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Land of the Forgotten

Shao and Sauc traveled to the Dark Elf Land of the Forgotten with the assistance of one of Sauc's deities. The two first came upon three rivers. They tip-toed across the river of scorpions, then waded across the river of blood- Shao riding on Sauc's back- and finally built a small raft and forded the river of puss.

Meanwhile, Tillo- in his trials of hell- had to endure six rooms. He first passed through the room without light, then snuck his way through the room full of jaguars. He escaped the room of shrieking bats and after, the room of flying razors. Finally, he crossed a room of fire and a room of ice.

Shao and Sauc came upon a crossroads where Shao prayed for divine guidance. The two continued to the hall of the lords of the dead who played tricks on the two detectives. The two passed on and were met on an athletic field by their companion Tillo. To escape the Land of the Forgotten, the three detectives would have to defeat the lords of the underworld in a ball game and they needed an extra player.

A dark elf woman in the hell dimension volunteered to assist the detectives with the promise that if they win- that they take her with them back to the land of the living. The four players balled hard against the lords of the underworld. To win the game, one athlete had to throw a ball through a hoop suspended from a wall. Only a single successful throw from either team was needed to win the game. After a long period of time where the ball ranged from control at the hands of both teams, but it was finally the stranger who landed the sole successful throw. The dark elf woman and the three detectives were returned to the mortal realm.

Once returned, the stranger changed form into a red dress and a marigold in her hair. "I am the servant of a powerful being," the woman reported. "And you have gained her favor today." The woman disapeared leaving behind the orange flower and a sense of mystery. The detectives decided to investigate further and set their sights on Arrananoma City to find the "powerful being" their mystery woman reports to.

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