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Wind Talkers

In 3943, Richu code breakers were deciphering the codes used by the Larrunana military and using the information to massacre Larrunana soldiers on the battlefield. Princess Keremet has been given the task of finding a way to send messages in an unbreakable code and has asked the party to come to the Mountains of Stone in Larrunana and help her locate an invincible code.

In the Valley of Purple Flowers- a drow reservation where the Nimipu Drow reside- Princess Keremet was attempting to negotiate with the Nimipu chief to teach members of the Larrunana military their rare dialect for war. Keremet mets with the party to discuss the Nimipu and talk about their unique dialect of drow.

The language was spoken through the spiritual plains in the dimension that exists between life and death. Half a century before, the Nimipu attempted to escape Larrunana control by walking across the Mountains of Stone to the Spessartite colony to the north. To keep Larrunana cavalry off their track, the Nimipu warlocks found a way to speak through the spirit dimension and across great distance. The Nimipu were stopped only a league away from freedom and were forced onto their present lands as punishment.

At the Tribal Community House, the party and Keremet met with the chief and his panel of advisors and discussed the tribe’s language and to negotiate for its use. Keremet presented a gift to the chief in the form of a warhorse from her native realm of Inti’ah and it was well received. The party spoke with the panel to advocate for the use of the language for war against the Richu Elves.

Atom attempted to negotiate based on his own arcane abilities, which failed him when the drow were not amused. Hood instead focused on informing the Nimipu about the Richu's allies- the Mujikans- and their mass murdering of innocent half-elves. While the drow would not permit the Larrunana dwarves to use their sacred language, they began to discuss the possibility of declaring war on the Richu Elves and placing warriors on the battlefield beside the dwarves and could use the language themselves. While the council debated the a declaration of war, they encouraged the party to explore their town.

Atom met in the craftsmen district with Sorcerer who had just arrived from a side-quest to locate a lost book of magic in Eastern Larrunana. The two discussed a half-burnt page in the located book which discussed how to unleash Civil War from her Great Peace Belt prison. Meanwhile, Hood sat in the community sauna with some of the drow to witness a vision of how the drow came to be. After words, Hood discussed the likelihood of a declaration of war against the Richu Empire.

The next morning, the party and Keremet were summoned to the council to hear the verdict. The Nimipu agreed their spirit dialect may be used in the war, but only by Nimipu warriors themselves with permission to fight beside the dwarven soldiers in battle. The Nimipu had approved of the declaration of war. Keremet approved of the decision. As a thank you for the party, the Nimipu chief gave Keremet and each of the party members a blessed woolen blanket before seeing them off.

Upon their way out of the reservation, Keremet received word of a were-jaguar in Northern Hattun. The party would be traveling with her there next to combat the fiend in the jungles of the continent.

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