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Skeleton Coast

The party formed in the Marshal office to find a stranger. M had been replaced with a new Marshall who would be sending the group on missions. "We've discovered a weak spot in the enemy colonies." M told the party. "There's a colony at the southern tip of the human lands held by one of the North Red Dwarf kingdoms. We're sending in an army to take the capital of the colony and secure the location for ourselves."

M explained to the group they would be sailing south with General Maitearen Bardo and would assist her in taking the colonial capital. The party met with the general on the ship as they sailed south and spoke with her about General Gloriosa. They asked her questions about the plan of attack against the colony. Bardo explained the Gold Dwarves sent one of their own commanders to the colony to command the militia- made up of humans forced into servitude. When the ship reached the colony, Bardo assembled the party with her marines' commander.

"My plan is to send the marines onto the beach an hour before sunrise. There are barracades preventing this ship from making a beach landing, so you will all have to row to shore on the long boats. Beyond the barracades lie longbowmen behind trenches, crossbowmen in towers, and artillerymen along the cliff wall. Your mission is to clear all of it so we can land the infantry to move inland and assault the town."

The party landed on the beach and were immediately pinned down by arrows flying in from the trenches ahead. One arrow struck Neith in the head as she jumped from the longship. She fell back into the sand. Mistahimaskwa and Bonastre charged ahead on their mounts as Ruban healed the fallen Neith. Marines landed as Mistahimaskwa and Bonastre moved forward. Neith concealed herself as she continued to heal her head wound.

Ruban turned himself invisible and ran to the towers planting improvised explosive devices inside. The artillery rained fire down on the beach as the marines fell like Autumn leaves. Mistahimaskwa abandoned his horse to jump into the trenches. He continued forward but could not scale the cliffs to reach the artillery. Bonastre also moved into the trenches, then climbed the cliffs to overtake one of the artillery positions. Ruban blew the towers apart with his explosives and Neith began picking off artillery gunners with her longbow. After a long morning of combat, the party and the marines had taken the beach.

General Bardo moved her army inland and took the capital in the afternoon. The Gold Dwarf general had been killed by the human militia who surrendered to the Spessartite commander without a fight. The party explored the town before boarding the ship back to the Spessartite capital.

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