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Spessartite Wars

Beginning in the year 3800 at the turn on the century, Spessartite Wars follows a group of convicts, traitors, and war criminals (the players) as they travel around the realm risking life and limb on suicidal missions under the authority of the Spessartite Empire. At this time, the Spessartites (a nation of island orange dwarves in Zezen)  have just lost a major colony in Ulinawi to a band of rebel Fur Dwarves. At this time, the realm is in a transition period during which the Untxi Empire (Western Black Dwarves from Zezen) has collapsed and is on the verge of wars of independence in its Ulinawi and Hattun colonies. The Jabalina Empire (Yellow Dwarves from Zezen) has begun a revolution that is replacing an absolute monarchy with an authoritarian dictatorship.

Meanwhile, on the frontiers of Ulinawi, drow tribes are beginning their wars of survival against the expanding might of the newly independent Fur Dwarf nation of Larrunana. Pirates in the Goblin Sea located between Hattun and Ulinawi are losing their grasp on a world slowly being reclaimed by the Spessartite Empire. Aliaanza'nchi- the continent of the humans- is seeing its first wave of dwarven colonists, and dwarven trade companies are beginning wars against the elves for control of the Tea Lands of Southern Si.

Players will have to navigate their way through the realm as it descends into chaos amidst the expanding Spessartite-Jabalina Wars. Meanwhile, the demon Civil War feeds off the violence and grows stronger with each battle. The party will have to not only work together to survive each mission, but also to find a way out of their forced mercenary position, and find a way to stop Civil War before the realm falls under her power.

Larrunana Civil War

Beginning in the year 3861 Larrunana Civil War follows a team of private detectives tasked with providing information on rebel armies to the Larrunana loyalist forces. At this time, the demon Civil War has grown powerful enough to spark a civil war in the young Fur Dwarf nation of Larrunana. In the southern rebelling counties, vampire slave traders have become wealthy on the enslavement of human laborers while loyalist counties on the north have invested in industry as a means of production. At the center of it all lies the very conflict not only between vampires and dwarves over control of the nation's politics, but the conflict between the enslavement of humans and the industrialization of city-scapes over control of the nation's morals.

The war begins with the traditional use of long-spear wielding infantry squaring off across the battlefields of Ulinawi with pony and hound mounted cavalry and light artillery firing traditional javelin rounds at oncoming waves of enemies. As weaponry progresses, battlefields by the end of the war see the use of rapid fire scorpion guns against cavalry charges, trench networks of besieging armies, longbow rangers aiming for assassinating high-level commanders, armored destroyers monitoring major rivers, and generals setting fire to entire forests of trapped enemy armies. Also at this time, the frontier lands of Central Ulinawi become smaller and small as the indigenous drow continue losing land to the expanding dwarf settlers; and Deep Gnomes and Elves from Southern Ulinawi and Eastern Si immigrate to the continent in the thousands.

Players will play as detectives who must not only provide valuable information about rebel leadership and battleplans to the loyalist forces of Larrunana, but also will have to find information about the evil Civil War demon and how to defeat her. To do this, the players will have to travel throughout the continent of Ulinawi, follow clues, assist generals, work under-cover, and defeat Civil War all with the backdrop of the bloodiest war ever seen on the continent.

First Great Dwarf War

Beginning in the year 3914, players begin at training for the first ever desegregated dwarven military unit. The Jabalina Foreign Legion- an army of soldiers drafted from across the waning Jabalina Empire- is set to experiment on whether non-dwarven soldiers can perform (or outperform) the previously established dwarven armies of Zezen. Over the course of the next four years, the unit will find themselves engulfed in the largest war the dwarven continent has ever seen with casualties in the millions for single battles alone. The party will have to navigate their way through not only the ranks for their experimental unit, but also through the battlefields of the First Great Dwarf War.

The First Great Dwarf War begins with the assassination of the Ekialdian Empire's chief executive. But the complexity of the war began decades earlier with the unification of the Mujikan states into a single empire, the waning might of the Otvud Empire of gnomes, the build-up of dwarven armies, and the diplomatic alliances across Zezen. At the center of it all stands the newly freed demon Plague who feeds off the arcane weapons invented by the dwarves during the war. Throughout the course of the war, the Zezen armies of Jabalina, Txahal, and Labana (Spessartite) dwarves and Otvud gnomes square off against the Ekuialdia and Mujikan dwarves and the turuk half-elves. The war begins with traditional warfare, but soon descends into chaos as armies import arcane gas weaponry, rapid-fire artillery, aerial wyverns and dragons, and war elephants to the battlefields.

Players will play as soldiers in the Jabalina Foreign Legion and along the course of the war will not only have to survive the bloody battles, but also act as military police when other units mutiny, defend the Jabalina capital when it comes under siege, act as diplomats with allied commanders, and maintain their own mental health against the scavenger soul-eaters who pray on the shell-shocked soldiers of the war. The soldiers will also have to find a way to stop Plague and end the war before either becomes too large the end. 

Second Great Dwarf War

Starting in the year 3941, the Second Great Dwarf War has already raged on the continents of Zezen, Aliaanza'nchi, and Sea for nearly a decade. In Zezen, the Mujikan Empire has recovered from their defeat in the First Great Dwarf War by rapidly mobilizing naval and land forces in every direction. The Otvud Union has replaced the Otvud Empire as a nation of peasant rebels new to control over the largest nation in the realm. In Si, the expanding Richu Empire is making quick work of the unprepared Shi armies battered by their own civil war. In Aliaanza'nchi, the Txahal Empire is attempting to rebuild the Otsoan Empire of Old, combating the colonial armies of the Labana Empire. In Ulinawi however, the Larrunana nation is enjoying a relative peace free from the wars around them. With corruption amidst its auxiliary corps of police, vigilantes have taken up arms across the continent to maintain peace. While the war raged elsewhere, this new lague of heroes joined to establish an organization of vigilantes tasked with preventing the war from escalating beyond its present borders.

Players will have to navigate their way through the Second Great Dwarf War after the Richu Empire raids a Larrunana naval port forcing the pacifist nation into the war. Alongside them, players will have the guidance of one League member on each mission; but along the way, the League itself slowly descends into chaos as the weight of the realm's safety falls heavy on their shoulders. As the war goes on, the players quickly find themselves in an organization too weak to maintain itself amidst the growing violence of a war expanding across the realm. T make things worse, the party continuously finds evidence that one of the nations involved in the war is created a weapon more powerful than anything ever seen before.

Players will have to not only fight the dangerous missions assigned to them, but also attempt to keep together an organization rapidly falling apart around them. Not only that, but the players will also have to attempt to figure out exaclty what weapon is being created, which nation is creating it, and when they plan to use it- all before the weapon is used.

Desert Storm

Starting in the year 3990, players control resistance leaders from around the realm assembled by the former league member Fleet who is the sole surviving hero of the Second Great Dwarf War. The hero has assembled leaders from across the realm to locate a series of weapons created during the Second Age in the borderlands of the Dwarves, Gnomes, Elves, Half-Elves, Half-Dwarves, and Humans. The party will travel to the region, look for the ancient weapons created for slaying the primordial demon-spawn, and survive the war zones that now plague the region.

Players will have to navigate their way through the a series of violent regions made worse by the arrival of werewolves, vampires, wraiths, and other demonic beings. The players will have to track down nine ancient weapons designed for killing the primordial demon spawn. The players will not only need to follow in the footsteps of ancient beings of the mortal realm, but will have to travel to other worlds in the process. Once each weapon is located, the players' characters will then have to fight fiending beings for control of the weapons.

Players will not only have to battle monsters along their journey, but will also have to navigate through war zones where innocent lives are in danger- and the party's mission itself should the characters linger anywhere too long. Along the backdrop of this high-stakes egg-hunt is the chaotic 3990's where the realm itself is tearing apart at the seams with the influence of Hunger, Civil War, and Plague creating anarchy across the world through natural disasters, terrorism, and disease. But the party will not be entirely on their own. Along the way, the party can elicit help from retired heroes, unlikely allies, and the Fourth Demon herself- eager to challenge the unchecked power of her siblings.

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