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Black and White

The party traveled to the capital of the West Spessartite Isle after the white Knight sent out a call for aid in pacifying a violent mob there. The recently independent nation was voting over whether or not to enter the Second Great Dwarf War and on which side they would align. Yellow Dwarf citizens were on the verge of open rebellion should they hear word of an unpopular outcome.

The party arrived at the capital and met White Knight with fierce words of opposition to his approach to combating evil forces. The ambushed hero took the party to a museum wherein lay a bottled city from the White Knight's destroyed home world. Hood caught on quite fast that it was the work of a mind flayer, but not soon enough to save his team from falling victim to the possesses White Knight. When the team awoke, they found themselves inside the bottled city before the cousin of the White Knight who had been victim to the same fiend.

The heroes met with White Knight's cousin Petaput in her home in the city- stolen by the mind flayer at the time of her realm's destruction. The half-elf woman told the team embarrassing stories of her cousin's childhood after sharing a conversation about his righteous sense of self-worth. After the more comedic talk, Petaput talked to the party about how to get out of the bottled city before heading to the local warlocks.

After harnessing the power of a gifted flower, the magicians and the party were able to transport themselves and Petaput out of the bottled city. Inside the museum, the party and the heroine talked about how to save her cousin and defeat the mind flayer.

Upon exiting the museum, the party was met by the sight and sounds of White Knight's possessed body terrorizing the dwarven citizens of the city. Petaput set out against her cousin to drive him from the center of the city while the party searched for the mind flayer. Atom harnessed his arcane abilities and tracked the monster to a park a mile away.

When the party approached the mind flayer, they were struck by arcane gas surrounding the monster. Atom took heavy damage. When the party finally approached the mind flayer, they found their attacks could not penetrate the fiend and had to act fast before the gas killed them. Sorcerer found a way to illuminate the monster as a source of bright light and through it caused the fiend to lose its invulnerability. The party slew the monster and returned to the city's downtown area where they bore witness to the destruction caused by the monster's possession of the White Knight.

The party spoke with White Knight and his cousin and learned the White Knight had caused such chaos that he felt it necessary to retire from the League. After he flew off, Petaput assured the party she would keep an eye on him and the Steward to make sure such damage was not caused again. After flying off, the party dissected the mind flayer's corpse for parts before returning the the League headquarters.

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