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Civil War: Prelude to Hero Twin Campaign

Chapter 1: The First Age

The First Age was a period of birth in the world. Humanoid creatures first made use of tools, expanded and adapted to their changing environment, and fractured into three distinct beings- the humans, the elves, and the dwarves. The Dwarves inhabited the continent of Zezen. The Humans inhabited the Scorched Land, and the Elves inhabited Si.

The Dwarves

Zezen was created long before dwarves inhabited the continent. A large heifer was the first being in Zezen and as she licked the glaciers of the land- as it was too cold for liquid water to exist- she formed a glacier. Amak mistook the glacier for a calf and gave it milk. The glacier took the form of a giant man and came to life with Amak’s milk. Elurra- the frost giant- created more giants out of the ice and Amak gave them life. Ellura and his frost giants spread throughout Zezen creating other races of giants such as the stone giants and forest giants.

The giants interbred and through their sowing came the gods of Zezen. The pantheon included masters of lightning and thunder, healing and medicine, music and poetry, travel and commerce, and many others. Poesia was the lord of the gods of Zezen. He was a master of song and verse. Zezen introduced writing to the dwarves. His children included Tximista wielder of Mailu, a mighty hammer that created thunder and lightning; Sagar, a young maiden whose orchard fruit brings the gods of Zezen eternal youth; Erizain, the healer of the gods; and Garbitasun, god of light and purity. Other gods of Zezen include Ortzadar, a master of travel who blows his mighty Adarra which opens the Zubi- a rainbow bridge; Behor, a trickster born of frost giants and adopted brother of Tximista and who is foretold will bring about the end of the final age of the world. There is also Arkulari the archer who was worshiped by dwarves as a god of kings; Itsaso, lady of the sea; Ehizatu, goddess of the snowy mountains who reigns dominion over the Great Hunt- a phantom realm where the spirits of deceased dwarves ride in chase of the ghost harts; and finally Gari, wife of Tximista and goddess of plants.

The First Age lasted 2.6 million years. The dwarves took form in 1 Million and moved to Zezen in 1.5 Million. In 2 Million, a new wave of humans from the Scorched Land came to Zezen and interbred with the dwarves giving them their present form. Dwarves made stone tools for cutting small trees, hunting, and for butchering animals. Behor taught the dwarves how to build fire. The dwarves built rafts to fish on the Erdigune Sea. The dwarves painted on cave walls using ochre and coal, molded small statuettes of dwarves and gods, created fermented beverages from wild fruits, and hunted wild game.

The Humans

The Scorched Land was where all the sentient beings of the world derived. The Three-God created The Scorched Land through three manifestations. Through his creator form, Three-God built the frame of the continent. Through his paradise form, Three-God built the sky over the continent. Through his children life and afterlife, Three-God created living beings. The Scorched Land was formed from a Mollusk shell, ocean sand, ibis feathers, and cotton. White Night took the materials and used her magic to form the continent of Scorched Land whereon the birds of the world converged expanding the continent. The land became fertile through White Night and she began to form clay figures. Three-God sent fire to the continent from Black Night and the continent dried and burned, but brought too the breath of life giving new birth to the continent. The clay figured, baked by the fire, were given life and became the first humanoids.

The gods of the Scorched Land were few and were all manifestations of Three-God, a deity who manifested itself through various forms of three dominions- creation, purity, and life. Three-God made use of the spirits of the long-dead to carry out its tasks on the mortal realm. The spirits took three forms as well. The Masters included Crossroad, a spirit who guards travelers; Love who guards spouses; Rain who guards magicians, and Grain who guards farmers. The second class of spirits are those of morality whose task is to give guidance to the living. The final class of spirits are the souls whose task is to assist humans in the afterlife.

Humans had expanded to live in each corner of the Scorched Land by Five Hundred Thousand in the First Age. They too built stone tools, harnessed fire introduced by the Spider, made use of river rafts, and created cave art. They formed distinct factions, built musical instruments, and hunted powerful creatures such as olifants and saber-tooth cats.

The Elves

Si’s creation was unique in the world. The area was covered in an illusion of land formed by air where the continent had no form yet existed for eternity. Si stood alone among the world, unchanging in is middle form between existence and non-existence. The continent itself gave form to Tongyi, a deity who gave form to Si and brought it fully into the world. Tongyi’s deliverance of Si created Eryuanxing, a deity who used the land of Si to create the third deity- Sanweiyiti. Sanweiyiti took the humanoids who were moving into Si from Scorched Land and divided them into the three beings of dwarves, humans, and elves.

The dwarves departed Si and moved to Zezen. The humans turned back to Scorched Land and remained there. The Elves solely occupied Si spreading to the far reaches of the continent. Tongyi birthed its own pantheon of manifest deities in the South Si. Because these deities were formed by a god of unity, their power was unrivalled among the gods of the world. Among these were Taiyang a deity who wielded the power of the sun; Waiguoren; a deity who wielded the power of destruction; and Muqin, a deity who wields the power of life. Eryuanxing formed the pantheon of East Si. Eryuanxing gave birth to many gods whose task was to maintain the balance of the cosmos. These included Yixue, god of medicine and healing; Lianhua, god of compassion; Long, god of rain; Yinghua, god of rage; and Tuzi, god of sex. Sanweiyiti went to North Si and created a vast pantheon of spirits to reign over the northern lands of Si. Sanweiti gave each object a spirit including rocks, trees, and birds. Sanweiyti imbued in everything a spirit that could guide the northern elves through life and afterlife.

The Elves traveled about their continent and multiplied rapidly. Those of the north traveled with ease among the vast plains and plateaus of North Si. Those of South Si formed factions and created music and art. The elves of East Si continued to multiply, becoming the most numerous of the elves, and were the first of the beings of the world to learn of magic.

The Four

As the three beings formed on the three continents, four demons were born. The demons were born on Ulinawi where sentient beings had yet to inhabit. The four demons traveled to Si, Scorched Land, and Zezen to wreak havoc among the elves, dwarves, and humans. The first demon sired fiends who held dominion over the evils of nature including the first dragon, kraken, and worm. The demon and his spawn brought destruction to the dwarves, elves, and humans; killing the herds of animals they hunted, poisoning the rivers from which they drank, and destroying the shelters under which they slept. Each of the three beings gave the First Demon their own name, but all of them translated to the same word- Hunger- for the demon brought a starvation for food, drink, and shelter.

The First brought with him monsters who tore the races of the world apart, instilling millennia long wars pitting families against each other. Dwarves of North Zezen fought those of the West and South. The Dwarves splintered into three sub-races divided by beard and hair color. The Red Dwarves occupied the north, the Black Dwarves occupied the south, and the Yellow Dwarves occupied the lands between them.

The Elves in Si turned against each other. The South Elves fought the East Elves. The East Elves fought the North Elves. Those of the East broke apart further into four regions all fighting each other. The South Elves broke up into three parts, and fought each other. The Elves of the north broke into four factions and fought amongst themselves.

The Humans in Scorched Land divided into six factions. Those of the northeast settled along a northbound river. Those of the West trekked across a vast desert. Those of the South occupied large stretches of rolling, grassy hills and mighty deserts. Those of in the east settled along the coast. Finally, the Humans at the heart of the Scorched Land settled in the rainforest. All the factions fought each other for survival as resources in all three continents waned.

The Second Demon arrived. She brought with her beasts of warfare. She sired the first nightmare, zombie, and fury. These fiends sired further beasts who brought more warfare to the peoples of the world. The dwarves, humans, and elves gave this demon names translating to Civil War as her monsters turned friends into enemies and brothers into conspirators. As the factions of the war waged against themselves and the beasts of the world tore their victims apart, a third demon arose in the chaos that ensued under the reign of his two siblings.

The Third Demon brought diseased fiends to the world. He sired the first vampire, wraith, and werewolf. Because his fiends sired monsters that diseased the living, this demon was given names translating to Plague. Plague took control of the zombies and undead creatures raging on the planet, sparking a fed with his sister Civil War that gave the people of the world a change to fight back. Thus began the Second Age.

Chapter 2: The Second Age

Section 1: The Centuries of Darkness

The Second Age lasted twenty-thousand years beginning with the war that banished the Four Demons. The Fourth Demon cared little for the sway of the world, but seeing her reign as one of neutral reaping; decided to give the living being a chance to survive. She gave the dwarves, elves, and humans the means with which to defeat her siblings and taught them how to kill the monsters of the world.

This demon invested her work into nineteen factions around the world that she deemed powerful enough to restore the balance of the world. She visited the Azilians- a band of Black Dwarves who settled on the western coast of Zezen- and taught them how to slay sea monsters. She then went east to the eastern coast of Zezen where she taught the Black Dwarves there how to fight gargoyles. The Fourth went to the Scorched Land where in the northwest she taught humans how to fight minotaurs. She then went to the northern coast of Zezen where she taught the Red Dwarves of Fosna how to combat werewolves.

The Fourth then traveled to the western coast of Si where she taught the elves of Harifian and Kebaran how to slay the birds of war; then to the islands off the east coast of Si where she taught elves of Jomon and Jeulmun how to trap the souls of specters. She returned to northern Zezen to teach the Red Dwarves of Komsa how to vanquish wraiths and to the dwarves of Kongemose how to slay centaurs. She taught the Red Dwarves of Kunda how to fight the bog-men and the Black Dwarves of Lepenski Vir how to fight mermaids.

She taught the Maglemosian Dwarves of north Zezen how to fight basilisks. She taught the elves of Natufian how to slay vampires. She taught the Neman Dwarves of eastern Zemen how to dismiss nightmares, the Nosvet Red Dwarves how to fight sirens, and the Sauveterrian Yellow Dwarves how to fight ghouls. The demon taught the yellow dwarves of Tardenoisian how to trap genies, then traveled to Zarzian to teach the elves of Eastern Si how to combat lichens.

The demon refused the reign over the world, but left a gift to the race she had not taught. A group of shamans in the Scorched Land prayed to the demon to give them the gift of insight for how to defeat the fiends of their continent. As Plague, Hunger, and Civil War were retreating to their former realm, the Fourth Demon stole a piece of Civil War’s power and granted it to a young human woman. The woman had powers from each of Civil War’s children and represented the Fourth on the mortal plain as the reaper of monsters. When she died in battle against vampires, the Fourth Demon gave the gift to an elf woman starting a tradition of inheritance that would last for eternity.

Section 2: The Centuries of Light

As the half-demon women chronologically took the mantle for slaying the monsters of the world, the fiends began to fear the living. The dwarves, humans, and elves earned a new place in their world as civil strife diminished; diseases waned; and hunger was replaced by food surplus. Elves in the Southwest Peninsula of Si mated with humans migrating out of the Scorched Land to form the half-elves. Nomadic north elves mated with Red Dwarves in Eastern Zezen to form the gnomes. Elves in the southeast of Si sailed to nearby islands and became the halflings. Elves in northwest Si followed herds of animals across a bridge built of ice and snow and discovered a new continent- where from the Four Demons had derived. The bridge of ice and snow slowly melted and the elves of the new continent became isolated and became the dark elves.

The Halflings

The islands southeast of Si were divided into four distinct regions. A large desert island in the south was created through the dreams of the gods. Mountains, rivers, and plants were all created through the dreams of the immortals. The island came to be known by the halfings who settled there as Koraha and it was built by Aniwaniwa- the rainbow snake. Aniwaniwa formed the mountains and deserts as the gods told him about their dreams. He named lands and gave them form through song and dance. He imbued upon the halflings of Koraha the gift of medicine and healing, but also brought sickness and weakness.

To the north of Koraha was a series of longitudinal islands spanning from Si to Koraha. There were many lordly deities of these islands and the halfings there worshiped different gods on different islands. Raihi was a goddess of fertility to the halflings in the western Waenganui Islands. Rangatira was a protector of kings and good people in the central Waenganui Islands. Kokonati was a goddess worshipped in the eastern Waenganui Islands. Ika was a sea goddess who halflings of the Waenganui Islands prayed to for smooth sailing. Halflings here build tools for farming tuber crops which sustained a booming population.

North of the Waenganui Islands was another island chain that arched in a “V” shape from the islands of the west coast of Si down to the eastern jungle island of Waenganui and northeast toward the islands of fire. The Iti Islands were created by a god who was lost at sea. His only method of survival was to build land and so he formed a vast chain of islands to survive and build a new home. Waka built his home of on an island he built of limestone, then invited other gods to join him. His daughter Kaipatu slew Waka. The other gods of the islands trapped Kaipati in a limestone pillar on the island her father had created first. When halflings came to the islands, they worshiped heroes of myth and legend over the deities of the islands which they saw as immoral.

West of these three island groups lay the islands of fire. These islands were created by Puia who harness fire to create rocky islands spanning a massive triangular region from Koraha to Hatun- the continent where goblins would eventually inhabit- to Kowhai- a group of islands halfway between the lands of the elves and the dark elves. The halflings who inhabited the Ahi Islands were masters of sailing, traversing thousands of miles of open ocean to trade with one another. They have a vast respect for the shark god Mango, and worshiped four chief deities. These were Ai, god of procreation; Manu, god of the sky; Ua, the god of rain; and Wheke, god of the sea. They also worshiped Kanikani, goddess of the dance; Ruru protector of families; and Hukarere, goddess of snow.

The Dark Elves

The dark elves inhabited the continent known as Ulinawi. Ulinawi was once a great floating island suspended from the sky by four divide tethers. A beetle from the sky came down to see what lay beneath the water. There was no place to rest above the waves and Dayunisi sank to the bottom of the world ocean. The other animals thought Dayunisi had drown until he came up from the depths with a small amount of mud. The mud expanded and became Ulinawi.

By the time the dark elves inhabited Ulinawi, the gods of the continent were divided. In Western Ulinawi, the most prestigious of the gods was Alisi the Grandmother of the continent. Her children were Kalugu the lord of the desert sun; and Ayohuhisdi, guard to the doorway to the afterlife. In the Southeast was Atsilu, bringer of warmth who brought fire and light to the Dark Elves. In the north was Aluli, protector of mothers and children; Unatsi who lived under the ice and gave good luck to fishermen; Kalona, the trickster who had convinced Dayunisi to look underwater for land and who had through his tricks with Wohali- lord of thunder- created sky. Among the most powerful of the gods of North Ulinawi was Sunoyi who controlled the moonlight and brought darkness in winter.

On the Vast Plains there ruled Guli, a trickster; Tsi’s, master of magic; Sunoyi the thunder bird; and Elaqua who brought wisdom to the Dark Elves. In the southern peninsula of Ulinawi was Agasgu, bringer of rain; Iga, lord of volcanoes; Tludatsi, who commands the hurricanes; Ama, god of the sea; Danuwa, lord of war; and Tsolanu, god of wind and harvest. Along with their children, the gods of the southern peninsula reigned over the dark elves who settled there. The dark elves of the region began farming maize and squash to feed their growing population.

The Elves, Dwarves, and Humans

Among the elves, a revolution was beginning. The Southern and Western Elves were starting a new path toward population growth beginning with agriculture. Rainfall became scarce in the Centuries of Darkness, so to combat draught, the elves built irrigation systems allowing life to flourish in the desert landscape. The Southern Elves began farming wheat and barley and herded cattle, sheep, and goats. Eastern elves began cultivating rice, herding pigs and raising chickens.

Dwarves began farming in Five Thousand, building stone villages around grain farms. They cremated their dead to prevent them from becoming vampires and zombies. Yellow Dwarves expanded to the Spessartite Isles and build megalith structures.

Humans in Northern Scorched Land began herding sheep and goats. They traded with the half-elves east of them for grains and other farmed foods. They gathered wild plants, fished, and hunted for further sustenance. As the populations of the peoples of the world expanded, the monsters of the world fell into near extinction.

Chapter 3: The Third Age

First Period

The Third Age began when the fiends sired by the Four Demons no longer proved a threat to the races of the world. Humans, Dwarves, and Elves were no longer the only beings. The Dark Elves crossed the southern peninsula into Hatun and became the goblins. Halflings interbred with elves to become the fairies.

The half-elves built massive cities where magicians and warlocks summoned the power of the stars. Five major regions of Half-Elves emerged and each was known for building stone pyramids. Shney Narut was the foundation of the first Half-Elf Empire. Miseer in the west on Scorched Land was divided into Upper and Lower Miseer and it constantly engaged in civil conflict with itself. Nehoshit lay between Miseer and Shney Narut and consisted of the descendants of slaves who escaped servitude from the Miseerians. In the northwest were the Herri who lived in the mountains and formed a brief empire in the First Period of the Third Age. Finally there was the Susiim, masters of horses, who rode down from central Si to create the first united half-elf empire.

Northern Elves took to horseback as well and formed tribes of nomadic horsemen and horsewomen who ruled lands from the Ocean of Peace east of Si to the lands of the Gnomes west of Si. These elves were known to be fierce warriors and men and women both fought in battle. Gnomes told tales of warrior elf women to such an extent that many Gnome histories recount the founding of entire nations by female warriors. In Eastern Si, elves settled along major rivers and build massive cities to house their enormous populations. Two major empires rose and fell in the central lands of the Eastern Elves before the first unified empire was formed. In Southern Si, elves build large cities as well and produced metals that rivaled all others.

Fairies began building civilizations in the rainforests of their world making homes in the trees and caves, lit only by the blue light of their wings. They carved monuments of out stone and traded with the halfling and elf neighbors.

The Eastern Black Dwarves formed city-states and fought amongst each other, telling histories of great wars and drawn-out sieges. The Yellow dwarves crafted goods of gold and copper, built ornate cemeteries, and traded with the Gnomes. The Western Black Dwarves built stone structures and cultivated the land for grains. They mastered city planning building cities with right-angled streets, crafted objects out of bronze and silver, and laid the foundations for the first dwarven empire in Zezen. Red Dwarves experimented with seafaring and built boats that could travel across seas.

The Goblins built stone cities on the west coast, mound cities in the eastern jungle, and established nomadic hunting bands in the southern mountains. The Western Goblins smelted copper and bronze, making intricate jewels. The Dark Elves of the southern peninsula continued cultivating crops and built stone temples in the desert and jungle.

Second Period

Iron became a major product for weaponry in the Second Period of the Third Age and in the year 2000, the Half-Elf Empire maintained their empire by armies armed with iron weapons. The empire did not last however- as a Black Dwarf founded the first Dwarf Empire on the ruins of the conquered Susiim. Upon his death, Dwarf Emperor Babestu was replaced by a splintering force of his former generals who all vied for his throne.

As the Eastern Black Elves fought among each other for control of the Babestu Empire, a city-state in the Western Black Dwarf lands was fighting constant wars of survival. After a thousand years of non-stop war, the dwarf city of Otso had expanded to become its own empire ruling lands in Zezen, the Scorched Land, and Si. The empire flourished for five hundred years before losing half its territory to invading Red Dwarves.

In Si, the Zongyand Empire unified a warring elf population to become a beacon of solidarity among the Eastern Elves. The Di’er overthrew the Zongyand when its rulers became weak. The Xiang Empire in Southern Si unified the southern elf city-states to become strong enough to contend with the Susiim and the Zongyand. When the Zongyand were overthrown, Xiang peasants overthrew their imperial masters and formed a new empire in Southern Si called the Cha Empire.

During this time, a massive migration of humans in the heart of the Scorched Land began. Migrants expanded east and south to start new tribes, nations, and empires in the Scorched Land. In the northeast, humans briefly controlled Miseer instating a warrior class of former human slaves known as the Hubad. The human rulers of Miseer lasted briefly before the Susiim invaded. The Hubad were given special rights by the Susiim for their bravery, battle-might, and elite command. Under the rule of the Otso Empire, the Hubad nearly went extinct, losing all but one hundred of their members through open battle or extermination.

The Third Period

The Third Period began with the downfall of the major civilizations of the world. The mound-building Dark Elves retreated from their cities into the woodlands. The stone temple builders returned to small-scale hunters in the southern peninsula, and the goblins in Hatun left their great cities in ruin.

The eastern half of the Otso Empire held out, lasting until the year 3550 when a new half-elf empire founded by the Herri over-ran the capital. The Yellow Dwarves and Western Black Dwarves were split into scores of small kingdoms all vying for the control of small tracts of land. Red Dwarves from Northern Zezen raided the Spessartite Isles and the western coasts of Zezen for slaves and loot, Eventually forming permanent settlements in the Spessarite Isles, the Red Dwarves interbred with the Yellow Dwarves to form the only kingdom of Orange Dwarves- the Spessartites. The West Black Dwarves of the Burdina Peninsula united to fight the invading Humans from the Northern Scorched Lands and became the Silver Dwarves forming two permanent kingdoms, Mendebalde and Ekialde. The Spessartites fought wars for five hundred years before finally solidifying control over the dwarves of the Spessartite Isles. Their wars with the Gold Dwarves on mainland Zezen helped unify their internal control through nationalist pride- but formed a long-time enemy of their neighbors.

The Herri Empire overcame the Otsoans in Si and once again united the half-elves. They lost control briefly when a massive empire of North Elves invaded, but regained control within two hundred years to solidify a lasting empire. The Northern Elves had launched a never-before-seen campaign across Si, conquering every elf faction except the islands across the sea to the east known as Nifon. The Nifon Elves maintained a culture of honor built around a warrior code stressing discipline and loyalty to the emperor who ruled through warlords. When the Yonggan of northern Si attempted to invade, the Nifon invoked the wrath of a massive sea storm that sank most of the Yonggan ships, then lay waste to the few Yonggan warriors as they came ashore. The defeat sparked revolutions among the entire Yonggan Emprie which spanned from the Ocean of Peace all the way west into gnome lands, half-elf lands, human lands, and dwarf lands and south into fairies and halfling lands.

The lasting effect of the Yonggan was a massive trans-continental trade network connecting halflings, fairies, elves, half-elves, gnomes, dwarves, and humans. The Herri Empire reformed at the heart of the trade network and built a fortune off its profits. Human kings and emperors in the Scorched Land became rich off their gold exports to the Herri, Eastern Elves became rich from silk exports, Fairies became rich from spices traded into the network, and dwarves became rich from mineral resources like gold and silver.

Ulinawi, another trade network flourished. Dark Elves had reformed their mound cities to connect trade from the Nuya Mountains in the west to the eastern ocean and from the lakes of the north to the southern sea. At the heart of the trade network was a city of gold. The mayor of the metropolis was the wealthiest Dark Elf on the continent. His mound rose above all the others and from atop, he could see for hundreds of miles along the great rivers of Ulinawi. In the southern peninsula, the dark elves were forming massive stone cities where the Uliyesdi built an empire of intimidation. They fought wars where warriors who captured enemies in battle would cannibalize them in a ritual sacrifice meant to frighten their enemies into submission. Desert dwellers in the west build cities out of mud bricks sheltered under cliffs.

In Hatun, a new empire was formed on the western coast that spanned the entire coast. In the jungle, mound builders rebuilt their ruined cities to establish trade from one ocean to the other. Goblins expanded north into a series of islands that arched north to west between Hatun and Ulinawi that became known as the Goblin Islands.

A Silver Dwarf sailor, unaware of these two vast continents, sailed west in search of a way to outsmart the Herri Empire and found its own trade empire. He landed in the Goblin Islands and it was there that the First Demon awoke. Hunger returned to the earth, making a deal with the Silver Dwarf to give wealth in exchange for mass destruction in Ulinawi and Hatun. The Demon raged across the two continents and the Silver Dwarves reaped the benefits of the starving Dark Elves and Goblins.

The Spessartites, Gold Dwarves, and Red Dwarf kingdoms took advantage of the new found lands, sailed west, and staked their own claims to the lands of the dying Dark Elves. Massive wars were fought on Ulinawi for control of the continent. The Ekialdi Dwarves interbred with Dark Elves to sire the Dark Gnomes. The Gold Dwarves sent merchants and hunters to trap mammals for fur trading. The Spessartites formed colonies on the East Coast to rival their neighbors. The plan backfired.

The Spessartite colonists in Ulinawi rebelled and in a seven year-long war gained their freedom. The successful war of independence convinced the Gold Dwarf peasants- mistreated by their tyrannical kings- to revolt. When the peasants decapitated the entire royal family in the streets of the capital, Civil War reemerged. She profited greatly by the revolutions in Zezen, and inspired revolts among the Dark Gnomes.

The Spessartites- in a desire to restore calm among the Gold Dwarves, united the remaining dwarf nations to combat the Gold Dwarves. The Gold Dwarves united to combat their new enemies, launched wars to establish an empire, and ultimately lost to the unified dwarves at the Battle of Uraren Baso. The Gold Dwarves were finally passified, starvation in the world subsided- sending Hunger back to his home realm- and leaving Civil War on the brink of exile.

In the new nation of dwarves that formed in Ulinawi- Larrunana- a massive war was brewing. As the dwarf nation expanded westward, Larrunana was tearing itself apart. The southern counties relied on human slaves for labor after the Dark Elves were driven to near extinction. The northern counties for the most part had outlawed the enslavement of humans from the Scorched Lands and as the nation expanded, the topic of the abolition of slavery increasingly pushed the young nation toward civil war. In the year 3860, an Abolitionist was elected Steward- as these dwarves refused reign through monarchy- and the southern counties began to declare independence and war. Civil War now had another chance to wreak havoc on the world.


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