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The White Knight asked for help on a mission to a Richu Internment Camp in southwest Larrunana. He has been tasked with uncovering who in the camp is a danger to the country and who may have information on the Richu Empire’s plans for the war.

The party traveled to the Desert of Western Turtle Island in which Richu elves were building the camp in which they will live for the remainder of the war. The party, the White Knight, and the camp’s officials met to discuss the party’s mission. The officials believed a spy was in the camp and needed the White Knight and the party's help in finding them.

The party split from the White Knight who went on a side quest to investigate a strange building about five hundred miles away. Meanwhile, the members of the party traveled to the temporary camp where the women and children elves stayed while the men built the permanent camp. From these elves, the party could not uncover any information about a possible spy and instead began questioning the motives of the dwarves who interred them.

At the workmen's camp, the party investigated the elves building the fort and met a feisty dwarf foreman. The two human party members became infuriated by the foreman's blatant racism toward the elves (as the the humans themselves had been enslaved by the dwarves of Larrunana until only seventy years prior). During the encounter with the foreman, one of the heroes made contact with an elf workman who gave the party member instructions to meet him later that night.

The White Knight returned from his side quest with information about three ancient weapons once used to trap powerful evils. He believed one of the elves may know where one of the three weapons may be and pressed the party to contact the elf workman for information. The elf revealed he was a neighbor of Shao- the last known owner of the Ancient Blade which contained an evil demon. The party read a cryptic note Shao mailed to the workman. The note was written in an elvish that the party was able to decipher and read that Shao was being hunted down in Zezen during the last months of the Great Dwarf War and believed he was likely to be killed.

Unknown to the party, Shao had withdrawn to the Ocean of Peace where he believed he may be able to hide the powerful weapon, but was caught in a massive battle and perished. The party gave their information to the White Knight who believed the sword may have changed hands into the ownership of a dictator who had recently taken control in Txahal- a peninsular nation in Zezen attempting to rebuild the Otsoan Empire.

For more answers, the White Knight took the party to the mysterious building which turned out to be a portal to the Warehouse- the realm consisting of the most powerful weapons in all the realms. Inside, the Warehouse Agents spoke with the party about the history of the three weapons and their use in defeating Hunger, Civil War, and Plague. Afterwards, the party wandered through the Warehouse and gained powers and items from the artifacts housed there before heading back to League Headquarters.

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