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Cabin in the Woods

Shao met with Pinker a week after Civil War was defeated in an emergency conference with Pinker's top detectives. The dwarf told the council the Steward had been assassinated- and likely by a vampire. Only two detectives volunteered to hunt down the assassin and bring him to justice, Shao and Mithras.

The two tracked the renegade to a cabin on the border of the Loyalist and Rebel counties. There, the two fought with the monster, trapping his escape and slaying him in the abandoned home.

Upon the vampire's death, a figure appeared from the darkness as a storm rolled in beyond the doors of the building.

"I suppose I must thank you," the figure said as he approached. "Had you not slain my sister, I never would have taken full form."

Plague set fire to the building with the two detectives locked inside. While Shao escaped through a crawlspace, Mithras had a vision.

Mithras' soul transported to a hot desert in the Scorched Land- his home. A wanderer approached with two mounts. Mithras and the wanderer spoke and the stranger told Mithras he had arrived to deliver Mithras to the land of the dead.

After the stranger offered to tell Mithras of the future of the land of the living, Mithras learned Plague would only continue to gain power and that a new war was brewing. Among the Dwarves there would arise a century of war that would engulf the entire realm with new machines and beasts that would destroy the living.

Back at the cabin, Shao turned to help Mithras escape the burning cabin. Looking into the flames, he saw Mithras smile before the flames engulfed him. Shao sheathed the Ancient Blade and walked away from Larrunana with a new mission; defeat Plague.

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