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Long Count

During the Winter of 3915, Shun and Portuputos set out to train the new Legionnaires who would carry the banner of the decimated division back into battle. The two established a well rounded regiment of artillery, cavalry, infantry, and non-combat troops. Their hope was that they could create a maneuverable unit that could easily move from one location to the next with the support of a well supplied group of engineers and clerics in a war quickly becoming defined by trench warfare.

While Shun organized the soldiers, Portuputos led them in their intense training. Through physical training including running through the snow and mountains and maneuvering through obstacle courses, Portuputos was able to prepare them for the war ahead. Next, he trained the recruits in weapons training, increasing the strength of the heavy infantry, but having little effect on increasing the effectiveness of the artillery.

While Shun and Portuputos assembled the next group of Legionnaires, Lore underwent a physical exam to test her capability of returning to combat. The mysterious surgeon told Lore there was nothing she could do with medicine, but left a note with the name of the Dwarven land of the Dishonored Dead- knowing Lore capable of traveling between realms.

Lore traveled to the realm where ice and fog hid everything in sight- save for a single ship wrecked in the ice. Lore explored the ship, finding the captain's log and reading an extraordinary tale of dwarven sailors attempting to sail an entire ship between realms. Finally, Lore left the ship and headed into the fog where she located the temple of the goddess of death. The goddess was quick to give Lore her lost limbs back stating, "Every time someone loses a limb in your realm, it ends up here. I have a room full of them. It's disgusting." Lore returned to the mortal realm where a rotting pomegranate awaited her. She ate the seeds and witnessed a horrific sight. A massive explosion brought on destruction never before imagined.

Elsewhere, Shi'eh had to undergo a psych evaluation to regain her ability to return to combat. After completing the exam, the passed with honors for her mental endurance and intelligence. Other patients were less successful. Soldiers had succumbed to shell shock after a year and a half of constant artillery bombardment and exposure to fear gas. The other soldiers in the room had gone insane- possessed it seemed by some unseen force.

Before Shi'eh left the cabin in which was station the ward, a soldier quickly dropped a note into her hand and departed before Shi'eh could find the messenger. The note- written in Dwarven- read "Izurria." Plague. When the party rejoined to find more information about the meaning of the note, Shi'eh failed in her attempt to summon a deity for aid. Instead, the invoked the wrath of an eldar god who burst from the mountains and began moving toward the camp. The rest of the soldiers watched in horror. Portuputos summoned the aid of his patron god of fire- who unleashed a volcanic eruption on the fiend. The father of worms however was too strong and continued towards the camp in flames.

Shi'eh prayed one last time to her goddess of warrior women who sent forth the same mysterious woman who came to the aid of the party at the castle. The warrior woman charged forward and after twelve hours of combat, routed the beast back to its subterranean world. This time, the warrior introduced herself before leaving as Princess Keremet- heir to the throne of the lost kingdom of warrior women and servant of the Warrior Women Goddess.

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