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Twin Rivers

The entire team of heroes camped out along the road towards the Tivmim capital. There, the Tivmim army- retreating from the encroaching Larrunana military- had set fire to the oil fields surrounding the highway to the city. After the heroes made a plan for their battle against the Three Demons en route to the city, they went to sleep with only hours away before their battle.

Namiri and Qudai stayed awake though and meditated over the camp's bonfires under the falling ash of the ever-burning oil fields around them. A wounded old man arrived and sat at the fire. During a conversation with the two heroes, the old man revealed the last of his grandchildren had died and his children fought amongst themselves. Before leaving, he left with the heroes a coyote-claw necklace.

The two heroes awoke the rest of the team an hour before sunrise and told them about their encounter. After trying to force the necklace into revealing magical properties, the party found none and instead prepared for the battle.

The battle began with the arrival of the Three Demons who immediately thrust their full strength against the heroes. Qudai fell under the influence of Plague's Hypothermia. The rest of the heroes managed to isolate the demons with a combination of the Golden Lasso, Swamp Thing's limbs, and White Maiden's ongoing fiery eyes.

The party thrust their full strength against the demons and initially made progress, but the Demons unleashed uncontrollable strength. Civil War forced White Maiden to attack one of the other heroes. Hunger used a tornado to thrust Qudai dozens of yards away from the action. Plague inflicted powerful disease among those adjacent to him- crippling a third of the heroes.

Black Knight was the first hero to fall- with Plague inflicting the young hero with rapid aging. The character turned to dust as his antique bones fell to the sand. Hutsak was next to die- with Plague siphoning the character's healing ability then giving him a lethal disease.

Next, Namiri fell. With combined damage from Hunger, Civil War, and Plague; the warlord required the combined healing knowledge of three heroes. But while bandaging a final wound, the damage was too great. The hero fainted and fell dead from exhaustion into the sand.

Hope was fading until Toa managed to strike a crippling blow to Plague. Swamp Thing immediately took advantage of the opportunity and unleashed the Pumice Stone on the Demon- sending both into the prison realm. Next, White Maiden used her fleet footedness to race into Civil War at full speed in a bulrush that sent the demon's life to extremely low health. King Rowai unleashed the Great Peace Belt and the two characters disappeared into the prison realm.

Finally, White Knight attempted to duplicate his cousin's maneuver, but Hunger was too quick and dodged the attack. But alas, Fleet too repeated and Hunger's health fell dangerously low. Toa wrestled the Ancient Blade from the demon and sang the ancient song. Time froze as Death appeared to say her final goodbye to the half-demon. Toa and Hunger teleported into the Ancient Blade and the demons were defeated.

The remaining, wounded heroes patched their wounds. Hutumia arrived to claim his weapons. With initial hesitation, the primordial demon spawn assured that the Three Weapons were in safer hands with him than with mortals.

The heroes reluctantly agreed and gave the primordial the Three Weapons. Qudai was the last remaining hero of the original four whom Fleet had assembled on Silver Island. Atomic however had retreated from the battle while in the Black Highlands to guard the Warehouse should the Demons have won the day. After the battle, Atomic invited Qudai to become a Warehouse agent and assist in the recovery of dangerous artifacts. Qudai brought both the Tablet of Animation and the necklace given to the group by the old man- which she discovered later was the necklace of the creator deity Kalona.

White Knight and White Maiden left the realm. They explored the realms of the gods and of the dead in hopes of rebuilding them and searching for more refugees of their lost world. What they discovered was that the gods slain at the hands of the Three Demons had been revived through the power of the Necklace of Kalona. The two cousins and their revived deities then set to work rebuilding the realm of the Half-Elf Gods.

Black Marque died shortly after the battle from old age- exacerbated by a life of battle. Queen Keremet returned to her realm with her Golden Lasso lent to Qudai and retired her seat on the throne to a new queen who would rule over Ilti'ah. Fleet- once again- was the last of his kind. But with the Three Demons finally defeated and only one primordial still left in the realm, Fleet retired his title and lived the rest of his days in a city in Larrunana, quietly recalling the heroes of the Third Age.

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