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Second Great Dwarf War 3943

Early in the winter of 3943, the Otvud Gnomes counter-attacked the Mujikans thus far battered by both light infantry and heavy winter weather. After Otvud forces rained down on the Mujikans in the form of heavy artillery, aerial pegasi riders, and massive waves of infantry supported by fire drakes and war elephants, the Mujikan invasion force surrendered.

Meanwhile, allied leaders met for the first time in northern Aliaanza'nchi. The Larrunana and Labana leaders met to discuss the eventual invasion of the Central Obsidian Peninsula with the renegade leaders of occupied Jabalina. The three leaders planned an invasion of Zezen that would lay the foundations for a massive amphibious landing in 3944.

In the Ocean of Peace, Richu forces began their withdrawal of the Eastern Islands of Wisdom after an unsuccessful defense against Larrunana marines storming through the islands. The victory came alongside a minor victory in the Otvud Union where a gnome general thrust open a narrow corridor over a frozen lake to resupply the besieged nation's capital. Only days later, Ekia and Larrunana forces secured the Eastern half of the Great Jungle Island; liberating it from the Richu armies.

Elsewhere, Labana forces liberated the largest city in north central Aliaanza'nchi from the Txahal Dwarves; forcing the armies of Txahal and Mujika from the continent and preparing the Labana and Larrunana forces for an invasion of the Central Obsidian Peninsula. Further north, Larrunana rocs began their bombardment of Mujikan cities. In the Ocean of Peace, Larrunana naval forces attempted to sabotage Richu attempts to evacuate the Eastern Islands of Wisdom resulting in a Richu victory at sea. On the Great Jungle Island, Larrunana and Ekia infantry repulsed a Richu counterattack attempting to retake the eastern half of the island.

In the Northern Santos Ocean, Mujikan water drakes laid waste to Larrunana transport ships attempting to ferry soldiers to the Spessartite Isles. The few remaining Mujikan forces in Northern Aliaanza'nchi counter-attacked the allied advance with a success in battle against the Larrunanans and leads to a larger campaign which would see the Larrunanan's worst defeat in the war. In Eastern Zezen, Mujikan and Otvud forces struggled over the fertile wheat fields resulting in the Mujikan high command dispatching the feared vampire anti-paladins to massacre the populace there.

In the Ocean of Peace, Ekia and Larrunana naval forces demolished a Richu convoy attempting to ferry infantry to the front lines. Mujikan anti-paladins continued to massacre local populations of gnomes in Eastern Zezen including trapping an entire village inside a building and burning it to the ground. In the Northern Ocean of Peace, Larrunana naval forces intercepted Richu landing parties attempting to reinforce their besieged soldiers in the frozen islands.

In Spring, Mujikan forces entered the ghettos of occupied Wood Gnome cities and began massacring the populations of half-elves there. In the Santos Ocean, Larrunana naval forces strike a crippling blow against Mujikan water drakes. In Shi, Richu forces continued their massacre of Shi Elves. Larrunana forces landed further west in the frozen islands of the Northern Ocean of Peace in their campaign to route Richu forces there.

The few remaining Txahal and Mujikan forces in Northern Aliaanza'nchi surrendered to the combined Labana and Larrunana armies. Almost simultaneously, Labana forces began their campaign to liberate the East Obsidian Peninsula with preemptive aerial bombardments and a new army of Larrunana land forces arrived in Northern Aliaanza'nchi to prepare for the invasion of the Central Obsidian Peninsula.

With the summer thaw, Otvud armies thrust their forces forward deep into Mujikan battle lines resulting in the largest war elephant duel in the war. Larrunana and Labana forces departed Aliaanza'nchi for their invasion of the Central Obsidian Peninsula. Larrunana and Richu naval forces clashed off the shores of the Central Atolls of Wisdom.

Otvud war elephants and fire drakes continued to clash with Mujikan forces as they continued to push into Zezen while Larrunana and Labana Rocs besieged the towers above the underground Txahal capital. Simultaneously, Labana and Larrunana rocs laid waste to another Mujikan city resulting in the deaths of tens of thousands of dwarves there.

In the Central Islands of Wisdom, Larrunana naval forces routed Richu warships. Txahal resistance fighters arrested their warlord in an attempt to save their capital from allied attacks, declaring their support for the allied powers. Allied forces soon land on the shores of the peninsula.

In the Ocean of Peace, Larrunana jumpers- infantry dropped behind enemy lines via rocs- land in the western half of the Great Jungle Island. Meanwhile, Mujikan jumpers arrived in the Txahal capital to break the Txahal warlord out of prison and returned the Ancient Blade to the possessed dwarven leader.

Ekia infantry landed on the northwestern shores of the Great Jungle Island under heavy opposition by Richu soldiers. Mujikan forces rushed into the Central Obsidian Peninsula to oppose the invading Larrunana and Labana armies moving north. In the East Obsidian Peninsula, Mujikan forces began massacring Black Dwarves there. In the Ocean of Peace, the Richu navy struck a crippling blow to Larrunana naval forces in the Central Islands of Wisdom.

Well into autumn, Labana rocs continued to lay waste to Mujikan cities. Larrunana marines landed on the shores of the Central Islands of Wisdom paired with a naval duel between Richu and Larrunana forces. In Central Zezen, Mujikan anti-paladins massacred tens of thousands of half-elves in a single day. Labana rocs began bombarding the Mujikan capital weeks later.

Near the end of autumn, Larrunana forces landed on the atolls in the Central Ocean of Peace to force the surrender of the now isolated Richu defense forces there. Meanwhile in Miseer; the leaders of Si, Labana, and Larrunana met to discuss the next phase of the war in the Ocean of Peace and how to force the Richu elves back to their islands. Larrunana and Richu navies soon after clashed off the shores of the Western Islands of Wisdom.

In Guojia- a Labana colony east of the Twin Rivers region- leaders from the Otvud Union, Labana, and Larrunana met to discuss the war in Zezen. The conference was interrupted with the arrival of two Legion founding members who quarreled over a dispute regarding the Pumice Stone. White Knight eventually resolved the issue and helped maintain security at the conference. Mujikan forces continued massacring Black Dwarves in the East Obsidian Peninsula. Ekia and Larrunana marines and infantry began their amphibious landings in the Western Islands of Wisdom.

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