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Pressured to move forward with their planned destruction of the world, the Three Demons thrust themselves into the heart of Aliaanza’nchi where the world of mortal beings was created in an attempt to both avenge the deaths of their children and to assert revenge on the origin of mortality. Civil War thrust herself into the heart of the continent while Plague spread his influence over the frontiers of the continent. Hunger distracted the powerful nations of the world through natural disasters far from the continent- setting the stage for a massive war the world would turn their eyes to and one that would bring the full might of the three most vile beings ever introduced to the realm.


Party members are mercenaries on vacation in North Bumba staying at a tavern when a mysterious woman shrouded in white cloth tells the party about three ancient weapons created long ago in the First Age for defeating the Three Demons. She tells the party a warlock in the jungle border of Mkutano and North Bumba has recreated the weapons and she will give the party the greatest treasure they could ever dream of- with one big if. A massive war is about to erupt and the border will be at the center of it. To get the weapons, they’ll have to find them before the war destroys them. The woman walks away before the party overhears people talking about a civil war that has just beginning in the country around them.


The timeline for this campaign begins in Spring of 3994 with the party learning about their position at the tavern in the middle of an erupted civil war and an eventual conflict over the most valuable items in the entire universe. To get the weapons, the party will have to survive a civil war, navigate their way through a genocide, and find the weapons before the most powerful forces in the world beat them to the loot. Players will have an open-world format to navigate through the war zones of North and South Bumba, Mkutano, and other neighboring countries. Below is information about each of these countries with details about what kinds of things can be found there.

Mkutano (West)


- Black Forest: Hunting Villages, Mining Camps, Industrial Cities

- Lake Wilderness [West]: Fishing Towns

Major Cities

- Kijiji* (Southwest)

- Shabba (Southeast)

- Almasi (Central)

- Amani (Central)

- Kale (Northeast)

- Furaha (Eastern Border)

- Lilinoinuka (Eastern Border)

North Bumba (Central)


- Valley of Death [North]: Farming Villages

Major Towns

- Pana*

South Bumba (Central)


- Valley of Death [South]: Farming Villages

Major Towns

- Mazungumzo*

Nchi (North)


- Red Lake: Farming Towns

- Lake of Victory [North]: Fishing Towns

Major Cities

- Impala* (South)

Meli (South-Southeast)


- Lake of Victory [South]: Fishing Towns

- Lake Wilderness [East]: Fishing Towns

- Divine Steppe: Herding Towns, Fishing Towns

- River of Coups: Fishing Towns

- Sacred Lake [Northeast]: Fishing Towns

Major Cities

- Kimbilio* (East)

Pamba (Southwest)


- Plateau of the Kite

- River of Simple Lips [West]

Major Cities

- Kodi* (Northwest)

Mto (South)


- River of Simple Lips [East]: Fishing Towns

Major Cities

- Watu*

Timeline of Events

Spring 3994

- Civil War assassinates the stewards of North and South Bumba convincing Red Humans in North Bumba to start a genocide against Gold Humans in the country.

Summer 3994

- The Gold Human Liberation Army (GHLA) resumes operations against the genocidal Red Humans in North Bumba.
- A Red Human warlock becomes a voodoo king in the North Bumba capital and turns the few remaining Gold Humans in the town into zombies.

- The GHLA lays siege to the zombie-infested North Bumba capital.

Autumn 3994

- Refugees of the civil war set up camps in Eastern Mkutano.

- Vampires infiltrate refugee camps and feed on refugees in the camps.

Winter 3995

- Soul-eaters sweep through the refugee camps and turn refugees into wights.

Spring 3995

- Plague makes one of the camps his home and surrounds himself with ghouls.

Summer 3995

- Red Humans in the refugee camps are organizing anti-Gold Human militias to resume the war in North Bumba.

Autumn 3995

- The Mkutano government is dismantling refugee camps and sending the refugees south into Pamba.

- The warlord of the GHLA is organizing a resistance force of Gold Humans in Mkutano.

Winter 3996

- The warlord of the GHLA begins transporting weapons to his brother organization in Mkutano ahead of a planned uprising against the Mkutano warlord.

Spring 3996

- The warlord of the GHLA heads to Nchi to discuss an alliance against Mkutano ahead of his planned coups against the Mkutano warlord.

Summer 3996

- The GLHA warlord begins recruiting his army which will invade Mkutano.

Autumn 3996

- The Mkutano warlord has declared open war against all Gold Humans in his country setting the stage for a genocide in his country.

- The GHLA warlord assembles his army along the North Bumba-Mkutano border.

Winter 3997

- Vampires, Red Humans, and Gold Humans descend on the border of North Pamba and Mkutano for a massive war.

- Vampires massacre tens of thousands of refugees in the border camps.

Spring 3997

- Nchi, South Bumba, and Pamba armies arrive in Mkutano to fight beside the GHLA. Vampires, killer bats, and gnome mercenaries from Zezen arrive to fight beside the Mkutano warlord.

- Allies of the GHLA establish a pincer maneuver (with Nchi and North Bumba armies in the north, and Pamba and South Bumba armies in the south) in their approach towards the Mkutano capital.

- The GHLA and its allies lay siege to the Mkutano capital.

Summer 3997

- The GHLA and its allies capture the Mkutano capital and defeat the Mkutano warlord.

Autumn 3997

- On route back to their countries, the GHLA and its allies meet an army of Mkutano and its allies along the North Bumba-Mkutano border in a town that houses the three anti-demon weapons. A massive battle erupts in the town met with the arrival of Hunger, Civil War, and Plague intent on destroying the weapons.

Non-Player Characters

GHLA and Allies

Gold Human Liberation Army

- Rangers: Leather Helm, Lungi, Sandals; Crossbow, Shortsword, Dagger

South Bumba

- Heavy Infantry: Leather Helm, Lungi, Sandals; 2 Javelins, Spear, Shortsword, Dagger


- Heavy Infantry: Leather Helm, Cotton Tunic, Lungi, Sandals; Battleaxe, Shortsword, Dagger

- Light Infantry: Leather Helm, Cotton Tunic, Lungi, Sandals; Crossbow, Shortsword, Dagger

- War Elephants: Elephant; Ballista; Leather Helm, Cotton Tunic, Lungi, Sandals; Crossbow, Shortsword, Dagger

- Heavy Cavalry: Warhorse; Leather Helm, Cotton Tunic, Lungi, Sandals; Battleaxe, Shortsword, Dagger

- Light Cavalry: Zebra; Leather Helm, Cotton Tunic, Lungi, Sandals; Hand Crossbow, Shortsword, Dagger

- Heavy Artillery: Trebuchet; Leather Helm, Cotton Tunic, Lungi, Sandals; Battleaxe, Shortsword, Dagger

- Light Artillery: Ballista; Leather Helm, Cotton Tunic, Lungi, Sandals; Battleaxe, Shortsword, Dagger


- Heavy Infantry: Leather Helm, Lungi, Sandals; 2 Javelins, Spear, Shortsword, Dagger

- War Elephants: Elephant; Ballista; Leather Helm, Cotton Tunic, Lungi, Sandals; Crossbow, Shortsword, Dagger

- Light Cavalry: Zebra; Leather Helm, Cotton Tunic, Lungi, Sandals; Hand Crossbow, Shortsword, Dagger

- Light Artillery: Ballista; Leather Helm, Cotton Tunic, Lungi, Sandals; Battleaxe, Shortsword, Dagger

Mkutano and Allies


- Heavy Infantry: Leather Helm, Lungi, Sandals; 2 Javelins, Spear, Shortsword, Dagger

- War Elephants: Elephant; Ballista; Leather Helm, Cotton Tunic, Lungi, Sandals; Crossbow, Shortsword, Dagger

- Heavy Cavalry: Warhorse; Leather Helm, Cotton Tunic, Lungi, Sandals; Battleaxe, Shortsword, Dagger

- Light Cavalry: Zebra; Leather Helm, Cotton Tunic, Lungi, Sandals; Hand Crossbow, Shortsword, Dagger

- Heavy Artillery: Trebuchet; Leather Helm, Cotton Tunic, Lungi, Sandals; Battleaxe, Shortsword, Dagger

- Light Artillery: Ballista; Leather Helm, Cotton Tunic, Lungi, Sandals; Battleaxe, Shortsword, Dagger

Gnome Mercenaries

- Rangers: Iron Helm, Chainmail, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots; Crossbow, Shortsword, Dagger

International League


- Heavy Infantry: Iron Helm, Chainmail, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots; Spear, Shortsword, Dagger

- Chariots: Quarter Horses: 1 Driver; Iron Helm, Chainmail, Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Leather Boots; Spear, Shortsword, Dagger

Found Items

Cities and Towns


- Weapons: Crossbow, Dagger, Bastard Sword

- Clothing/Armor: Bandana, Cotton Trousers, Lungi, Sandals, Leather Shoes, Leather Boots

- Mounts/Vehicles: Donkey, Mule

- Packs, Kits, and Books: Backpack, Magic Kit, Canteen

- Food/Drink: Whiskey, Gin, Rum, Palm Wine, Cola, Coffee, Red Tea, Ginger Beer, Hibiscus Tea; Bushmeat, Chicken, Goat Kabobs, Perch Fish, Fried Insects, Bananas, Plantains, Cassava, Boiled Peanuts, Rice

Weapons Market (Dwarf and Gnome Traders)

- Weapons: Falchion, Greataxe, Greatsword, Spiked Chain, Crossbow, Longbow, Repeater Crossbow, Shortbow, Dagger, Handaxe, Shortsword, Sickle, Flail, Mace, Longsword, Bolas, Hand Crossbow, Javelin, Throwing Axe, Scorpion, Little Frog, Ballista

- Armor: Light Shield, Heavy Shield, Leather Armor, Hide Armor, Chainmail, Scale Armor, Plate Armor, Leather Helm, Iron Helm, Steel Helm, Leather Greaves, Iron Greaves, Steel Greaves, Leather Shin Guards, Iron Shin Guards, Steel Shin Guards, Riding Boots

Government Buildings

- Warlord's Palace (Capitals only)

- International League Headquarters (Capitals only)

Sports Stadium

- Soccer Field


- Items: First Aid Kit


- Food: Grilled Meat with Rice and Plantains

- Drinks: Gin and Tunic, Rum and Cola, Palm Wine, Ginger Beer

Local Temple

- Can Include any number of Human Deities

Residential Districts

- Red Human, Gold Human, East Ivory Human

Nearby Farms

- Livestock: Cattle Ranches, Sheep and Goat Farms, Chicken Farms

- Crops: Sorghum Fields, Rice Fields, Peanut Farms, Banana Farms, Cassava Farms

Refugee Camps

International League Relief Headquarters

- Clothing/Armor: Bandana, Cotton Tunic, Cotton Trousers, Sandals, Leather Shoes

- Food/Drink: Coffee, Red Tea, Ginger Beer, Hibiscus Tea; Bushmeat, Chicken, Bananas, Boiled Peanuts, Rice

Field Hospital (International Medical Staff)

- Items: First Aid Kit

Local Shrine

- Can Include any number of Human Deities

Residential Districts

- Red Human, Gold Human, East Ivory Human

Army Camps

Officer Tents

Field Hospital

- Items: First Aid Kit

Cards Tent

- Food: Grilled Chicken and Rice

- Drinks: Gin and Tonic, Rum and Cola

- Games: Poker

Unit Campsites

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