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Island of War

While sailing west toward across the Ocean of Peace, Ruban suggested the party travel to his home nation on the Great Jungle Island. There, the party met with a local priest who told them about the Island of War and where to find it. Captain Nahiko slipped away to find a fisherman's whorf where she stole a map of the Ocean of Tea from the hobbits.

The party then summoned Neil deGrasse Tyson who explained the she-demon would become even more powerful if she would be allowed to live long enough to witness the upcoming civil war poised to occur on Turtle Island. The party set sail across the Ocean of Tea to the Island of War and docked their ship.

The party explored the town as a storm moved in close. Ranodip summoned a deity of peace who explained to the party the seriousness of their situation. Captain Nahiko saw on the horizon a green ship under the storm clouds and remembered the stories old pirates used to tell. A brass bell from a nearby temple began to toll and the party navigated their way through the village full of elf corpses to the origin of the noise.

Neith rushed into the temple to find any evidence linking the civil war demon to the temple. Meanwhile, the party stayed outside and came face to face with the demon who had finally taken human form. She told the five members of the group about how she re-entered their realm thanks to the Gold Dwarf Revolution. Civil War expressed her disgust at the Spessartites who were the only reason the Gold Dwarves stopped murdering each other in the streets. She also told the group she knew about the upcoming war on Turtle Island and left with a cryptic parting shot about meeting the group on a battlefield in the dwarf lands.

As the group discussed what to do next, Ruban's zombies turned on the group and a great battle ensued. Mistahimaskwa and Bonastre were the main targets of zombie attacks along with Captain Nahiko's unicorn. Ruban scored a crippling blow with his fire hose. Neith used her acrobatics to great use, leaping from roof to roof firing her longbow at zombies in the streets. Ranodip used three of his incendiary grenades to create entire blockades of fire.

When the last of the zombies were dead, the streets and buildings of the island village were aflame. Captain Nahiko's unicorn was greatly injured, Mistahimaskwa's horse had died, Bonastre was seriously injured, and Captain Nahiko was nursing a bite on the neck from one of the zombies.

The party returned to Nahiko's ship as she seriously considered finally opening up her bar on the Island of War. The party discussed their next move. Ruban felt the she-demon's presence in the dwarf lands. Nahiko voiced that if she could join with the Gold Dwarf Emperor, the two could end the war with the Spessartites and the Gold Dwarves would return to a state of civil war. If the party could stop her from succeeding, they could make her weak enough to defeat- and maybe kill- her once and for all.

The ship left the port of the Island of War leaving behind a burning village of slain zombies and murdered elves. Their target destination was set for the dwarf lands and their goal was defined: stop the demon.

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