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As thanks for re-establishing peace, the general of the Blue Helms on the island told the party he would help the party get to Miseer where they were planning on locating the next primordial weapon. After a brief stop at the local market where they procured snacks for their journey, the party flew via giant falcon to Setioa, Miseer- the major port city of the country.

After departing the bird, the party went immediately to the market to get mounts and supplies for their journey. The party bought camels, water, and food; then left for the capital city- Nytskhun. The party traveled along the desert road for nearly a week before finding the city on the horizon.

Fleet arrived to tell the party he has been organizing more heroes to help combat the Three Demons. Toa asked the speedster to run into the capital to the local post office where she believed a package waited for her, but when Fleet left to enter the city- covered in sand storms- he never returned. The party camped for the night and consumed their last water rations. In the morning, they found themselves needing to enter the stormy city.

In the city, the party learned Toa's package was in a local temple, so the party went immediately there and learned from the head priestess that the primordial Manchay was killing entire audiences in the city and that the city would need their help to defeat her.

Toa checked the contents of her package and the party set out to defeat the primordial. The priestess told the party the primordial was using a dreamwalker to enter the astral plain where she could kill without being seen. The party found an old woman practicing guitar in the temple and learned from her they would need to enter the astral plain to defeat the primordial.

In the astral plain, the party located Manchay and the dreamwalker; and learned they would need holy fire to defeat them. Three of the party members returned to the temple where in the catacombs, they found holy oil and improvised holy grenades by filling skulls of the dead with holy oil and flame. The three returned to the rest of the group and planned their attack.

The party burst into the tavern where the dreamwalker and Manchay were sucking the souls from victims. The party threw and smashed their improvised weapons at the dreamwalker and slew him before the fiend could retaliate. The astral plain disappeared around the group and Manchay attacked. Atomic attempted to run, but the primordial blocked the exits, then set out to kill the five heroes.

The old woman from the temple appeared with her guitar and took the stage- first asking to dim the lights, then to play her guitar. Upon plucking the strings, Manchay screeched in terror. Hutsak then thrust his claws into the primordial too distracted to dodge the attack. Hutsak's claws decapitated the demon-spawn and her head rolled across the floor of the tavern.

The old woman began playing a second song, Manchay's body disappeared, and the primordial's victims were revived to full health. The old woman revealed herself as Death and left the stage to speak with the party.

Toa immediately expressed her anger at Death for her abandonment of the mortal races and for allowing the Three Demons to conquer the realm. In response, Death gripped Toa's neck with her black hands and engulfed the tavern in darkness; even summoning a minor earthquake in anger.

Death sternly told Toa it was her job to keep the Demons from gaining power- that the half-demon was created to prevent the Demons from escaping and that Toa was responsible for the evils of the war. Death calmed down- dissipating the darkness and quaking- and told the party she was "hands on" for three million years fighting the Three Demons and that her behavior was only enabling the mortal races to be weak.

She told the party the mortal races would need to defeat the Three Demons on their own and told the group they would need the help of other heroes of the realm to do it. She told the group to find the White Maiden and her cousin White Knight before disappearing from the tavern.

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