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Chapter 3: Tier 6 Beings

Tier 6 Beings are the children of Angels and Demons. These are subdivided by those children exclusively of angels and demons and those children who were sired byand angel or demon and some other being. The first group are known as the Lords of Creation because they brought about the creation of the Mortal Realm and therefore the mortal races. The second group are known as the Primordials, beings of dark power who would go on to create the monstrous races of the realms.

Lords of Creation

Starlight- better known by his Human Language name Kujenga- is the oldest of the Lords of Creation. Kujenga is one of four children of Time and Cosmos. This Lord of Creation formed the foundational frame of the Mortal Realm- building galaxies- which would then be built further upon by the other Lords of Creation. Kujenga occasionally visits the realm, taking the form of a human man clad in white linen with starlight appearing from his eyes and hands. Kujenga bears the Staff of Creation- handed down from his grandfather Place- which contains the power to create realms. One temple is dedicated to Kujenga and is located in the town of Tumbo la Nyoka in West-Central Aliaanza'nchi.

Daylight- better known as Peponi is another child of Time and Cosmos. Peponi built upon his brother's realm by adding the warmth of the stars- creating various solar systems with centralized stars around which would orbit satellite planets. Peponi rarely visits the Mortal Realm, prefering to explore the multiverse. When he does visit the world of mortals, Peponi takes the form of a human man in yellow and orange patterned textiles. Peponi bears the Necklace of Lost Souls- a piece of jewelry which can entrap phantasmal beings. One temple is dedicated to Peponi and is located in the town of Pwani ya Mtumwa in Western Aliaanza'nchi.

Life and Death are twin children of Time and Cosmos better known by their Human Language name the Maisha na Baada. These two always travel together and represent meaning and purpose in the mortal realm. The two took the creations of their older siblings and brought living beings to the realm- creating single-celled organisms to the planets. On the planet which would become home to the mortal races, these organisms evolved during the First Age into billions of different species of plants, animals, and various other forms of life. The Maisha na Baada serve to protect their creations and appear in the form of twin humans- one male and one female- as brother and sister clad in green patterned textiles dedicated to the preservation of species. The Maisha na Baada command the powerful Masks of Reality, two maks which contain the ability to alter reality or restore it. One temple is dedicated to the Maisha na Baada and is located in the town of Wanawake Shujaa in Western Aliaanza'nchi.

Unity- better known by his Elven Language name Tongyi- is one of three children of Art and Messenger. Tongyi represents peace, cooperation, and forgiveness; the ability of two parties torn apart to reunite. Tongyi appears often in the Mortal Realm as an elven man clad in the clothes of a diplomat bearing the Four-Face Mask which allows its wearer to communicate in any language. There are three temples to Tongyi located in Southern, Eastern, and Southeast Si in the towns of Ianse de Lianhua, Bei on the island of Meili de Xiaodao, and Bandar Kuil respectively.

Balance- known by the Elves as Eryuanxing- is another child of Art and Messenger. Eryuanxing represents balance and serves to maintain neutrality in the realms. Eryuanxing is often found beside his brother Tongyi is times of desperate war to help establish peace, but may at times work against his brother in times where war is deemed necessary for creating a balance of power between nations. Eryuanxing often visits the Mortal Realm and appears in the form of an elven man wearing textiles of black and white with patterns always changing.Eryuangxing bears the Horn of Balance- a conch shell which can cause targets to become either instant allies or instant enemies. Eryuanxing has two temples- both in Southern Si- in the towns of Yinyin Chuochuo and Fu.

Division- Sanweiyiti to the Elves- is the final child of Art and Messenger. Sanweiyiti represents the diversity of the realms. Sanweiyiti often works against the forces of his oldest brother in an attempt to maintain objectivity among target parties. Sanweiyiti is responsible for the division of cultures- driving individualism, evolution, and originality of thought. While Sanweiyiti is often opposed to the conformism of his eldest brother, the two occasionally cooperate (usually at the request of the middle sibling) when establishing ceasefires and peace treaties among warring parties as a means of establishing lasting peace and the preservation of cultures. Sanweiyiti often visits the Mortal Realm in the form of an elven man in rain gear who once bore the Stone of Creation- a powerful rock located in Southwest Si which formed the foundation of the Mortal Realm. Sanweiyiti's true temple may only be reached through meditation's entrance into the Astral Plain through a ritual requiring six ingredients (milk, water, flower petals, fresh leaves and rice) arrayed among a character in a twelve-point star.

Maternity- known to the Dwarves as Amak- is a Lady of Creation who represents motherhood. Amak is the daughter of Silence and Mercy and helped grow the living beings of the Mortal Realm. Amak occasionally visits the Mortal Realm, often in the form of a dwarven woman in simple blue dress holding a nursing calf in her arms. Amak is one of only a few Lords of Creation that holds value in the Mortal Races and will always answer a call for her presence when a character is deeply in need of assistance. Amak once bore the Dimensional Mirror- which now is located in Ilti'ah- that gives its user the ability to see into any realm. There are no temples to Amak, but instead; each Dwarven home contains a small statue of Amak through which dwarves may pray to the goddess.

Paternity- known by his Dwarven Language name Elurra- is a Lord of Creation who represents fatherhood. While Elurra is often cold- in both temperature and temper- he too helped his sister raise the living beings of the Mortal Realm. While less affectionate than his sister, Elurra also cares deeply for the preservation of the Mortal Beings. Elurra typically appears in the form of a dwarven man in frosty-blue clothing and answers calls from mortal beings in need of insight. Elurra wields the Sickle of Fire, a tool which can create fire at will in objects struck. Elurra's sole temple is located in a village in Central Zezen called Jendearen Gaztelua.

Inspiration- better known by the Halflings as Aniwaniwa- is a Lord of Creation who represents the dream-state. Aniwaniwa is the son of Fire and Secrecy and created a realm of his own that transcends the physical realms- known as the Astral Plain. Here, Aniwaniwa rules. Aniwaniwa never visits the Mortal Realm- or any other realm for that matter- but may communicate to beings throughout the realms through his dream-like realm. Aniwaniwa is the only Lord of Creation that does not appear in the form of a mortal being- instead appearing as a giant serpent whose scales change color. Aniwaniwa bears the Crystal of Infinities- a portal through which a character may enter alternate universes. Aniwaniwa's sole temple is located in the unoccupied desert at the center of the island of Koraha.

Heat- sibling of Aniwaniwa and daughter of Fire and Secrecy- is better known by her Halfling Language name Puia. Puia helped create the planets through the explosive power of volcanic magma, which she used to create the landscape of planets. Puia is often regarded as the mother of volcanoes is Halflings often pray to her for protection from their destructive power. When Puia answers their call, she arrives in the form of a halfling woman with blonde hair wearing a grass skirt and a black and red torso wrapping. Puia wears the Crown of a Hundred Flowers which gives Puia power over volcanic eruptions. Puia's only temple is on the largest of the Fire Islands called Whenua'ua.

Soil- known by the drow as Dayunisi- is the son of Speech and Charity. Dayunisi represents the minerals which make up the Mortal Realm, particularly soil types. Drow often pray to Dayunisi before planting crops in hopes that the Lord of Creation will fertilize the ground and help crops grow for the season. Dayunisi appears in the form of a drow man clad in the clothes of a simple farmer. Dayunisi carries the original Divining Rods which can be used to find fresh water. Dayunisi's only temple is located in the mountains of Eastern Ulinawi in the town of Iga.

Trickster- sibling of Dayunisi- is better known by his Drow Language name Kalona. Kalona represents the unknown of the realms, the ever changing and ever mysterious aspects of the universe which baffle even the gods. Kalona is often blamed for misfortune when some unaccounted for event causes chaos amongst groups of individuals. But Kalona is a powerful user of arcana instead, and often acts as the resident warlock of the Lords of Creation- acting in rare part to protect the Mortal Beings. Kalona does not have a favorite form in which he manifests. Instead, he will often take the disguise of lesser beings to preserve the secrecy of his identity- as he is the scapegoat for many character's self-created misfortune. Kalona is however the only being trusted by his grandfather Place with a sacred necklace which allows beings from the Void to travel into the Mortal Realm. Kalona's sole temple is located in Western Ulinawi in the desert town of Owenusu.

Nature- better known by her Goblin name Alipa- is the daughter of Wealth and Will. Alipa represents animal and plant life in the Realms- often as an act of chaos for the mortal races who attempt to control their environments. Alipa often cares more for the woes of nature and rarely assists characters of the mortal races. When she enters the Mortal Realm, Alipa takes the form of a goblin woman clad in bright green fabric and wearing the Quetzal Headdress which allows its user to cause earthquakes. Alipa's sole temple is located in Western Hattun in the mountain-top town of Chakwas.


Mura Niho is the son of the demon Hunger and the Lady of Creation Puia. Mura Niho appears in the form of a giant winged beast with a squid-like face. Mura Niho has the power to travel between realms via the Astral Plane and can only be defeated through the power of the Sands of Time. The primordial has physical abilities as a giant, may breathe freely underwater, and has psychic abilities to communicate telepathically and attack characters with his mind.

Herensuge is the daughter of Hunger and the Zezen trickster god Behor. Herensuge takes the form of a winged fire giant. Herensuge can only be defeated with the Sword of Poesia. The primordial has physical abilities as a giant including that of breathing fire.

Twl't is the son of Hunger and the Si goddess of wild animals, Prahi. Twl't takes the form a a giant wyrm capable of tunneling through the earth or swimming in the sea. Twl't can only be defeated by the Hammer of Tximista. This primordial's power resembles that of wyrms and sea serpents.

Zuzulo is the daughter of Civil War and the Si god of rage Yingua. Zuzulo takes the form of a winged elf woman with talons for hands and feet. She can only be defeated with the Scythe of Death. Zuzulo can travel between the mortal realm and the Astral Plane and uses mostly psychic attacks against her targets, bot occasionally uses her talons as well.

Aisui is the daughter of Civil War and Tsi's- drow goddess of magic. Aisui takes the form of a drow woman half living and half dead. Only the Mace of the Gods can defeat Aisui. This primordial is extremely powerful as only a simple touch can turn one of her victims into a ghoul capable of spreading the infection rapidly across populations.

Manchay is the daughter of Civil War and the Hattun rain god Para. She takes the form of a goblin woman with red eyes and can travel between realms. Manchay can only be defeated with the Javelin of Waiguoren. This primordial has the power to control the minds of her victims- often using them to attack other targets.

Hutumia is the son of Plague and Nyeusi- the Aliaanza'nchi goddess of night. Hutumia takes the form of a hiddeous killer bat of eight feet. This primordial can only be defeated through the use of the Bow of Kipinga. Hutumia attacks his victims with his powerful, long teeth and claws.

Verfarkas is the son of Plague and Teli- Zezen goddess of winter. Verfarkas takes the form of a shapeshifter and can transform into any animal or mortal creature- though most often either a gnome or a wolf. Only the Open One can defeat Vierfarkas. The primordial can make any attack his form can make- including venomous snake bites, or powerful alligator chomps.

Hantu is the daughter of Plague and Laut- the sea goddess of the Ocean of Peace. Hantu takes the form of a pale woman in white robes and can travel between the mortal realm and the Astral Plane. Only the Book of the Dead can defeat Hantu. The primordial uses psychic attacks to fight her victims.

Pepo Nusu was the first half-demon. The half-demons are beings created by Death from essense of her sibling's souls. Pepo Nusu was the first half-demon and thus the only half-demon of Tier Six status. She was a human girl who possessed increase speed and health, strength, and initiative.

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