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Szin City

The party entered the port of the Turuk capital where they learned from port authorities that the city was on lock down after a recent break-in at the royal museum. A pirate recently stole an item of precious value and escaped town. The party dropped off the child refugees gathered from the sea and made off in pursuit of the pirate.

The party arrived in Szin City- a gnome port town converted into a base of operations for Black Sea pirates. The party spoke with a local shipwright who helped them navigate themselves toward a prominent tavern. The bartender there also assisted the party with information about The Boss.

After getting bogged down by the details of how to attack The Boss, the party came under attack by Gold Human pirates operating out of the city. In the ensuing battle, Hutsak was incapacitated, Toa and Qudai were severely beaten, and Namiri rushed to get the help of the party's crew.

Toa managed to escape the bloodbath of twenty pirates relentlessly stabbing her and her party. After catching up with Namiri, the two negotiated with their mercenary crew more concerned with payment than with rescuing their captains. After a long and frustrating debate, the crew finally agreed to search from the rival pirates' ship and set it ablaze as a distraction so that Namiri and Toa could save their companions.

When Toa and Namiri returned to the tavern, they discovered their two companions had been taken away and tracked their location to the pirate ship now burning in the harbor. Two members of Namiri's cruiser crew managed to rescue Hutsak and Qudai from the burning ship- but in exchange for their own lives as they perished in the wreckage.

The reunited crew gathered that The Boss was headed back to town- likely to kill them- and decided the only way to escape this doom would be to sally out of the city and fight The Boss on the sea. They boarded their ships, hired more sailors, purchased weapons and armor, and sailed north to meet The Boss.

When the two ships saw The Boss' corvette, Namiri navigated his cruiser west in an attempt to circle around and catch the corvette from the stern. Meanwhile, Hutsak sailed his destroyer true to minimalism the target area presented to his opponent as well as sending the half-dwarves overboard to board the enemy ship by surprise.

The corvette turned west to attack broadside with its artillery and began firing on the destroyer- which took serious damage and began taking on water. Qudai managed to plug the hole and began repairing the ship when a second attack from the corvette demolished the destroyer. In the attack, Hutsak was pinned to the ship by a ballista round and had to pull himself forward through the massive spear to free himself of the weapon and the sinking ship.

Meanwhile, Namiri's boat circled around and caught the corvette at its stern. His forces boarded the ehip and the battle began. Half-Dwarves scaled the sides of the corvette and joined Namiri in the fight.

As Hutsak and his crew swam towards the corvette, they spotted a massive monster under them. Twl't- the primordial being only vulnerable to the Hammer of Tximista- arrived. The demonic spawn roared his head above the waves and bit down on the bow of the corvette and began pulling it under the waves. Sailors from all three vessels slid down the deck of the corvette into the beast's mouth. Namiri grabbed hold of the banister to the captain's deck and rigged a javelin to a lantern. He then threw his missile down towards a barrel of vodka and into the monster's mouth. Twl't released the ship and retreated into the water.

The party staggered to find The Boss only to discover he was sailing away on the cruiser with the Hammer of Tximista. The party and the remaining crew decided to join together and fight to a glorious death against the beast. When Twl't returned, he roared his head at the stern of the sinking corvette and readied to strike the final blow. The party said a last prayer to whatever wind deities may exist that The Boss would return with the weapon.

As Namiri readied a javelin in preparation for entrance into the dwarven real of the honored dead, a voice from behind him told him he would need a different weapon. The Boss returned and stuck Twl't with a strike of lightning- forcing the beast to retreat into the waves. The party had no time to delay. The Boss told them to gather any crew remaining and to take the cruiser as far away as possible.

The party- begrudgingly- followed the order. They sailed away from the sinking corvette and watched from a distance as Twl't returned and swallowed the remains of the corvette. A lightning strike followed by calm waves signaled the death of both The Boss and Twl't. The party sailed the crusier back to search the remains, but found only small scraps from the corvette. With no food and little water, the party had to set course north to the port city of the Star Peninsula- a city which unknown to them- was at the center of a massive conflict within the crumbled Otvud Union.

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