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Chapter 5: Manufactured Realms

Manufactured Realms describe any dimension created by any creature lower than the Tier 6 rank. These realms are sub-categorized into three subtypes of realms: Prison Realms (created for the purpose of imprisoning demons), Sanctuary Realms (which mortal beings created as sanctuary from harm), and Warehouse Realms (interconnected dimensions where mortals store the most powerful weapons they discover in the mortal realm).

pumice stone.jpg
Prison Realms

Prison realms are pocket universes within tangible objects. Any who use one of the objects that contains a demon becomes possessed by the demon inside the item- with the exception of a half-demon using any of them. Any character that uses an empty prison realm object to imprison the object's target demon enters the realm with the demon. Their spirit then remains inside and their physical body dies.


Yingua- elven god of rage- crafted a meteorite sword infused with cherry wood to make a sword capable of imprisoning the demon Hunger. Inside of the blade, this realm takes the form of a mountain hot spring surrounded by fog and snow so cold that any- even the Hunger demon- would die from exposure for venturing too far from the spring.


The Great Peacemaker- a powerful warlock and father of a slain half-demon created this realm to imprison Civil War. It's object is a belt made from purple and white beads. Inside of the belt, the realm takes the form of a longhouse with a single hearth and inescapable doors.


A powerful fairy wizard imprisoned the demon Plague inside of an exploding volcano and a small hand--sized volcanic stone broke away from the eruption to become the prison realm. Inside of the rock, the realm takes the form of a volcanic cave without entrance or exit.


A half-elf cleric ordered the construction of a golden box made from melted statues and jewelry of half-elf gods by order of the Tier 8 character Place. The half-elves constructed the box to imprison the demon Death. Inside of the box, the realm takes the form of a large temple complex surrounded by inescapable walls.

Sanctuary Realms

Sanctuary realms are pocket universes with access to and from the mortal realm exclusively. Those born in these realms are born as Tier 1 characters but start at Level 5. A character cannot die in these realms though, thus earning the name "sanctuary" realm. No spells work in sanctuary realms and demons cannot enter.


Half-Dwarves in the early Third Age created this realm out of necessity when an island volcano erupted and warlocks on the island hastily crafted a realm to protect the fleeing residents.


Any arcana works in Santos



Monarchs rule Santos with lineage going all the way back to the original king of the island city-state that erupted and from where the residents of the realm were from


Tavros Dynasty: 800-1550 Third Age

Lykos Dynasty: 1550-2450 Third Age

Chrysos Dynasty: 2450-3450 Third Age

Tapeinos Dynasty: 3450-4000 Third Age


Residents of the realm include only half-dwarves who descend from the original settlers of the establishment of the realm along with sailors lost at sea whom the half-dwarves rescued and brought to their realm.


The realm takes the form of a crescent island with one large circular island in the bay and several small atolls. A clear, protective shell surrounds the realm and beyond lies the ocean depths with sea life swimming just beyond the shell. Those born in Santos have the added ability to breath underwater.




- olive, fig, oleander, pine, eucalyptus, pomegranate, wheat, barley, rye, grape


- Land: wall lizard, mantis, sheep/goat, cattle, pony/horse, and chicken

- Sea: angelfish, flamefish, trumpetfish, thresher shark, blenny, butterflyfish, cardinalfish, catshark, burrfish, eel, screaming eel, goby, grouper, hake, herring, hogfish, killifish, lizardfish, stingray, minnow, parrotfish, pipefish, reef shark, tuna, manatee, merfolk, gray whale, blue whale, sperm whale, sea monster, squid, kraken

- Sky: finch, quail, shearwater, kestrel, falcon, buzzard, gull, dove, owl, swift, crow, swallow, warbler, wheat-eater, sparrow, bat, pegasus, bee, cicada


A tribe of South Snow Elf women waged war against the dwarven god of war Gerra early in the Third Age, and forced Tximista to intervene. Tximista created a separate realm where the elven women could live and over time the realm's queens granted sanctuary to women across mortal races in need of safety from danger.


Any arcana works in Ilti'ah


Queens rule Ilti'ah with the royal line dating all the way back to the original warlord that fought Gerra in the mortal realm.


- Queen Bei'ai: 500-1200 Third Age

- Queen Ma: 1200-1800 Third Age

- Queen Mo Yao: 1800-2600 Third Age

- Queen Yuyin: 2600-3200 Third Age

- Queen Suspireh: 3200-3950 Third Age

- Queen Keremet: 3950 Third Age-


Women of every race may reside in Ilti'ah- along with some divine women and primordial women, but no demon- regardless of sex- may enter the realm.


The realm takes the form of an small island in a pine rainforest. A central city rests on the island surrounded by farmland and forests. Surrounding the island is an endless sea.



- elderberry, lily, lady fern, alder, birch, deer fern, hackberry, dogwood, juniper, sword fern, rhododendron, oak, ash, peony, fir, spruce, pine, hemlock, beardtongue, licorice fern, buckthorn, rose, aspen, cottonwood, willow, maple, yew, apple, potato, wheat, cherry, hops, grape, pear, mint, peas, raspberry, blueberry, nectarine, apricot, asparagus, onion, lentil


- Land: black bear, lynx, cougar, coyote, elk, hare, beaver, mountain goat, deer, wolf, raccoon, skunk, shrew, mole, squirrel, mouse, muskrat, marmot, bat, porcupine, otter, skink, kingsnake, cattle

- Sea: seal, orca, painted turtle, trout, salmon

- Sky: goose, quail, grouse, grebe, dove, swift, hummingbird, plover, sandpiper, auklet, gull, loon, shearwater, heron, hawk, giant hawk, owl, giant owl, woodpecker, flycatcher, wren, sparrow, blackbird, warbler, bunting, robin, chickadee, jay, eagle, roc

Warehouse Realm

The Warehouse is where mortal beings store powerful items deemed too dangerous for the mortal realm. Emperor Setioa created the first warehouse realm during his campaign across Western Si upon locating powerful half-elf artefacts. Each warehouse has one entrance in the mortal realm- typically located in a major city. The first warehouse entrance existed in the East Obsidian Peninsula before Otsoan Republic officials moved the doorway to Miseer. While only one open door exists at a time, characters can unlock closed doors by exposing a door to arcane sunlight. Within the realms, each realm appears as a single floor in a museum. Staircases allow characters to move from one warehouse realm to another; and from each realm, a character can leave through that location's mortal realm doorway.


- All arcana works in this realm


- From the days of the First Warehouse to the Seventh Warehouse, clerics of the monarch that controlled the Warehouse oversaw management of the realm. Beginning with the Eighth Warehouse, a council of regents independent of mortal realm governments oversee the Warehouse Realm.


First Warehouse: East Obsidian Peninsula, Southern Zezen (Setioan Empire: 1650-1750 TA)

Second Warehouse: Miseer, Northern Aliaanza'nchi (Otsoan Republic: 1750-1850 TA)

Third Warehouse: Central Obsidian Peninsula, Southern Zezen (Otsoan Empire: 1850-2400 TA)

Fourth Warehouse: Running River, Eastern Zezen (First Jin Empire: 2400-2500TA)

Fifth Warehouse: East Obsidian Peninsula, Southern Zezen (East Otsoan Empire: 2500-3100 TA)

Sixth Warehouse: South Peace Mountains, Southeast Si (Sihat Empire: 3100-3200 TA)

Seventh Warehouse: Black Dragon Hills, Eastern Si (Second Jin Empire: 3200-3400 TA)

Eight Warehouse: Nose River, Central Zezen (Central Red Dwarf Empire: 3400-3500 TA)

Ninth Warehouse: Wavy Sea Coast, Southern Zezen/Southwest Si (Turuk Empire 3500-3650 TA)

Tenth Warehouse: Elephant River, Southern Si (Tea Lands: 3650-3750 TA)

Eleventh Warehouse: Spear River, Eastern Zezen (Otvud Empire: 3750-3850 TA)

Twelfth Warehouse: East Spessartite Island, Spessartite Islands (Labana Empire: 3850-3920 TA)

Thirteenth Warehouse: Canoe River, Central Ulinawi (Larrunana Republic: 3920-4000 TA)


One "Head of Security" is chosen with each new Warehouse Realm that acts as a representative among the regents. Each Head of Security only serves to defend their floor of the Warehouse and may hire any number of Warehouse Agents to help protect their floor of the realm.


Each floor of the Warehouse only consists of artifacts from their iteration of the realm with floors placed in descending order (meaning the tenth floor is below the ninth floor).


Floor One

Eastern Black Dwarf Room

- House of Tiles (Two story building): East Obsidian Peninsula, Southern Zezen; Second Age. Ability: Any character or creature that starts a turn inside of structure take 1d8+5 ongoing Fire damage

- Bronze Bull (Hollow bronze, life-size bull sculpture): Zezen Island, Eastern Mediator Sea; 1st Century Third Age. Ability: Any character or creature that starts a turn inside of structure take 1d6+5 ongoing Psych damage

- Wooden Pony (Twenty foot-tall, hollow wooden pony sculpture): White Mountain Peninsula, Southwest Si; 8th Century Third Age. Ability: Infinite number of characters can fit inside.

- Ilti'ah Lamellar Armor (Scale armor dress): Ilti'ah Realm; 11th Century Third Age. Ability: Scale armor defense, leather armor weight

- Ceramic Lion (Clay vase with lion effigy): East Obsidian Peninsula, Southern Zezen; 13th Century Third Age. Ability: Wielder may summon a lion as a companion

- Bust of the Father of History (Marble bust): East Obsidian Peninsula, Southern Zezen; 16th Century Third Age. Ability: Any character that touches the item gains 1d4 History which lasts one day.

Mountain Half-Elf Room

- Arrowhead of the Old Men (Flint arrowhead): White Mountain Peninsula, Southwest Si; First Age. Ability: Str/Dex Attack +3; Dmg 1d10+3

- House on Fork Hill (Mudbrick home): White Mountain Peninsula, Southwest Si; Second Age. Ability: Any character that touches the walls get trapped inside the wall

- Sphinx Gate (Stone gateway): White Mountain Peninsula, Southwest Si; 8th Century Third Age. Ability: Any character that touches the bust gains 1d4 Insight which lasts one day.

- Tomb of Marhyb (150 ft tall mausoleum): White Mountain Peninsula, Southwest Si; 16th Century Third Age. Ability: Any character that walks through the structure gains 1d4 Diplomacy which lasts one day

Coastal Half-Elf Room

- Cave Lovers (Stone carving of two figures): Eastern Mediator Sea Coast, Southwest Si; Second Age. Ability: Any character that touches the item will make whoever they touch after fall deeply in love with them which lasts for one week

- Pillar of Salt (Salt carving of a half-elf woman): Eastern Mediator Sea Coast, Southwest Si; Second Age. Ability: Any character that touches the item will turn into a salt statue

- Horn of the King of Salvation (Musical Horn): Eastern Mediator Sea Coast, Southwest Si; 9th Century, Third Age. Ability: Cha Attack vs Fortification/Gate; Dmg 1d12

- Crown of the King of Heirlooms (Golden crown): Eastern Mediator Sea Coast, Southwest Si; 13th Century, Third Age. Ability: +1d4 Diplomacy

Delta Half-Elf Room

- Figuring of Nesir (Bone carving of a goddess): Miseer, Northern Aliaanza'nchi; Second Age. [Daily] Ability: Any character who touches the item regains 1d12+4 HP

- King Shephmenon (Reanimated skeleton of a half-elf king inside a stone sarcophagus): Miseer, Northern Aliaanza'nchi; Second Age. Tier 3; Level 1 Skeleton Creature

- Pyramid of the Temple Builder (220 ft tall granite pyramid): Miseer, Northern Aliaanza'nchi; Second Age. Ability: Any character who walks through the structure gains 1d6+1 Dungeoneering which lasts one day

- Stela of the Gatekeeper (Stone tablet): Miseer, Northern Aliaanza'nchi; Second Age. Ability: Any character who touches the item can travel to a target realm of the dead

- Crown of the Warrior King (Cobra-shaped crown): Miseer, Northern Aliaanza'nchi; 3rd Century, First Age. Ability: Wearer gains +1 Initiative

- Temple of Southern Sanctuary (Stone temple): Miseer, Northern Aliaanza'nchi; 7th Century, First Age. Ability: Any character who walks through the structure gains 1d4 Will Defense which lasts one day

- Bust of the Lady of Two Lands (Limestone bust): Miseer, Northern Aliaanza'nchi; 7th Century, First Age. Ability: Any female character touches the object gains 1d4 Diplomacy which lasts one day

Twin River Half-Elf Room

- Bronze Head of a King (Bronze bust): Twin Rivers, Southwest Si; Second Age. Ability: Any character touches the object gains 1d6+1 Diplomacy which lasts one day

- Gateway of the City of Languages (50ft tall gate): Twin Rivers, Southwest Si; Second Age. Ability: Any character walks through the structure gains the ability to speak any mortal language which lasts one day

Floor Two

Otsoa Room

- The Iceman (Reanimated White Walker): Alpine Mountains, Central Zezen; Second Age. Tier 3, Level 1 White Walker

- Giant of Mount Proof (Mountain Giant): Fractured Island, Central Mediator Sea; 10th Century, Third Age. Tier 2, Level 5 Mountain Giant

- Figure of the Toxic Lion (Bronze Statuette): Central Obsidian Peninsula, Southern Zezen; 11th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character who touches the item takes 1d4+5 ongoing poison damage

Territorial Room

- Cave Fresco (Painted cave wall): West Obsidian Peninsula, Southern Zezen; First Age. Ability: Touching the item unleashes a herd of wild animals

- Parakeet Mosaic (Tile mosaic): East Obsidian Peninsula, Southern Zezen; 18th Century, Third Age. Ability: Touching the item unleashes a flock of parakeets

- Elephant Coins (100 silver coins in a chest): Outstretched Mountains, Northern Aliaanza'nchi; 18th Century, Third Age. Ability: Whenever a character touches any coin, an elephant emerges as a companion of the character.

- Asp Statuette (Wooden snake statuette): Miseer, Northern Aliaanza'nchi; 20th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that touches the item takes 1d4+5 ongoing venom damage

Floor Three

Republic Room

- Bust of the First Black Knight (Ebony bust): Central Obsidian Peninsula, Southern Zezen; 14th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character who touches the item gains 1d4 Will Defense which lasts one day

- Temple of Bilatzea (Marble Shrine): Central Obsidian Peninsula, Southern Zezen; 19th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character who touches the item gains 1d4+2 Fortitude Defense which lasts one day

- Armband of a Warrior (Bronze armband): Oak Hills, Western Zezen; Second Age. Ability: Any character who wears the armband becomes a Tier 3, Level 1 Fighter

- Statue of the Great Explorer (Marble statue of a dwarf): Huckleberry Mountains, Western Zezen; 17th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that touches the item gains 1d4 Perception which lasts one day

Imperial Room

- Stone Calendar (13ft tall stone temple): East Spessartite Island, Spessartite Islands; Second Age. Ability: Any character that walks through the temple gains 1d6+1 Arcana which lasts one day

- Seated Thinkers (Stone carvings of two dwarves): Close River, Eastern Zezen; Second Age. Ability: Any character that touches the item gains 1d6+1 Insight which lasts one day

- Temple to Tximista (Granite temple): Windy Plateau, Northern Aliaanza'nchi; 14th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that walks through the temple gains the ability to add 9 ongoing lightning damage to any attack which lasts one day

Floor Four

Single Room

- Hearth of the Great Hunt (Hearth): Running River, Eastern Zezen; Second Age. Ability: Touching the item unleashes a herd of phantom deer

- Ghoul Mass Grave (Cavernous mausoleum): Running River, Eastern Zezen; Second Age. Ability: Ten Tier 2; Level 1 gnome ghouls

- Snow Elf Crown (Gold crown): Spear River, Eastern Zezen; 21st Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that wears the item gains 1d4 Diplomacy

Floor Five

Single Rooms

- Assembly of Armarria (Temple complex): East Obsidian Peninsula, Southern Zezen; 14th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character who walks through the structure gains 1d4 Diplomacy which lasts one day

- Shield of the Bull King (Heavy shield): White Mountain Peninsula, Southwest Si; 18th Century, Third Age. Ability: User can choose to take damage deal to an adjacent ally.

Floor Six

Single Room

- Plain of Jars (Several jars containing wraiths): South Peace Mountains, Southeast Si; Second Age. Ability: Each jar: Tier 2; Level 1 wraith

- Ghouls of the Cave (Fairy ghouls in a tomb): South Peace Mountains, Southeast Si; Second Age. Ability: Ten Tier 2; Level 1 fairy ghouls

- Dress of a Snake Priestess (Silk dress): South Peace Mountains, Southeast Si; 31st Century, Third Age. Ability: Wearer is immune to ongoing venom/poison damage

- Statuette of a Prophet (Statuette of a Wood Elf man): South Peace Mountains, Southeast Si; 35th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that touches the item gains 1d4 Insight which lasts one day

Floor Seven

North Snow Elf Room

- Deer Stones (Gravestones with deer carvings): Northern Desert, Northern Si; 8th Century, Third Age: Ability: Touching each item unleashes a phantom deer

- Horse Archer Statuette (Statuette of a mounted archer): Northern Desert, Northern Si; 19th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that touches the item gains 1d4 Dex attack which lasts one day

- Moving Petroglyphs (Sandstone carvings): Northern Desert, Northern Si; 26th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that touches the item is trapped inside the stone

- Statue of a Seated Prophet (Statue of a seated elf): Northern Desert, Northern Si; 30th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that touches the item becomes two characters; one Lawful Alignment and one Chaotic Alignment. Touching the item a second time reunifies the character

Hill Elf Room

- Skeleton of an Ancient Reptile (Massive Fossil): Northern Desert, Northern Si; Zero Age. Ability: Reanimated skeleton of a Tyrannic Lizard

- Bone Arrowhead (Bone arrowhead): Yellow River, Eastern Si; Second Age. Ability: Att: Str/Dex +2; Dmg: 1d8+2

- Bronze Wine Vessel (Bronze Vase): Yellow River, Eastern Si; 3rd Century, First Age. Ability: Contains infinite wine

- Oracle Bones (Burnt bone fragments): Yellow River, Eastern Si; 5th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that touches the item gains 1d4 Initiative which lasts one day

- Sword of Kings (Bronze Shortsword): Yellow River, Eastern Si; 10th Century, Third Age. Ability: Att: Cha +1; Dmg: 1d6+1

- Jade Dragon (Jade statue of a dragon): Yellow River, Eastern Si; 16th Century, Third Age. Ability: Touching the item unleashes a Tier 2; Level 1 dragon

- Terracotta Warriors (One thousand life-size clay elven fighters): Yellow River, Eastern Si; 5th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that touches the figures may use them as companions- Tier 1, Level 1 Elven Fighter- which lasts for one day

- Bronze Oil Lamp (Bronze lamp): Basin of the Mummies, Central Si; 5th Century, Third Age. Ability: Contains a crossroads devil that grants three wishes to any character that touches the lamp

- Sphinx Bowl (Sphinx shaped vase): Yellow River, Eastern Si; 23rd Century, Third Age. Ability: Touching the item unleashes a Tier 2; Level 1 sphinx

- Tomb Gate (Stone gate): Valley of the Unicorns, Central Si; 26th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character may walk through the structure to enter a target afterlife realm

- Longmen Caves (Stone temple complex): Yellow River, Eastern Si; 27th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that walks through the complex gains 1d4 Insight which lasts one day

- Eastern Grove Academy (University campus): Yellow River, Eastern Si; 29th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that walks through the complex gains 1d4 Insight which lasts one day

South Snow Elf Room

- Ilti'ah Lamellar Armor (Scale armor dress): Ilti'ah Realm; 11th Century Third Age. Ability: Scale armor defense, leather armor weight

- Relief of a Warrior (Elven fighter relief): Centaur Plateau, Southwest Si; 15th Century Third Age. Ability: Any character that touches the figure may use them as a companion- Tier 1, Level 1 Elven Fighter, Mounted on Warmblood Horse- which lasts for one day

- Royal Earrings (Gold Earrings): Fortress Mountains, Central Si; 19th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that touches the item gains 1d4 Diplomacy which lasts one day

- Statue of a Setioan Soldier (Statue of a dwarven fighter): Fortress Mountains, Central Si; 20th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that touches the figure may use them as a companion- Tier 1, Level 1 Dwarven Fighter- which lasts for one day

- Gnome Gates (Stone Gateway): Drinking Cup Mountains, Eastern Zezen; 23rd Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that walks through the structure gains 1d4 Fortitude which lasts one day

- Statue of the Charismatic King (Statue of an elven warlord): Forty Women Steppe, Central Si; 29th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that touches the figure gains 1d4 Diplomacy which lasts one day

- Lion Pillar (Pillar with two lions): Maternal River, Southern Si; 27th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that touches the item may summon a lion as a companion which lasts one day

- Gold Offerings (Gold coins): Swift River, Southern Si; 21st Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that touches the figure gains 1d4 Religion which lasts one day

- Statue of a Prince Without a Crown (Statue of a dwarven man): East Obsidian Peninsula, Southern Zezen; 18th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that touches the item loses 1d4 Diplomacy which lasts one day

- Astrolabe (Hand-held mechanical device): Twin Rivers, Southwest Si; 30th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that touches the item gains 1d4 Arcana which lasts one day

Floor Eight

Red Dwarf Room

- Figure of a Woman (small statuette of a dwarven woman): Pine Mountains, Central Zezen; First Age. Ability: Any character that touches the item becomes mute which lasts for three days

- Cave of Ghouls (Mausoleum with two dozen ghouls): Pine Mountains, Central Zezen; 8th Century, Third Age. Ability: Contains twenty-four Tier 2, Level 1 ghouls

- Barrow Grave (Mausoleum containing a wight): Pine Mountains, Central Zezen; 10th Century, Third Age. Ability: Contains a Tier 2, Level 1 wight

- Smithy of the Mountains (Blacksmith shop): Pine Mountains, Central Zezen; 21st Century, Third Age. Ability: Contains an infinite number of shortswords

- The Sword of Revenge (Steel shortsword): Central Obsidian Peninsula, Southern Zezen; 21st Century, Third Age. Ability: The character who wields the item and all allies may have an ambush round at the start of combat encounters

- Tomb of the King of the People (20ft tall, granate tomb): Central Obsidian Peninsula, Southern Zezen; 26th Centry; Third Age. Ability: Any character that walks through the structure gains 1d4 Dungeoneering which lasts one day

Orange Dwarf Room

- Oak Carving of Poesia (Oak statuette of a god): Nose River, Western Zezen; Second Age. Ability: Any character that touches the item gains 1d6 Insight

- Stone Tomb (Stone mausoleum containing a windego): Nose River, Western Zezen; Second Age. Ability: Contains a Tier 3, Level 1 Windego

- Mead Beakers (Clay beakers): Nose River, Western Zezen; 1st Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that drinks from one of the beakers gains 1d4 Religion which lasts one day

- The Curved Sword (Curved longsword): Nose River, Western Zezen; 3rd Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that touches the item takes all damage dealt to other within the last day

- Tapestry of the Red-Beard Duke (Woven tapestry): Nose River, Western Zezen; 27th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that touches the item gains 1d4 Diplomacy which lasts one day

West Mountain Gnome Room

- Figure of a Woman (small statuette of a dwarven woman): Sediment River, Central Zezen; First Age. Ability: Any character that touches the item becomes mute which lasts for three days

- Helmet of the Warrior Minotaur (Bronze helmet): Sediment River, Central Zezen; 8th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that wears the item becomes a Tier 2, Level 1 Minotaur

- Crown of the Gnome King (Gold crown): Sediment River, Central Zezen; 8th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that wears the crown gains 1d4 Will Defense

- Stature of the King of the Old City (Stone sculpture of a gnome man): Sediment River, Central Zezen; 29th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that touches the item gains 1d4 Diplomacy which lasts one day

Floor Nine

Zezen Room

- Engraving of a West Mountain Gnome King (Stone relief): Wooden Mountains, Southern Zezen; 31st Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that touches the item gains 1d4 Diplomacy which lasts one day

- Wall of the City of the Victorious Princess (Section of a stone wall): East Obsidian Peninsula, Southern Zezen; 30th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that touches the item gains 1d4 Fortitude Defense which lasts one day

- Temple of Amak (Stone temple): East Obsidian Peninsula, Southern Zezen; 30th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that walks through the structure gains 1d4 Religion which lasts one day

Aliaanza'nchi Room

- Scented Walls from the Holy Land (Reliefs of myrrh trees on walls): Coast of the Gulf of Little Fire, Northern Aliaanza'nchi; 5th Century, Third Age. Ability: Walls emit pleasant smelling aroma

- Column of a King (Stone column): Coast of the Gulf of Little Fire, Northern Aliaanza'nchi; 5th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that walks touches the structure gains 1d4 Diplomacy which lasts one day

- The Golden Donkey (Dwarven script book): Northern Mountains, Northern Aliaanza'nchi; 22nd Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that touches the item turns into a donkey which lasts for one day

- Arch of the Divisive Emperor (Marble archway): Outstretched Mountains, Northern Aliaanza'nchi; 22nd Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that walks through the structure gains 1d4 Initiative which lasts one day

- Great Temple of the Caravan City (Temple complex): Northern Mountains, Northern Aliaanza'nchi; 27th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that walks through the structure gains 1d4 Religion which lasts one day

- Mounted Warrior on a Bowl (Pottery shard with a mounted warrior): Miseer, Northern Aliaanza'nchi; 31st Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that touches the item may invoke a Tier 1, Level 1 mounted [warmblood horse] half-elf fighter as a companion

- Temple to a Warlord (Stone temple): Northern Mountains, Northern Aliaanza'nchi; 32nd Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that walks through the structure gains 1d4 Diplomacy which lasts one day

- Statue of a Thinker (Stone statue of a half-elf): West Obsidian Peninsula, Southern Zezen; 32nd Century, Third Age. Any character that touches the item gains 1d4 Insight which lasts one day

- Temple of the Desert (Mud brick temple): Outstretched Mountains, Northern Aliaanza'nchi; 32nd Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that walks through the structure gains 1d4 Religion which lasts one day

- Statue of a Historian (Stone statue of a half-elf): Northern Mountains, Northern Aliaanza'nchi; 34th Century, Third Age. Any character that touches the item gains 1d4 History which lasts one day

- Painted Mummies of the Wealthy Dead (Mausoleum with 100 animated skeletons): Miseer, Northern Aliaanza'nchi; 19th Century, Third Age. Ability: Contains 100 Tier 2, Level 1 skeletons

- The Great Library (Large library complex): Miseer, Northern Aliaanza'nchi; 18th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that walks through the structure gains 1d4 History which lasts one day

Si Room

- Dam of the Valley (Granate dam): South Dune Sea, Southwest Si; 28th Century, Third Age. Ability: Contains infinite water

- Great Temple of the South Dune Sea (Temple complex): South Dune Sea, Southwest Si; 28th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that walks through the structure gains 1d4 Religion which lasts one day

- Flag of the Warlord Empire (Flag): White Mountain Peninsula, Southwest Si; 30th Century, Third Age. Ability: Target all enemies within 5 squares; Att Cha vs Will; Effect: Targets become temporary companions to character which lasts one day

- Castle of the Dwarven Paladins (Castle Complex): River of Descent, Southwest Si; 31st Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that walks through the structure gains 1d4 Religion which lasts one day

- Carpet of Cavalry (Woven carpet): Miseer, Northern Aliaanza'nchi; 33rd Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that touches the item may invoke 100 Tier 1, Level 1 mounted [warmblood horse] half-elf fighters as a companions which last one day

Floor Ten

Single Room

- Cave of Histories (Carvings in rock shelter walls): Southern Hills, Southern Si; Second Age. Ability: Any character that walks through the structure gains 1d6 History which lasts one day

- Seal of the Master of Animals (Clay Seal): Swift River, Southern Si; Second Age. Ability: Any character that walks touches the item gains 1d6 Nature which lasts one day

- Falcon Altar (Falcon-shaped altar): Teak Hills, Southern Si; 10th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that wears the item becomes a Tier 2, Level 1 Giant Falcon

- Figure of a Wood Elf Warrior (Stone relief): Teak Hills, Southern Si; 15th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that touches the item may invoke a Tier 1, Level 1 elf fighter as a companions which last one day

- Relief of a Royal Family (Brass relief): Elephant River, Southern Si; 18th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that touches the item gains 1d4 Diplomacy which lasts one day

- Meditating Prophet (Stone relief of an elven man): Teak Hills, Southern Si; 23rd Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that touches the item gains 1d4 Will Defense which lasts one day

- Eternal Temple (Temple complex): Swift River, Southern Si; 27th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that walks through the structure gains 1d4 Religion which lasts one day

- Sun Temple (Stone temple): Winter Mountains, Southern Si; 28th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that walks through the structure gains 1d4 Religion which lasts one day

- Elephant Stables (Stables complex): Southern Hills, Southern Si; 34th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that walks through the structure may have an elephant as a mount

- Great Fort (Stone fortress complex): Swift River, Southern Si; 35th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that touches the item gains 1d4 Will Defense which lasts one day

- Shrine of the Hill (Stone Temple): Winter Mountains, Southern Si; 35th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that walks through the structure may travel to a target divine realm

- Arcane Temple (Stone temple): Swift River, Southern Si; 35th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that walks through the structure gains 1d4 Arcana which lasts one day

Floor Eleven

Gnome Room

- Temple of the Gatherer of the Otvud Gnomes (Large Temple): Spear River, Eastern Zezen; 35th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that walks through the structure gains 1d4 Diplomacy which lasts one day

- Bust of the Terrible King (Marble bust): Spear River, Eastern Zezen; 36th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that walks through the structure gains 1d4 Intimidate which lasts one day

- Robe of the False Prince (Wool robe): Spear River, Eastern Zezen; 37th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that wears the item can once per round make one enemy attack an ally of the enemy with a basic melee or ranged attack

- Crown of the Man Who Would Be King (Gold crown): Spear River, Eastern Zezen; 37th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that wears the item gains +1 Diplomacy

- Armor of the Great King (Plate armor): Spear River, Eastern Zezen; 37th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that wears the item is immune to opportunity attacks

- Winter Palace (Palace complex): Spear River, Eastern Zezen; 38th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that walks through the structure gains 1d4 Diplomacy which lasts one day

Drow Room

- Clan Shawl (Wood, patterned blanket): Isles of the Besieged, Northern Ulinawi; Second Age. Ability: Any character that wears the item gains +2 History

- Frozen Lingonberries (Frozen berries): Big River, Northern Ulinawi; 36th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that eats the berries is immune to ongoing Cold Damage which lasts one day

- Iceman of the Snow Drow (White Walker): Spring Mountains, Northern Ulinawi; 37th Century, Third Age. Ability: Tier 2, Level 1 Drow White Walker

- High Kick Ball (Leather ball): Three Knuckles Peninsula, Northern Ulinawi; 37th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that touches the item gains 1d4 Athletics which lasts for one day

Floor Twelve

Zezen Room

- Red Dwarf Masked Helm (Steel Helm): East Spessartite Island, Spessartite Islands; 25th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that wears the item gains +1 Intimidate

- Census Book (Large book in Dwarven script): East Spessartite Island, Spessartite Islands; 31st Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that uses the book can locate any target character in the mortal realm

- Armor of the Usurper (Plate Armor): East Spessartite Island, Spessartite Islands; 37th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that wears the item must make a basic melee attack against at least one adjacent ally per round

- Sword of the Glorious Warlord (Longsword): East Spessartite Island, Spessartite Islands; 39th Century, Third Age. Ability: Att Cha vs Int; Dmg 1d6+1

Aliaanza'nchi Room

- Skull of the Baby of the Mine (Infant mortal skull): River of Universal Heart, Southern Aliaanza'nchi; First Age. Ability: Any character that wields the item can speak any mortal language

- Petroglyphs of the Desert (Stones with animal carvings): Miseer River, Northern Aliaanza'nchi; Second Age. Ability: Any character that touches the items releases phantom giraffes and antelope

- Terracotta Statuettes (Ten statuettes of human men and women): Black River, Central Aliaanca'nchi; 6th Century, Third Age. Ability: Animated statuettes that speak Human

- Prince Smiting His Enemies (Relief of a human warlord): Miseer River, Northern Aliaanza'nchi; 21st Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that touches the item gains +1 Cha Att which lasts one day

- Royal Bell (Brass bell): Black River, Central Aliaanca'nchi; 30th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that rings the bell gains 1d4 Diplomacy which lasts one day

- Golden Rhinocerous of the Eagle Fortress (Gold rhino statuette): River of Universal Heart, Southern Aliaanza'nchi; 30th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that touches the item invokes a rhinocerous that the character can use as a companion [mount if the character is appropriate size]

- Statue of the Phantom Ship Captain (Stone statue of a dwarven man): Cape of Hope, Southern Aliaanza'nchi; 35th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that touches the item summons a Tier 2, Level 1 dwarven wraith

- Fortress of the Valley (Brick fortress complex): Lake of Victory, Eastern Aliaanza'nchi; 35th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that walks through the structure gains 1d4 Fortitude Defense

- Throne Hall on the Hill (Palace complex): Miseer River, Northern Aliaanza'nchi; 37th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that walks through the structure gains their choice of either 1d4 Religion or 1d4 Diplomacy

- Telescope of the Orange Dwarf Explorer (Handheld telescope): Cape of Hope, Southern Aliaanza'nchi; 37th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that uses the item gains +1 Perception

Si Room

- Statue of a Fairy King (Stone statue of a fairy warlord): Fairy Peninsula, Southeast Si; 34th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that touches the item takes 1d4+5 ongoing poison damage

- Elephant Column Brackets (Stone statuettes): Swift River, Southern Si; 36th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that touches the items gains 1d4 Athletics which lasts one day

- Bronze Portrait of the Naval Warlord (SBronze Relief of a fairy warlord): Fairy Peninsula, Southeast Si; 36th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that touches the item gains 1d4 Perception which lasts one day

- Scale Masked Helm (Steel helm): Eastern Hills, Southern Si; 37th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that wears the item gains +1 AC

- Warlord's Palace (Fortress complex): Winter Mountains, Central Si; 39th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that walks through the structure gains 1d4 Fortitude Defense which lasts one day

Ocean of Peace Room

- Continent Turtle Skeleton (Skeleton of a continent turtle): Great Koraha Coast, Southern Ocean of Peace; Second Age. Ability: Tier 3, Level 1 Continent Turtle Skeleton

- Ancient Spear Thrower (Wooden device): Great Sandy Desert, Southern Ocean of Peace; Second Age. Ability: Allows a character to throw javelins at full distance without distance penalty

- Stone Bird (Echidna statuette): Great Jungle Island, Central Ocean of Peace; 5th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that touches the item may transform into a target bird which lasts for one day

- Fire Halfling Corvette (Corvette ship): Cannibal Isles, Central Ocean of Peace; 30th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any sailors on the vessel gain +1 Perception while on board

- Halfling Hill Fort (Fortress complex): North Woodland Island, Southern Ocean of Peace; 35th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that walks through the structure gains 1d4 Fortitude Defense which lasts one day

- Feathered Royal Sash (Feather sash): Fire Isles, Northern Ocean of Peace; 35th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that wears the item gains +1 Diplomacy

Ulinawi Room

- Red Dwarf Wights (Cemetery Complex): New Island, Eastern Ulinawi; 11th Century, Third Age. Ability: Contains 10 Tier 2, Level 1 dwarf wights

- Stuccato of a Jester God (Stone relief): Peninsula of Confusion, Southern Ulinawi; 28th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that touches the item gains 1d4+3 Arcana which lasts one day

- Jabalina Naval Fort (Small fort): White Peninsula, Eastern Ulinawi; 37th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that walks through the structure gains 1d4 Fortitude Defense which lasts one day

- Severed Head of a Pirate King (Severed dwarved head): Smooth River, Eastern Ulinawi; 37th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that wields the item gains +1 Intimidate

- Woodland Fortress (Fortress complex): Eastern Mountains, Eastern Ulinawi; 38th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that walks through the structure gains 1d4 Fortitude Defense which lasts one day

Hattun Room

- Animal Effigy Wooden Chair (Carved wooden chair): Southwest Goblin Island, Goblin Sea; 33rd Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that sits on the chair animates the object as a rideable mount [states equal to Racing Horse]

- Hellhound of the Txahal Explorer (Hellhound): Southwest Goblin Island, Goblin Sea; 33rd Century, Third Age. Ability: Tier 2, Level 1 Hellhound

Floor Thirteen

Larrunana Room

- Black Draw (Stone arrowpoint): Red River, Western Ulinawi; 2nd Age. Ability: Att Str/Dex+2; Damage 1d6+2

- Mound of the Sun (Earthen mound): Father of Waters, Central Ulinawi; 28th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that scales through the structure gains 1d4 Dungeoneering which lasts one day

- Red Willow Village (Mud brick housing complex): Red River, Western Ulinawi; 32nd Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that walks through the structure gains 1d4 Fortitude Defense which lasts one day

- Helm of the Untxi Explorer (Steel helm): Red Canyon, Western Ulinawi; 36th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that wears the item gains +1 Perception

- The Beakhead (Frigate class ship): Eastern Mountains, Eastern Ulinawi; 37th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that walks through the structure gains 1d4 Will Defense which lasts one day

- Severed Snake Banner (Flag): Eastern Mountains, Eastern Ulinawi; 38th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any ally adjacent to the character wielding the item gains +1 Will Defense

- Warcoat of the Great General (Wool coat): Heel River, Eastern Ulinawi; 38th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any ally adjacent to the character wearing the item is immune to ongoing Cold Damage

- Slave Ship (Frigate class ship): Heel River, Eastern Ulinawi; 38th Century, Third Age. Ability: Contains a Tier 2, Level 1 Soul-eater

- Coat of the Adventurous Drow Mother (Wool blanket): Canoe River, Central Ulinawi; 39th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any ally adjacent to the character wearing the item gains +1 Perception

- Usdagalu Coat (Wool Blanket): Eastern Mountains, Eastern Ulinawi; 39th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any ally adjacent to the character wielding the item drops to 0 Will Defense

- Freedmen's Meetinghouse (Brick house): Eastern Mountains, Eastern Ulinawi; 39th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that walks through the structure gains 1d4 History which lasts one day

- Hat of the Civil War Steward (Top hat): Good River, Eastern Ulinawi; 39th Century, Third Age. Ability: Ability: Any character that wears the item gains +1 Diplomacy

- Boots of the Rough Rider Steward (Riding boots): Eastern Mountains, Eastern Ulinawi; 39th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that wears the item gains +1 Nature

Territorial Room

- Stone Pillar (Stone pillar): Violent Atolls, Northern Ocean of Peace; 29th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that touches the item releases a Tier 2, Level 1 poltergeist

- Fire Halfling Corvette (Corvette ship): Chicken Isles, Central Ocean of Peace; 30th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any sailors on the vessel gain +1 Perception while on board

- Devil's Tower (Watchtower): Eastern Goblin Island, Goblin Sea; 38th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that walks through the structure enters the Void

- Otvud Gnome Temple (Small temple): Isles of the Besieged, Northern Ulinawi; 38th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that walks through the structure gains 1d4 Religion which lasts one day

- Untxi Plaza (Palace complex): North Fairy Islands, Western Ocean of Peace; 38th Century, Third Age. Ability: Any character that walks through the structure gains 1d4 Intimidate which lasts one day

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