. In life, this warlord united the warring tribes of the Eastern Jungle into a single civilization built on trade. In death, Awqanakay became a servant of monarchs and appears in the form of a goblin warlord.

Tuta is a demigod of instability. In life, Tuta used his trickery to spark civil wars among Awqanakay's kingdom in order to divide the empire. In death, Tuta became an agent of destabilization among those in Hattun and became the target of prayer from rebels and pirates. Tuta appears in the form of a goblin barbarian man.

Hutumia Fiends

Vampires are what are known as hybrid creatures because they require a mortal host. When a vampire reaches Tier 3, it has full power to walk during daylight, but still remains in their mortal form of strength. Tier 3 Vampires gain abilities at night their Tier 2 counterparts do not have including increased speed, initiative, and athletics. Vampires attack their victims using skills at hypnosis to cause their enemies to skip a turn, then using their teeth to deliver a powerful bite and sucking their victims of their blood.

Killer bats are what are giant bats that are roughly six feet tall. When a killer bat reaches Tier 3, it has full power to fly during daylight, but only holds half of their strength. Tier 3 killer bats gain abilities at night their Tier 2 counterparts do not have including increased speed, perception, and acrobatics. Killer bats attack their victims using loud screeches and powerful talons.

Succubae/Incubi and nymphs are creatures that take the form of extremely beautiful male and female mortal beings. Tier 3 succubae/incubi and nymphs have increased diplomacy, bluff, and arcana. Succubae and incubi attack their victims using skills at hypnosis to cause their enemies to skip a turn, then using their mind to siphon health from victims psychically. Nymphs are pacifist creatures who refuse to harm mortal beings.

Herensuge Fiends

Dragons are winged creatures of immense size with four legs and two wings. Tier 3 dragons have either powers to deliver fire, toxic gas, water, or ice from their breath- which their Tier 2 counterparts cannot master. They also have powerful talons with which they can attack.

Drakes appear like smaller versions of fire and water dragons, but without wings. Tier 3 drakes have either powers to deliver fire or water from their breath- which their Tier 2 counterparts cannot master. They also have powerful talons with which they can attack.

Wyverns appear like smaller versions of dragons, but with only two legs. Tier 3 wyverns have the power to emit loud screeches- which their Tier 2 counterparts cannot master. They also have powerful talons with which they can attack.

There are several types of Rocs (giant eagles, giant hawks, giant falcons, and giant owls). Tier 3 Giant Eagles have power to summon lightning while hawks have increased perception, falcons increased speed, and owls increased stealth from their Tier 2 counterparts. They all also may use their talons for attack.

Pegasi are winged equestrians that take the form of horses, ponies, donkeys, or zebra with massive wings. Pegasi can deliver powerful kicks and Tier 3 Pegasi gain increased speed from their Tier 2 counterparts.

Hippogryphs are creatures with the front half of an eagle and the back half of a horse. Tier 3 hippogryphs gain increased arcana from their Tier 2 counterparts and use their powerful talons and beak for attack.

Griffons are creatures with the front half of vultures and the back half of horses. Tier 3 griffons gain increased athletics from their Tier 2 counterparts and use their powerful talons and beak for attack.

Giants take the form of fire giants, mountain giants, ice giants, or forest giants. Fire giants appear like walking volcanoes and can deliver attacks of molten lava. Mountain giants appear like walking mountains and can throw stones. Ice Giants appear as walking glaciers and can freeze targets. Forest Giants appear as walking trees and are the most peaceful of their kin. When giants enter Tier 3, they simply grow larger and do not gain any further bonus beyond their level-up bonuses.

Aisui Fiends

Zombies are reanimated corpses under the ​control of a singular character- the Zombie King or Queen. Zombies can deliver a bite that causes their target to become a Tier 2 Zombie. Once the zombie becomes Tier 3, they lose all sentient thought and are fully under the control of their master.

Ghouls are reanimated corpses without any controlling character. Tier 3 ghouls lose all sentient thought like their zombie cousins.

Skeletons are animated skeletons capable of speech throughout their levels. These creatures cannot venture beyond their graves however, remaining within one mile of their final resting place. Tier 3 skeletons lose their rotting muscles and flesh and appear as bones loosely tied together by rotting cartilage.

White walkers are reanimated corpses of those who died in the snow or ice. Tier 3 white walkers gain abilities to deliver cold damage to their victims.

Windegos are the reanimated corpses of warriors. Tier 3 windegos have the full range of movement of their living selves.

Twl't Fiends

Wyrms are giant worms with beaks that allow them to tunnel through rocks underground. Wyrms are neutral creatures whom the mortal races eventually harness as vehicles for rapid transportation underground. Tier 3 Wyrms simply grow larger and gain no further abilities from their Tier 2 counterparts.

Sea serpents are giant snakes​ who live in oceans and seas and often attack ships during storms. Tier 3 sea serpents have the added ability to summon powerful storms at sea.

Screaming eels are eels that hold the power to emit loud screeches that can cause psychic attacks​​. Tier 3 screaming eels gain the ability to deliver lightning damage to their targets.

Trolls are cave dwelling creatures that stand roughly eight to ten feet tall. They typically use simple weapons to defend their caves from would be intruders. Tier 3 trolls simply grow larger than their Tier 2 counterparts and gain no other increased abilities. 

Hantu Fiends

Wraiths are the phantoms of deceased mortals who committed vile sins in life- such as mass murder. They take the form of hooded specters floating about and attack their victims with psychic attacks. Tier 3 Wraiths gain increased intimidate and stealth.

Poltergeists are violent phantoms tied to a specific location. Like with wraiths, these creatures attack their victims with psychic attacks, but are also capable of wielding corporeal objects and weapons. Tier 3 poltergeists can turn entirely invisible.

Ghosts are charitable creatures that can grant those who speak to them insight and history. Tier 3 ghosts grant increased levels of these skills to those who speak with them.

Phantoms are like ghosts, but cannot grant those who speak with them any increased skills. Instead, the wander aimlessly throughout a location their spirit is tied to.​​ Tier 3 phantoms have the power to travel to the Astral Plane.

Wights are the spirits of murdered dead and can fall under the control of their Tier 5 masters. Tier 3 wights can the ability to control objects and weapons.

Zuzulo Fiends

Furies are winged women with the power to attack their victims with loud screeches and powerful talons on their feet. Tier 3 furies have an increased attack that includes ongoing psyche damage.

Centaurs take the form of either half mortal and half equine (horses, ponies, donkeys​, and zebras) or half mortal and half antelope (gazelle, deer, elk, and moose). In either case, they take the form of the front half of a mortal and legs and back half of their animal counterpart. Centaurs can wield weapons and use their hooves in attack. Tier 3 centaurs gain increased speed and acrobatics.

Mi​notaurs are half mortal half cattle with the body of mortals and the head of cattle. They too may wield weapons and may also headbutt their victims as an attack. Tier 3 minotaurs gain increased athletics and intimidate.

Phoenix​ are flaming birds capable of delivering flaming bursts as an attack. Tier 3 phoenix gain increased speed and reflex defense.

Unicorns are horses with a singular horn on their head. Unicorns can attack using their horn or hooves and Tier 3 unicorns have the ability to transport between the mortal realm and the realms of the gods.

Hellhounds appear like flaming wolves. They have the ability bite their enemies and Tier 3 hellhounds can add ongoing fire damage to their attacks.

Mura Niho Fiends

Krakens are ​giant sea creatures resembling squids. They often use their tentacles and beaks to tear apart ships at sea. Tier 3 krakens simply grow larger than their Tier 2 counterparts and gain no other increased abilities.

Continent turtles are sea creatures that take the form of large sea turtles. Continent turtles are often friendly to sailors and act as safety rafts for sailors lost at sea. Tier 3 Continent turtles simply grow larger than their Tier 2 counterparts and gain no other increased abilities.

Merfolk ​are creatures resembling hybrid creatures in the water combining mortal beings and dolphins with their mortal front half and dolphin back. Tier 3 merfolk gain the ability to change form to appear totally as their mortal form once on land.

Hippocamps appear with the front half of a horse and the back half of a manatee and live in rivers. Hippocamps are extremely territorial and will attack in herds to protect their rivers. Tier 3 hippocamps gain increased athletics and fortitude defense. 


​A hydra is a sea creature that when decapitated grows two heads to replace the lost head. Hydras that enter Tier 3 gain the power to deliver ongoing lightning damage to their attacks.

Manchay Fiends

Nightmares are the ​personified versions of characters' phobias. Nightmares can only deal psychic damage but Tier 3 nightmares can summon temporary companions that take the form of their victims' greatest fears.

Dream​-Walkers are creatures from the Astral Plane that feed on peoples' dreams. They may assist characters in falling asleep and are capable empaths. Tier 3 Dream Walkers can transform themselves or summon the dreams of characters.

Soul-eaters are creatures that feed off of the mental health of victims. Soul-eaters cannot deal damage, but instead siphon victims' Will Defense to increase their own health. Tier 3 Soul-Eaters can control their victims who drop below 0 Will Defense telepathically.

Death-Eaters serve the demon Death as characters who transport the souls of the dead to afterlife dimensions. They take the form of mortal beings. Tier 3 Death-Eaters have added skills at arcana.

Sirens take the form of beautiful women with the power to lull their victims to sleep with songs. Sirens must continue to sing to keep their victims asleep. Tier 3 sirens can use their song attacks as minor actions- allowing them to make further attacks while continuing to sing.

Sphinx take the form of giant big cats with human heads. Sphinx can attack with their powerful paws, but prefer to converse with mortals via poetry. Tier 3 sphinx gain increased Insight and diplomacy.

Lichen are small leech-like creatures that have the power to enter their victim's mind and insert false realities into their head. Tier 3 lichen grow multiple tentacles and can latch on to as many victims as is equal to their intra-Tier level.

Devils are various beings that can travel between the realms and often align themselves with sinister characters. Devils pray on the desires of their victims, often granting wishes for a price- most often their victim's soul.

Verfarkas Fiends

Werefolk are another hybrid race. These creatures begin as mortals and become infested by another werefolk. Once a month at night, these creatures transform into their animal form. Tier 3 werefolk have the ability to control themselves in their animal state and can transform themselves at any day or night as a daily action- unlike their Tier 2 counterparts.

Shapeshifters are creatures that can take the form of any animal- including mortal beings. Most have a favorite animal form they remain at in default. Shapeshifters however must touch the animal form they wish to transform into before they gain the ability to take their form. Tier 3 shapeshifters do not need to touch their target forms.

Skinwalkers are creatures that can assume the identity of any mortal being- allowing them to change their face and voice to whoever they please. Tier 3 skinwalkers can change form as a free action as opposed to their Tier 2 counterparts who must do so as a Minor Action.

Gnolls appear as upright walking hyenas. These creatures can wield weapons and often form armies of warriors. Tier 3 gnolls gain increased acrobatics and can output a terrible laugh that causes ongoing psychic damage.

Wargs are giant wolves roughly the size of horses and cattle. Wargs can attack with their powerful teeth, but can also be mounts for characters wishing to ride them. Tier 3 wargs gain the increased ability to howl across great distances to communicate with fellow wargs from up to ten miles away.

Bigfoot and Yeti are creatures who can transform between mortal forms and bears at will. These creatures prefer lives of solitude and often have short tempers. In their bear forms, they have the same powers as their animal selves and in mortal form have increased athletics and unarmed melee attacks. Tier 3 Bigfoot/Yeti have the ability to transform as free actions rather than their Tier 2 counterparts who must do so as Minor Actions.

Chupacabre take the mutilated form of jackals and coyotes. These creatures can attack with powerful bites. Tier 3 chupacabre can attack their victims with laughter that causes ongoing psychic damage.


Half-Demons are another hybrid race. These creatures are mortal women who become possessed by the spirit of the Essence of the Three Demons. Half-Demons gain increased speed, athletics, acrobatics, heal, and initiative from their mortal form. Half-Demons gain one level per year of slaying fiends- thus giving them a new Tier every decade. Tier 3 Half-Demons do not gain any increased abilities beyond those that their level-ups deliver.

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