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The Vampire Slayer

Shao, Tillo, and Sauc traveled to the border city of Jauregi where intelligence told them the half-demon was stationed. After exploring the seedier parts of town, the party found the half-demon playing cards at the casino. Tillo made plans to speak with the dwarf woman later in the evening before departing to rejoin his party.

The party had a second calling in Jauregi. Steward Aita convened in secret a meeting with delegates from nations around the globe to discuss the serious threat facing Turtle Island. The three members of the party represented their home nations among representatives from the elves, dwarves, humans, gnomes, and half-elves. The party learned that vampires were becoming a threat in the dwarven lands and that the half-elves where quite knowledgeable on the topic of Civil War. The elves of Eastern Si revealed they currently had a half-demon.

As Shao ducked out into the halls, the two delegates from the Gnome Empire followed him. The two were agents for at Warehouse 11 and came to collect the Ancient Blade. Shao uncontrolably unsheathed the blade and turned the agents into ash.

The rest of the conference charged into the hall after hearing the commotion. Tillo and Sauc were able to save Shao and resheath the blade with the assistance of Ehizatu. Steward Aita spoke with the party telling them further instances between Shao and the Ancient Blade could lead to ruin.

Before the agents' deaths, they told Shao the blade contained the soul of Hunger- the first true demon- and that continued use could bring the demon back to the world. The conference revealed the existance of Civil War and Plague in the mortal realm, and that the final four of the demons was entirely unknown.

The party returned the the half demon, Zazpigarren. They told her the news from the conference and updated her on the possibility of a half-demon in Eastern Si. After a brief confuse, Zaz finally realized there could be truth to the rumor. Half-demons only exist one at a time. As soon as one died, she is immediately replaced by someone in the realm. Zaz had drown in a creek during a fight with a vampire, but was revived by her watcher. It was enough to spark a new half-demon- and creating a new set of hero twins.

Zazpigarren saw Shao's Ancient Blade and recounted its history when it belonged to a previous half-demon.

"This blade corrupts whoever wields it," Shao told the girl.

Zaz unsheathed the sword and wielded it without faze. "I'm not whoever."

As the party paused in their surprise, Zaz rotated the blade ninety degrees to reveal the half-demon inside. The party spoke with the two half-demons before leaving. Shao gave Zaz the sword and breathed a sigh of relief as he departed the blade free of its control.

Pincker himself appeared before the party as they exited the Jauregi Red Light District. He had urgent news from the front. A rebel army was invading the northern counties for the first time in the war and if it could take Jauregi, no force could stop it from taking the Loyalist capital. The party was dispatched north to the army of General Otso to be lead intelligence scouts in the upcoming battle.

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