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Shao Issue 2.1

Shao disappeared from the records after his departure from the burnt cabin. His wanderings took him across the world where he tracked down clues that would lead him to Plague. A war in the dwarven lands pitted a werewolf red dwarf against the Gold Dwarves. On turtle island, the Fur Dwarves continued to intrude on Drow lands. Gnomes waged war against the Half-Elf Empire in the Elven Lands.

But for all these wars, none showed signs of Plague. Shao met with a retired pirate woman in the Tea Ocean who told him she too had once battled with Civil War. Shao turned his attention backwards to track down all those who battled previous demons- Civil War and Hunger- to find new evidence on his new adversary.

When Shao went to the Gnome Lands, he found within a war of independence, the grave of a mercenary who had died one hundred years before- a Spessartite named Bonastre who too had battled Civil War. He then traveled to the Long Island just east of the Great Desert Island in the Halfling Lands. There he found a great wizard who could transform into a bird- who told Shao of his battles with Civil War.

A new piece of evidence peaked Shao's interest when a dwarven girl reported she had entered a different realm. Published in Spessartite scrolls, a young girl reported she had entered a different world and returned with stories that challenged the present views of reality.

Shao now turned his attention not to Plague's present location- but his origin. Unbeknownst to Shao, a different dwarf was arriving from a different realm- but this one was not of Shao's world. Arriving in a wicker basket, a dwarven infant appeared in Turtle Island among farmers in the Vast Plains. A married couple adopted the child and began raising him as their own.

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