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Turning Point

Steward Aita summoned the three detectives to a secret meeting to discuss the last major campaigns of the war. At the meeting were Aita, General Eman (who the party members served under after the Pony Express campaign), the newest Half-Demon, and Aita' vampire bodyguard.

Sauc, Shao, and Tillo were convinced they needed to become Wraiths, werewolves, and/or vampires because those were the monsters created by Plague- and the weapons they would need to stop Civil War. At the table, those present discussed how one could become these three monsters. General Eman had recently become a werewolf during a battle in the western theatre. the Half-Demon Aigiarne had recovered the Ancient Blade after Zazpigarren's (the dwarf Half-Demon) death in a recent battle.

The party members attempted to persuade Shao to use the blade and become a wraith while Tillo would become a werewolf and Sauc a vampire. The bodyguard in the room was ready to sire Sauc, and the Half-Demon handed over the Ancient blade. Eman was set to turn Tillo, but just as the vampire prepared to convert Sauc, Aigiarne fired a wooden bolt into the vampire and slew him.

Aigiarne routed from the room and Sauc chased in pursuit. Outside the building, the two faced each other. "I did this for the greater good," Aigiarne warned. "I would gladly die to protect the world from more vampires."

Sauc used his bullhorn and set the Half-Demon on fire. The elf girl stood stoically aflame until her soul departed. The last piece of the Hero Twins was dead and while a new Half-Demon was called up somewhere in the world, the remaining members of the meeting were forced to restrategise.

Eman had now changed his mind and was unwilling to create a new werewolf. Instead, the three detectives decided on a more divine route. The three summoned the dwarven god of wine- while attempting to summon the goddess of beauty- and set out to defeat the god... in a drinking contest.

To become a god, a mortal must defeat the reigning deity in a contest of their power. The detectives attempted to duel the drinking deity- but failed and woke up with powerful hangovers.

Sauc changed himself into the form of a beautiful Drow woman and challenged the Elven goddess of fertility to a beauty contest. The two competed in a series of challenges before a tie-breaker round resulted in Sauc's victory. She became the new Elf goddess of fertility and the sky.

Tillo and Shao considered their options with General Eman and Steward Aita while Sauc put her new abilities to use. She flew to a Drow village wherein lay the belt used by the Great Peacemaker. Because of her beauty, the drows gave Sauc the belt made to end civil wars.

The Sauc returned to her companions, the meeting had set a new strategy. The Civil War demon was isolated inside the rebel capital. General Eman would lead a massive campaign to lay siege to the city. The detectives would get inside and fight the demon while Eman and his army would combat the rebel forces outside the city.

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