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Zombie Island

M assembled the party once again for a mission to the Goblin Isles. "An island there," the Marshal explained," has recently rebelled against the Gold Dwarves. Their slaves have revolted and we want to know if their allegiance can be secured."

The party would have to sail to Argi Island to meet with whatever leader now controls the human revolutionaries and convince them to ally themselves with the Spessartites.

The party sailed to the Goblin Isles where they met up with a former acquaintance- Captain Arrano Nahiko. At the tavern with Nahiko, the party found an escaped slave who came from Argi during the revolution. He told the group to stay away from the island if they wished to stay alive. The pirate captain sailed the party to Argi Island. "The water is too shallow ahead," the told them. "You'll have to swim to shore."

Ruban turned into a bird while the others swam. After swimming to the beach, the party found an evacuated village. In the village square read a sign with a cryptic message. A storm began to roll in and the party heading into the mountains for safety. After finding a shack in the mountains, the party entered and prepared to wait out the storm.

A shadow appeared outside of the window. It approached and the party saw its deformed state in the light of the candles. It was a zombie. The party attempted the kill the creature as it approached, but failed to stop it from moving closer. They decided to board themselves inside and Ruban once again changed into a bird.

Ruban flew around the island looking for the source of the zombie spell. The others braced themselves in the house as more and more zombies approached. Bonastre held the barriers at the windows and doors as Mistahimaskwa and Neith sought a way to end the oncoming waves of undead. The zombies broke through though. Bonastre took shelter in a fire place and climbed up the chimney to escape the zombies. Mistahimaskwa and Neith broke out of one of the windows as rapidly climbed a rope and held tight as zombies swarmed inches below them.

Ruban located the warlock who summoned the zombies- a corpse that had been killed by her own creations. Ruban flew back to the mountain shack to find his companions escaping the house by swinging ropes from coconut trees as the zombies below engaged in a ritual involving rhythmic dancing. Ruban informed the group of a type of weed that when burned can dispose of evil beasts and began burning a bundle. The zombies departed below the trees and the party make a mad dash to the beach.

As the zombies followed to the beach, the party waded into the water to find Nahiko's ship on the horizon. The group prepared for death when Ruban changed into a Hippogriff and carried the party to that safety of the ship. On board, they told Nahiko of their news- that the escaped slave at the pirate haven had taken control of the zombies after killing the warlock.

Nahiko sailed the party back to the pirate haven after Ruban created a spell to conceal the island in a shield of invisibility. They found the slave, and killed him immediately. Ruban grabbed the gris-gris bag from the slave, and began searching for a way to take control of the zombies.

When the party returned to the Spessartite capital, they told the Marshal they found the islanders had killed themselves in the revolutions and that no living people remain. They also told M they had concealed the island so the Gold Dwarves could not use it as an island fortress.

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