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Second Battle of the Long Coats

When the vernal rains ended, the Legionnaires looked up from their trenches to find the Mujikan advance resumed. The Mujikans began the second invasion with an artillery barrage of mysterious purple smoke bombs which littered the fields and trenches of the Jabalina forces. As the Legionnaires attempted to see through the smoke, horrific beasts began pouring out of the haze. The soldeirs' greatest fears came to life before them. A flaming wraith terrorized Lore's squadron. Shi'eh went blind and fumbled to find help. A werewolf began attacking Shun and his squadron. Shi'eh's sword bearer attempted to pray for help, but was met by roots dragging him underground.

The platoon was tearing itself apart from the smoke which caused them to hallucinate monsters among them. Shi'eh swung madly at the unseen force battering her with a mace- killing her medic. Shun fired his crossbow into the werewolf, killing one of his soldiers. Lore could see through the horrors however and as the smoke cleared away, the platoon discovered they had lost four soldiers to friendly fire in the confusion.

The sound of charging infantry roared across the valley. The Mujikan infantry were charging toward the Legion. Shi'eh reformed her platoon and prepared them for battle. Within eyesight of the enemy, four of Shun's remaining soldiers retreated. Shi'eh's swordbearer- Portuputos- charged out of the trenches headlong into the enemy while the rest of the platoon held their line. The Mujikans on the right flank attacked Lore's squadron. One of the Mujikans landed a critical blow and dismembered one of Lore's arms. At the center, Shi'eh commanded a squadron after its commander was slain by the enemy. On the left flank, Shun and his flagbearer held the line against the Mujikans flowing into the trench.

Before the trench, Portuputos landed a critical blow to one of the enemy sergeants. Shun fired a critical shot into the Mujikan Lieutenant, and Lore's platoon continued to hold the line against the fierce enemy axemen. When Portuputos decapitated the enemy flagbearer, he raised the severed head to the heavens and called on the enemy to surrender or face the same end. Those on the left flank threw down their weapons.

The enemy on the right flank however continued fighting. Lore called on his squadron to withdraw and leave her alone in the fight. Her troops fell back and she readied herself for a destructive attack. Lore summoned her arcane skills and erupted with flames in a 25 foot radius burning the Mujikans alive.

Shun negotiated the surrender of the Mujikan soldiers on his flank and interrogated their officer- the only sergeant to survive the attack. He learned of news from the eastern front where the Otvud Empire was launching a massive attack forcing the Mujikans to pull troops away from the Western front and slowing the war against Jabalina.

The Legionnaires who retreated in battle were executed for cowardice. The surviving Legionnaires returned to camp to learn they would be pulled off the line and given leave in the Jabalina capital before reassignment. The Longcoats Campaign was over, and the Foreign Legion successfully repelled the Mujikan invasion.

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