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Warehouse 11

The six members of the demon-hunting party came before the Marshal for one last time. The Marshal gave them the equipment they asked for before briefing them on their final mission for her.

"The Gold Dwarves are launching a full-scale invasion of the Gnome Empire," she explained. "I believe they have found the location of the Warehouse and are planning to steal the artifacts and use them for the war."

The Marshal told the party going straight to the Warehouse would be impossible, calculating the tens of thousands of soldiers currently fighting there. Instead, M told them of a rumored alternative "backdoor." Captain Nahiko remembered her ship was still at Fort Betatz and Mistahimaskwa recalled a ritual among her people being the exact ritual necessary for entering the magical portal to the Warehouse.

M told the party their travel to Turtle Islands would be under the disguise of a war mission as the Fur Dwarves had re-ignited a war with the Spessartites. The party departed the Spessartite capital for Turtle Island. After traveling to the homeland of Mistahimaskwa, the party prepared their member for a dangerous ritual. Mistahimaska lashed himself to a pole via bone hooks and leaned back. For seven days, his blood poured from his wounds bringing him to an inch from death. When the hokks ripped out of his chest, Mistahimaskwa fell to the dirt and the portal opened.

The party entered the Warehouse where they could not decipher the Gnome signs. Shadows took hold of the party and expelled them to another room. The group then set about touching, smelling, and picking up items without taking precautions to check for safety issues. This became an issue when one of the party members accidentally unleashed a powerful dragon. Ruban immediatly touched an object that unleashed an elephant, then armed it with magic armor as it fought the dragon so the party could escape. Neith of course- being a known critic of the existance of dragons- dismissed the situation as a series of illusions and calmly walked out of the room before taking any real damage.

The group split up and went into several different rooms. Captain Nahiko and Neith explored a room with Half-Elf artifacts. Ranodip and Mistahimaskwa explored the Danger Zone where the most powerful artifacts of the Warehouse were stored. Mistahimaska pushed further into the depths of the Warehouse to find a room filled with dead and dying gnomes. He used an improvised spell to speak with his companions telepathically and told them to come immediately.

Neith spoke in Dwarf to the three living gnomes. Short on time, they told Neith the she-demon had attacked. "She has it," the gnomes told Neith. "She has the Box." The Box, the gnomes told, was capable of destroying the entire world. The gnomes who guarded the Warehouse fought the demon with the most powerful weapons in their posession, but those were no match for her. She escaped with the Box and all the weapons the gnomes tried to kill her with, heading for an ominous location called the Island of War.

The door to the room burst open and a round object rolled inside. Neith immediately recognized the threat- an incendiary grenade. The grenade burst and the party members were trasported back to their original location on Turtle Island. Mistahimaskwa was killed and the party worked together to revive him. Ruban decided to summon a jackal and Neith tamed it. One of the party members attempted to summon help, but instead summoned the army from zombie island which immediately took to attacking Mistahimaskwa's people.

Ruban collected hairs from the jackal and performed a spell summoning his lost magic books and the other ingredients needed for performing a ritual that would give him control of the zombie horde. He managed to pull off the ritual and took control of the zombies. The party then travelled west across the mountains to Fort Betatz, intimidated the commanding officer to let them through, boarded Captain Nahiko's ship, and sailed west toward the Island of War with artifacts from the Warehouse and a zombie army.

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