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Beach Landings

In the Summer of 3942, Rowai was assisting Labana rangers infiltrate an occupied Jabalina coastal town that housed a dry dock where Mujikans repaired their injured warships. Rowai asked for the party’s help in assaulting the town and disabling the dry dock there.

Aboard the warship, the party members spoke with rangers and sailors to get a better idea of what they could expect on shore. The rangers reported they would land in the northern beach of the town to cause a distraction with Rowai and the party would land on the south beach and destroy the dry dock.

The party jumped ship and swam in the cold ocean waters under the cover of night and made it to shore after suffering from hypothermia along the way. On shore, the party found the dry dock quarters of the town deserted while noise of the rangers' fighting could be heard to the north. The party immediately set to work exploring the dry docks in an attempt to find the most strategic way of disabling the port.

After setting fire to the dock itself, the party began exploring warehouses surrounding the port to discover hundreds of corpses of what used to be Coastal Half-Elves. When one party channeled their inner Ken Burns to learn the history of what happened, they discovered the Mujikans had been rounding up members of races deemed inferior and killing them en-masse. In Jabalina, the Mujikans were rounding up half-elves who had lived there for hundreds of years and killing them in internment camps in the Jabalina countryside.

While the party was searching for a way to return to the warship without having to brave the cold of the night ocean, a vampire appeared among them and immediately fell upon them with malice. One of the party members managed to catch the vampire of guard and with the help of an arcane grenade dispatched the vampire assassin to an alternate dimension.

The party members heard the noise of incoming soldiers and jumped into the ocean tide and swam back to the warship. On board, they reconvened with Rowai and the remaining rangers who had been decimated by the raid. The warship sailed off unscathed and the party eventually returned to Larrunana where they would receive their next mission.

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