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The party and their cruiser approached the Star Peninsula with a hungry crew. The officers of the ship sensed a dark presence in the city, but hurried for hunger; the party decided a stay in port was necessary. When the ship reached port, the crew paid for the ship's docking before splitting to explore the city and get supplies for the next leg of the journey.

Hutsak left the group to look for someone who might know why there was an eerie presence in the town and found an old gnome man who spoke of an Otvud Union officer killed by zombie pets. Hutsak went to explore the pet cemetery where he found a member of the Otvud Army cleaning up after the previous night's murder.

Meanwhile, Toa and Namiri went to the army base in town to get supplies for cheap, dancing with the guards at the gate to gain entrance. Once inside, the party met with an army officer who told them the lead armorer was killed recently via shark attack and that a series of similarly strange murders occurred involving other Otvud Union officers.

After regrouping, the party met in the pet cemetery to discuss their findings. To their surprise, they found that the murders were committed by a trickster deity who used magic to kill his victims and made it look like sharks, vampires, and other mysterious forms of death. Namiri explored the market the next day and encountered the same old man who spoke to Hutsak. The man gave Namiri a piece of sharpened birch wood and warned him it was the only thing that could defeat the trickster.

Namiri went back to the army base while the others explored the local magic shop. At the base, Namiri encountered the trickster who confessed to the killings claiming he had done the deeds for fun. He also made Namiri the offer to grant him or his party wishes, but when Namiri refused, the trickster transported him to the magic shop where he met his other party members.

After purchasing magic books, the party heard a horde of zombies in the street chasing terrified gnomes. They recognized it must be the trickster.

The party found the trickster deity in the street and demanded they tell him why he gave them the weapon that could be used against him. The being continuously informed them he was the trickster of the gnomes and that an old dwarf deity was the one who gave them the weapon- stating som to inform them as to why the weapon would never actually work.

After an intense argument of confusion, the party decided enough was enough and stabbed the trickster in the heart with the stake. When the trickster appeared dead, the real mirage disappeared around the party. The vibrant city turned into a war-torn ruin with tens of thousands a gnome corpses lying dead in the streets around them.

The party sensed a dark and powerful presence around them and immediately ran back to the boat. They quickly jumped into their cruiser, finding their crew had killed each other; and recognized the dark presence was the invincible Civil War demon. They dumped the bodies, and rapidly sailed away from the dock. When they looked back toward the city ruins, they found Civil War on the dock waving as they sailed off.

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