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Mithras Issue 1.5

Mithras traveled to an old library in Kalapia county where he remembered a section contained dark histories. In the dark vault, Mithras found an aged book bound in cracked leather containing an second-hand account of the first half-demon.

In the Second Age of the world- before the Tree of Life bloomed- four demons birthed on Turtle Island. The first three sired monsters who terrorized the mortals of the world. The fourth demon desired balance and taught the races of the world how to combat the fiends. In the Scortched Land- home of the humans, the fourth ripped a piece of Civil War's soul away from her and embued it into the body of a human girl. The humans used the girl as a weapon to fight monsters and when she died, the fourth demon placed the soul in a new girl and the line continued.

One of the half-demons wielded a blade forged from meteorite and with the blade- forged by a sorceror whose name is lost to history- she was able to slay Hunger and the demon was trapped inside the blade. Plague slew his sister Civil War in an attempt to rule the entire realm, but Plague too was finally defeated. The demons of the world were forgotten and the Tree of Life bloomed into the Third Age.

Mithras left the library and headed deep into Dark Elf lands. Mithras spent time with the dark elves after escaping slavery. They taught him to speak their language and told him of a mythical pair of twins. Mithras returned to the land that welcoming him to learn more about the hero twins. The local elder greeted Mithras and told him the tale of two half-elves existing at the same time. One of the girls- a dark elf- had died in battle with a serpent monster in a river, but her trainer revived her. A new half-demon was created on Turtle Island and the two half-demons served side-by-side in battle.

While in the dark elf village, Mithras received an urgent fox from Sauc, Shao, and Tillo. They had discovered a second half-demon may live in Eastern Si and they needed Mithras to investigate. Mithras departed the dark elves and headed across the Ocean of Peace.

In Eastern Si, Mithras discovered he had entered a war zone. A war had begun that pitted dwarven colonial powers against the Elven natives and the fight had been going on for decades.

In the midst of the war, Mithras tracked down the head of the Council of Guardians- a guild of battle trainers dedicated to preparing half-demons for fighting the fiends of the world. The council gave him to location of the new Elven half-demon.

Mithras made contact with the girl and explained how the previous half-demon still live. He told her about thre four demons and how only through working with the other half-demon could Civil War be delivered from the mortal realm. Aigiarne's guardian agreed the partnership was necessary. Aigiarne, her guardian, and Mithras left Eastern Si and traveled to Turtle Island.

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