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After walking through the portal, the mysterious armored woman led the party towards a city hidden in fog and forest. She introduced herself as Queen Keremet- warlord of Ilti'ah- before bringing the party, the skin-walker, and Verfarkas into her city. The Queen brought the party to her palace and sent them off with one of her servants to get dry clothes.

The party chose new clothes before sitting down for a meal with the queen. They spoke of her time in the Mortal Realm and about Ilti'ah's protection from the Three Demons. The group also all agreed Verfarkas- still in puppy form- would best be left in Ilti'ah because of the realm's protection. Keremet also told the party she was not the one who brought the party to the realm-but instead a woman who would meet the party later that night at the theatre.

The queen departed for business and told the party to explore the realm before meeting her at the theatre later at night. The party left the palace and headed to the barracks where they bartered for new weapons and armor- including the highly coveted Lamellar.

Toa and Namiri went to the Great Temple to Armarria where they wished to learn more about the female deities worshipped across the realm and possibly to summon the Angel Death. In their ensuing prayers, Toa summoned Armarria- the dwarven goddess of warrior women. The goddess fell from the ceiling of the temple with a loud clash and a sword wedged in her chest.

Toa and Namiri attempted to heal the goddess, but she was dying quickly from the wound. She warned the two that the Demons are attempting to destroy the realms of the gods in retaliation for the deaths of their children. Toa decided Armarria's spirit needed to survive, so she made a scar on her torso and placed Armarria's hand on the mark- sending the goddess into the wound as a Spirit Companion and saving the goddess.

Meanwhile, Hutsak and Qudai went to the library where they had a local librarian read excerpts from a book detailing the accounts of the creation and usage of the anti-Demon weapons.

At the theatre, the party met with the woman who read to Hutsak and Qudai. She revealed herself as the Angel of Death and told the party to stop killing the children of the Three Demons. She explained to the confused heroes that with each primordial death, their parents leave the Mortal Realm to destroy another.

The party attempted to grasp why Death refuses to help them defeat her siblings. She told the party that long ago, the gods of their world hired Death and her siblings to kill them. Death felt pity on them and fought her siblings for the survival of the mortals- but when the mortal beings unleashed the Three Demons during the Second Great Dwarf War, Death had no pity on beings who unleashed extermination upon themselves.

The party changed tactics, and instead attempted to learn about beings besides Death who might be powerful enough to stop the Demons. The learned that to rebuild the Pumice Stone, they would need a being who could transmit their consciousness between shells- Swamp Thing- and to build the Great Peace Belt and the Ancient Blade, they would need two speedsters (Fleet and White Maiden.)

The party returned to Keremet's palace to meet the queen and the skin-walker. Keremet announced her sympathies for the group and decided she would give them gifts that might help them on her journey. She allowed Toa and Qudai to keep the outfits they borrowed for the day as well as giving the group her Golden Rope and Mirror Shield.

She then took them into a room that could show them anywhere in the Mortal Realm they wished to see. They first tracked down Fleet to a city in Larrunana then found Swamp Thing on Swamp Tree Island. The party decided to stay in Ilti'ah a little longer- to have time to acquire provisions for their return to the Mortal Realm.

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