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Mithras Issue 2.5

Mithras went back to detective work after leaving the elven half-demon in safe hand on Turtle Island. Pinker's sent him to work with General Eman who was launching an assault against Irabazi- a fortified town on the Father of Waters. It was the last rebel stronghold on the river and Eman could not find a way to breach the defenses.

Mithras worked with Eman on starving the defenders who would be forced to surrender or die of hunger. During the siege, Eman was bitten by a werewolf in the forest outside the town. After the fort surrendered, Mithras was sent elsewhere after news of a massive battle in the east caught his attention.

The dwarven half-demon was serving in the Loyalist army and had died in the battle. The elven half-demon needed help recovering the Ancient Blade to make sure it did not fall into the wrong hands.

Each half-demon is given a guardian whose task is to train them how to slay the monsters sired by demons. When the elven half-demon and her guardian found the Ancient Blade, Aigiarne's guardian attempted to wield the sword- but was immediately corrupted by its power. As the demon in the sword began to take hold, Mithras rushed forward and tackled the guardian to the ground.

Blue fire poured from the guardian's eyes and he begged for Mithras to kill him before the demon took control. Mithras thrust his dagger into the guardian's heart and sent Aigiarne away with the sword telling her to never allow another to wield the sword.

Mithras then went deep undercover working with his contacts in an underground network of escaped slaves to find the location of a Rebel-controlled prisoner of war camp. As winter bitterly raged around him, Mithras ventured deep into rebel lands where all humans are considered somebody's property. He found the location of the prisoner of war camp and helped one hundred Loyalist soldier escape back to their native soil.

The rebels split their armies into two locations; the Father of Waters and the Eastern Coast. In the forested hills between them, the Loyalists launched the largest campaign of the war. General Moztu was launching a fish-hook assault through the rebel central counties heading south then east where he planned to attack coastal cities and further divide the enemy forces. Mithras met up with General Moztu who used ferocious tactics to burn his way across the rebel counties. When the general reached the Eastern Coast, the rebel forces divided their few remaining soldiers defending the capital to deal with the new threat.

Mithras rode north and met back with General Eman who had the last major rebel army on the run. On the even of the Spring Melt, General Eman sat down with the Rebel General Distiratsu to discuss the terms for surrender. Eman and Distiratsu discussed their service in a foreign war before finally coming to terms with the events before them.

Distiratsu surrendered his soldiers and weapons to Eman who allowed the rebel dwarves to keep their ponies and hogs which they would need in the upcoming harvest. General Eman was a farmer before the war, and understood the rebuilding of his nation would have to start with the re-sowing of crops.

Mithras returned to the Pinker's office and met with Shao- an ally from years before. The two told tales of their wars over drinks at a local tavern. They poured one out for their fallen comrades Sauc and Tillo, the two half-demons, and the thousands of dwarves, dark elves, and dwarves who died in the civil war.

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