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Death and Fish Tacos

The newly had been returned to the Land of the Living in Arrananoma- a nation of dark gnomes south of Larrunana. The three detectives traveled to the capital of Arrananoma where the woman of the orange flower told them they could find the 4th demon.

The party members split up once in the city. Shao went to the Red Light District where he found a cantina with the greatest fish tacos in the realm, Tillo went to find local musicians to learn from, and Sauc went to explore an artifact museum.

Tillo accidentally ran into musicians to whom he owed a great deal of money from his time as a gang member on the Arrananoma-Larrunana border. Sauc snagged a jaguar cloak from the museum, and Shao learned of a dark presence haunting the city.

The three party members dispatched to three lakes in the area to locate the dark presence in the city. Each member attempted to hone in on what evil haunted the region. Shao waded into his lake and was pulled under by the hands of a hundred ghost children. Only a mental prayer to one of his gods saved him from death.

Tillo attempted to summon his patron deity, but instead incurred the presence of a dark deity from his pantheon who froze time around him and warned him of what evils lay ahead on his journey.

Sauc learned of the location of Dark Gnome temple built on the ruins of an ancient Dark Elf temple which would contain the location of the 4th Demon. The party members reconvened over more fish tacos. Tillo pick-pocketed a temple priest and the three detectives snuck into the temple where the demon called home.

Sauc placed the flower given to them by the woman in their previous encounter on a shrine formed from a pomegranate tree. The 4th Demon appeared in the form of a human woman wearing a white tunic.

The demon revealed the origin of the Four and their primary purpose for being sent to the realm. The four demons were sent to the Land of the Living as population control- given the powers of famine, war, disease, and death to limit the power of the elves, humans, and dwarves.

The first demons abused their powers and attempted to rule the world- fighting each other to take over. Civil War defeated Hunger and Plague defeated Civil War. The 4th Demon stayed neutral- true to her purpose. After her three siblings' spawns destroyed the world, the 4th created a weapon that could be used to balance the scales. As Plague slew his sister Civil War, the 4th ripped a piece of Civil War's soul away and placed it inside of a human girl. The 4th taught the dwarves, half-elves, elves, and other races how to fight the descendants of her siblings while the Half-Demon human girl fought the evil monsters.

The three detectives spoke more with the 4th and learned that only the weapons of the next demon up could kill the previous- meaning only those monsters descended from Plague would be able to kill Civil War. The three detectives were content with their new knowledge and decided to leave Arrananoma and return to the war to the north.

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