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Shadows of the Fairies

The party renewed their efforts to learn more about the dark spirit watching their actions. With the new assistance of a pirate and a paladin, the party sailed south to the tip of the Goblin Lands, then turned north west across the Ocean of Peace. There, Mistahimaswa developed a frightful phobia of sheep's wool and Ruban acquired an allergy to magic.

The party sailed west until they reached the Fairy Lands- a series of islands bewteen the Elf Lands and the Great Jungle Island. The party docked at the Fairy city of Nining de Jiaohuichu and left Captain Nahiko's ship in port. The fairy city was build from a cave and the party entered to find the city alight under the glow of the fairies. Elves too roamed the paths the party used while they explored the cave city.

Mistahimaskwa and Nahiko explored the museum. After braking in, the two discoreved a great deal of items, both powerful and historic. Ranodip headed to the Great Towers- two towers carved from stalagmites in the cave connected by a central bridge. The elf paladid discovered an aquarium underneath and made bubble faces at passing fish.

Neith headed to the Town Square- a central market in the cave city. At the market, Neith found a fairy at a shadow puppet stand who refused to sell any of his puppets. The fairy felt the presence of a great evil shadowing Neith and lit a candle. "First there were the warriors," the fairy told as the shadow of warriors formed before Neith. "And they made war. Then came the conflict where brother fought brother." A second image appeared and showed images of men with boulders killing each other brutally. "A great plague came," the fairy continued as the shadow of ghoulish beasts roamed. "And then there was death." The image of a hanging skull, decorated from a head hunter appeared on the wall. The candle blew and the light of the fairy extinguished.

Ruban attempted to change into a bird- sneezing during the ritual- and accidentally summoned a lightning bat instead. The bat electrocuted Ruban and flew off to terrorize the caves.

Mistahimaskwa left to find the taverns and brothels. He demanded an audience with the pirate queen Qizi. Qizi ruled a pirate kingdom that reached the far edges of the Ocean of Peace. From the Tea Lands to the Great Jungle Island and from the Eastern Isles to the Fairy Lands, Qizi managed a pirate fleet of over a thousand ships.

Mistahimaskwa spoke with the pirate queen and convinced her to give him information on the dark evil in return fro slaying a fairy ghost haunting the caves. Mistahimaskwa agreed, assembled his team, and set off to slay the fairy ghost.

Qizi led the party to a corridor where the elves of the cave had trapped the ghost. The pirate queen waved the party inside, then locked the door behind them with only a bottomless pit as their way out. The party battled with the ghost for some time, but it became obvious the ghost would need to be slain some other way than with conventional weapons.

Ruban dove into the endless pit- using a spell to keep him from taking damage from the fall. As he fell through the massive drop, the rest of the party continued to fight the ghost as it appeared and reappeared in various locations throughout the room.

Mistahimaskwa attempted to aid Rubans efforts by firing an incendiary bolt into the hole in the cave floor. The bolt- which only lights after striking against a target- flew down the hole.

Ranodip summoned another fairy ghost to ask how to slay them. This female fairy ghost told the elf the pulterguist was the spirit of a murderor who had terrorized the caves in life. She also told the paladin the best way to slay a ghost is to find the corps and burn it.

Ruban finally reached the bottom and when he stood, and incindiary bolt struck him in the head, lighting his skull on fire. The wizard stood the pain and searched for a fairy corpse. Just in front of him, Ruban found the body- a small, pinky-sized dead fairy. The wizard grabbed it and placed it on his head, the fire cremated the corps, and the ghost of the murderous fairy disappeared. Ruban changed into a bird, then flew up the cave to rejoin the rejoicing party.

The party broke the lock on the door, returned to the cave city and explored once more before returning the pirate queen. The elf woman told the party they could find a dark elf elder who was the only remaining being old enough to have seen the time when the she demon walked the earth and he would be the key to them finding their way to defeating her. The party departed and sailed away from the city back towards Turtle Island.

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