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Black Highlands

After the party left the vampire infested capital of Nyeusi, Black Knight arrived with Fleet to help the party revive the White Knight. White Maiden arrived with her cousin and the party fired the Bow of Kapinga at the wounded hero. After firing the bow without an arrow, the ghost of White Knight's adoptive mother arrived and asked the party how her son died.

Toa then fired the bo again and entered the mind of White Knight where she met his soul in the Dwarven Land of the Dishonored Dead. White Knight and Toa discussed his use of the Three Weapons and that he did not deserve the right to return from the afterlife. Toa told the hero the world would end without his help and that if he wanted to redeem himself for his mistake, he would need to return and help them.

White Knight revived and the entire group left for Kuchoma. There, Kalona- the original trickster deity- guarded a temple that held the books detailing how to activate the Three Weapons. The heroes told the party they would need time to translate the texts and told them to explore the temple in the meantime.

In the temple, the party found the effigies of animals and mortals come to life around them- with Namiri finding the most discomfort among warriors of several eras attempting to kill him. The party found safety among the animated statue of Queen Malkia who brought them to the temple's coffee room to explain why the effigies came to life.

Malkia showed the party the tablet of her mummified husband which animated the statues before mounting her horse and riding off. The party returned to check in on the other heroes who told the party they were nearly finished translating the texts. Kalona told the party he senses a strange presence in the temple above and asked them to investigate.

There, Toa felt a dark force in the halls of the temple and called out to intimidate it into revealing itself. She immediately levitated into the air and burst into flames. Qudai attacked next and tackled the being to the ground before turning into ice. The being pushed the frozen Qudai off and introduced himself.

Hunger- demon of natural disasters- began walking out of the temple with the animation tablet. The remaining members of the party attempted to stop him. Hunger lifted Hutsak into the sky and held him there as he continued. Namiri and Atomic held back realizing their efforts would result in defeat. Hunger pulled the Ancient Blade from Toa before leaving.

The party rushed to the archives floor to tell the heroes they lost the weapon. Black Knight was furious, but White Knight calmed them all down and told them they could only succeed by working together. White Maiden told the group they finished translating the texts when the Ancient Blade pierced Kalona's chest. As the trickster fell dead on the floor, Hunger revealed himself and attacked the group.

Black Knight evacuated the party as White Knight, White Maiden, and Fleet distracted the demon. After the party escaped the temple, the entire team reassembled at a secret bunker. There, they were met by Keremet, Rowai, Swamp Thing, and Black Marque- the original Black Knight. The entire group began planning for their final fight with the Three Demons.

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