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Drinking Cup Mountains

After barely surviving their arduous retreat from the Star Peninsula, the party and their cruiser finally found safe port in the coastal territories of the Otvud Union. Namiri docked his boat in port and the party headed into the city to explore. After refueling with some local half-elf street food, the party dispersed to shop for supplies and look for someone who may know the location of the Open One- the weapon developed for defeating the primordial Verfarkas.

While exploring, Namiri attemtped to flirt his way into getting information out of a half-elf woman that looked like she may have information. The half-elf brushed Namiri's flirtations off- until she found him later selling his boat. She recognized his royal status and traded information with the warlord. Namiri learned the half-elf was a Warehouse Agent- a person tasked with collecting the most powerful artifacts in the Realm and storing them in a side-dimension for safety.

The half-elf- codenamed Atomic- decided to employ Namiri and his party's help in retrieving the Open One with the intention of bringing the weapon and Verfarkas with her to the Warehouse.

Later that night at a local tavern, the party reconvened after purchasing supplies for their journey. The Warehouse Agent arrived in the form of an old gnome man- revealing her to be a skin-walker (a being capable of changing faces, but not species). She told the party about her plan to enter the dangerous war zone where the item was located- but where too was located a massive genocide of gnomes against half-elves. Atomic turned the party into gnomes and had them board her Giant Falcon which would fly the party and two ponies into the warzone.

The Falcon arrived just after midnight and dropped the party under cover of night. While parachuting to the ground below, the false gnomes came under artillery fire- but luckily did not kill any members of the team. After a night of keeping watch of the group in turn, the party awoke in the morning and heading into the village which contained the Open One. Here, the region had been demolished by war, and gnomes were openly murdering half-elves.

The team went immediately to the castle located on the mountain overlooking the village. Here, the Otvud Union had been using the fortified grounds as a bank. The party sensed the presence of a powerful arcane being inside and deduced another changeling was attempting to steal the Open One.

In the bank, the party's members fluent in Gnome attempted to gain entrance to the Safety Deposit Room where the Open One would most likely be housed and met a gnome who claimed he could get them in the room. Two of the party members snuck into the room with the gnome wherein he declared he was robbing the bank and warned the gnomes inside to refrain from fighting. Qudai and Toa- the two party members in the room with the gnome deduced not only was this the changeling, but Verfarkas himself attempting to steal the weapon.

The two knocked out the gnomes attempting to flee in order to prevent chaos in the bank. Meanwhile, Namiri and Hutsak failed to maintain cover when one of the bank tellers overheard Namiri speaking in Dwarf. The plan was compromised, and the gnomes turned on the party members in the lobby.

Atomic, Namiri, and Hutsak fought the dozen gnomes in the lobby while Toa and Qudai clashed with Verfarkas over the Open One. Hutsak barricaded the entrance into the bank and Namiri rushed to help Toa and Qudai. A militia formed outside the bank and Toa sensed Plague- demon of disease- was at their front. After an excruciating battle against Verfarkas; Qudai, Toa, and Namiri finally imprisoned Verfarkas in the weapon by changing the primordial into the form of a puppy.

Meanwhile, Hutsak and Atomic battled with the militia storming into the bank. In the ensuing battle, Hutsak and Namiri both managed to steal sacks of gold coins from the bank and Atomic transformed the party into the forms of members of the militia. The team passed Plague on their way out of the bank and successfully bluffed their way past the demon.

They did not get far however, when realizing their Falcon was compromised and they had no option for escape. Toa sent a desperate prayer to the Angel of Death for assistance, but found only the noise of Plague approaching.

Ready to run for survival, the party heard a voice from behind call out to them. When they turned to look, the team found an armored warrior queen standing in a portal. At once, they ran through with Plague standing smiling as the party escaped into a different dimension.

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