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Tower of Fire

With the winter winds blowing snow into the front lines, the Legion was pulled back for leave in the Jabalina capital city of Zikinkeria. The city was an ancient town carved out of a mountain where only a single building- a look-out tower- peared outside. The Legion officers reported to their commanding officer before being allowed to explore the city in peace.

Most of the Legionnaires explored the city's museum and shopping districts; learning much about the history of Miseer, South Zezen, and the Twin River Half-Elves. Lt. Shi'eh explored the Red Light District and discovered some of her soldiers having a different kind of "leave," and scaring them into spending the rest of the week at the barracks. Shun sat down in the human district and enjoyed mint tea with some of his fellow countrymen who had immigrated to the city a decade before.

Shun then explored the Food District and met a mysterious drow man. When the two met outside, the drow warned Shun not to eat the food. When Shun returned to the restaurant, he found the entire restaurant full of corpses killed by food poisoning. The party returned to the barracks that night and reported the mass murder, but a more dire situation had unfolded. Mujikan dragons were incoming for a raid on the city and the Legionnaires were the only soldiers there to defend it. The Legion awoke at 3am, dispersed throughout the city, and readied themselves for battle.

The party's company was stationed to defend the upper levels of the tower which rose above the peak of the mountain. When the dragons flew in, one immediately targeted the tower for its attack. Lore used her magic and placed an eagle cry on the attacking dragon. The other dragons- fearing a roc counter-attack- fled back to Mujika.

The Company battled the dragon, making successful attacks early on with their scorpions. The dragon however was too strong for the Legionnaires. It spit fire into the tower burning dozens of men alive. One floor of the tower was crushed when the dragon smashed its foundation dropping the two floors above it onto the Legionnaires inside. Lt. Shi'eh and her swordbearer Portoputos were targeted by the dragon on fought non-stop to put out their burning skin. After two hours of fighting the dragon, Lore made a difficult decision. Seeing the massive loss of life and the almost unharmed assailant, she placed an eagle call on the tower sending the dragon back to Mujika.

When the wounded Legionnaires returned to the city, only thirty of the eighty soldiers of the company survived. The soldiers stumbled down the stairs to find the entire city cheering their successful defense of the city. The bloodied soldiers had little to celebrate however. Their captain was killed in the fire-fight and most of their fellow soldiers had perished. For his quick thinking and commanding the troops in the wave of his captain's death, Shun was promoted to captain. Lore received a second purple heart and Shi'eh and Portoputos received their first.

With over 50% casualties, the Legion would be without pause. The Mujikans were withdrawing from the trenches on the front lines to regroup for another invasion. The Legion would be taksed with capturing the forward Mujikan forts in order to push the front lines outside of Jabalina territory. The battered Legionnaires wrapped their wounds, departed the city, and marched forward to their next battle.

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