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Blind Prophets

After gaining the location of the dark elf prophet, the party set sail back across the Ocean of Peace towards Turtle Island. With no knowledge of safe port, Ruban summoned a small child Halfling from the nearby Islands of Fire to gain information about the safest harbor.

The party returned the frightened child to his parents and met with a Fur Dwarf sailing ship headed for Fort Betatz on the western coast of Turtle Island. The party explored the fort, learning of the expanding Fur Dwarf Nation. Mistahimaskwa found his cousin outside the Dark Elf Trading Post while other characters took weapons and acquired horses and ponies for their journey across the continent.

The party, the dark elf guide, and the newly acquired horses and ponies trecked across the Bitterroot Mountains, taming wild animals in their wake. They moved across the Vast Plains- a massive grassland at the heart of the continent. The party made stops at the Ancient Pillar and Fort Knife in the Heart. At the plains fort, Ruban summoned the Fur Dwarf Captain out of his quarters to the center of the party- without allowing the dwarf to put pants on first.

The party met with the dark elves camped outside the fort to learn of the advancing Fur Dwarf colonists taking lands from dark elf peoples. The party feasted with the group before moving on eats towards the Inali village where they would find the children of the prophet who they were told had died years before.

Captain Nahiko broke into the small Fort Chain of the Prairie where she discovered another war was brewing- one that would tear the Fur Dwarves apart over the issue of the enslavement of humans. Ruban flew in bird form to the the Inali camp across the river. He met with locals and spoke about issues of climate change and the merits of slavery- boring the dark elves who had to endure the conversation. The rest of the group met with the Ferry Master who forded them across the Father of Waters to the Inali Camp.

In the Inali village, the male members of the party met with Makataimeshekiakiak- the son of the deceased prophet. The son had his father's power of foresight and told the group of the veiled woman who haunts them. The female members of the party met with the Leoti- the daughter of the deceased prophet. Leoni had her father's power of hindsight and could see into the past. She told the group of how the she-demon came into being.

Makataimeshekiakiak told the group they must seek out the white horse of the water which lives in a land where male dwarves wear plaid skirts. Leoni told the group that the she-demon was a byproduct of the first war. Both prophets told the group they would need the assistance of the "Hero Twins"- personifications of fire and medicine- in order to defeat the she-demon.

As with the fairy at the shadow puppet booth, the she-demon revealed herself to Leoni- killing the prophet. A great commotion arose from the village and the party members ran to find the source. Fur Dwarves were raiding the Inali; killing men, women, and children indiscriminantly. The party decided to help as many dark elves as they could escape into the woods where the darkness of night would conceal them from the oncoming Fur Dwarves. The party battles valiantly. Ruban summoned whole walls of fire, Neith reigned entire sheaths of arrows down in single shots, and Ranodip moved swiftly through the enemy ranks.

When the group followed the dark elves into the woods south of the village, they were stopped by a wall of longbowmen. A major stepped forward to announce his nationality. This was a Spessartite tracker, and he was there to bring the party before the Marshal. The party members were disarmed, handcuffed, and dismounted. The major and his company of archers escorted the jailed party members across the sea to the Spessartite Isles and thrown into the dungeon they had been in eleven years ago.

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